Taxi Fleet Insurance Uk

Taxi Fleet Insurance Uk

Taxi insurance types:

Public hire

Private hire

Hybrid vehicles

Black cabs


We are covering most taxi licensing authorities across the UK, offering taxi fleet operators the cover they require.

Contact one of our team members and tell him of your taxi fleet and we will search our insurance panel to see if we can assist you.

What is the cost of taxi fleet insurance?

The cost of taxi fleet insurance UK can vary considerably depending on a few factors, including:

  • Your location
  • The number of vehicles you have got in your fleet
  • The drivers you want to cover
  • No claim bonus

Drivers with a good claim history and a well-established fleet could save time and money on their insurance with us.

Who can be covered under a taxi fleet insurance policy?

At protect my Taxi, drivers aged between 23-75 can be considered for inclusion on your taxi fleet insurance policy. We will recognize drivers with claims or trusts.

We can also cover recent taxi badge holders and inexperienced drivers, as a part of a fleet of drivers. Cover costs may also increase as well.

For a personalized quote for your business, get in contact with our team. We will see if you can save money on your renewal quote.

 We will guide you through each scenario and advise on the ideal cover that suits your requirements.

Why choose to protect my Taxi?

  • We are providing taxi insurance for many years.
  • You will get cover for drivers aged over 23.
  • The drivers aged above 75 can also get cover.
  • Drivers with convictions or claims will also be considered.
  • 24-hour helpline.
  • UK-based call centers.

What does taxi insurance cover?

If you drive a taxi for private or public use, standard car insurance will not be enough. You will also require a specialist policy that covers you, your taxi, and your clients.

Taxi cover can change depending on your business, vehicle size, and operating conditions. Getting the right level of taxi insurance is important. You will need enough to cover you against claims for damage to the property.

To drive customers for hire and reward, you need taxi insurance. It implies both public hires who can hail passengers on the streets without any pre-booking or private hires who will have to pre-book their journey.


It does not matter how many vehicles you have got and what types of vehicles are, you can always contact us for getting the ideal taxi fleet insurance UK policy. We are providing fleet policies all over the UK for many years and have developed strong relationships with the top insurance brokers who will work on your behalf and provide you with the perfect insurance policy.

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