Teen Couples 7

Teen Couples 7


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Although it's not the focal point, romance is very important to Teen Titans. These are the best and worst couples in the history of the squad.
By Michael Austin Published Feb 17, 2020
The Teen Titans are perhaps one of the greatest superhero teams ever assembled. Since comic book readers tend to be around the age of teenagers, it only made sense to make a team made up purely of teenage heroes.
Given how teens are, its only natural that several relationships have formed with different members of the team. Young love is very passionate. It also, at times, is very naive. For all of these reasons, the Teen Titans have had many couples that were perfect for each other, as well as many others that should have never gotten together. Here are the Teen Titans' five best teammate couples, and five that should have never been together.
When Raven needed help, she sought out the Teen Titans. Unfortunately for her, the team had been disbanded. After forming a close, romantic bond with Kid Flash, however, Raven and Kid Flash were able to convince the Titans to come back together.
Later on, it was revealed that Kid Flash's feelings were the result of a magical spell that Raven had put him under. She didn't really love Kid Flash, and his feelings were manipulated by her. This led to a lot of distrust between the two teammates, even long after Raven had been on the team.
Kyle Rayner and Donna Troy were a fantastic couple. Both had been in quite unremarkable relationships before. Once they got together, their relationship was one of the highlights of Teen Titans comics.
Later on, Green Lantern would break up with Wonder Girl. Despite this, they remained very close friends and allies. That alone makes their whole relationship worth it. A short but passionate fling that led to an equally strong friendship.
In an alternate universe where all the heroes and villains of the DC universe have their roles reversed, Batman is actually the bad guy while Joker is a good guy. Each of these characters also has a new sidekick in this universe. The Joker has his daughter and Batman has his young partner Talon.
After falling in love, the two young sidekicks decided to escape their universe and went to the mainstream DC reality. Once there, they joined the Teen Titans. This relationship didn't end very well, with Talon abandoning the Joker's daughter and the rest of the team.
From the beginning of the Teen Titans, it was utterly obvious that Speedy was very into Wonder Girl. Although he was not on the team initially, Speedy would help the Titans from time to time and then eventually joined the roster.
The two heroes had a short but fun relationship together. Although they eventually decided to part ways, they did so amicably. To this day they remain somewhat close and, who knows, maybe that relationship could be rekindled once again.
Mirage fell deeply in love with her Titan teammate Nightwing. Nightwing didn't return the affection. Instead, he was in love with Starfire. Because of this, Mirage slowly began to resent them both.
Mirage was willing to go to great lengths to get her way so she used her abilities to look just like Starfire. Then, the teenager seduced Nightwing and slept with him as Starfire. Afterward, Mirage revealed herself to Nightwing and mocked him for falling for the trick.
Kole Weathers joined the Titans and was immediately smitten with fellow teammate Jericho. Up until that point, Jericho had been a bit of a ladies man, going from girl to girl.
Once Kole arrived, however, that all began to change. Jericho returned Kole's affections and grew to be deeply in love with her. The two remained together for quite some time, until Kole's unfortunate, untimely demise.
Beast Boy and Raven never had much in common. That's why it didn't really make a whole lot of sense when the two started dating one another. They simply had opposite personalities. Many comic fans assumed it was never going to last, and they were all right.
Beast Boy's relationship with Raven never amounted to anything more than a short fling. After a short period of time, they both decided it would be best if they parted ways. It was probably for the best for both the characters and the readers.
The young clone of Superman quickly found a beautiful love interest while a member of the Teen Titans. That love interest was none other than Cassie Sandsmark, aka Wonder Girl.
While brief, their relationship was a very passionate one. Fans were grief-stricken after the two were torn apart by Superboy's sacrifice to save the world. If he had stayed alive, there's a very good chance this relationship could have gone the distance.
Maybe the single biggest betrayal in all of comics came at the hand of former Teen Titan Terra. She was secretly the protege and lover of Deathstroke when she joined the Teen Titans. Slowly gaining their trust and adoration, Terra remained on the team until the moment was right.
The worst manipulation of all was what she did to Beast Boy. Beast Boy truly fell in love with Terra, and she played on those emotions in order to use him. Once he learned it was all a ploy, the young hero was left devastated.
Everyone who's read a Teen Titans book should have known this relationship would be at the top of the list. Nightwing and Starfire are made for one another. In every iteration of the Titans, from comics to TV, these two characters always manage to find each other.
Although Starfire eventually left and broke up with Dick, their relationship remains the most iconic one of all of the Teen Titans' history. Some predictions of the future showed that the two would marry each other so who knows, maybe they'll get back together.
Next 10 Strongest Marvel Human Villains, Ranked
Michael is a professional journalist, author and writer. He graduated from Iowa State University in 2019 and has written at CBR for over a year.

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