Teen Daddy Doesn T Know

Teen Daddy Doesn T Know


Teen Daddy Doesn T Know
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Story time! (and a little explanation)
In his younger years, Stoick was a general of the Military Police. He has long since been working as one of the King’s advisors and war counselors, living within Wall Sina and spending most of his day within the palace.  ((I have no idea who the King is yet… but I’m thinking of making it actually be a child or someone very, very young)).
He worked hard for the best and safest life for his family, but his son insisted on fighting to get out of the walls. In the scouting legion, no less. Stoick berates him for the foolish choice every chance he can get, hoping to spur Hiccup into joining the military police and returning to the innermost wall. Because of his lofty position, Stoick knows of the alleged humans that can turn into Titans. He, along with his fellow councilmen, have heard that some of the titans terrorizing their race can revert back into their human forms at will, and yet continue to attack them. He’s even heard that there are the very rare human-turned-Titan that help the human side.
Stoick doesn’t want to believe it. He doesn’t like the rumors and he doesn’t trust them. He errs on the side of caution and keeps the possibility alive in the back of his mind as an educated doubt until he can see proof with his own eyes. Not for a moment does he consider his son might be one of them.
Something goes wrong.  Titans appear in the innermost wall. No one knows where they came from, or how—perhaps some of those human-type-titans—but a chunk of Wall Sina is missing and people are dying. The military police are trained in 3D maneuvering, but they lack the practical application the scouting legion has.
Fortunately, the scouting legion returned from a mission beyond the walls and race to the scene, but they aren’t close enough to stop the titans from reaching the palace first. Stoick does his best to ensure the King’s safety; that’s his first priority above all else. The palace caves in around him—the rubble of columns and art rains down on the fleeing elite, crushing those who are too slow. Stoick sees the king whisked away to the underground stairs and his shoulders relax for a fraction of a second. Then a back wall is blown in and he is knocked down by a slab of granite. Dazed, he realizes that his leg is caught beneath the heavy chuck of wall. He barely has time to register his immobility when the high ceiling gives a deafening crack. He looks up. The ceiling shakes, crumbles, and caves. A tablet of stone three times the size of his body hurtles down on him. He can’t move, he can’t stop it. Stoick can only cover his head and wait for the inevitable. He wishes he hadn’t snapped at his son in their last conversation.
Seconds pass. Something blocks the sunlight from him, a shadow. Stoick lowers his arms and is quickly flabbergasted. A titan crouches over him, the slab of ceiling held over its head. Caught --the titan had caught the ceiling and now covered Stoick in a somewhat… protective manner?
Stoick can’t get his voice to work. His weapons won’t do him much good with no mobility. He stays on the ground and stares at the anomaly. The titan looks at him. Directly at Stoick with eyes that didn’t see through him, but regarded him with a touch of… of sadness. The titan drops the stone over its back, as though the two ton slab were nothing more than a sack of turnips, and reaches forward. Stoick cries out in a knee-jerk reaction, but the Titan merely plucks the wall debris from his leg and tosses it back with the leftover ceiling.
The titan stands, stares at him once more, and turns to rejoin the fight. Stoick stays on the ground. His leg is throbbing and fractured and he doesn’t care. He was saved… 
A titan with long, dark hair, gold-green eyes, and…and…  And no teeth?
Hiccup and Stoick © Dreamworks/Cressida Cowell
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The person who played Chess with Pixis is the King
Hiccup has no teeth. Renames him Toothless until daddy finds out it's his son.
This is awesome. When are you going to continue? Or have you already? Mars
Well, I hadn't planned on continuing, sorry :/ But I'm glad you like what I did!
Good thing Titans don't have junk, or that would be an awkward moment
Son? You're a Titan? You saved me? Aaaaaand there's your doodle...
Yes! two favorite shows in one! i love it!  
it would be interesting to see how the other characters would play out in this scenario
Boy. When you cross-over, you cross-over. Wonderful concept!
Oh yeah, I don't half-ass crossovers. If I'm going to crossover, then I'm going to crossover. XD XD
You should write a mutli-chaptered story about this. Just like Hitchups only better because it will contain Hicstrid this time
Hahahahahaha no. It would totally not be better (this AU has Astrid turning out bad--they'd be together in the end, and end on a bad note. Hitchups had them start on a bad note, and end with sexual tension and a good note)
Yea that's true, would still be a good read though.
This is just fantastic and I love it!
I really like this one Can I draw this one?
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What Daddy Doesn ' t Know by Tara Taylor Quinn
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by Tara Taylor Quinn

