Teen Masturbates In Her Bed

Teen Masturbates In Her Bed


Teen Masturbates In Her Bed
Annie's Mailbox: 9-year-old student constantly masturbates in class
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Dear Annie: I'm a public school teacher with 20 years of experience, but this one has me shaken.
The sweetest and brightest of my 9-year-old students spends most of the day positioning herself so she can rub against her chair in a way that gives her pleasure. Her previous teachers noticed this, too, and it was brought to the principal's attention when she was in first grade. Out of concern, he contacted Child Protective Services, but they said it was a non-issue. The principal brought the parents in, and they said it's "just something she does" and the pediatrician told them it was normal.
I'm not sure there is anything normal about a student spending the entire day masturbating on her plastic chair. Fortunately, none of the other students is mature enough to notice. I suspect the girl doesn't realize how frequently she's doing it. It almost seems obsessive-compulsive. It certainly wouldn't be appropriate if a boy were doing the same thing all day long in class.
I know toddlers do this, but grow out of it. Are the parents covering something up? I imagine terrible things happening if she does it in a public place where a predator might be lurking.
Budget cuts have limited our psychological services. In first grade, the teacher used to take her chair away and make her stand, but the parents complained that this was humiliating to her. I'm not sure what a teacher is supposed to do in this situation.
Dear Concerned: "Natural" does not mean the behavior is acceptable in public. All young children masturbate. Responsible parents teach them to do this only in private, and most children stop by the time they reach kindergarten. You and the parents should work together to make the girl more aware of her behavior and to help her control it. At school and at home, it should be explained to the girl that this is something to be done in her bedroom or bathroom. When you notice her rubbing herself in school, simply call on her to get her attention focused elsewhere.
Dear Annie: We recently were invited to a farewell party for the son of family friends who is entering basic training. It's an outdoor affair at their home, and the e-mail invitation says it is a "time to wish him well and enjoy food, fellowship, and fun."
Are we supposed to bring a gift? Since he can't take anything with him, should we give him a check? Is there an appropriate price range?
Dear Just: You are not obligated to bring a gift since your friend's son is likely to be allowed only religious medallions and his wallet. You can ask his parents if there is anything he needs. You also could give him cash, phone cards or gift cards, although he may not be able to use them for a while. The amount is up to you. The most important gift is to be supportive and offer to write him often.
Dear Annie: I think you left out an important point in your response to "Sam in Pittsburgh," whose sister wanted to use the family home for her vacation, but didn't want to pay anything.
By selling the house to Sam, his sister gave up her claim. It is no longer "the family home." It is Sam's property. She traded her interest in the home for the estate settlement. Now she wants the money and the use of the home. I say Sam should explain this and then change the locks.
— Same Situation in Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Utah: It's true that Sis may require a better understanding of what constitutes "her" home. However, if Sam doesn't mind that she uses the place, neither do we, although she should not saddle him with her electric and water bills.
Please e-mail your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

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A woman on the Main Line called police after she saw her neighbor masturbating into a recycle can in his backyard while peering at her 5-year-old daughter playing with the family dog and the victim claimed this wasn’t the first time the man pleasured himself while looking into their yard.
The latest incident played out in a backyard in Wayne, Pennsylvania around noon Wednesday, said a criminal complaint obtained from Radnor Township Police.
The victim -- who police didn't identify -- told investigators that she approached her shirtless neighbor, Kevin Hartman, who wore a pair of blue pants that appeared to be ripped in front as he had his left hand on his genitals and asked “What are you doing?” At that point, Hartman secreted behind the yellow can, the woman told investigators.
The victim told investigators that she took a photo of Hartman, 54, masturbating into his recycling can back on July 8 – police said the photo shows Hartman only in a towel, his hand on his genitals in plain view above the wooden fence that stands about 2-feet tall. She said since then she saw him masturbating in his yard about eight other times.
The woman told police that this was the first time that she saw Hartman masturbating in front of her young daughter, said investigators. The girl said she could only see the man’s legs and not his genitals, said police.
When asked by officers Wednesday about the masturbation allegations, Hartman admitted to exposing himself outside because it excites him, said the criminal complaint. He said he masturbates outside because it is more exciting than pleasuring himself in his bedroom.
"The possibility to actually be seen by his neighbor excited him and that's the reason for him doing this," said Radnor police Lt. T.J. Schreiber.
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Hartman said he got the urge to masturbate Wednesday while he was taking out some recyclables, said police.
Police charged Hartman with corruption of minors, lewd harassment, making an obscene gesture, indecent exposure and open lewdness. Hartman remained jailed unable to post 10 percent of $30,000 bail Thursday, said court records .

9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Hello, just recently my daughter has started masturbating in the shower. This really bothers me and I don't know how to handle it or what to say to her. I want to be open and honest and I want her to know that she can talk to me but I don't know where to start with this one. Is it normal?
Yes, totally normal. I personally would just leave it as probing her further may just end up needlessly embarrassing her. It's perfectly normal to explore your own body, why does it bother you? Can I just ask (out of nosiness) how you know she is doing it?
How do you know?! Id say its normal x
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Bless her she must have been mortified when you walked in. I am almost certain I did it at that age, I have done it for as long as I can actually remember (and there's definitely nothing wrong with me ). The important thing is that she shouldn't feel it's something to be ashamed of. Perfectly normal and absolutely fine to do privately.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
It shouldn't bother you as this is totally normal. Children as young as six learn to masturbate. It's wrong to associate masturbation with adulthood and sex because it's not quite the same.
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Oh goodness. My daughter is 9 and hadn't given it a thought! I remember my mum walking in on me, on the floor, rubbing myself against a cushion!! It was never mentioned though. X
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Don't make an issue of it. Somebody a while ago talked about a 'growing up box' which I plan to so for my two girls soon. It included books about sex and biology, sanitary towels etc... Maybe just do something like that and offer her the choice to come to you with any questions...
What is it that you are worried about? This is perfectly normal behaviour.
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
My eldest is 9 i wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that either. How do you know she does this? and does she just touch her bits or actually masterbate? i wouldnt have known how to at 9
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