Teen Chick With Dicks

Teen Chick With Dicks


Commodore 64 drums and the best delay honest columbian businessmen can buy with a side order of innuendo and nintendo courtesy of the dutch national association of creepy uncles.
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Well then. that was awesome! I've recently fallen in love with this genre and this is one of the better ones. Bravo!!! Bravo!!!
Where I'm from, they call chicks with dicks "hipsters", i like the fade out and all the 8bit sounds
Every place has labels for people who are different, so that's normal.
This is pretty rad. Well done. What software did you use for this? :3
This was recorded, edited and composed in Reason 6.5.3
I take total credit for the inspiration for this!
Agreed, this is all your fault, keeping me up at night with ladyboy porn :3
Finally some decent, legit darkchip. The darkchip scene is full of tools nowadays, I can't stand their melodic crap. They play shitty melodies, then add some distortion to the kick and think their stuff would be ohh-so-hard darkchip. Also increasing the bpm does not automatically make a track harder, but apparently the kids want it. You did everything right. This is the real darkchip sound,. this was how it sounded like on raves in the early 90s before our subculture got invaded.
Pleas never sign to a major label, keep producing this and stay real! Mad props from Germany mate! Will visit your next gig for sure & bring you some Waldhimbeergeist.
Yeah what is up with those douchebags lately, showing up in leggings and trucker caps?
Waltzing in with an attitude like "i'll show you how it's done kk" and then play this hyper hyper zelda on steroids shaite whilst on stage and then wonder why only their mates were dancing cus their coke dealer told 'em they are totally the bomb just minutes ago.
Worst thing is neophytes hear them and then start asking for that kind of sound, oblivious that it's just more brochipstep or worse yet, plain techno that they want.
Illuminati can't have my soul, i ain't signing nothing, no way, no how.
Allso waldhimbeergeist with pantsless man <3
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ExtremistComics Featured By Owner Oct 1, 2020  Hobbyist Artist
Featured gallery says it is full? I have fiction I was going to submit and there's no other folder it would go into.
SuccubusNirriti Featured By Owner Mar 7, 2020  Professional Digital Artist
futanaricatlover Featured By Owner Sep 28, 2020  Hobbyist Digital Artist
ya, no new folders, its a real shame.
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Futa-Commissions Open! Very low prices! Send me a note if you are interested ^-^.

I hope I can join. This seems like a very exciting thing.
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Huge dicks in and around tiny chicks.
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