Teacher Spanking Stories

Teacher Spanking Stories


Teacher Spanking Stories
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You recently asked the question: were teachers taught how to use the cane or tawse as part of their training? A friend of mine saw this on the internet and I thought you might like to hear my recollections of this aspect of school life.
I started teaching primary in 1971 at the age of 21, so if your maths is up to scratch, you will know that I am now 69! After five initial years in the classroom, I took some time out to have my own two children. I returned to teaching in the mid 80s and took early retirement in 2001 due to health issues.
I must say that I enjoyed my time in teaching immensely and most of the time, the children were a joy to work with. However, maintaining classroom discipline is important and when I first came into the profession, corporal punishment was an accepted part of that. Consequently, I gave many children the belt, and in my view it did them a lot of good.
Going back to your question, the answer, I believe, is ‘generally no’. Most of the teachers I knew during this period had no training whatsoever in administering corporal punishment.
However, you must remember that in Scotland at least, those same teachers would have grown up seeing the belt administered in class pretty frequently, so I guess they just copied what they had witnessed (or indeed received) as children.
A very few teachers of my acquaintance told me they had been required to witness a belting given by another teacher before being allowed to ‘go solo’, as it were.
From all this, I infer that my own experience is unusual. I attended a teacher training college in Edinburgh and we did indeed have a couple of sessions specifically addressing the subject of classroom discipline. Most of it was ‘technical’ – tips for keeping the children’s attention, closing down potential disruption early on, that sort of thing.
But towards the conclusion of the second session, we did also talk about corporal punishment. I remember opinion even then being somewhat divided on the matter but our lecturer, a Mr McTaggart, said we’d at least better learn how to use the belt properly.
He asked for a volunteer (I can only remember it was one of the male students who went to the front with typical bravado) and produced a two-tailed tawse from his bag.
The proper technique, we were told, was to put the belt over your right shoulder (presuming you were right-handed) and stand directly opposite the child being punished. The child should then be instructed to hold out their hands, palms up, one underneath the other, elbows pressed back into their tummy.
The idea of this was that you had a broad, stable target to hit and it was difficult for the child to pull their hands away at the last minute. Then you brought the belt down sharply.
Mr McTaggart demonstrated all this with a single stroke to the male student’s hand. The latter grimaced a bit as the belt hit him but otherwise didn’t say anything.
After this, our lecturer produced a couple more similar belts and suggested we pass them round and try them for ourselves. One of them, a three-tailed ‘heavy’, eventually ended up in the hands of my friend Debbie, who was sitting next to me.
In one respect it was a bit embarrassing, but I think most of us felt it was only fair that we should have an idea of what we would be dishing out to the children. Consequently, I stood up, looking a bit sheepish, and held my hands out like a naughty schoolgirl. Debbie, with something of a glint in her eye, followed suit and put the belt over her shoulder.
She brought it down with real velocity and I let out a ‘bloody hell!’ Mr McTaggart came over at once. “Far too hard,” he told Debbie. “Let gravity and the leather do most of the work. Here – switch around.”
I took the tawse from Debbie (with a bit of difficulty, as my hand was still buzzing) and put it across my shoulder. Debbie held out her hands in the approved manner and I did pretty much as Mr McTaggart had instructed. My friend let out a little yelp when she got her smack but it was nothing compared with what she’d given me!
That experience left me a little ambivalent about corporal punishment for a time. Nevertheless, after I graduated, I did buy my own tawse, a two-tailed ‘medium’ from the infamous Mr Dick in Lochgelly. There was nothing particularly significant about this; as far as I was concerned, it was just part of a teacher’s ‘equipment’, in much the same way a nurse would buy her own fob watch.
My first post was as a first year teacher, and it would have been an extremely naughty five-year-old who needed anything as severe as the belt. So for my first 12 months in the classroom, my tawse never left its desk, except on one occasion to be shown off as a bit of a deterrent!
That’s not to say I didn’t use corporal punishment. Little children got their hands smacked pretty regularly and for this I used a 12in wooden ruler – bear in mind, by the way, that 1960s rulers were generally thicker and heavier than their modern counterparts!
The procedure for this was pretty simple. I would call the child out to the front, order them to hold out their hand, grasp their wrist and apply the ruler firmly across their palm at roughly 90 degrees. Then the other hand would be done.
These punishments hurt somewhat, of course, but it was rare for a child to cry. The embarrassment factor was probably the greater deterrent for most children, especially if they were normally well-behaved. I mostly used the ruler to suppress the ‘talkers’, so two or four strokes was usually quite enough to get that job done.
The next year, I was allocated Year 3. Any teacher will tell you that there is a big difference between five and seven-year-olds when it comes to behaviour, and it was only a few weeks into the new term that I found myself calling a boy to the front and retrieving the tawse from my desk. 
Every class has its resident ‘naughty boy’ and John was mine. He wasn’t a very bad lad, to be honest, but he was from a pretty rough home and constantly in trouble. I’d given him a few telling-offs and a couple of doses of the ruler already. Now, he’d hit another child during playtime and hurt him quite badly.
As I positioned John for his punishment, I remember seeing a look of insolence and defiance in his eyes and I decided to give him four firm strokes to ‘put down a marker’, as you might say. He cried a bit at the conclusion but in reality, I hadn’t hit him awfully hard.
This is something I really want to emphasise. Although for those who received it, classroom corporal punishment seemed dreadful and terrible at the time, the reality is that most teachers I know were quite merciful when it came to how hard they belted the kids.
Yes, it was intended to hurt, and produce a few tears. But generally speaking, it was by no means brutal. My point is that everything seems bigger and scarier when you are a child. However, undoubtedly beltings got harder as the children grew older and were expected to know better!
Although in the past some children were undoubtedly belted for failing tests etc, by the time I began teaching, that approach was generally considered very outdated and counter-productive. I personally only ever used CP for deliberate misbehaviour.
What I will say is, it worked. You could hear a pin drop in Scottish classrooms back in the day, as the children quietly got on with their work. By the time I returned to work after motherhood, I noticed a definite deterioration in classroom behaviour, and that was only a few years after the belt had been abolished.
Some of your readers may wish to know about how I raised my own children and yes, I did smack. However, although I sometimes had my belt at home with me, I only ever used it once on my own children that I remember, that being across my eldest’s bare bottom for stealing sweets when he was 10.
I should add that at home, I only ever smacked my children on the buttocks, which I’ve personally always considered to be a safer and more appropriate place for corporal punishment. I did normally take my children’s underpants down for it, by the way, to make sure it hurt.
Would I support the reintroduction of corporal punishment in
schools? Yes, though with some reservations.
For one thing, it would take some significant shift in the current teaching culture for this to happen, as there is a definite ‘liberal left’ bias in the profession now and many teachers today would, I am sure, refuse to administer it. Also, whether today’s children would accept such punishment as meekly as my charges did is another consideration!
I hope this has been of interest. If anyone has any additional questions, I will do my best to answer them honestly.
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All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

