Teen Grupp Porr Filmer - Teen Grupp Sex

Teen Grupp Porr Filmer - Teen Grupp Sex


Teen Grupp Porr Filmer - Teen Grupp Sex

Körsbär i munnen. Porrigt eller erotiskt? Foto: Dana P aus L/flickr/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Publicerat onsdag 17 februari 2016 kl 12.47

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Här är ett gäng tips på erotiska filmer som vi tog fram tillsammans med dig som lyssnar, i slutet på 2015:
Här är vår före detta sexolog Roberts första tips , från Ligga med P3:s yngsta dagar:
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Ny podd tisdagar 07:00, i P3 tisdagar 23.07 - 00.00
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More stories to check out before you go
Two men can be seen celebrating and hugging each other in horrifying CCTV footage after raping a helpless drunk woman in a nightclub.
Sickening footage shows two Italian students high-five and hug each other after raping a helpless drunk woman in a London nightclub.
Lorenzo Costanzo, 26, and Ferdinando Orlando, 25, were found guilty of rape on Tuesday.
The men had met the victim for six minutes on the dancefloor before committing the attack, The Sun reports.
The woman, 25, was passed between the two men, who each took turns kissing her, and then dragged to a maintenance room and raped twice by each, leaving her needing surgery.
The pair filmed the 16-minute attack and rearranged her dress before abandoning the “10 out of 10 drunk” victim alone in the toilets at the Toy Room Club in Soho and running off.
They were later caught on CCTV celebrating in London’s West End.
Prosecutor Allison Hunter QC said: “They can be seen hugging, high-fiving each other … laughing.”
Masters business management student Costanzo collapsed in Isleworth Crown Court and struck his head after hearing the guilty verdicts and was rushed to hospital.
They will both be sentenced at a later date.
International law student Orlando and Costanzo admitted watching their attack back on a mobile phone while making lewd gestures and re-enacting what they had done to the woman.
It can now be revealed for the first time 230ml of blood was drained from a wound between the victim’s legs after the rape.
A doctor reported he had never before seen such an “unusually severe injury”.
The students claimed the woman consented to sex, but prosecutor Allison Hunter said she was too drunk to agree to what took place on February 25 2017.
She had been drinking since 11am to celebrate a friend’s birthday and told police she was a “10 out of 10” on a scale of drunkenness after the attack.
“I remember being very drunk and falling over a lot and then I was in the toilets of the club in so much pain, not wanting to get out, and then I remember being on the street, sitting on the sidewalk,” the woman said.
“I was very swollen, I could barely walk and there was a lot of bruising. I was very scared.”
Doctors also noted three bruises between her legs, bruising to her bum, shoulder and leg, plus a mystery love bite to her neck she had no recollection of.
Orlando claimed they flirted with each other and exchanged compliments, but the woman told the court she had no memory of their conversation.
She agreed the CCTV showed them “kissing passionately” but denied groping him between the legs.
Christina Smith of the CPS said: “These two rapists have at every turn denied responsibility for their sickening actions.
“They took advantage of a vulnerable woman, who had clearly lost the capacity to consent to sexual activity.”
If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence or sexual assault, please call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission
A woman grabbed by a man while grocery shopping has shut down online commenters who claimed she “asked for it” because of her outfit.
As a distraught mother said farewell to her little girl, she was stunned when she noticed the glass window of the coffin fogging up.
A single mum who was criticised for her “sex work” and allowing her daughter to do the same has fought back, stating: “I’m a good mum.”

A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
Two men can be seen celebrating and hugging each other in horrifying CCTV footage after raping a helpless drunk woman in a nightclub.
Sickening footage shows two Italian students high-five and hug each other after raping a helpless drunk woman in a London nightclub.
Lorenzo Costanzo, 26, and Ferdinando Orlando, 25, were found guilty of rape on Tuesday.
The men had met the victim for six minutes on the dancefloor before committing the attack, The Sun reports.
The woman, 25, was passed between the two men, who each took turns kissing her, and then dragged to a maintenance room and raped twice by each, leaving her needing surgery.
The pair filmed the 16-minute attack and rearranged her dress before abandoning the “10 out of 10 drunk” victim alone in the toilets at the Toy Room Club in Soho and running off.
They were later caught on CCTV celebrating in London’s West End.
Prosecutor Allison Hunter QC said: “They can be seen hugging, high-fiving each other … laughing.”
Masters business management student Costanzo collapsed in Isleworth Crown Court and struck his head after hearing the guilty verdicts and was rushed to hospital.
They will both be sentenced at a later date.
International law student Orlando and Costanzo admitted watching their attack back on a mobile phone while making lewd gestures and re-enacting what they had done to the woman.
It can now be revealed for the first time 230ml of blood was drained from a wound between the victim’s legs after the rape.
A doctor reported he had never before seen such an “unusually severe injury”.
The students claimed the woman consented to sex, but prosecutor Allison Hunter said she was too drunk to agree to what took place on February 25 2017.
She had been drinking since 11am to celebrate a friend’s birthday and told police she was a “10 out of 10” on a scale of drunkenness after the attack.
“I remember being very drunk and falling over a lot and then I was in the toilets of the club in so much pain, not wanting to get out, and then I remember being on the street, sitting on the sidewalk,” the woman said.
“I was very swollen, I could barely walk and there was a lot of bruising. I was very scared.”
Doctors also noted three bruises between her legs, bruising to her bum, shoulder and leg, plus a mystery love bite to her neck she had no recollection of.
Orlando claimed they flirted with each other and exchanged compliments, but the woman told the court she had no memory of their conversation.
She agreed the CCTV showed them “kissing passionately” but denied groping him between the legs.
Christina Smith of the CPS said: “These two rapists have at every turn denied responsibility for their sickening actions.
“They took advantage of a vulnerable woman, who had clearly lost the capacity to consent to sexual activity.”
If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence or sexual assault, please call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission
A woman grabbed by a man while grocery shopping has shut down online commenters who claimed she “asked for it” because of her outfit.
As a distraught mother said farewell to her little girl, she was stunned when she noticed the glass window of the coffin fogging up.
A single mum who was criticised for her “sex work” and allowing her daughter to do the same has fought back, stating: “I’m a good mum.”

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