Tease And Denial Story

Tease And Denial Story


Tease And Denial Story
(my mom and dad are divorced since i was little and i live with my dad )

one night my mom invited me over for dinner. after my sister and i finished eating, we went to sit on the couch and
watch tv( my mom was still at the table eating or something). after a
couple minutes my sister decided she would shove her socked feet in my
face. i smelled them a few times before i moved my head like i wanted to
watch tv. immediately she put them right back on my face and again i moved my head. this continued for a few minutes. after while she stopped for a few seconds and
took one sock off exposing her sweaty and smelly barefoot. she proceeded to but her feet on my face again. i smelled for a while longer this time. after that she heard my mom moving
so she took them away.

" class="_53">
. . . later
on that night my sister my mom and i were sitting watching tv. i was in
the middle of the couch. and my sister wanted to lay down cause it was
late. so she put her feet right up on my leg and starts wiggling her toes
for awhile. a couple times she would move her foot down to my crotch and wiggle her toes for a bit and then move her foot back. by now i'm hard as a rock(my mom hasn't noticed any of this is happening sitting right next to me because she is watching the tv intently). then i
felt her slowly start to slide both her feet down my leg and started moving them around on my rock hard dick for a few minutes. after she stopped she put her feet back on my leg for a few minutes before falling asleep with her feet laying on my rock hard cock.
apologies in advance for people who don't like family stories but looked at mine anyways, also for the shortness as it is a true story i got into as much detail as possible. also this is my first story.
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I love the story and would love to hear about more encounters. How old are the 2 of you right now?
I would love to know what she looks like, how her feet look and smell, and if anything else happens with you two!
she looks pretty much just like this girl


her feet are actually kind of similar aswell
She is very cute! I would love to hear more about you both, and your experiences. Thanks!
       usually in the morning my sister and i sit on the couch and watch tv. at this point my mom and sister are still sleeping and i'm laying on the couch watching a movie. out of nowhere my sister jumps on top of me and starts watching the movie with me. it doesn't take long to find out what she really wants to do though. she slowly takes off her socks and she took a smell of her foot.
"ewww its really smelly from sweating allnight". i said
"it cant be that smelly", which she responded to by shoving her foot in my face and saying
"smell it then."
 i took a deep sniff and said
" it smells great". she took it away and kept watching the movie. after a few minutes of watching the moving she shifted her position so her two feet were inches from my face and teased me for a few minutes. after she was satisfied teasing me she put both of her smelly sweaty soles right on my face and started rubbing them all over. this happened for an hour straight and i just laid there enjoying the whole thing.

there'll be lots more to come as long as people enjoy these stories and my sister enjoys teasing me with her feet
I think she might want you man lol, sounds like it. Shes wants to get you a footjob.
AWESOME! Very hot, sexy dominant story. How would you describe how her feet feel, and smell? What does she say to you while she does this? Would she enjoy making girls smell her feet too, or just you? I would love to know more about her, and why she likes doing this? THANKS!!!
You sure she hasn't checked your computer and found out about your foot fetish?

Seems pretty obvious that she knows about it.
my computer doesn't have any evidence on it and besides she lives with my mom and i live with my dad so there is no way she could have checked it. she as a different dad also. and royals she has extremely soft feet can't describe the smell as it doesn't smell like anything i've smelt before. she doesn't say anything while she does this and probly just likes me smelling them. lastly, i'm not sure why she likes doing it although now i'm curious
I LOVE that she enjoys you smelling her feet! Girls like that are awesome! Please share more about her, more stories, ,and talk to her about this, and what she thinks! THANKS!!!
i'm watching her while my mom is out tomorrow so there may be another update 
Please share your foot experiences with her, with us though!
bostonbob wrote: Take some pics, just ask!
footlover118 wrote: right now i am 17 and she is 14
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One half of a very mature couple