While in the ninth grade, I had a teacher (Mr. Buckner) that spanked
me almost everyday. He would find reasons like walking on the grass,
talking to loud etc.... I must say that I enjoyed the paddlings that
he gave me. I would do things in front of him to make sure that I
would receive a paddling. Let me describe one of the episodes. The
person pictured on the left was not my teacher, but my teacher did
have a build like that.
I was a freshman in high school and Mr.
Buckner was a science teacher. He was my last class of the day. He
had caught me walking on the grass and told me to remain after class.
It was hard for me to concentrate on his discussion during class.
The only thought that was in my mind was the paddling that I was going
to receive. I sat through most of the class with a hard-on.
the bell rang and the class quickly cleared out. I remained seated
in my desk. Mr. Buckner walked over closed and locked the classroom
door. He then headed for the back room and told me to follow. Once
in that room he also closed and locked that door. He opened a draw
and pulled out a plexi-glass paddle. The paddle was about three inches
wide and about a quarter inch thick. The length was about two and
a half feet long. The handle was almost six inches long.
I had been
paddle by him in the past so I knew the role. I took off my pants
and hung them in a locker. My underwear came off next. I then got
down on the floor on my hands and knees. Mr. Buckner spread his legs
apart and I crawled in between them. Once my waist met with his legs,
he closed his legs tightly around me. I then knelt down on my elbows,
leaving my ass sticking high in the air.
I turned my head and looked
over my shoulder. All as I could see was the back of his head, back,
big ass, and the upper proportion of his huge thighs. His right hand
raised and I could see the paddle. Down it came with lighting speed
and cracked against my ass. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack The paddling
had begun. I kept my head turned so that I could see what was happening.
I could see the paddle come up above his head and disappear, shortly
after hearing a loud crack and a very sharp sting to my backside.
After the first five licks, a very uncomfortable sting had set up
in my ass. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack After the tenth smack, my
ass felt as though it was on fire. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack After
the fifteenth smack I had began to cry. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
With each lick I howled even louder. I did keep my head turned around
so that I could see each time the paddle came up above his head. Smack
Smack Smack Smack Smack After twenty-five smacks with the paddle he
stopped. He released me from his legs and told me to get up. I stood
up still sobbing and rubbed my sore bottom. Mr. Buckner opened the
draw and put the paddle back up. He brought out a very small plexi-glass
ping-pong paddle. He then sat on the stool resting his left leg on
the stool and his right leg on the floor. His legs were huge and his
left leg completely covered the whole seat of the stool. He took the
paddle, tapped his left leg and told me to bend over. Just the thought,
and then of course seeing that huge leg made my dick spring straight
up. I looked at him and he said nothing other than popping his leg
again with the paddle and telling me "Get over my knee." I walked
over to the stool. I had to step up on the stools bottom rail to bend
over his knee. He positioned me burying my hard-on deep into his thigh.
He took his right leg and put it across my legs. He took his left
arm and wrapped it around my waist. The position I was in made my
ass stick high in the air and my feet did not touch the floor. I took
both my! hands, wrapped them around his huge left calf and held on.
Mr. Buckner took the paddle and tapped my ass a few times as if he
were taking aim. Then it begin. Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank That
ping-pong paddle was setting my ass on fire. It was already sore from
the paddling I had just received. I immediately begin to twist my
ass back and forth trying to escape the sting of the paddle. I begin
to cry and sob like a baby begging him to stop. I kicked my legs wildly
about in the air. Mr. Buckner commented "I see that you are doing
the spanker's dance for me." Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank On and
on the paddle kept making contact with my ass. My ass felt as though
somebody had started a fire on it. Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank I
kept bucking and trying to get away but Mr. Buckner was too strong.
My dick kept rubbing back and forth on his huge left thigh. I begin
to feel the cum rushing from my balls towards the head of my dick.
I tried to hold back but couldn't. Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank The
paddle kept up a steady pace leaving my ass totally blistered. Then
it came. Gush after gush of cum sprayed his left leg. Mr. Buckner
said nothing. He just kept swinging that paddle. Spank Spank Spank
Spank Spank I continued to cry and sob like a two year old begging
him to stop. He showed no mercy. That ping-pong paddle just kept on
and on making contact with my ass. I must have received at least a
hundred whacks before he stopped. Finally it was over. I got up and
both of us looked at the cum on his leg. Mr Buckner said "You like
to be spanked. Don't You?" I said nothing. "Well since you enjoyed
this session so much, we will meet again tomorrow after class."
came and there I found myself again across Mr. Buckner's knee feeling
the sting of the ping-pong paddle.

