Teen Fembois

Teen Fembois


Teen Fembois
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NEW BALTIMORE, Mich. (WJBK) - A local mom is going viral over a big decision to give her teenager hormones to transition into a female. The video is being shared millions of times on Facebook tonight and now Erica Maison is talking about her decision.
Anticipation and excitement was on display as the 14-year-old New Baltimore girl opened a hidden box from her mother. It wasn't jewelry or concert tickets.
"Do you know what that is?" Erica asked, as Corey smiles and moves toward mom for a tearful hug.
Corey's mom surprised her with her first dose of hormones, something the transgendered teen has waited to get for three years. Erica wanted to capture the emotional moment.
"I just started crying," Erica says.
"I opened it, I read the top and it said 'estrogen, Corey says. “I stopped and froze for a second. I was so happy I started crying."
"It was such a relief," Erica says. "It had been so many years waiting."
It hasn't been easy for Corey who was born a boy and feels she spent the first decade of her life living in someone else's body. The signs started young.
"My second birthday I got a truck, my sister got a Barbie doll and I wanted nothing to do with the truck," Corey remembers.
"[Corey would] dress up in my heels and dresses," Erica says. "All little boys do that, that is a phase usually. As Corey gets to be 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, it didn't stop."
They say everything became clear when they found online videos from Jazz Jennings, one of the youngest publicly documented people to be identified as gender dysphoric, or a person who identifies with a different gender than they were born with.
"I blurted out, 'I'm just like her!'" Corey says.
Corey's turning point was at 10 years old. After extensive research by mom and evaluations by a medical team at a gender clinic in Chicago, Corey received an implant to begin hormone suppression.
"The hardest part for me was the journey I knew we had ahead of us," says Erica. “Negativity scared me as a mom."
Like so many transgendered teens, the 8th grader has had to deal with bullies and cruel comments. But with the help of counselors, her supportive parents, siblings and friends, she is learning to overcome it.
All of it leading to this pivotal moment, receiving her long-awaited estrogen and go ahead from the doctors. A moment mom knew would mean the world to her little girl.
"It was like a dream, it was surreal," Erica says.
"It was the best feeling ever," Corey says. "Like, I told my mom, I felt like I was in a box in a long, long time and I was just unlocked."
See the original video below.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ©2022 FOX Television Stations

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