Teen Boy Suck

Teen Boy Suck


Teen Boy Suck

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Victoria Stahl was part of union negotiations at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport that resulted in improved starting wages.

Unite Here!

Tuesday: Laila Dalton on Surviving Starbucks' Union-Busting Tactics

A worker at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport speaks at an action in September 2021.

'More People Have Found Their Voice'

At sunrise on November 22, 2021, just days before Thanksgiving, workers at Sky Harbor went on strike. They greeted the early-morning crowd with beating drums and bullhorns. One of the workers on the picket line was Victoria Stahl, a 25-year-old barista at a Starbucks inside the airport.

Though Sky Harbor falls under the jurisdiction of the city of Phoenix, the airport contracts with HMS Host to operate many of its restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets. Last year, understaffing ravaged the company. Some HMS Host employees were forced to work mandatory 12-hour shifts . “I do not have time to be a person,” HMS host worker Matthew Vargas told New Times in September 2021.

Instead of shuttering stores, employees claimed at that time, the company kept as many stores open as possible, stretching its workforce thin.

Stahl joined HMS Host in January 2021. She started at $12.95 an hour. “Very, very quickly I realized something wasn’t right and something needed to be done," she told New Times.

Stahl was frustrated with the company’s lack of attention to its employees. Workers were constantly rotated through different stores without any extra compensation. A broken espresso machine that blasted hot steam at employees wasn’t repaired. (When New Times asked about these working conditions in September 2021, HMS Host said it was “proud to have opened almost all of our restaurants and returned many of our valued associates to work.”)

Stahl, 25, was born and raised in Maryvale. “I’m a very, very proud West Side girl,” she said. Before joining HMS Host, she had done some work in politics, registering voters and helping with the campaign of Phoenix City Council member Betty Guardado.

When she started at Sky Harbor, Stahl learned that the HMS Host workers' union — Unite Here! Local 11 — had been in contract negotiations for more than three years. “We hadn’t had raises since the pandemic started. People had been laid off. People had lost health insurance,” Stahl said.

Stahl joined the union’s negotiating committee. Unite Here! was pushing for the usual asks of a contract: higher wages and cheaper health insurance. But HMS Host, even as travel began to return to pre-pandemic levels, was stonewalling.

The situation boiled over in November 2021. Stahl remembers the energy of the picket line on the first day of the walkout. The strike lasted for 10 days, drawing headlines across Arizona and fueling a subsequent strike by HMS Host workers in Los Angeles.

“We knew what we were standing up for was deserved four years ago and was four years too late,” Stahl said. That, she added, is “what kept the fire going.”

The strike continued day and night outside the airport through the busy Thanksgiving weekend. Stahl spent her days marching, chanting, and speaking to media.

When the workers eventually returned to the negotiating table, things were “tense,” Stahl recalled. But ultimately, they scored a victory. “[HMS Host managers] magically were able to reach into their back pocket and find the money for the things we’d been asking for,” Stahl said. The new contract was ratified just weeks later.

Now, baristas with HMS Host start at $15.50 an hour. The cost of health insurance went down. The union won a legal fund for its workers.

Stahl is currently on leave from her HMS Host job and working as an organizer with Unite Here! She still keeps a close eye on working conditions at Sky Harbor.

“It’s not perfect, by any means,” Stahl said. “We still face issues. There are still things that come up. But more people have found their voice.” The solidarity she had seen from the city, she said, taught her that Phoenix was, at its heart, a “union town.”

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Katya Schwenk is a staff writer for Phoenix New Times. Originally from Burlington, Vermont, she now covers issues ranging from policing to far-right politics here in Phoenix. She has worked as a breaking news correspondent in Rabat, Morocco, for Morocco World News, a government technology reporter for Scoop News Group in Washington, D.C., and a local reporter in Vermont for VTDigger. Her freelance work has been published in Business Insider, the Intercept, and the American Prospect, among other places.



