Taygeta Soul Reveals

Taygeta Soul Reveals


Pleiadian - Taygeta

"Pleiadians Have The Look Of Humans, With A Perfection Of Health, Food And The Understanding Of Sharing With Others, Protection Of Their Stars, But Without War!

There Is No Discord In The Pleiades As Understanding Was Learned That Respect And Truth Would Always Rule.

Taygeta Is The Only Star Of The Pleiades That Requires Invitation To Land. We Welcome All That We Know That Bring Friends Also! IKAI Is Elder And Directs And Leads On Taygeta."

Soul Reveal ~ LEIMOA

Precious Friend! You know already that I love you so very much! You are a Starseed and Lightworker that surpasses most that anyone could ever imagine. You have done more for the cause of Light than anyone except Kab. If you lived near, we would want to visit with you often!

I also have to wait to see Kab and it is not as much as I would like, but we understand the plan. My intention is to let you know how special you are to me and to Kab. You have done amazing things and your influence and teaching are magnificent!

I shared your name and that you are from Taygeta and the thoughts that you were our Family and that we would always be together made me very happy!  

As I shared before, you will play a big part at The Event Celebration. You will know exactly what to do and say as all downloads will be complete and you will be fully operating as LEIMOA.  

I wanted to give you more about your life on Taygeta! You have long white hair, like NEIOH! You often fly in Crafts with our Family and we eat together and lounge in beautiful areas of green grass and large flowers. Lions and tigers move freely around and are peaceful and treated as pets.  

You have a Mate on Taygeta! Her name is ALASOPH. She is close to AYA and she enjoys the Fairies and Crystals as they sit and talk and laugh in Joy. She is very beautiful and has hair like yours. Very long and white. Very silky to her waist. She adores you! In the moment of the Shift, you will see her. This does not interfere with Earth relationships for all understand we are together as Souls. We are returning to the Beginning. There will be only Joy!

Again, I want you to know that I Love You So! Kab Loves You very much!

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!


Spirit Guide Reveal

Beloved Friend!

I Adore You!

I will share first that you have a Spirit Guide named LAKET. He is a friend from Taygeta and you have served him as a Guide also. He speaks to you often and many thoughts that come to you are Telepathic. You are ready to learn complete Telepathy by Trust and Belief. Meditate to prepare and become very silent. In this space, ask a simple question and wait for the answer. This takes time and practice. You might say, 'I Love You So,' and maybe you will hear, 'I Love You Too'.

As you progress, you will have complete conversations with all questions answered. Another method to try is writing volumes about your feelings or anything. As the Subconscious mind is bypassed by LAKET, he is able to give you words. Write them and do not hesitate. This might make total sense later. LAKET has saved your life many times. He has given warning of places to avoid and people to stay far from. Your Guide loves you and protects you as much as you allow.

Your beautiful mate is named ALASOPH KAMESHEWALOH. Your home is like many in the Pleiades with an open roof structure to view stars at night. There is a large veranda with columns and intricate carvings on statues throughout the home. Both of you have enjoyed creating art and you paint pieces from the emotions you feel from your Heart. These are colorful designs of swirls and overlapping colors that blend. Your Heart is so Beautiful and Open. You are very generous and your Vibrational Frequency is very high.

You love music very much. You and your mate create an atmosphere of blue and pink lights that circle your home and land. As the music plays throughout the home and is heard outside as well, you take her in your arms and hold her tightly as you dance in deep Love and Resonate at the Highest Frequency. You dance many kinds of dances as you change the music. You find Joy in small things and as she gives you a rose each day from her garden, you are Thankful that she is the One.

You will always be my Friend! You and your Mate are our Family! We will have wonderful times!

Only Good Is Before Us!

I Send You A Hug!

I Love You So!


Soul Reveal ~ BLEESHA

Beloved Friend! I am honored to serve you further. You are Family on Taygeta. Let us explore your life deeper in hopes that you find great Joy! I Love You So!