May 27, 2016, 12:44 pm

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 Posted on May 27, 2016 by Paul Byerly
Most men enjoy being sexually teased, as long as you know when to move from teasing to pleasing. Some women enjoy teasing too, but many don’t and those women are unlikely to provide the sexual teasing their man would like.
Sexual teasing falls into two categories. The first is arousal teasing, the second is stimulation teasing. Every man has a limit for each of these. Usually, if his limit for one is high or low, the other is about the same, but there are exceptions. The reason men like to be teased sexually is it makes sex bigger and better. Arousing him in bits and pieces all day long makes sex an all day thing, and it builds him up for a much better climax. Prolonged stimulation also makes sex last longer, and can make is much better for him.
This is doing things you would usually do to get him to orgasm but stopping before climax. You can take him to the brink of climax, just close enough to make him think you might finish him, or stop before he’s too far along. You can do it a few times or many.
Most men enjoy being repeatedly taken to the edge of orgasm without finishing. In addition to making their climax far better when you finally give it to them, being that close is almost as pleasurable as orgasm. This is as near as most men will ever get to multiple orgasms.
If you want to take him very close, manual sex is the best option. You have the control, he can’t finish himself with a quick thrust. Additionally, you can watch him better. His body will tell you how close he is to climax. His face, his breathing, and the way he holds or moves his legs all telegraph his level of arousal. His penis and testicles are especially good for this. At high levels of arousal, his testicles will pull up very close to his body. When he’s very close, the head of his penis will change colour and texture. With practice, you will know exactly where he is and how much more you can do without taking him over the top.
One thing you may have to learn is to know when “Don’t stop” means don’t stop and when it means keep going. He may beg you to finish him when he really wants you to tease him a bit longer. Test this by stopping one more time when he asks to finish, and then after he regains his mind ask him if he’s glad you stopped or wishes you had kept going.
~ Paul – I’m XY, and I encourage you to show your husband a good time!
This week’s TMB survey asks about your use or non-use of sexual slang . 
Be The Good Kind of Tease June 2, 2017 With 26 comments
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OH I wish! I can tease him til the cows come home, and 9 out of 10 times he falls asleep! He does seem to enjoy it, but not enough to stay awake. In his defense, he does work 60+ hours a week. But oh how I wish I was half as important to him as his job. If I were 1/4 as captivating as the next job site, we’d be golden.
My wonderful husband is close to 80 and post-prostate surgery. A few days ago we were lying in bed together before going to sleep, and I was fondling him. He said, “I’m glad I’m the age I am, because if I were young, I’d have shot off already.” And I might have been reluctant to be fondling him for that reason. One of the benefits of being older!
@One half of a very mature couple – Not that old yet, but I agree – being a bit less easily aroused is a good thing. It’s okay if a bit of fondling is just a bit of fondling.
Paul Byerly recently posted… Friday Flashback: Sex Prayers
I the wife am 23, he 33 I have to say I love love the article, we have a healthy sex life . But it’s a must read . We all this daily but I never realized it tilt I reflectedreafing this article.
Here are some more ideas for turning your husband on in public . What I’d really love are some ideas for turning your WIFE on in public.
Oops, cut and paste fail :) Sorry.
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Another old story of mine I hope you enjoy:

It was 6:30pm I just finished up at the office when my cell phone rang. It was Carol a lady I had met last week at a conference.
Hi Carol how are you? I'm fine she said what are you up to? Oh just finishing up on a few things then heading out. She paused for a second. Why don't we meet for a drink at Gillys? I hear they have a pretty good band. I hesitated, I was thinking well if I go my wife will be upset, she probably has dinner waiting for me. Then I thought well, I don't think one little drink with a college was going to make any difference.

So I went ahead said sure. Ill meet you in a hour. She hung up. I called my wife and told her i had to stay at the office late tonight, ill catch you latter on tonight.

Got into my car and headed over to Gillys. I went into the dark, almost empty lounge. There she was sitting in a booth in the far corner. She kind of looked like a younger version of Cathryn Zeta Jones.

