Teen Girls Hard

Teen Girls Hard


BOB ABERNETHY, anchor: Now, a special report on the sexual pressures on pre-teenage girls. Parents, social critics, and many young girls themselves deplore it, but sex sells, so advertisers and entertainers use it to attract audiences. They use it without the regulation or social pressures that once were restraining forces. And they use it without censorship, which hardly anyone favors. Mary Alice Williams reports on the media and the children who are its targets.
MARY ALICE WILLIAMS: They’re sweet. The sexually debasing lyrics they’re mimicking aren’t. Ever since Elvis shimmied his pelvis, parents have worried about protecting their teens from the obscene. This is different. These aren’t 17-year-olds. They’re 11. And these self-confident sixth graders and even their younger siblings are increasingly exposed to torrents of overtly sexual messages by people selling things to preteens.
ALICE (Teenage Girl): It makes me feel like an object and feel really, really weird. And it is not like girls should be like that.
WILLIAMS: The culture tells them something different. They listen to music. Britney Spears made it big wearing a Catholic schoolgirl uniform. Look at her now. Most of BILLBOARD’s top 20 CDs are slapped with “Parental Guidance” stickers. They [kids] do homework on the Internet where there are lots of porn sites. They watch TV. The teen hit DAWSON’S CREEK on the WB alludes to oral sex and masturbation. In prime time, the Kaiser Family Foundation has catalogued an average of five sexual references per hour.
KERRY (Teenage Girl): This sexual stuff you don’t just see on TV. You see it day to day. It happens in middle school. It will happen in high school. You just see it around.
WILLIAMS: Professor Jean Bethke Elshtain is an ethicist with University of Chicago Divinity School.
Dr. JEAN BETHKE ELSHTAIN (University of Chicago Divinity School): There’s certainly a relationship between the culture and the increase of sex because of the many cultural messages that bombard young people daily.
WILLIAMS: According to studies, more girls than ever before are sexually active before their 15th birthday. One in 12 children has lost his or her virginity by the eighth grade. Almost a fourth of ninth graders have slept with four or more partners.
Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician who treats adolescents only, talks with his teenage patients daily about sexual issues. He says he is seeing more sexually transmitted diseases in younger and younger children and that expectations of sex have changed drastically.
Dr. MICHAEL RICH: What we are seeing now that is different from previous years, I think, is that sex is expected. Sex is part of the normal interaction, day-to-day interaction between boys and girls.
JERRY DELLA FEMINA (Advertising Executive): This is about as sexy as we get.
WILLIAMS: Advertising agent Jerry Della Femina doesn’t use sex to sell his clients’ products. But he knows why people do.
Mr. DELLA FEMINA: It’s easier to be lewd than to be creative, and people try to get attention, and the one thing that gets attention is sex. Sex sells. People turn around. They look at it.
WILLIAMS: Like many in the industry, he thinks it is up to the parents to monitor what their children see and hear.
Mr. DELLA FEMINA: I believe that it is the parents’ job to provide them with a sense of values so that if they do see something that is off, they are not affected by it.
WILLIAMS: Diane Levin, with the Coalition to Stop Commercial Exploitation of Children, studies the effect of culture on kids’ behavior.
DIANE LEVIN (Coalition to Stop Commercial Exploitation of Children): I have interviewed thousands of parents, and they agree it is their job and they try very hard to do it, but they can’t keep it out of their children’s lives. I resent that I have to struggle with this issue. I think that in the best of all possible worlds we would have a society that is trying to create an environment that helps parents in their job instead of making it harder.
Dr. ELSHTAIN: At one point in time in this culture, the assumption was that families and churches and schools, and even the wider culture, reinforced one another in helping to sustain children through a period of growing up. And I think that coherence has broken down.
STEPHANIE (Teenage Girl): The sixth graders learned how to do something they are not supposed to do. And it is called “giving booty.”
RACHAEL (Teenage Girl): The girl like gets in front of the guy and the guy is behind her.
CASEY (Teenage Girl): It’s like — I just don’t really want to tell you.
WILLIAMS: Like them, the majority of preteens don’t engage in sexual behavior, but they are aware of what they see around them. Sixth graders know about a concept many of their parents hadn’t heard of till college: oral sex. SEVENTEEN Magazine says 55 percent of teens have engaged in oral sex.
ALICE: According to a lot of people, it keeps you a virgin.
LEA (Teenage Girl): Because it is kind of like having sex, but you are not really doing anything and you can’t have a baby, and they don’t think there is any consequences.
Ms. LEVIN (referring to an ad): Her breasts look like they are about 50 percent of her weight.
WILLIAMS: Using sex to sell products starts early.
Ms. LEVIN: What they are seeing right now is a sexual relationship between males and females that is totally objectified — the sexuality that you see is not in the context of relationships. It is not in the context of caring and feeling. I am very worried about where this is going to lead. There is a whole set of problems that has to do with the relationships males and females are going to develop with each other.
WILLIAMS: What messages are you getting about who you are supposed to be?
CASEY: Perfect — big boobs, hips, a strong stomach, you know, pretty face, no zits.
SARAH (Teenage Girl): So basically stuff that is on the outside. Not on the inside.
WILLIAMS: It’s how these children should be developing on the inside that concerns ethicist Jean Bethke Elshtain.
Dr. ELSHTAIN: To the extent that your time is devoted to engaging in these kinds of activities, it’s taken away from other sorts of possibilities at very crucial ages for young people, when they’re learning how to be to the kinds of adults that they’re going to become.
WILLIAMS: How did it get this far? Television producers, advertisers, movie producers, magazine editors outdoing each other for the big sell — with almost no limits imposed on them.
Ms. LEVIN: The entertainment industry is unethical in its practice of marketing sex and violence to children. They will use whatever techniques they can to capture the attention of an audience so they will be interested and engaged and hopefully buy what is being marketed.
RACHAEL: Everyone has something, you know, that is not perfect about them. So I think that magazines, TV shows should stop putting that message out to everybody.
WILLIAMS: Can you legislate the images coming at our children? Jerry Della Femina doesn’t think so.