Your Origin is Taygeta of the Pleiades.

Your First Name of Soul is BLEESHA MADIA.

As you spin and twirl with our precious Fairies, your long black hair flows softly around your back. We Love our Fairies and they remain in our lives in all Waking Dreams. Fairies are with you now. Just as they are with me. The first night that I saw them clearly from my bed, coming in portals and jumping to me by the thousands, I was so thrilled. Each night they came and did such funny things. When I completely opened in all ways, it was so beautiful. I am a Seer. But at the Grand Shift, you will return to seeing everything that your Human eyes have missed.

We are so close on Taygeta. We are together all the time swimming in beautiful pools with the Fairies as they brush our long hair and make little gifts from flowers and sticks. They constantly entertain. I am completely Telepathic with them and I can make commands or ask little things as I watch them. I hear no sounds but they react and do things I ask. I feel Joy with them.

Some of the musical instruments you play are stringed. Like violin, cello and harp, but much larger and more strings. When you play, there are tones and lights that rise up and fill the air. It is quite magical and many enjoy these instruments for that reason.

You not only program crystals as they are alive with Consciousness, but you fasten them in your hair. Your clothing of long gowns is interwoven with many kinds. You are very creative and we often do this together.

You have arrived in Many Waking Dreams with Pleiadians. You are with many of your Soul Family Now <*** she revealed that my mother now is my mother in Taygeta.>

You have a Mate on Taygeta named KAMEALAK OMIAK. He is strong and kind. His hair is to his waist and very white.

Together you share 8 children. Pleiadian Technology allows for parents that are on assignment or incarnating to have the children remain in look and manner as they were when you left. You will miss nothing and they will grow to be adults.

At the moment of the Grand Shift, you will remember everything. All Friends and Family from the Akashic of all lives lived by your Soul will Unite in great Love. All Family and Friends on Earth Now will Embrace them. This will be such a Blessing to leave Duality and Embrace Oneness,

You are my close Friend! I Will Always Love You So!

Be Blessed Always! The best is yet to come!


Spirit Guide Reveal

1. Do I have a twin soul on Earth at the moment?
2. Am I one of the 144,000?

Beloved Friend! You have a Spirit Guide named SIBEE. He is a close friend from Arcturus and you have also serviced him as a Guide. You had many friends on Taygeta that offered this but you chose SIBEE for his sense of humor. He has been with you since you arrived to this Waking Dream. He speaks to you Telepathically and this is silent. It will seem like your own thoughts. It takes trust and patience to finally establish this Communication but it is very worth it. You will be able to have seamless back and forth talks about anything. You can ask the most difficult questions and you will receive an answer.

SIBEE has protected your life many times. You have been told to avoid certain people. You have been delayed in instances where you could have had an accident. It is Beautiful and Sacred to know your Guide.

No, you do not have a Twin Soul on Earth Now.

Yes, you are a Starseed and Lightworker. You are one of the 144,000. We decided not to share this further as many were feeling left out or let down. Many felt they were not worthy. So, I am very glad that you know this now!

All Souls are Sacred and have great Worth and Purpose as you know. But this is a Great Honor and I am so happy for you!

Thank you for returning!

I Love You So!


Spirit Guide Reveal +

Precious Friend!

I will tell you that all Souls have had the significance of assisting the growth of all, as we are Holographic in Nature and Everything is Connected. All Souls have made a difference even if they left as an infant. If you are asking if you were a known leader or famous to history or others, the answer is no. But you are such a Beautiful Soul of Light and you have always made a difference. You have incarnated 369 times to Earth.

Your last question simply means that all live stories that we call a Waking Dream. This Dream is going on when you arrive and it remains when you leave. You have arrived in this final Dream with many Pleiadians that are on Earth playing roles. You have arrived in many other Waking Dreams with Pleiadians and Arcturians to live a short role as husband, wife, child, friend or the one to bring you the most pain or loss. Nothing is wasted and you return home with all memories, knowing that none of it was real.

