Teen Ass Penetration

Teen Ass Penetration


Teen Ass Penetration
You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
I was hoping to not have to ask my questions, but today I started to really worry. During the last week of December, I engaged in a "stupid" act with a married man. He been married now for 34 years. He performed oral sex on me and also licked my anus. He tried to insert his penis into my vagina, but I pulled away. I am sure there was precum as I saw and felt it when I stroked his penis. He did rub his penis against my vagina and anus. He also inserted his finger into my anus. I don't know if he had precum on his hand/finger. Before putting his finger inside my anus, he left the bed, went into the bathroom to put petroleum jelly on his finger. He then returned and we continued. I performed oral sex on him for less than 20 seconds. He did not ejaculate. In fact, his penis never actually became erect. When I asked him why he wasn't getting hard, he said it is because he is an old man (he's 58 years old; he is a big guy around 250-300 lbs and I believe he's on blood pressure meds, although I'm not 100% sure). Maybe I just didn't turn him on. Within the last week, I've started to get a persistent headache. Sometimes my head hurts and other times it hurts across the bridge of my nose and when I press my face. And now, today my ears hurt. I never had a fever and no muscle aches although my shoulders feel tired (I've felt that at other times long before December). I have had migraine's my since I was in my early teens and I'm now in my 50's). I've read the low risk for oral sex, but it's the finger penetration that is continually running through my mind. I'm afraid his precum got into my anus. Today I took a test for gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis and expect those results back by the end of the week. He said he does not have any sexually transmitted diseases, but I don't know for sure. I do know that he has had several partners over his life time. I know I need to take a HIV test, but I have to work myself up to that. How risky was this behavior? Thank you.
This was a no-risk situation. I would not be concerned.
© 2022 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

When it comes to anal sex, we often discuss preparation (aka the three Ds: dieting, douching, dilating), but we rarely mention what to do after engaging in anal sex. As fantastic as it is, anal sex can be traumatic to the body. If we engage regularly, we need to know how to properly care for the area before, during, and after the fun is said and done.
“Anal sex is a high-pressured act with significant forces at play, all of which can be quite traumatic,” Evan Goldstein, D.O., CEO of Bespoke Surgical, a medical and wellness practice for queer men, tells TheBody. “The anal cavity encompasses skin, muscles, and blood vessels, each of which can be restrictive and limiting. What that means is if someone goes beyond their capacity (i.e., their hole is opened up too wide or with too much force), any of these components can tear or develop other complications.”
The bum doesn’t self-lubricate like the vagina, and, since spit doesn’t contain the proper lubricity to ease penetration, one must invest in a quality lube (and lots of it) for a more pleasurable sexual experience and to prevent injury.
I favor a thick, water-based lubricant or silicone lube for anal sex, and applying it to the penis or toy, the b-hole, and inside the hole, since penetration often reaches deeper than the rim area. Lube can be applied with a finger (which makes for great foreplay) or, if your toy or partner is large, a lube injector . You can even play with a lubricated toy to both lube and dilate your hole before the action begins.
Goldstein says “overaggressive anal douching” (i.e., douching with too much water or force) and the angle of the top and bottom’s pelvises are additional factors to consider. “Some people like to get creative with complex sexual positions (which are fine, but only once everyone is comfortable) or they’re simply too aggressive when they’re thrusting before the bottom has opened up,” Goldstein explains. “Unfortunately, there are many variables to think about that can increase the chances of potential anal injury—and they all need to be taken into consideration to minimize possible complications.”
Some people, such as myself , favor CBD suppositories when planning for longer, more intense sessions. These rocket-shaped pills ease inflammation and help relax the area––whether a bum or vagina––prior to intercourse. Some CBD oils offer similar benefits.
Whatever you do, do not use numbing lubricants. These have a reputation of masking pain, which is your body’s way of telling you to stop and reassess the situation. “It’s also going to numb his cock as well, which could result in you getting fucked for a very long time and further irritate the area,” adult actor Dallas Steele adds.
After you’ve bottomed, the area will be more sensitive than usual, so run a nice warm bath, spill in some Epsom salts, and bliss TF out. The warm water and Epsom salts will quell the area and relax your muscles. This makes for an opportune time to replay those sexy moments in your mind and clean the area. While a gentle soap will do the trick, you can be extra and purchase a bum exfoliator to clean and buff your booty hole. If you’re still feeling a little raw after your bath, pop an ibuprofen to help with inflammation.
“If, after four hours, you discover going number-two hurts, try using CBD oil, an anal numbing solution, or just regular dental numbing gel like Anbesol,” Steele recommends. “This will lessen the pain while your hole recovers from the pounding.”
After you’ve pooped, inspect the stool for blood. A little bleeding can be expected from time to time, but excessive pain, bleeding, or discharge should not, and you may want to consult a physician.
If you witness any of these symptoms, abstain from anal intercourse until they’re gone. This can take anywhere from a few days to a week to heal. In the meantime, take some Metamucil before bed, and drink plenty of water, so bowel movements are as smooth as possible, and take a sitz bath three to four times a day to keep the area clean. For good measure, use this time to consider how things can be done more carefully next time.
Moving forward, you may also want to reevaluate how you clean your bum after a bowel movement, since wet wipes are no good for your rear, especially if you engage in regular anal intercourse. Due to their ingredients, their moisture, and their material, wet wipes can irritate and even infect your precious booty hole .
Toilet paper can be similarly abrasive, especially when you wipe instead of blot. That’s why you should be using a bidet. They’re a bottom’s best friend and offer a spa-like experience for your tuffet.
To keep your hole in tip-top shape, do some Kegels to tighten your pelvic floor and teach your hole some new tricks. Just insert a toy into your bum, flex, and repeat—it’s as simple as that. Additionally, many adult actors swear by vitamin E to keep their holes camera-ready. Dolf Dietrich , who is no stranger to a gangbang, applies vitamin E oil once per day, both in and around his hole.
Some bum injuries require surgery. At Bespoke Surgical, the most common injury is an anal fissure, a tear in the skin that’s incredibly painful. Other potential consequences could be dilated veins (hemorrhoids), skin tag development (residual hemorrhoids or scarring from tears), anal infections (abscesses), and/or the development of an infected tunnel (anal fistula). All of these can be treated—just make sure you see a sex-positive, queer-friendly doctor who is knowledgeable about the bum.
As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider even after you’ve had butt sex. While these suggestions may not be as important as the planning––Steele insists, “The key to not being sore or even hurting after sex is to be prepared before, and to know your limits and experience level”––anal aftercare is good practice. We put our bums through a lot, and it’s time we give back.
Bobby Box is a freelance writer and certified sex educator. He's currently Grindr's sex columnist and his work has been published in Daily Beast, Playboy , Askmen, Elle , NewNowNext, The Advocate , and more.
© 2022 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Posted: May 24, 2016 / 02:45 PM PDT

