Techknwological Leadership

Techknwological Leadership

👓 Maina Anthony Bernard Gioko
Techknwological Leadership

Techknwological Leadership

✅ Technology integration has been flouted as a way to improve the delivery 🚚 of the curriculum. Technological pedagogical content knowledge is a crucial skill 🤹 identifies as being able to select the appropriate technology to deliver the curriculum appropriately. As a core skill 🤹 digital literacy can 🥫 be enhance by infusing technology in teaching and ➕ learning. Technology leadership is a crucial element that can 🥫 facilitate technology integration. Hence this book 📚️ looks at the holistic elements of technology integration in a science 🧪 curriculum. The findings 🔎 identified the critical players and ➕ practice for effective infusion of technology. The school 🏫 leadership need Techknowlogy to be able to support the integration.The systems and ➕ processes need to be techknowlogical base to support the infusion. Finally the teachers 👨‍🏫 themselves need to have a string 🧵 techknowlogical grounding to demonstrate high level 🎚️ of digital literacy in their students 👨‍🎓️. Technology infusion facilitate digital literacy in student 👨‍🎓️ which in an approach to learning and ➕ a core skill 🤹 for life 🧬 long learning. Techknowlogy offers a competency based for all the stakeholders,leaders, students 👨‍🎓️ and ➕ parents to 🛠️ make it happen effectively.


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