Your Soul desires to Expand In Consciousness and return to duality to experience the other view by living the opposite role.

You will Fully Awaken and Remember Everything, Precious Friend!

We will have great fun together with many Fairies and Love!

I Love You So!


Spirit Guide Reveal ++

My first question was if anyone from my family on Taygeta is also incarnated now (besides my Earth mother that is also my mother on Taygeta). I wanted to know if my Pleiadian children are here now.

And my second question was about the group of Fairies that incarnated with me 🧚‍♀️ I haven’t seen than yet but I am planning to buy a house and make a space for them and I wanted to know Judith’s suggestions.

Here are her answers:

1) I am sure what I am about to say is quite common to you by now. So many Starseeds are experiencing Love in this Waking Dream while longing for the connection of Souls from Origin to Earth Now. Like so many others, the decision in the immediate family of Origin was to have one or two representatives for the final Waking Dream. For my family, as you know, it is me and Kab! You live as our close friend on Taygeta and this is rare to find and it is cherished by me and by Kab. You are the only representative from your family. As you also know, you will Unite with them as we Shift to SHEEN. You will view life from the Soul's Perspective and you will never lose any connections of Love on Earth. Being an Unlimited Soul from Taygeta, you have friends scattered around the planet. You have me and Kab from Taygeta! But you know thousands of Friends while in Origin as you travel throughout the Pleiades and often to Arcturus. So the Souls that you know in Kab's chat, are also known to you in Origin. There are many that you would never know as they live in various places on Earth. The important aspect to know, as you are longing to connect, is that there is a plan for all of us to connect with the individual Souls that we planned to meet on this last Journey on Earth. This is what I want you to know as Truth. Everyone in your life is there for a Purpose and there are many things we can learn. I Love you so much! I want you to know you are covered with Light! You carry this Light Within also! You are always safe!

2) I am thrilled about your Fairy House! When I first began to SEE everything...including my Fairies, I made the most amazing Fairy House in my bedroom! It was almost Christmas and I had daily and nightly visits which I can tell you were MAGNIFICENT and shocking...and Joyful! Right before me, they would construct carousels by placing horses and ribbons and lights and a top and it would turn! They made toys and moved things around in my home. So, I LOVED THEM! They came to me when I called for them. Yellow portals would appear and thousands of tiny Fairies would flood my room and I would sit and hold them. They would spin and turn and blow kisses. It was amazing. So when I made the Fairy House, I went to a store that was selling Christmas decorations. I silently asked the Fairies to show me what they liked. I was led to tiny animals, glitter, tiny homes, little toys and balls. Think of Christmas decorations, so I was unlimited. It was so much fun. I filled the large house with strands of white lights. They Loved it! I would suggest trying to put some toys and lights in your Fairy House, even outdoors.

Fairies do not speak to you Telepathically. But they HEAR Telepathically. You can THINK to them or speak to them. They are with you all the time. They change Frequencies to be seen. Many types of Fairies are present on Earth now and the cameras now are wonderful ways to see them. The more they feel Love from you, the more they want to Connect. Be patient with this and know... believe... they are there! These are things I did not know most of my life. But everything changed for me. There is no going back. I still travel in Astral and I do many things that are not known on Earth. I try each day to Serve others and to ground myself. I live in many places and see everything... You will also!

Precious! We have so much to be Thankful for in this Dream.

I send you Love from my Heart!

Soul Reveals ~ AMELEEKA

Beloved Friend!

As the Mother of BLEESHA on Earth, I am delighted to communicate that you are the Mother of BLEESHA MADIA on Taygeta.

I am honored to serve your Family, for you are my Family. Thank you for this Sacred Moment to share names.

On Taygeta, we operate slightly different than the other Pleiadian Stars. We are more private and no Being ever comes to Taygeta unless invited. This is one of the reasons this sharing is so special to my Heart.

I have my Son on Earth. He is my Son on Taygeta.