Updated: May 26, 2016 / 09:57 AM PDT

Posted: May 24, 2016 / 02:45 PM PDT

Updated: May 26, 2016 / 09:57 AM PDT
FORT MYERS, Fla. – Students and parents are in shock after a group of teenagers had sex in a high school bathroom in Fort Myers, Florida, and then posted a video of the act on social media .
A teenage girl had sex with as many as two dozen boys after school Tuesday afternoon at South Fort Myers High School, according to a Lee County Sheriff’s Office incident report.
Deputies said 25 males were spotted via a hallway camera entering the restroom while the female was inside, the News-Press reported .
“A bunch of football players went into a room with a girl and had sex with her, and a bunch of the football players were suspended,” student Alex Bailey told WBBH . “So we might not have a football team this year.”
“The fact that that could’ve happened is just crazy in my mind,” another student said.
Parent Megan Roldan said the incident proves some parents need to be more aware of what their children are getting up to when school ends.
“And apparently, obviously the parents need to be talking to their kids more,” Roldan told WINK . “And being aware of what their children are doing after school.”
Even though the incident happened after hours, some students are wondering where the administration was when all of this was going on.
“I just don’t see how that could’ve happened because there is so much security in there,” student Erin Bollinger said. “Like the teachers are really on top of all of that.”
Students said the entire thing was filmed and then posted on social media.
“There’s girls that saw the video once and it hurt, it is just so disturbing to them,” student Casey Winn said.
Some parents question how this could have happened at the school.
“Well, they should be walking around the halls and things like that and know where the kids are,” Roldan said.
But others said they trust the school district to handle the situation
“I trust them to take care of it,” one woman said. “I really do think that that is their job and they will take care of it.”
The sheriff’s office said the girl’s mother is not planning to press charges.
A school district official said the students involved have been disciplined.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

By Audrey Fine Published: Mar 10, 2008
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"One day I was at the bus stop alone with this supercute guy who I really liked. I thought that he hated me, but boy was I so wrong! Well, we were just standing there getting bored, and before I knew it, he kissed me! I was in total shock and couldn't move or talk until the bus came! That sure was a great way to start off the day!"
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