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Video Shows Cop Tasing Black 16-Year Old Boy as He Arrived at His Girlfriend’s House — He Was Then Held for 21 Days
A shocking video revealed a Florida state trooper attacking a teenager when he went to his girlfriend’s house.
According to CBS12, 16-year-old Jack Rodeman was standing on the back porch of his girlfriend’s home. He was reaching for his phone to text her that he was outside so she could let him in. It was known that he was going to be there. He has permission to be.
Still, a state trooper tased him, put him in handcuffs and took him to jail.
The whole event was caught on the family’s surveillance camera.
“Put your hands behind your head!” the trooper can be heard yelling.
“I didn’t do nothing…” the teen said.
That’s when the cop deployed his taser.
“I mean my son was just standing there on his phone,” Rodeman’s mother explained. “He wasn’t reaching in his pockets. The officer there was no threat to that officer.”
The teenager was held for 21 days in prison and never committed a crime.
CBS 12 revealed that the official police report said that the trooper believed he was a “suspicious person” because he was dressed in black. It also said that when he saw the police car he “darted” and hid. It’s unclear if the “darting” was just to walk to his girlfriend’s back porch.
The police officer said he was forced to tase the teen because he wouldn’t put his hands behind his back. The video below shows otherwise.
The video also shows the teen’s girlfriend coming outside where she presumably told the police officer that the kid was her boyfriend. She walks over to them both while her boyfriend is handcuffed.
There’s no excuse from police for why he was kept in jail for 21 days.
Read the full report and see the shocking video below:
Pat Robertson: Critical Race Theory Tells Black People to Take the ‘Whip Handle’ and ‘Rise Up and Overtake Oppressors’
Watch: House Republicans Gang Up on Democrat as They Try to End 1/6 Insurrection Hearing With FBI Director
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It seems as if the entire right-wing movement is currently obsessed with critical race theory, which is leading to increasingly unhinged reactions to the dangers supposedly posed by it.
Technically, critical race theory is an academic framework for examining the ways in which systemic racism shapes and influences national and social institutions. But to right-wing activists who refuse to understand this, it has instead become a catchall phrase used to attack anything they dislike. This has created a vicious cycle whereby right-wing commentators misrepresent what critical race theory is and instead attribute to it a cavalcade of hypothetical horrors that, in turn, generates panic and outrage among other right-wing activists over something they don’t understand.
Predictably, televangelist Pat Robertson got into the act on “The 700 Club” Thursday, where he claimed that critical race theory is “a monstrous evil” that is encouraging people of color to “rise up and overtake their oppressors.”
“What is it?” Robertson said. “That the people of color have been oppressed by the white people, and that white people begin to be racist by the time they’re 2 or 3 months old, and that therefore the people of color have to rise up and overtake their oppressors. And then, having gotten the whip handle—if I can use the term—then to instruct their white neighbors how to behave. Now, that’s critical race theory.”
“This is the way the communists take over; they try to destroy the children,” he added. “It is a monstrous evil. And you hear, ‘Oh, critical race theory, that’s OK.’ No, it’s not. [You don’t] want to have your children in the third grade indoctrinated into a hate group so that he’ll wind up hating people or hating himself. And so the white people are supposed to feel guilty, and they’re supposed to have white guilt, and the people of color are supposed to cleanse them of that guilt by taking over. It is a monstrous evil.”
This article was originally published by Right Wing Watch and is republished here by permission.
House Republicans on Tuesday tried to derail a hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Donald Trump’s January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. As California Democratic U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna was speaking to Wray, Republicans tried to end the proceedings.
As Khanna is berating Director Wray, who told the House Oversight and Reform Committee the FBI did not have advance knowledge there would be a deadly attempt to overturn the election in a violent attack on lawmakers, one GOP Congressman interrupted.
“Madam Chair, I move to adjourn,” the Republicans says, interrupting Rep. Khanna, and violating the rules in the process.
Khanna, looks around to see who interrupted him, asks, “Madam Chair, if I could pause…”
As he speaks another Republican interrupts him.
“There’s been a motion, Madam Chair.”
Another person in the chamber, presumably a Democratic Congress, stunned, says, “HGe doesn’t have the floor,” meaning the Republican has no right to speak.
“The gentleman is not recognized,” the Chair tells the Republicans. “It is Mr. Khanna’s time.”
“We had an insurrection, we don’t need disruptions here,” Khanna said, addressing the Republicans. “Can we allow the democratic process to continue please?”
Republicans insisted they had a right to motion to adjourn, but the Chair told them they were “out of order.”
Democrats called for order as Republicans walked around the dais.
Republicans attempt to derail the hearing pic.twitter.com/z6Zm4QENzA
Stephen Miller, advisor to the former president, attacked on Wednesday what he calls “transgender ideology,” claiming it is so concerning to a democratic society it impacts “what it means to have and maintain a country,” and will force all Americans to “adopt a transgender viewpoint.”
He did not explain what that means.
Miller says he’s fighting to protect America’s “Judeo Christian heritage” and “Western Civilization,” although he never specifies from what, just transgender people in general.
A white supremacist who served as Senior Advisor to then-President Donald Trump and continues in that role, Miller told Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, on his Real America’s Voice web show, that he is fighting an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission case, claiming that the EEOC failed “to include a constitutionally required religious exemption.”
Miller started his own far right wing law firm, America First Legal, from which he says he is battling the EEOC “so that people can speak their truth.” That apparently excludes transgender people.
“So they will be forcing religious Americans, religious believers, people of faith, to violate their deeply held beliefs, their own private conscience rights and to adopt a transgender viewpoint,” Miller claims. “This is really an issue about science, it is about religion, but also about science because the undisputed biological definition of sex, really, is being turned upside down because of a radical agenda that really now is beginning in our elementary schools teaching young people, that there are no boys and girls, men and women, but in fact, people are whatever they want to be, which has profound implications for medicine for culture, for religion, and for truth itself,” Miller said.
(For decades if not longer Americans have told their children they can be “whatever they want to be.”)
“We are a country whose ethical, religious and moral heritage is Judeo Christian,” Miller said. “What it means is that Judeo Christian values, form the bedrock of our declaration. Our constitution, our civil rights, our moral character, who we are as a people who we are as a country, we inherit from our founders that deep religious faith that deep cultural attachment to these principles, and when they are under assault, our whole nation is under assault, we ought to be teaching and inculcating into our children these fundamental values and principles that made us who we are, that makes Western civilization what it is that is critical to having not just a great present, but an amazing future for this country.”
“My personal view is that this is a failed ideology that is destined to topple in on itself. For this agenda to succeed for the transgender ideology to succeed, they need people to be scared and quiet and not to speak the plain truth. Because once people say I’m not going to bow down to something I know is untrue. I’m not going to be afraid I am going to speak my mind respectfully tastefully, honestly, it’s not going to hold it will crumble the edifice will collapse.”
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