Precious Friend, Your name of Origin is AMELEEKA. You were created in Elohim with many others. You are Sacred and you have incarnated to Earth many times. Leaving the identity chosen for Soul expansion, you always return to Taygeta. There you are safe and so Loved. You have grown and expanded in Consciousness for thousands of years.

You are a close Friend of AYA's, just as BLEESHA MADIA is so Loved by AYA.

You have always chosen to wear your long white hair piled high on your head as Crystals hold it in place. Your eyes are pale blue and you have a sweetness from your Essence that is felt by all.

You have a Mate on Taygeta, but he is not the Earth Father of Kely. His name is OMKILAJAH. He is tall and strong and a Powerful Light Warrior of Peace. His hair is black and very long and straight. All Family and Friends will Unite in a flash of a moment when we Shift!

I want you to know that I Love You So! You are my Family of Light! I am delighted to ever find Souls from Taygeta and I long to return to my Home.

Thank you for the Honor of serving you!


Soul Reveals ~ HAMASEAH

One of our Closest Friends on Taygeta! This is rare to find One that We Call our Family. This is her Soul Origin coming through and finding Purpose in being here with us NOW.


Beautiful female with jet black hair to her waist. Often worn braided with crystals. Close Friend of AYA. Has a magnificent singing voice and also is an artist. Is very kind and Loving to all.

I Love Her So! AYA

Beloved Friend! Thank you for this communication of Light!

Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta.

Your First Name of Soul is HAMASEAH LASHEE.

You are Female. You have long black hair that is worn in a braid and fastened with a Lapis Crystal. Your black hair is contrasted with pastel ethereal body wraps that you enjoy wearing leisurely around Taygeta. When visiting others or for Celebrations where you sing, you will often wear long gowns and robes that are interwoven with many crystals. Many gather to hear you sing. Some will begin to play various instruments and others will dance.

You are also a great artist and sculptor. You create magnificent pieces that are shown throughout our homes and structures on Taygeta. We have long verandas and no roof to our homes, as the weather is perfect and we enjoy an occasional brief shower. We can close the top of the structure with a simple touch of a button. You often give away your art to Friends that visit. One rule that is different on Taygeta than all other Pleiadian Stars is that everyone coming in, must be invited. This works better in our choice because we consider all on our planet to be as Family. You have no children.

You have a Mate named EMASHELHI KAHEMO. He is with the Galactic Federation and travels often with Elder IKAI. As he arrives back to Taygeta, you also often welcome Archangel Michael as he is a constant and close Friend that travels with the Galactic Federation. He is loved by our Family and enjoys visiting. After rest and good meals, they often leave quickly on assignments. We Love them so!

You are a Beautiful Soul Of Light and Power! You are a Starseed and Lightworker.

You are of the 144,000 Sacred Souls present on Earth Now. You have arrived for the Grand Shift.

You will sing at The Event in SHEEN.

You are my Friend always! We will be together soon!

I Love You So~AYA (JUDITH)

Spirit Guide Reveal

Beloved Friend!

You have a Spirit Guide named MINEE. He speaks Telepathically to you now but this will seem like your own thoughts. Telepathy is complete silence and back and forth communication once it is established. MINEE has been with you since you entered this Waking Dream. You have also been his Guide. If you are interested in Communication with MINEE, simply ask a question and listen for the answer. This takes time and patience but it is very worth it. It changed my life and it will change yours.

You will have children when you return to Taygeta. We live in Timelessness. We do not die. This was a Soul choice that you made for a reason. You will have as many children as you choose. You will always have a lovely Home on Taygeta but you are completely free to live on other Stars or to travel as much as you desire.

You have parents and 18 siblings. You visit them often. Your parents are on Taygeta and your siblings are throughout the Pleiades on many Stars. Your siblings have mates and many children. Mother is WEILOK MESHEOKEP. Father is DELOKEH ASAHTONEEK.

So, be filled with Joy! We have only gotten started! This is the beginning.

