Technology - A Great Thing Or A Problem To Our Health?

Technology - A Great Thing Or A Problem To Our Health?

Lower than A hundred years ago a hardcore working man would spend his day sweating behind a horse and plow. If he took it towards the village he'd cycle and in the evenings he'd do home repairs. His wife would be doing each of the housework without appliances and cooking over completely from scratch without a microwave.

The life-style of the grandchildren and great grandchildren is really very different. The current day worker usually sits looking at a computer for some for the day, drives a car just about everywhere, spends the evening around the couch before the television and eats highly processed food packed with sugar, fat and harmful chemicals.

With technology advancing at lightening speed, it is an exciting time and energy to enhance their lives in human evolution. Unfortunately there exists a down side towards the convenience individuals modern conveniences. It's also caused sedentary and inactive life-styles becoming typical in large segments of the population.

We've become fat, lazy, sick, doctor and drug dependent as epidemic health threats called chronic 'lifestyle disease' have paralleled the march of technology. Along with the worst from it is modern technology has additionally produced a unprecedented variety of sedentary children. The reason... a lot of food... and too little exercise.

The predictions are frightening; here are some of which: Children born that year 2000 and beyond could be the first children in recorded history never to outlive their parents. One in three of the unfortunate children will develop Diabetes type 2 symptoms before they turn 18. Over 50% of them will likely be obese... over 75% of these overweight causing them developing a predicted shortened lifespan of 20 -30 years.

A person's suffering and financial price of these predictions will probably be unimaginable as 400 million people are predicted to die from illness that is premature and preventable within the next decade. Although everyone know that proper intentional exercise that actually works the muscular method is essential to health only six out of ten adults undertake it. It can be as if no-one really cares whether they live or die.

Not work outs as dangerous to ones health as smoking yet years ago smoking has not been considered a medical threat. It will likely be precisely the same with exercise, one day soon not doing enough muscle development tweaking activity in your sedentary world will be regarded as dangerous to ones health as smoking two packs of tobacco each day.

But why hold back until then. It's very an easy task to get yourself started on a proper workout program build by the fitness professional and that means you maximum benefit 'bang for your buck'. How hard could it be to ditch a number of the processed food and commence replacing them with natural fresh whole foods that man hasn't tampered with and dumped harmful chemicals in?

Start taking some responsibility and protect your and yourself children from being one of 400 million people that will end up statistics. Reclaim what rightfully is assigned to all of us - any adverse health span which fits our increased life time.

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