I sat down and ordered a glass of scotch she had waiting for me.
How you been Dave you look a little tired today. Oh I said, trying not to stair at her to long. She was way to good looking for me to hang out to long, my wife might get the wrong idea and i might get to many wrong ideas. We had a nice time for a couple of hours. I was feeling a little tipsy and decided to head on home.

When I stood up to leave she gave me one of those light but slightly seductive French kisses on the side of my cheek and I left.

A week or two went by, when I cam home, I dropped my brief case through my jacket on the chair next to the door and sat down to watch TV. My wife and teen daughter came in from the back porch. They sat next to me and kicked off there shoes. How was your day to day hun ...my wife asked with a soft smile. Fine I said wirily, just long. I could smell there un washed feet on the coffee table in front of us. SHeesh you two did you just get back form the gym? your feet kind of smell i said in a polite but somewhat serious way. I got up and went to take a shower.

The following weekend one of my wife's sisters flew in from New York to spend some time with her niece and sister. She was a psychologist employed by the state for some sort of trial study that from my understanding had something to do with behavior modification for criminals who either were violent or committed to prison for sex oriented crimes.

I never did like her very much she seemed kind of creepy when she looked at people as if the people she was looking at were a hamster in a maze and not really a person to interact with.

One night I came home and over heard my wife and her talking in the back porch. She looked destressed and angry. I came out to see what happened. Hi honey what's wrong? Oh nothing she said wiping her eyes. I almost caught a nonverbal look at me like she was angry with me about something. Her sister was being as weird as ever given g me that cold clinical but some what knowing look.

The next night I came home and saw all three girls sitting out on the back porch. My wife looked up and noticed me coming in the door and asked me to join them out back. I put my stuff down grabbed some juice and sat down with them.

We started to talk a little about nothing when the conversation being led by her sister, started to get into her clinical trial she is doing for the government on behavior modification. She mentioned how she was able to get violent criminal to alter there behavior through hypnosis and suggestion. How they have responded quite well and through her psychological treatments began to change from seeing women and pray and objects to be dominated to fearing women and treating them with almost subservient attitudes.

There was one such prisoner who was spending life in prison for brutally raping a women after her psychological treatments they placed a naked women alone in his cell and all he could do was cringe in the corner in fear. She mentioned how she moderated later the treatments and he was able to be safely released on a limited bases on parole.

I smiled and laughed ya right, I have always been a doubter when it came to hypnosis. I don't think you can make a horse dance like a chicken just by waving a silver chain in front of it. No offence of course.

My sister in law just sat back and smiled, hmm I see. Care to try a experiment? I bet I can make yo love something you don't like. Care to give it a try? giving me a knowing smile. I love a challenge. Sure I said, I hope your not offended but its just what I think that's all. Care to give it a try? she asked again. Ok, ill humor you.

She said, fine now what is it that nauseates you more then anything else? What is a major turn off to you socially? My daughter chirped, I know something daddy doesn't like, the smell of feet. when me and mom were sitting next to him awhile back and we put our feet up on the dining table he said he hated the smell of our feet got up and left. Mom and I thought it was kind of funny.

Ok then, I bet i can make you not only tolerate but actually get turned on by feet and foot smell. I'll even make it more interesting, I'll have you still not liking feet but be compelled through sexual desire, be turned on by feet and there smell while at the same time hating the smell and look of them more then you already do.

That's a suckers bet, because no one could make me do that. I have always been repelled by feet and there smell, they are kind of gross. My wife was watching and listening as a cat watches a mouse. My daughter was just smiling waiting to see what was going to happen.

Ok. give it your best shot I smiled in a kind but skeptical way.

She pulled out a diamond neckless, told everyone to be quiet as she got me started. I sat back just watching her set up. She said, lets go over to your bed and get started. So all the ladies' and I went to our bed room. my Sister-in-law asked me to lay back and relax and watch the waving diamond sparkle left to right. My sister dimmed the room light and I watched the diamond and listened.

Sarah my sister-in Law pulled out
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