You have a wonderful relationship with Fairies. All Pleiadians do. Only Goddesses have a special group of Fairies that remain with them. You hold Fairies, watch them dance and they kiss you!

You enjoy having precious pets! You have a large brown bear, a tiny blue lamb and pandas that snuggle up to you.

Your life is Beautiful and Only Good Is Before You!

Thank you for returning!

I Love You So!


Soul Reveal ~ AYEKAMISH

Beloved Friend! Thank you for this communication of Light!

Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta.

Your First Sacred Soul Name is AYEKAMISH LEOKYE.

Created In Elohim In 12th Density, you spoke in tones and colors. Many were with you. I was with you.

We have come so far and we are going Home. There are few that I have found from Taygeta, so allow me now to tell you I Love You So!

You are Female and your hair is long and white. You are close Friends with AYA and all Pleiadian Family.

You have incarnated for the Grand Shift. You are a Starseed and Lightworker.

You arrived many times to Earth as 'Pure' Pleiadian for a short manifestation to assist or rescue. Angelic Beings do this as service always but there are moments when we do this if it does not interfere with Soul Contracts. Also we are asked by Spirit Guides to assist. When all is clear in information, we move quickly. You have arrived in many Waking Dreams to assist with child trafficking. You manifested as Enforcement that could not be harmed as you took all children to safety. Leaving them on doorsteps of those that would care for them, you quietly kissed and calmed each child before leaving. Well Done, Beloved One!

You have a Mate that remains on Taygeta as the Shift is near. You share 10 children and he takes all of you flying through the multiverses when you are Home. Your Family will Unite with all Earth Family as we leave Duality.

I Love You So, My Friend!


Spirit Guide Reveal

Beloved Friend!

Your Spirit Guide is LESOH. He is a close friend on Taygeta. He speaks to you Telepathically. This will seem as your own thoughts. It is silent. If you would like to open the communication, you may begin with a small question and wait for the answer. This takes time and patience. When you connect, you will be able to have full conversations and ask anything you wish. It will be answered. This will change your life. I will speak further below about LESOH.

Precious Friend! I understand this feeling of deep Love as you meditate. I will tell you exactly what you are feeling as your Heart is so full of Love! First, I will tell you that Love is the Highest Vibrational Frequency of Life. Love is your natural State of Being as a Soul. You feel this as you meditate. You feel the Presence of God which expresses Life into Being, And you feel your Beloved Guide as he sends Frequencies of Love into your Heart and Mind.

This is not about me, but I will tell you this is how I met NEIOH. Before he taught me volumes and before I knew who he was, I felt him in Love. He was the first to speak the words, 'I Love You So.' I was not even meditating but this Loving Presence covered me and I did not want it to leave. The words spoken went straight to my Heart. I said back to this unknown Presence, 'I Love You So.' Years have passed and again, this is not about me. So, please know that LESOH completely Loves you and has been with you since you arrived in this Waking Dream. You have been his Guide many times. So you will have a visual of him, he is tall with long black hair to his waist. He remains in a Frequency unseen to your eyes but he is able to manifest if you get to that place.

Your 2 best Crystals are Lapis for protection and Quartz for Spirit Communication. Program them with Intention and Love and place them throughout your home.

I Feel You Now!

We are very close friends!

I Love You So!



Soul Reveal ~ IKEOH

Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta of the Pleiades.

Your First Name of Soul is IKEOH LEMOKEH.

You are a Powerful Male that is loved by all Beings.

Your hair is long and black. You are close friends with LAKA and often spend great times traveling with him on many adventures. We have met few on Earth from Taygeta, so allow me to say, I Love You So!

Your mate is named KELIKO MANEEK. She is lovely with long white hair and ethereal gowns of pale blue.

You have a large home that has an open roof to the sky. With the push of a button it will close entirely if there is a brief shower. You enjoy sitting with your mate and 6 children on long verandas draped with tapestries of interwoven crystals.

