Teen 10 Years Porn

Teen 10 Years Porn


Teen 10 Years Porn
'I started watching porn at age 10 and was addicted to it for a decade'
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A woman has opened up about how she dealt with a porn addiction in secret for a decade, which began when she was just 10 years old
At the age of 10, many children are still into Disney movies and love to watch cartoons as soon as they get home from school, but when Courtney Daniella Boateng was 10, the only thing she was interested in viewing was porn.
Now 23, Courtney from north London, has opened up about how she became addicted to porn from such a young age.
The beauty entrepreneur and Cambridge graduate claims she spent a decade battling her addiction, but has finally managed to overcome it.
She revealed all in a confessional YouTube video back in April in order to help others who might be struggling.
Alongside the video, she wrote: "I wanted to be honest about how I can overcame my 10 year addiction and tell you the story of my journey with it.
"If this is something you want to be overcome, you can. There were so many times I thought I just could never do it, but I did and all I can say is my faith in Jesus helped me the most."
Courtney began by explaining that as a child she preferred to watch videos and films on the internet instead of on TV as she was able to view a lot more and there were no parental restrictions.
This is how she first discovered porn, as she simply Googled some of her burning questions about the 'forbidden' topic.
She said: "When it came to online pornography, I think there was just a day where I was like what is sex and where do you go to watch anything regarding sex?
"I had a curious mind, I was intrigued by this forbidden topic which they had started to introduce in my year six class which is sex education.
"I went to the internet and I found porn and this is where the whole situation began."
She continued: "I think for me there was an intrigue that nothing was held back from me online. I had so many questions about what it was all about and watching pornography was satisfying that for me, because nobody else was giving me the fullness of this thing that the world seemed completely crazed by.
"There was also a sense of escapism, at 10 years old I can definitely, wholeheartedly say now, I was very depressed.
"During that time there was a lot on me, there was a lot that I had experienced and a lot that I had seen and at 10 years old I didn't really know how to process my emotions, but all I knew at that age was that I felt sad pretty much all the time.
"Whilst I was watching this pornography, I was so captivated by what I was watching that I forgot anything, I forgot about hurt and trauma, I forgot about all of it, it was an escape.
"I would spend hours just consuming pornography because it would help me forget. It became a medication for me. If I'm feeling stressed or anxious, this is where I go. In that moment this felt better than anything else that happened in my day."
Courtney claims that she became addicted to watching porn and this addiction lasted for a decade, until she was 20.
She explained how she would have an "internal battle" at 1am some nights, with a little voice in her head encouraging her to go on certain porn websites, even when she didn't really want to.
"It was to the point I was in cold sweats," she recalls. "It was crazy, I just felt like I was going mad, I was tearing myself apart because I just couldn't tell myself no. I was stuck in this cycle of addiction."
Another sign that her addiction had gotten out of control presented itself when she was 18. At this age, her obsession ruined one of her relationships, as she found herself constantly comparing her partner to a porn star.
Courtney told The Sun: "The sex didn’t live up to my unrealistic expectations – it was awkward, messy and boring. There was no passion, and if he wasn’t going to provide the same satisfaction that porn did, why bother?"
In her video she admits to having some very honest and difficult conversations with herself and explains how her faith also helped.
"I had to acknowledge that this was an addiction, this wasn't something I was doing casually, this wasn't going to go away over night.
"I had to heal the things that drove me there in the first place."
She also had to make big changes to what she was consuming in her daily life - from the music she listened to, to the people she followed on social media.
"The unfortunate thing is sex is everywhere," she says. "There are so many things that will remind you of sex. You make one wrong swipe on your Twitter feed and you're watching a whole clip of pornography. A song can take you back to a certain place and cause you to remember a feeling."
She added: "I also did the practical things, like putting a child lock on my phone, on certain websites, it gave me a moment more to think 'do I actually want to do this?'"
As well as this, she's also thrown herself into learning more about the problems with the porn industry, such as the exploitation of women, and says understanding these things has helped lessen her attraction to pornography.
Courtney's video has since been viewed more than 800,000 times and she says the response has been incredible.
Many people have come forward to share their own similar struggles and the 23-year-old now feels like she has her own sort of support group.
She no longer watches porn and doesn't miss it, instead she's focusing on her career and enjoying time with her family.
You can follow more of Courtney's journey over on Instagram.
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“Since then, our relationship as father and son has blossomed into something more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined.”
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Many people contact Fight the New Drug to share their personal stories about how porn has affected their life or the life of a loved one. We consider these personal accounts very valuable because, while the science and research is powerful within its own right, personal accounts from real people seem to really hit home about the damage that pornography does to real lives.
In our digitized world, it’s not a question of if kids will access porn, but when .
It’s a sad fact, but parents can be ready for when it happens. This end of post is by our affiliate partners at Bark, who have amazing tech solutions for monitoring devices while building trust— read on for more info .
My son came forward on his own about six weeks ago pleading…begging…to “make it stop Daddy!”
His “friend” introduced him to porn videos and even knew when to “shut it off” before his Mom made her way down the hall to “check on them.”
We find ourselves lucky and even grateful because he came to us…we didn’t have to catch him. Truth is he showed ZERO signs that anything was off, so had he not come forward, I don’t think we would have ever known! He hid his pain well.
That said… your little angel you think isn’t struggling probably is, or has some heavy thoughts, images, and emotions they don’t quite know how to process.
Now, that’s not always the case for most kids, so if you catch your kid in the act, pull them aside lovingly. They’re in enough pain—believe it or not—already, and it’s killing them inside despite what you might think. As enticing as porn is, they want out. They don’t know how to break the barriers of shame, guilt, and embarrassment. It’s too much for their minds to handle between the ages of five and 17 years old, in my opinion. My son is ten years old, and his battle is fierce.
Since then, our relationship as father and son has blossomed into something more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined. In our first big talk, I explained to him that when an alcoholic seeks help to stop alcoholism, they find a sponsor, a life coach. I said, “Son, what if I was your sponsor. Your life coach?” He replied, “Yes, Daddy, I want you as my sponsor.”
For the last six weeks or more, we have been “cleaning out the closet” every morning or evening for about an hour. We talk about anything he wants. It mostly boils down to understanding just how normal he actually is for the thoughts, images, and feelings that have been provoked due to the introduction of porn and understanding where to draw the line and where there is personal accountability. There is no shame, here, only love and honesty.
We talk about anything and everything you can imagine now in a way that builds confidence again, self-respect, self-awareness, self-care, and self-love.
Our talks will continue daily and it’s no longer awkward to talk about sex. It’s just a normal conversation between father and son. He knows that because porn opened his eyes to a world he wishes didn’t exist, he knows it’s his battle for the rest of his life—to choose in or out—and he’s accepted that challenge.
His healing process has been amazing. Heartbreaking, but amazing.
Whether we like it or not, children today will be exposed to pornography. It’s not a matter of if , but when . Preparing yourself now instead of waiting until it happens will help you get ahead of the situation. And remember,
One resource that can help? Introducing Bark, advanced monitoring software that helps parents understand what their children are talking about online with their friends and posting across social media. After all, as a busy parent, reading every text message, post, and email just isn’t realistic.
Bark was created by parents, for parents to offer a better, easier, and more effective way to keep children safe online. With it, you receive alerts when potentially harmful or dangerous issues arise and links to resources to help you naturally bring up conversations in response.
Created in collaboration with child psychologists, youth advisors, digital media experts, and law enforcement professionals, Bark delivers a research-backed, kid-friendly solution for safeguarding families as technology changes how and where we communicate. Over 3,000,000 homes and schools are using it now.
We’ve partnered with FTND to offer a free, one-month trial for interested parents. Check it out, and keep your family safe, today.
Matt McKee is Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Bark , and the author of Parent Chat: The Technology Talk for Every Family . He’s passionate about helping families navigate the world of technology, and enabling kids to thrive throughout a digital adolescence.
Are you with us? Join the movement!
©Fight the New Drug, Inc. 2022, All rights Reserved. Fight the New Drug, Inc. is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 26-3550143.
The smart way to keep kids safer online.
Quit porn for good with science-based support.