Mr. DELLA FEMINA: I don’t like that this is the way we are going as a nation. It is time to censor these people. I don’t want to be part of that.
Dr. ELSHTAIN: People have to get licenses to broadcast. So it seems to me that there’s some way, without in any way moving into real censorship, there are ways that you could set up certain guidelines.
Ms. LEVIN: One of the reasons it is so important that government play some role in regulating and setting standards is that once it becomes a level playing field for the whole industry, then it will help the whole industry become more ethical.
Dr. ELSHTAIN: We have the responsibility to affirm that which is worthy and good about our culture. And there’s so much to affirm. We also have the responsibility to say no, and I think we have to do both in equal measure and find some balance between them.
CASEY: It does rub off on you a lot of times, and it makes you feel that this is the way that you are supposed to be and that guys will like you because you have big boobs, and then after a while you think that it is normal.
WILLIAMS: Perhaps normal to adults too, to the extent that they are increasingly desensitized to the saturation of sexual messages and squeamish about talking with their children. Sex education is left to the schools, which are restricted from teaching the realities of oral sex and doing “booty.” But our children are still learning and absorbing values from what they see around them. I’m Mary Alice Williams for RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY in New York.
ABERNETHY: We tried to get comments from people in the TV, magazine, and record businesses who are using sex to sell, but their spokespeople all declined.
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YouTube video shows latest gang attack at a Philadelphia high school.
Jan. 7, 2010 — -- Three teen girls have become viral stars for brawling with one another in the halls of Edison High School in Philadelphia.
The fight happened Tuesday in one of the school's stairways, school officials said. Video shot by a student shows two girls attacking another on the floor. The two students kick and punch the girl repeatedly. No school security can be seen breaking up the fight. Other students can be seen gathering to watch the fight.
"The students involved have been suspended with the intent to expel, and at present, the mother of the young lady who was assaulted does intend to keep her at the school," said Shana Kemp, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia School District.
School officials said that the young girl attacked in the fight does not have any serious injuries. Philadelphia police are investigating the fight, the officials said. Edison High School serves more than 1,500 students.
The video is one of thousands posted on YouTube showing teen girls fighting. Psychologist Jim Garbarino studies teen violence and said that while teen boys are still more violent than teen girls, the gap is narrowing.
"In a number of ways, you can see the disparity in physically aggressive behavior between girls and boys narrowing," said Garbarino, author of "See Jane Hit: Why Girls Are Growing More Violent and What We Can Do About It." "All the barriers to girls' physical aggression have in many ways been removed."
Garbarino said that when boys and girls are born, they are equally agressive as infants and children, but societal attitudes typically suppress agression in girls as they get older. Images on television and in the movies have shifted, though, to show more aggression among female characters, he said, and that has affected girls' behavior.
Also, girls are encouraged more today to participate in activities like sports that encourage aggressive behavior, Garbarino said.
National crime statistics show that over the last ten years the number of arrests of females has risen by 11 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Teen arrests have gone down for both males and females over the last ten years, but there's been a sharper decline in male violence than female violence. Male violence decreased by 22 percent over the last 10 years. Female violence decreased by 13 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Garbarino said that posting video of girls fighting on YouTube is another way to encourage and normalize aggression in girls.
"You look at one video and then it pulls up related ones. One video of girls fighting puts you in a stream of thousands...becoming sort of a self sustaining, self-escalating phenomenon," Garbarino said.
"Every [violent] visual image strengthens that impulse in kids...the craving for celebrity is so great, it doesn't really occur to them that there are consequences," he said.
The person who posted the video of the Philadelphia minors has not been identified and has removed their account from YouTube.
Sociologist Nikki Jones studies fighting among girls in tough inner cities like Philadelphia, and said that part of what appears to be an increase in aggression in young women is really the result of stronger enforcement by police and school officials.
"We are much more quick to arrest teen girls for fighting than we were 30 years ago," Jones, author of "Between Good and Ghetto: African American Girls and Inner-City Violence," said.
Jones said videos like the one from Edison High School make it easier to focus on the girls fighting, and "sensationalizes the idea we have about young women being out of control."
"There are these gender expectations that we're all socialized under, so we all have an idea what it means to be a lady, and a big piece of that is you don't fight...but a lot of these girls grow up in the neighborhoods where they can't be good girls all the time," said Jones.
In tough, poor neighborhoods, fighting can give girls social power against a backdrop of violence resulting from the drug trade, Jones said.
"It's much easier to focus on the girl who fights than to focus on what's making her fight," she said.
Back at Edison High School, officials still don't know what caused the fight. Students and parents told ABC Affiliate WPVI that fighting at Edison High School has become all too common.
"I wouldn't exaggerate, there are a lot of fights here. It's not like this is a bad school, but there are a lot of bad kids in here, it's fights every day," 9th grader Briana Sullivan said. "I was just about to be in a fight today."
An Edison student posted on Facebook that there was another fight at the school Thursday.
A veteran police officer who patrols the Edison High area in the morning and when school is dismissed told WPVI that the school is "off the hook" and there are a number of fights each week.
The officer went on to say "girls are the worst," and problems include an all-girl gang called "The Tinkerbells."
School officials disputed that claim, telling ABC News that "The Tinkerbells" do not exist at the school.
"This is not gang related from anything we've seen from our school police and our principal investigating this," Kemp said.
School district officials said that violence at the high school is down 10 percent from last year.

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