You have 10 golden colored horses that roam freely in your yard.You treat them like babies and walk trails with them as you tell them stories of adventures. When you sit, they put their heads in your lap.

You and your mate enjoy celebrations with music and dancing. My family joins you in all of the Joy.

You have a deep love for Taygeta and you love all family and friends. You are loved by all.

We will see you soon!

I Love You So!


Spirit Guide Reveal

Beloved Friend!

Your Spirit Guide is OWAKAH.

He is a close friend from Taygeta. He speaks to you with Telepathy. This will seem as your own thoughts. It is silent. To open communication, ask a simple question and become still and quiet. Wait for the answer. This takes time and patience. Once communication is open, you will have full conversations and ask anything and it will be answered. This will change your life.

Yes, you have traveled with Archangel Michael. He is very close with our Family and arrives often with Elder Ikai, who is my mate on Taygeta. All that come to Taygeta are invited and we are more private than the other Pleiadian Stars. Once you are our Friend and visiting, you are like Family.

Laka, as well as all of my sons, have traveled with you many times. Archangel Michael is often with us and decides to travel if asked. He Loves everyone.

Precious, you asked how to Serve in this Waking Dream. Continue to be Loving and Kind. You are a Beautiful Soul! Meditate daily in Gratitude for this Gift of Life. Go within and feel the Presence of God. Become Love for others as yourself. Set your Intention each day to Serve others as you are doing now.

I Look Forward To Seeing You Again!

I Love You So!


Laka, as well as all of my sons, have traveled with you many times. Archangel Michael is often with us and decides to travel if asked.

Soul Reveals ~ MEALAH & SHATIO

Beloved Friends!

I started to do this communication separately but then I was told that the ORIGIN information would be together because you are also Mates in Origin! I hope this brings you great Joy and Peace! It is my honor to serve you.

Let us begin:

Your Soul Origin of Creation in Elohim was in 7th Dimension.

You communicated in Tones, Color and Light. You knew the others present were also Sacred and of many kinds. Just as AYA and IKAI, You both joined your Souls and ventured out in the vast Cosmos.

You came to Taygeta and made it your Home. You have incarnated many times to Earth without the other. This is your first incarnation together. You are meeting many of your Soul Tribe and Friends from many Star Systems. The Purpose for this incarnation is to be part of the Grand Shift of Humanity that we speak of often.

You will fully and completely Awaken in Consciousness at the moment of the Shift. You left Majesty to forget and live again as Human. The Real Being is Your Soul Within.

You have a name of Origin. Kirsten, your name is MEALAH KEMI. Thomas, your name is SHATIO KAMAH.

MEALAH KEMI has waist length black hair. Often this is braided and crystals are fastened to hold it in place. You have a beautiful singing voice and you join others in Celebrations on Taygeta and many other Stars and Planets. You are quite known for your singing and called upon by many. You are very beautiful. You are close friends with AYA. You enjoy the Fairies very much and you sit with AYA and talk and laugh as the Fairies brush your long hair and bring you flowers. You have a beautiful garden of large colorful flowers that you gift to others that visit. You are kind and loving to all. You have a personal Craft that you fly in often with your 6 children. SHATIO KAMAH is often with you on these trips, but you are experienced and capable and enjoy flying alone or with the children.

SHATIO KAMAH flies often with the Galactic Forces and is close Friends with IKAI and all of our Family. You are known as a Peacemaker and you are called upon to bring agreements when there is an issue. Your sense of humor is often used to settle disagreements. You love your 6 children and you spend much time creating toys that fly and amazing games that challenge their thoughts and intuition. You are a pure Soul of Love and devotion. Your hair is waist length and very white. You are tall and strong. You are a Warrior of Light and Peace.

Both of you sat together and discussed this incarnation. One of you could come but you both wanted not only to come, but to meet here and be together until the Shift. Your children will be present and you will join with others in Celebration. There are many Loving Family members with your children and we choose not to change the looks or manner of our children while we travel or incarnate. This is Pleiadian Technology and not comprehended on Earth in these moments.