08 Aug 2018 01:03PM
(Updated: 03 Feb 2021 05:22PM)

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SINGAPORE: A 17-year-old boy who had sex with his younger sister after frequenting pornographic websites was on Wednesday (Aug 8) sentenced to 21 months' probation and 180 hours of community service.
The teenager - who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim - sexually assaulted his sister in 2013, when she was 10. The boy was 12 years old at the time of the crime.
The court heard that the boy was exposed to pornography in 2013. Although he was initially disgusted by it, he soon became more interested and began surfing pornographic websites, court documents said. He eventually felt the urge to simulate what he saw on those websites.
In September 2013, the boy became aroused after watching a television show with a bedroom scene.
He summoned his sister, who was alone with him in the flat, and told her he wanted to "try something with her". 
He threatened to tell their parents about her mobile phone usage if she did not comply. He proceeded to penetrate her without a condom, stopping only when she complained of pain.
Their parents subsequently found out that the boy had touched his sister’s private parts on several occasions. They did not lodge a police report, but since 2014, both children had been seeing a counsellor from the Counselling and Care Centre. 
Arrangements were also made for the boy to move to his grandparents’ home so as to keep him away from his sister. After six months of counselling, he was assessed to have reintegrated well and allowed to move back home.
However, in August 2016, the boy started watching pornography again "due to the stress he felt over his studies". He asked his sister, then 13, into his bedroom and molested her.
That same month, his mother told the counsellor that her son had continued to commit sexual offences against her daughter.
The matter was referred to the Child Protective Service of the Ministry of Social and Family Development, and a police report was made in April 2017.
The boy pleaded guilty in June to one charge of sexual penetration of a minor under 16 and one charge of outrage of modesty.
Six other charges of molesting and having sex with his sister were taken into consideration for sentencing.
District Judge May Mesenas sentenced the teenager to 21 months' probation. He also has to perform 180 hours of community service and undergo counselling and psychological treatment.
Additionally, an Internet filter service must be installed on mobile communication devices used by the accused, so as to allow his parents to monitor his Internet usage.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Marshall Lim also asked the judge to include in the court order that the boy should not live in a household with any females under the age of 16.
"The offences he committed against his sister - she was a ready and available target," said Mr Lim. "We have to cut off the availability of any victims for him to prey on."
The judge agreed. She also ordered that any future contact between the teenager and his sister be supervised by an adult.
When asked if he had anything to say, the accused, who was unrepresented, said he was very regretful and asked for a second chance.
"Do you really understand and treasure this chance? Because you have committed a very serious offence against your only sister, your younger sister, and threatened her," said the judge. "I really hope that she can heal from this. The parents are in a most difficult situation."
Speaking to the boy's parents, the judge said that they would need to go for counselling as a family.
Turning to the boy, she said: "You have to respect women. And I think you have to respect your mother as well, (judging from) the way you speak to her."
For sexual penetration of a minor under 16, the teenager could have been jailed up to 20 years and fined or caned.
For molesting his sister, he could have been jailed for up to five years, fined, caned, or given any combination of these punishments.

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