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Adam Hollingshead, 32, of Glendale, found a shirtless 15-year-old boy he saw as he was driving near Thunderbird Park last week to be "kinda cute," an observation he felt he need to tell the boy -- several times. Not much harm in that, right? However, Hollingshead also asked the boy "do you want to suck my dick" -- and therein lies the problem. About 8:30 a.m. on the morning of June 14, the 15-year-old victim had completed a 12-mile bike ride through the park. When he finished, he called his mother to come pick him up. As he was waiting near the entrance to the park for his mother to arrive, he took his shirt off, soaked it in cold water, and wrapped it around his neck to cool off. Then Hollingshead showed up. Driving in a black, 2009 Dodge Avenger, Hollingshead approached the shirtless boy and yelled out his window "you're kinda cute. Do you wanna suck my dick?"
The boy, freaked out, didn't dignify the question with a response.

Hollingshead was persistent, though -- he circled around the parking lot
and again asked the kid if he'd be interested in "sucking his dick"
while pumping his fist towards his mouth, the universal gesture for a

The boy, at this point, grew concerned that Hollingshead was going to
kidnap him and force him to perform oral sex. Hollingshead, meanwhile, circled the
parking lot again, and decided to up the ante and ask for anal sex, at
which point the boy called 9-1-1, prompting Hollingshead to flee.

Hollingshead apparently didn't consider that repeatedly circling around
the parking lot would give the kid a chance to get a
glimpse at his license plate, which he did.

The boy remembered the plate number, which he told to police, which led
them to Hollingshead's front door at 6327 West Louise Drive in Glendale.

When police went to Hollingshead's house two days later, he answered the
door and admitted to harassing the boy. He copped to telling the kid he was cute
and even asking for blowjobs.

As police were questioning him, his father came out of the house and
asked Hollingshead what was going on. Hollingshead told his dad he was
"joking around with this 15 year old." When his father asked him to
elaborate, Hollingshead explained "I was making gestures and saying
stuff I shouldn't be saying." Hollingshead did not immediately respond to New Times' request for comment.

Hollingshead was booked on three counts of luring a child for sexual
exploitation and three counts of soliciting sexual conduct with a

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Katya Schwenk

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At the start of the film, the car is a 1996 VW Golf with a Dublin registration number. When they pull up outside the house to drop Jess off, the car has changed into a 1993 model with Kildare plates. Later, when the car crashes after they run down Craig, it has changed back into the 1996 Dublin car again.
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I didn't expect a whole lot from this movie, and to be honest I didn't get that much. From the onset the movie was pretty tame and I felt the set up was a bit long, I was praying for the carnage to just start already. However once it did, the movie found some very funny moments. The main characters weren't all that compelling but the two comic relief friends Diggs (Tadhg Murphy) and Henry (Laurence Kinlan) did manage to get a few good lines in. The movie had its share of plot holes (quite a few of these were pretty big.) But on the whole I did find it funny and I was smiling by the end so it wasn't too bad, just nothing to write home about. I felt it tried a little too hard to fit with what are usually American high school stereotypes and could have been a little more homegrown. The over the top gore (which was my whole reason for viewing) was good but the movie ended very quickly and after such a long set up I was a little disappointed. All in all a vaguely entertaining watch with a few (but not enough)laughs.
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A boy declares his love for his girlfriend, only to die the same night. He is brought back to life by his mother as a flesh-craving zombie, who sires more teen undead while trying to control... Read all A boy declares his love for his girlfriend, only to die the same night. He is brought back to life by his mother as a flesh-craving zombie, who sires more teen undead while trying to control his, er, appetite for his beloved. A boy declares his love for his girlfriend, only to die the same night. He is brought back to life by his mother as a flesh-craving zombie, who sires more teen undead while trying to control his, er, appetite for his beloved.
Diggs : Do you have any special powers or anything?
Nathan : I'm stronger, I'm faster, and I don't feel pain.
Nathan : No, Diggs, I can't fucking fly!

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