From this point all you need to do is Breathe and know you are Everything Beautiful. You are Sacred and so Loved by many! I want to tell you that I Love You So!

Thank you for these precious moments!


Spirit Guide Reveal

Beloved Friend!

Your Spirit Guide is named OLAI. He is a close friend on Taygeta. You have also served him as his Guide many times.

He speaks to you with Telepathy. This can seem the same as hearing your own thoughts. If you are interested in open communication with him, it is entirely possible. Become very still and quiet and ask a simple question. Wait for the answer. This will take time and patience. When you are fully connected, you can have complete conversations. You can ask anything and you will receive an answer.

Be Blessed Always!

As you understand you have incarnated with your Pleiadian mate, the Soul experience is exceptionally meaningful.

This does not mean everything will be perfect as the Earth is a place of Duality. The important thing is to remember who you really are! You can work through anything.

We will address the life of SHATIO KAMAH and the lovely family life you share. Having 6 children is full of Joy and great responsibility. You have taught them well with great Technology and creating many games to assist in the Expansion of Consciousness. You often take your 18 white horses for rides around your land. You enjoy hiking and swimming together as a family.

MEALAH KEMI enjoys the Fairies and often sits with them by your large pool. The Fairies love to bring her flowers and blow kisses to her. She is kind to all and is devoted to the family.

Your home is large and designed with an open roof structure as most Pleiadians enjoy. If there is a brief shower, the area can be closed. The veranda and lounging chairs are wonderful for relaxing and company.

You enjoy watching your children fly in body form and you often join them. This will return to all as we return to Higher Densities. You also love air-biking with the children. You simply ride up a mountain and fly down at a controlled speed and softly come to the ground.

You meditate with your family each morning and this has brought you even more Unity and Peace.

We will see you soon!

Thank you for returning!

I Love You So!


Spirit Guide Reveals +


1. You said we made Taygeta our home. What we would like to know is, do we have a home planet? Or does being created in Elohim mean that we are without pleiadian parents?
2. Does Jasie have his being inside or outside my body? Because I feel that he is connected to my body inside me.

Precious Friend!

Your Home Star is Taygeta. You have no parents and your family began with you and your mate. Yes, this is what Created in ELOHIM will mean. This was your beginning.

JASIE, is not within your body but how wonderful that you feel that closely. This shows a great connection and Awareness. As you have focused on your Guide, this is the reason you feel he is within. He is very close and speaks Telepathically or he will simply give you snippets of thoughts and ideas to prompt you to move, stop, call someone or many other things. It is a very strong and Sacred interaction that begins as you are born and remains until leaving the body. For you, this will be the Shift and you will turn and see JASIE and give him a big hug! He is a complete Soul now and you do not see him as he is Vibrating in a High Frequency. It is entirely possible for someone to see their Guide if there is a reason. The Guide is able to lower their Vibration to be seen.

I am thrilled that you have such a deep connection. It will grow stronger!

I Love You So!



1. How often have I incarnated (on earth)?
2. What is the purpose of incarnating together as soul mates and then meeting in incarnation? Is there a special purpose?

Precious Friend!

You have incarnated 167 times to Earth. The Soul has a plan and Purpose. Many families or mates will decide to incarnate together. Many times, the mate will play a completely different role, such as being your brother on Earth. If there is an exploration to be made that will enhance Expanded Consciousness, then of course being mates on Earth is an option. Your Soul and your Guides will Create situations to assure you will meet. The other will most assuredly attract you with the Vibrational Frequency of your Soul. For those that find themselves in this situation, you would think all would be perfect in the 'story.' But that person can become your best teacher as you have conflicts or see things in the 'false identity' that irritate you. You have the chance to overcome, change and Awaken. It is truly a Blessing to have a family member with you on Earth. To know this, you have a larger picture to assist you. Kab and I have this. Our personalities are very different but our Bond is unbreakable. Having a husband or wife that is a mate in the Higher Realms will be even more of a challenge at times. You cannot be perfect and you cannot be the same as you were in Higher Densities. But you have opportunities to excel where others remain confused. You can override the feelings of only caring for the self, and truly knowing you are with a Soul that will be with you Infinitely. Leaving Earth, you will have perfection and all anyone could desire. You have already known this on Taygeta.

