Technique sexuelle 301

Technique sexuelle 301


Technique sexuelle 301
2 indices infaillibles pour voir si elle est vraiment intéressée. (p. 25) 5 Techniques pour rendre tes conversations avec les femmes spontanées et sexuellement chargées. (p. 10) 2 Astuces efficaces pour faire une impression époustouflante. (p. 13) 4 Stratégies redoutables – pouvant causer des dégâts émotionnels – pour ne plus jamais entendre « Je préfère qu'on reste amis ». (p. 19) 3 Astuces pour un rendez-vous inoubliable qui lui donnera envie de plus. (p. 22) Quand et comment l'embrasser sans te faire rejeter ? (p. 30) Et plein d'autres techniques de drague...
DANGER ! Ses signes ambigus ne signifient pas ce que tu penses ! Ne lui dévoile pas tes sentiments avant d'avoir lu ça, sinon elle t'éjectera dans la « friend zone » par pitié et par mépris. Comment la rendre dingue de toi, même si elle t'a rejeté à plusieurs reprises ?
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Salut bogoss, ça roule ? (Dans l’article précédent j’explique pourquoi j’écris bogoss sans « e » à la fin.)
Comment devenir un Dieu au lit ? Pardon, comment devenir son Dieu…
Attache ta ceinture, car cette technique est…
Mais en pratique, c’est une toute autre histoire.
Sur le net, la plupart des experts disent qu’il faut muscler le périnée.
Experts en quoi ? Pas en baise en tout cas.
Crois-moi, développer le périnée et le contracter pour ne pas jouir ne marche pas. C’est un grand baiseur (modeste, comme tu peux le constater) qui te le dit. Donc, tu peux me faire confiance.
Quand tu sens que « ça » monte, quand tu sens que tu vas lâcher la purée, tu te détends, tu ralentis, tu t’arrêtes ou tu interromps carrément la baise (tu sors ta bite, quoi).
Oui, tu devras t’arrêter des dizaines et des dizaines de fois.
Et ça demande de l’entraînement en de la volonté, mais ça en vaut vraiment la peine.
Bref, quand je dis « devenir un Dieu au lit », je n’exagère pas.
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À propos de l’auteur :
Je m’appelle Konsti. Je suis psychologue, le fondateur de CoachDrague et l’auteur des guides Plus jamais seul ! et Tu la veux, tu l’auras . Je suis passionné par l’analyse profonde des interactions homme-femme, le polyamour, l’hypnose et la sexualité. Mon style de drague est direct et sincère.

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Volume 261 , April 2016 , Pages 165.e1-165.e8
Forensic Anthropology Population Data,
Direct methods versus indirect methods
Forensic Anthropology Population Data
Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The article reviews sex estimation methods used in forensic anthropology casework.
It also discusses the reliability of morphological, metric, molecular and radiographic methods.
Direct methods of sex estimation are found to be more reliable than the other methods.
GM and DSP methods are emerging as valid and widely used techniques in forensic anthropology.
Sex estimation is considered as one of the essential parameters in forensic anthropology casework, and requires foremost consideration in the examination of skeletal remains. Forensic anthropologists frequently employ morphologic and metric methods for sex estimation of human remains. These methods are still very imperative in identification process in spite of the advent and accomplishment of molecular techniques. A constant boost in the use of imaging techniques in forensic anthropology research has facilitated to derive as well as revise the available population data. These methods however, are less reliable owing to high variance and indistinct landmark details. The present review discusses the reliability and reproducibility of various analytical approaches; morphological, metric, molecular and radiographic methods in sex estimation of skeletal remains. Numerous studies have shown a higher reliability and reproducibility of measurements taken directly on the bones and hence, such direct methods of sex estimation are considered to be more reliable than the other methods. Geometric morphometric (GM) method and Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste (DSP) method are emerging as valid methods and widely used techniques in forensic anthropology in terms of accuracy and reliability. Besides, the newer 3D methods are shown to exhibit specific sexual dimorphism patterns not readily revealed by traditional methods. Development of newer and better methodologies for sex estimation as well as re-evaluation of the existing ones will continue in the endeavour of forensic researchers for more accurate results.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stimulus that leads to, enhances and maintains sexual arousal
"Sexual pleasure" redirects here. For sexual pleasure in non-human animals, see Animal sexual behavior § Sex for pleasure .

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Sexual stimulation is any stimulus (including bodily contact) that leads to, enhances and maintains sexual arousal , and may lead to orgasm . Although sexual arousal may arise without physical stimulation , achieving orgasm usually requires physical sexual stimulation.

The term sexual stimulation often implies stimulation of the genitals , but may also include stimulation of other areas of the body, stimulation of the senses (such as sight or hearing) and mental stimulation (i.e. from reading or fantasizing ). Sufficient stimulation of the penis in males and the clitoris in females usually results in an orgasm. [1] [2] [3] [4] Stimulation can be by self (e.g., masturbation ) or by a sexual partner ( sexual intercourse or other sexual activity ), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. [5]

Some people practice orgasm control , whereby a person or their sexual partner controls the level of sexual stimulation to delay orgasm, and to prolong the sexual experience leading up to orgasm.

Physical sexual stimulation usually consists of touching the genitals or other erogenous zones . Masturbation , erotic massage , sexual intercourse, a handjob or fingering are types of physical sexual stimulation involving the genitals. Sexual arousal is usually triggered through sensitive nerves in these body parts, [6] which cause the release of pleasure-causing chemicals ( endorphins ) that act as mental rewards to pursue such stimulation. A person may also become sexually aroused by touching another person's genitals or other body parts. [ citation needed ] The bulbocavernosus reflex is triggered by stimulatio
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