Taxes For Small Businesses QuickStart Guide. Understanding Taxes For Your Sole Proprietorship, Startup, & LLC

Taxes For Small Businesses QuickStart Guide. Understanding Taxes For Your Sole Proprietorship, Startup, & LLC

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Taxes For Small Businesses QuickStart Guide. Understanding Taxes For Your Sole Proprietorship, Startup, & LLC

Taxes For Small Businesses QuickStart Guide. Understanding Taxes For Your Sole Proprietorship, Startup, & LLC

✅ Taxes For Small Businesses, SimplifiedDid you know: the typical small business owner works three to four months just to earn enough profit to pay taxes Whether youve been in business for several decades or are breaking ground as a new entrepreneur, taxes are a significant expenditure. They must be accounted for and incorporated into your business plan from the very beginning. Failing to account for taxes when planning, budgeting, and assessing revenue goals for a business is like failing to account for the expense of your rent or mortgage; its an absurdly hefty expenditure that must be understood, tracked, and, whenever possible, paid for on time. With Taxes for Small Businesses QuickStart Guide, you will come to understand taxes from the inside out. This book has been specifically designed with ease of learning in mind to ensure you dont get stuck, lost, or lose hope when trying to understand small business taxes.Never again will you need to waste your time searching the internet or watching videos. Become a small business tax expert who fully grasps the ins and outs of taxes for all types of small business. This knowledge will help you not only in your current business creation but all other future business endeavors.Youll Learn... How Your Business Entity-Type Affects How You’re Taxed How To Capitalize on the Shockingly Humane Tendencies of the IRS How To Exercise Your Rights And Survive An IRS Audit How Multiple Levels of Government Authorities Can Ta...


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