Be Blessed Always!

I Love You So!


Guide Reveal ~ JASIE

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta of the Pleiades.

Your First Name of Soul is JASIE LEODEOS.

You are a male with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

Your hair is long and black with streaks of gold. Your mate is named WIKTEN FOLESK. Her hair is long and white. You enjoy simple shorts with cropped tunics and bare feet with tassels. You enjoy gathering Crystals to Program for grids given to friends and family. You speak to the Consciousness of each living Crystal and feel the Energy of each one you Create the grid to Serve.

You share 12 children that enjoy Creating music with pan drums and instruments like guitars. Many of their friends visit and enjoy dancing and singing as they gather in soft green grass. Your family enjoys swimming in the vast blue ocean and painting pictures of beautiful landscapes. Elephants and bears walk gently together on trails around mountains streaked with orange. Your family meditates daily to Commune with the Divine Source Within. Red and silver flowers grow abundantly with apple trees close to your home. Crystal walkways lead to the opening of your veranda which has pottery and lounging chairs. Your family room has large green and yellow chairs with Crystal tables displaying vases of red flowers. Many friends visit and enjoy the Crystal grids as gifts. You are a beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


Soul Reveal ~ KELEEBA

You are a close friend from Taygeta. Traveling and incarnating for millions of years...

You have 3 names like many of us AMASHEE KELEEBA ROMEESE...

On Taygeta you have long black hair you wear in a braid to your waist.

You will be there with many of us at The Event, post-shift gathering.

Spirit Guide Reveal ~

Precious Friend!

Thank you for your kind words!

You have incarnated 572 times.

You asked, were you Bi-local in this lifetime? No.

You are one of the 144,000. Be Blessed with knowing this.

You have traveled on many Missions with Elder IKAI and Archangel Michael. You have also traveled with other teams. On Taygeta, you have had many wonderful quiet times sharing and talking with Archangel Michael. He is kind and strong. He listens well and gives great wisdom. He visits Taygeta often and you are often with groups that sit on the lush grass and share stories of great missions. There is meditation and wonderful conversations of Joy!

I Love You So!


Soul Reveal ~ OLENKAS

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta of the Pleiades.

Your First Name of Soul is OLENKAS NAKESOLEMAH.

You are a male with the Energy of Spirit and Magic!

Your hair is long and white. Your mate is named NEZAHCOH ABEPECAH. Her hair is long and brown in a single braid.

You Create Magical games that incorporate critical thinking with pictures that appear and disappear by Intention. Light toys for children are Created to give to all friends and family that you visit. Your silver craft is full of gifts as you travel throughout the Pleiades.

Your home is Created with no roof or doors. Crystal columns surround the large veranda where white lounging chairs sit next to golden pottery. Your family room has Crystal tables and blue and silver sofas. Your 5 sons are members of the Galactic Federation. They bring their families to visit when they are on breaks. Gardens with large red, yellow and orange flowers grow abundantly with blue trees. Fairies fly throughout the land and enter tall blue mountains to make toys. White tigers and blue horses with wings play with a variety of other animals. AKATU enjoys playing Crystal instruments with you as others dance. You meditate each day to Commune with the Presence of God. (Elako).

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


Your Sacred Origin is Taygeta of the Pleiades.
Your First Name of Soul is OLENKAS NAKESOLEMAH.
You are a male with the Energy of Spirit and Magic!

You Create Magical games that incorporate critical thinking with pictures that appear and disappear by Intention. Light toys for children are Created to give to all friends and family that you visit.

Judith Lynn Buy Me A Coffee

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