Teaching Strategies. Their Effect On Performance 🎭️ In Geography

Teaching Strategies. Their Effect On Performance 🎭️ In Geography

👓 Lina Ayako
Teaching Strategies. Their Effect On Performance 🎭️ In Geography

Teaching Strategies. Their Effect On Performance 🎭️ In Geography

✅ Teaching strategies determine acquistion of Skills 🤹 and ➕ Knowledge by learners.Research on teaching and ➕ learning has been done ⌛️ on various variables that affect learning.While recent studies favour learner centred approcahes in learning it is important to impirically determine what the actual practise is in classrooms.This study was done ⌛️ in Kenyan Geography classrooms.Students were observed in their natural learning enviroment while undertaking Geography lessons.The results are illuminating and ➕ insightful.The analysis should help shed light 💡 on why ❓️ certain teaching strategies still persist despite various advances in technology. Educationists and ➕ teachers 👨‍🏫 should find 🔎 the book 📚️ resourceful and ➕ insightful reading 👤📖 and ➕ reference especially for practising teachers 👨‍🏫 and ➕ researches.


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