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Some women are concerned with their cup sizes, so they try to increase them with padding or surgery. Usually used as a way to demonstrate A-Cup Angst , and as a method for Breast Expansion .

For Cross Dressers , simply using appropriately sized balls will suffice.

Real or fake breasts? A dozen ways you can tell

By Marilyn Kalfus | mkalfus@scng.com | Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: July 12, 2012 at 11:54 a.m. | UPDATED: August 20, 2019 at 9:31 a.m.

Marilyn Kalfus is an editor on the crime and public safety team at the Orange County Register and the Southern California News Group. In the past decade, she's reported on and edited a wide variety of breaking news, business and real estate stories that have appeared in newspapers throughout the country. In 2017, Marilyn was one of 30 journalists around the United States invited to a housing workshop at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.

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Not everyone who gets breast implants goes strutting down a red carpet to show them off. But some women can be just as obvious.
Men’s Health magazine recently put together a list of 5 ways to tell if breasts are fake. We figured we could get a few experts to make that a dozen ways.
So, thinking of getting … excessive? Caveat emptor, ladies!
Here’s a summary of the magazine’s list, along with input we got from some Orange County plastic surgeons.
Most women’s breasts have 2 or 3 inches of space in the middle, but implants narrow the gap. “If it looks like her breasts are touching in the middle, they’re likely fake.”
If they’re set too high on the chest, instead of around where the armpits are, they’re probably implants. It’s supposed to be easier to spot in a bathing suit, so it’s not the result of a push-up bra.
Real breasts are shaped more like pears — fuller at the bottom — than like melons. Many implants have an even distribution of silicon.
There are typically four places that plastic surgeons use for access. Scars can be seen above the belly button, under the breasts, around the nipples or the armpits. More details on that in the magazine .
Women with saline implants will sometimes make a sloshing sound when moving. Men’s Health says if the implant wasn’t completely filled, it creates an air pocket. Thankfully, this isn’t noisy enough to hear in public. More on that below …
If a woman is lying on her back in a bathing suit and the breasts are vertical and upright “like little Matterhorns,” they’re implants, says Dr. Val Lambros, a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach. “A pretty common appearance of augmented breasts are those that do not settle to the sides when a woman is lying on her back on the beach,” Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Milind Ambe agrees.
In some women with submuscular augmentation, the implant will quickly shift if she flexes her pecs, Lambros says. “So if the breast jumps when she hits a tennis ball or lifts some weights, there’s an implant in there.”
Her breasts are disproportionately large. “Breasts are mostly fat and skinny girls don’t have huge breasts, except in very, very rare circumstances,” says Dr. Terry Dubrow, a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach.
“Natural breasts don’t form a defined ‘shelf’ where the edge of the implant meets the skin,” Dubrow says.
Breast implants when too large can feel more firm to the touch than natural breasts do, says Dr. John Di Saia, a plastic surgeon in San Clemente and Orange. “Even young natural breast tissue does not feel like jello,” he says. And, he says, “When saline implants are placed over the muscle, their containers (shells) can also be felt within the woman’s skin.”
This builds on No. 3. “Breasts that are large and not sagging during adolescence invariably fall because of their weight, with less roundness and flattening of the top of the breasts,” says Dr. Edward Domanskis, a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach. “What once was round, full and attractive becomes saggy and droopy.”
If a woman has altered other parts of herself, especially her nose and lips, Domanskis says, there’s a good chance her breasts could have been enlarged, too.
As to the magazine’s list, Di Saia says, “Implanted breasts do not invariably have ‘closer than natural’ cleavage. For women who want to look natural and go with smaller implants and better surgeons, they might not show many of these signs.”
Some doctors also scoffed at the idea of “sloshing.”
“Sloshing is rare, except at increased altitude,” Di Saia says.
“The sloshing comment is ridiculous,” Lambros says. “Air diffuses through the wall of the implant and won’t be there shortly after the implant.”
A commenter on the magazine’s site, perhaps also in the cosmetic medicine field, said:
“You would not hear sloshing. A good ps would not leave any trace of a scar(s). Most often they sit too high initially, until the muscles and pockets relax and they will gradually fall into a more natural shape. You would be amazed at the skill some doctors have…you can’t even tell they’re implants. And oh yeah…all breasts are REAL, it’s the implants that are plastic.”
Photo: Reality TV star Holly Madison, who has spoken openly about her breast augmentation
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Real or fake breasts? A dozen ways you can tell

By Marilyn Kalfus | mkalfus@scng.com | Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: July 12, 2012 at 11:54 a.m. | UPDATED: August 20, 2019 at 9:31 a.m.

Marilyn Kalfus is an editor on the crime and public safety team at the Orange County Register and the Southern California News Group. In the past decade, she's reported on and edited a wide variety of breaking news, business and real estate stories that have appeared in newspapers throughout the country. In 2017, Marilyn was one of 30 journalists around the United States invited to a housing workshop at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.

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Not everyone who gets breast implants goes strutting down a red carpet to show them off. But some women can be just as obvious.
Men’s Health magazine recently put together a list of 5 ways to tell if breasts are fake. We figured we could get a few experts to make that a dozen ways.
So, thinking of getting … excessive? Caveat emptor, ladies!
Here’s a summary of the magazine’s list, along with input we got from some Orange County plastic surgeons.
Most women’s breasts have 2 or 3 inches of space in the middle, but implants narrow the gap. “If it looks like her breasts are touching in the middle, they’re likely fake.”
If they’re set too high on the chest, instead of around where the armpits are, they’re probably implants. It’s supposed to be easier to spot in a bathing suit, so it’s not the result of a push-up bra.
Real breasts are shaped more like pears — fuller at the bottom — than like melons. Many implants have an even distribution of silicon.
There are typically four places that plastic surgeons use for access. Scars can be seen above the belly button, under the breasts, around the nipples or the armpits. More details on that in the magazine .
Women with saline implants will sometimes make a sloshing sound when moving. Men’s Health says if the implant wasn’t completely filled, it creates an air pocket. Thankfully, this isn’t noisy enough to hear in public. More on that below …
If a woman is lying on her back in a bathing suit and the breasts are vertical and upright “like little Matterhorns,” they’re implants, says Dr. Val Lambros, a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach. “A pretty common appearance of augmented breasts are those that do not settle to the sides when a woman is lying on her back on the beach,” Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Milind Ambe agrees.
In some women with submuscular augmentation, the implant will quickly shift if she flexes her pecs, Lambros says. “So if the breas
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