Teen Gets Eaten Out

Teen Gets Eaten Out

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Me and My boyfriend haven't gotten that far yet but he wants to what should I expect?
What does getting eaten out feel like? Is it good? Or is it weird?
131 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
It's good. Very very good. Expect it to be very wet. It's almost impossible to really describe the feeling that you get but you'll probably be squirming around in pleasure. That's great that your boyfriend wants to try it... take him up on that offer asap! Make sure you're nice and clean down there though, or you'll have a pretty hard time getting him to go back down there lol.
honey, if you haven't been eaten out yet you are missing out. It is the most sensational and fantastic feeling you could ever get, sometimes I like oral more than actual vaginal sex
1.6K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Usually girls like it. I've even heard of girls preferring that over actual intercourse.
I'm pretty sure more than just a handful of girls prefer it over intercourse
Does getting eaten out actually feel good?
Does getting your ass eaten feel good?
Girls, What does getting your ass eaten feel like?
While getting eaten out, is sucking supposed to feel good?
Getting Eatin out Feels Good In My opinion
But You Gotta Make Sure Ur Ready Or It Would Just Feel Awkward You Know.
It feels like someone is shooting your clit with a nail gun. Extremely painful.
it's amazinggg... if he knows what he's doing!
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I lost my virginity to him, he was the first guy to tie me up, and he was the first guy to go down on me, which I was thinking about while masturbating last night.
Sometimes memories are so intense and vivid in your mind that they can come back to you with such force itโ€™s like it happened yesterday, and I tingle just writing about it.
I was scared, like I think a lot of women are scared about a guy going down on them for the first time.
I was afraid he would think I smelled bad, I was afraid he wouldnโ€™t like my hairy pussy, and I was afraid Iโ€™d do something crazy embarrassing like fart on him while he was down there.
So when David went from kissing my lips to kissing a line down my chest, toward my navel and then past it, I tensed up.
โ€œI want to eat your pussy,โ€ David said.
โ€œUhh, okay,โ€ I said after a moment of hesitation, and then I laid back down and tried to relax.
At first it felt like going to the gynecologist because I had to constantly keep telling myself to relax and let my legs fall to the sides so he could get at me.
My heart was pounding, I was sweating in the summer heat of his bedroom, and I couldnโ€™t believe someone was about to put their mouth where I pee.
I remember he gently parted my lips with his fingers and then licked a trail from my vagina to clit with the lightest touch of the tip of his tongue and it was a zinger that had me practically flying off the bed.
โ€œRelax,โ€ he whispered, his breath on my pussy making me shiver, and then he went to it.
He was gentle, slow, tracing his tongue around my clit and between the folds of my labia, and then he started moving faster, flicking his tongue over my clit and I was starting to feel like I was going to come, but he wasnโ€™t done.
David inserted two fingers into my dripping vagina and started pumping them in and out as he licked me harder and faster, and I could help it, as timid as I was when this all began minutes earlier, now I was lifting my ass off the bed and pushing my pussy into his face because I wanted more.
It was the best orgasm of my life thus far, and I lay back panting, and we talked.
โ€œYou liked that, huh?โ€ David asked.
โ€œI told you, you just have to relax.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s hard to relax when your nose is that close to my butthole,โ€ I joked.
โ€œI love the way your pussy smells,โ€ David said, looking into my eyes โ€” and I believed him.
All the reservations that Iโ€™d had about men going down on me were gone.
I finally trusted that a man wants to put his mouth on my pussy as much as I want to gobble up his penis.
I love everything about the way sex tastes and smells (as long as people are clean!) and I could finally let go and believe that a person would love the taste and smell of me, too.
That, my friends, was a priceless lesson.
After that, it was much easier to spread my legs and let go, and when someone wants to go down on me now, I donโ€™t hesitate to take them up on the offer.
Iโ€™ll always be grateful to David for opening me up sexually in so many ways, and I hope that you had, or will have someone in your life who was as gentle with you the first time, too.
Thanks for reading! Please consider supporting my writing by signing up for my email list and following me here and on Twitter ๐Ÿ’š
Iโ€™m the girl your parents warned you about. Stay in touch: http://meaghanward.substack.com + http://meaghanward.com
Stories on sex and sexuality by Meaghan Ward
Iโ€™m the girl your parents warned you about. Stay in touch: http://meaghanward.substack.com + http://meaghanward.com
Stories on sex and sexuality by Meaghan Ward
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