Tara Taylor Quinn (Goodreads Author)

HE'S A FATHER --- BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW IT ... Juliet McNeil has been keeping a secret for more than eight years --- a secret from Blake Ramsden. They spent one night together all that time ago ... and Mary Jane McNeil was the result. Juliet and Mary Jane are a pair, a family of two, and they're happy that way. So what happens when Blake, the man who unknowingly fathered Mary
HE'S A FATHER --- BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW IT ... Juliet McNeil has been keeping a secret for more than eight years --- a secret from Blake Ramsden. They spent one night together all that time ago ... and Mary Jane McNeil was the result. Juliet and Mary Jane are a pair, a family of two, and they're happy that way. So what happens when Blake, the man who unknowingly fathered Mary Jane, returns to San Diego? What happens when Juliet, an attorney, develops a professional --- and then a personal --- relationship with him? What happens when he meets his daughter?

Paperback , Harlequin Superromance #1225 , 298 pages

December 1st 2004
by Harlequin Books

(first published January 1st 2004)

(ISBN13: 9780373712250 )

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Mar 30, 2015


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What Daddy Doesn’t Know is the ninth book in the Shelter Valley series by Tara Taylor Quinn (although it seems to bear no relation to Shelter Valley at all…). Attorney Juliet McNeil finds herself defending property developer, Blake Ramsden on fraud charges. But Blake doesn’t know that their one-night-stand, nine years ago, produced a daughter, Mary Jane. Taylor Quinn builds her story slowly, (excruciatingly so: this novel could lose 100 pages and be better for it), and all the real action happen
What Daddy Doesn’t Know is the ninth book in the Shelter Valley series by Tara Taylor Quinn (although it seems to bear no relation to Shelter Valley at all…). Attorney Juliet McNeil finds herself defending property developer, Blake Ramsden on fraud charges. But Blake doesn’t know that their one-night-stand, nine years ago, produced a daughter, Mary Jane. Taylor Quinn builds her story slowly, (excruciatingly so: this novel could lose 100 pages and be better for it), and all the real action happens in the last fifty pages, with all issues suddenly neatly tied up. The characters do have some depth, although Blake seems too good to be true, and Juliet needs a good shaking at times. 3.5 stars.


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This explores an issue that is probably not an easy one to decide. I really enjoyed Juillet and Blake's story. For its not always easy to tell someone you are pregnant. So this story explores that issue makes you stop and think. To see both sides in away. Its well done and worth reading even for a book that is from 2004. J
This explores an issue that is probably not an easy one to decide. I really enjoyed Juillet and Blake's story. For its not always easy to tell someone you are pregnant. So this story explores that issue makes you stop and think. To see both sides in away. Its well done and worth reading even for a book that is from 2004. J

Mar 17, 2019


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I sure as hell would not be that forgiving!

silhouette-superromance ,
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Juliet has a wonderful (and challenging) job and a wonderful (and challenging) daughter. Sometimes the two don't mix very well. She's an attorney, and right now she's defending a man suspected of fraud - and one of the witnesses for the prosecution is none other than Blake, the father of her eight-year-old daughter Mary Jane. For the last nine years she's avoided Blake - not hard to do in a city the size of San Diego, especially considering he was living abroad for several of those years. But af
Juliet has a wonderful (and challenging) job and a wonderful (and challenging) daughter. Sometimes the two don't mix very well. She's an attorney, and right now she's defending a man suspected of fraud - and one of the witnesses for the prosecution is none other than Blake, the father of her eight-year-old daughter Mary Jane. For the last nine years she's avoided Blake - not hard to do in a city the size of San Diego, especially considering he was living abroad for several of those years. But after her client commits suicide and leaves behind information that suggests Blake may have been involved in the fraudulent dealings, Juliet feels she has no choice but to take his case and try to prove him innocent. Spending so much time together reminds Blake and Juliet about the passion that raged between them on that one night nine years ago. But things aren't easy - Blake's petrified that he's going to end up spending years in prison, and Juliet's finding that her loyalties are split between the precocious Mary Jane, who's used to their man-free life, and Blake, who has no idea that he's a daddy. I've been noticing a trend with the Tara Taylor Quinn books I've read lately. I really love the family settings, greatly enjoy the heroines, quite like (but am not especially attracted to) the heroes - and can totally take or leave the romance. Which is a bit odd, considering these are romance novels. In this, as in a few other Quinn books I've read, the romance takes a distant second place to the plot, although it doesn't feel almost nonexistent as it did in A Child's Wish . While both hero and heroine seemed like nice people with a whole lot of attractive qualities, the attraction between the two felt a little flat. When they finally admitted their feelings for one another, it seemed to come out of nowhere. However, the family portrayals are both touching and convincing. The relationship between Juliet and Mary Jane, in particular, felt very lifelike (and quite a lot like my childhood relationship with my own mother). I was a little surprised that Mary Jane was so dead-set against meeting her father, or having him even know about her (don't most kids want to meet their fathers, if they never have?) but I enjoyed the progression of their relationship after they finally did meet. 3 - 3.5 stars, I guess. A hard one to rate, since I enjoyed it a lot while reading but it didn't really stick with me.

