Taylor Summer Death Video

Taylor Summer Death Video


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This article is more than 7 months old
This article is more than 7 months old
Taylor was killed in Seattle on Saturday when a man drove his car into a crowd protesting against police brutality
Protesters hold a vigil to honor Summer Taylor, who died after they were hit by a car during a recent protest in Seattle, Washington. Photograph: David Ryder/Getty Images
Last modified on Thu 9 Jul 2020 10.47 BST
A person who was killed on Saturday when a man who drove his car on to a closed Seattle freeway and into a crowd protesting against police brutality was remembered as someone dedicated to the cause.
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The other person who was hit remained in serious condition at a Seattle hospital.
The person who was killed, Summer Taylor, 24, spent the last six weeks “tirelessly standing up for others while working full time and supporting everyone around them”, wrote Urban Animal on Instagram, the veterinarian clinic where Taylor worked in Seattle.
Taylor, who the post said used they and them pronouns, was “a positive force of nature” and brought joy, the post said.
“Anyone that works for Urban Animal will tell you that Summer Taylor’s laugh makes any bad day better.”
Katelyn Hoberecht, who worked with Taylor at the veterinary clinics, told the Seattle Times Taylor had been a familiar presence at protests.
“Summer has been there since day one standing up for black lives. Staying out all day and night, while still working full time taking care of animals,” Hoberecht said. “Summer talked to me about the protests, and how incredible it was to be a part of something so huge. A part of history.”
Kamala Harris, a US senator and former Democratic presidential candidate from California, was among those honoring Taylor on social media on Sunday.
Harris tweeted: “Absolutely heartbreaking. Summer Taylor was only 24-years-old, peacefully protesting for Black Lives Matter when they were struck by a car. Thinking of their family during this difficult time and everyone in the movement today.”
Diaz Love, 32, from Portland, Oregan, was also hit when the car barreled through a panicked crowd of protesters on Interstate 5 early on Saturday morning. Diaz remained in serious condition in the intensive care unit at Harborview medical center but her health was improving, spokesperson Susan Gregg said.
“I’m alive and stable,” Love posted on Facebook late on Sunday. “In a lot of pain. I cannot believe Summer was murdered. If they thought this murder would make us back down, they are very wrong. Very wrong.”
Love also said: “My [Facebook][ is filled with death threats, that and only being able to use one hand has me going slow. I deeply appreciate and feel all the love y’all are sending me.”
Seattle has been the site of prolonged unrest following the 25 May police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which sparked nationwide protests. Dozens were arrested last week after authorities cleared the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” zone.
Protesters had shut down the interstate for 19 days in a row.
The Washington state patrol said on Saturday evening that it will no longer allow protesters to enter I-5 and will arrest pedestrians on the freeway.
The driver of the car which hit the crowd, Dawit Kelete, who is black, is in custody awaiting a court hearing on Monday.
Kelete, of Seattle, drove the car around vehicles that were blocking I-5 and sped into the crowd about 1.40am, according to a police report. Video taken at the scene by protesters showed people shouting “Car! Car!” before fleeing the roadway.
Love was filming the protest in a nearly two-hour-long Facebook live stream captioned “Black Femme March takes I-5” when the video ended abruptly. With about 15 seconds left, shouts of “Car!” can be heard as the camera starts to shake before screeching tires and the sound of impact are heard.
A graphic video posted on social media showed the white Jaguar racing toward a group of protesters standing behind several parked cars, set up for protection. The car swerves around the other vehicles and slams into the two protesters, sending them flying into the air.
Kelete, who was alone, fled the scene after hitting the protesters. One protester got in a car and chased the driver for about a mile. He was able to stop him by pulling his car in front of the Jaguar.
Kelete was described by officers as reserved and sullen when he was arrested, according to court documents. He also asked if the pedestrians were OK, the documents say. Kelete was booked into the King county correctional facility on Saturday morning on two counts of vehicular assault.
• This article was amended on 9 July 2020. Summer Taylor worked in Seattle, not Portland as an earlier version said.
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Функционирует при финансовой поддержке Федерального агентства по печати и массовым коммуникациям
В американском городе Сиэтл один человек погиб и ещё один серьёзно пострадал, после того как в толпу протестующих на частично перекрытой проезжей части на большой скорости врезался автомобиль.
Как передаёт газета Seattle Times, в городе накануне состоялась акция против расизма и в поддержку женщин. На опубликованных в соцсетях кадрах видно, как собравшиеся ходят по проезжей части, ведут непринуждённые разговоры и ничего не скандируют, когда в них на полном ходу врезается автомобиль. Одна из пострадавших в момент удара вела прямую трансляцию.
Полиция отреагировала на случившееся моментально – они не только поймали водителя автомобиля, которым оказался 27-летний местный житель, но и приняли решение больше не позволять протестующим перекрывать дороги.
— Блокировка автострады является преступлением, и мы больше не собираемся позволять этому преступному поведению продолжаться, — сказал журналистам капитан местной полиции.
За последний месяц это второй подобный случай в Сиэтле. В начале июня мужчина протаранил толпу митингующих, а когда его попытались достать из машины, он открыл огонь.
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