My first experience of my foot fetish is rather vague and short but I can remember i was very young and for p.e we had to use a school parachute. coming
towards the end of the session i can remember an assitant teacher sitting next to me who took her shoes of revealing her bare feet and help fold the parachute
away i think i said to someone next to me, "shall we hide her shoes" nothing ever materialised though and that i believe is when my footfetish began.

I can remeber was when i was in my 6th year at school. I didnt like my teacher very much and she looked ok but you could do better. I remember she used to wear
black shoes they were sort of like flip flops but a bit bulkier, The first time i remember seeing her feet was under her desk. She would slip her toes from the
top of the shoe to the bottom, creating a nice arch, on a regular basis. But during a lesson of maths i remember her standing at the whiteboard explainin
something, when she lifted on foot out of her flipflop like shoes and then put it back down again, not in her shoe but on the floor she did this several times
until she finally found her shoe again.

Another experience of my school teachers feet came in 2nd year of secondary school. Geography was the lesson and in a seating plan i was sat near the front
of the class and could see behind her desk on occasions. For the first few months she wore shoes that made it impossible to stare at her feet but durin the
spring term i think i realised she began to wear open top shoes and tights. Fortunatly during the spring term we all had to do a presentation, and my teacher
was on a table opposite me. At the time i thought it would be a good chance to see if she dangled her shoes, and she did, for the rest of the year i was always
tryin to get a good look at her feet incase her shoes fell of. If i remember correctly i think they did.

Possibly my best ever foot fetish experience came at the end of the school year on a trip to germany. I was sat in the middle of the bus and was unlucky yet
incredlibly lucky to sit where i was. A teacher on the trip was sat directly opposite to me on the other side of the bus on her own. We got into France and she
took of her shoes and went for a sleep she rested her head on the window and because she was sitting on her own she was able to stretch her legs across her
extra seat, and leave her extreamly smooth soles practically in my face (ever time i turned round). she did this numerous times of the trip each time i wished
i could have licked, massaged sucked, or tickled them. And better news was to come when i found out that she was my french teacher the next year giving me
another opportunity to stare at her soles and toes.

In my 3rd year of secondary school i got a female drama teacher unfortunatly she left about 5 months into the school year but evey time we had here for lessons
she would be bare foot in trousers walking across the floor.

In my 4th year, i had another attractive teacher whos feet i wanted to see. She would often wear strappie stillettos makin it possible to see her feet but
towards the end of the year she wore open tops. she didnt slip them out very often but when i was sat next to her on a computer one day she was moving them
about quite a bit and a big turn on for me.
One of my favourite subject matters, teacher's feet, and this seems a better place to respond than my own thread in the 'experiences and
anecdotes' page.

I can't recall my first ever sighting of female teacher feet, but I can remember a time from when I was 7 years old, one of my teachers (a pleasantly plump
woman) was demonstrating how to pick things up without hurting ourselves. I remember she had a slightly off kilte
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