Jul 21, 2015

Darlene Torday

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Reading this book reminded me of why I love reading this author's books. Well developed plot including one stubborn little girl very much like the father she's never met and the mother who treats her as more grown up than her years. A must read for her fans and any one who loves an unusual kind of love story.
Reading this book reminded me of why I love reading this author's books. Well developed plot including one stubborn little girl very much like the father she's never met and the mother who treats her as more grown up than her years. A must read for her fans and any one who loves an unusual kind of love story.


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Tara Taylor Quinn began her love affair with Harlequin when she was fourteen years old and picked up a free promotional copy of a Harlequin Romance in a hometown grocery store. The relationship was solidified the year she was suspended from her high school typing class for hiding a Harlequin Romance behind the keys of her electric typewriter. Unaware that her instructor loomed close by, Ms. Quinn
Tara Taylor Quinn began her love affair with Harlequin when she was fourteen years old and picked up a free promotional copy of a Harlequin Romance in a hometown grocery store. The relationship was solidified the year she was suspended from her high school typing class for hiding a Harlequin Romance behind the keys of her electric typewriter. Unaware that her instructor loomed close by, Ms. Quinn read blissfully on with one finger resting on the automatic repeating period key. She finished the book in the principal’s office. Forced to leave her romances in her locker after that, Ms. Quinn’s typing skills improved - a fact for which she is eternally grateful. With over 80 original novels, published in more than twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestselling author with more than seven million copies sold. She is a winner of the 2008 National Reader's Choice Award, four time finalist for the RWA Rita Award, a finalist for the Reviewer’s Choice Award, the Bookseller’s Best Award, the Holt Medallion and appears regularly on the Waldenbooks bestsellers list. Ms. Quinn writes for Harlequin and MIRA Books. Reviewer, Cindy Penn, wordweaving.com says, “Amazing character development is the hallmark of author Tara Taylor Quinn’s work. Indeed, Taylor’s profound observations of human nature and intimate understanding of values and priorities lends extraordinary psychological depth to all her work.” Tara Taylor Quinn was born and raised in Ohio. Though she wrote her first story at the age of seven, her professional writing career began ten years later when she was hired as a stringer with the Dayton Daily News in Dayton, Ohio. She attended Wright State University and graduated from Harding College in Arkansas with a degree in English and Journalism. She published several magazine articles before turning to writing as a full-time occupation. Ms. Quinn is a Past President of the Romance Writers of America and served for eight years on the Board of Directors of that association. She has a wide range of experience as a public speaker and workshop presenter for writers groups around the country. When she’s not home with her owners, Jerry Lee and Taylor Marie, or fulfilling speaking engagements, Tara loves to travel with her husband, stopping wherever the spirit takes them. They’ve been spotted in casinos and quaint little small town antique shops all across the country..

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Q My 15-year-old daughter hasn’t said anything more than “Yeah” or “No” to me for more than a year . I know that all teenagers go through a moody period but I’m worried that this is going on too long. I don’t know anything about what is going on in her life and the person she’s becoming.
I’d like to have a close relationship with her, as I was close to my own mother and we always chatted even when I was a teenager.
My daughter seems to be doing fine in school and has a good group of friends, though she does not tell me much about what is going on with her. Every time I try to make an effort with my daughter she snaps at me and can often be hurtful in what she says. She talks to me only when she wants so
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