Tawnee Stone Wiki

Tawnee Stone Wiki


Tawnee Stone Wiki

↑ Hochspringen nach: 1,0 1,1 IMDB: Tawnee Stone . www.imdb.com. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

↑ Hochspringen nach: 2,0 2,1 Facebook: Tammy Saris . www.facebook.com. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

↑ Hochspringen nach: 3,0 3,1 lazygirls: Tammy Saris . www.lazygirls.info. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

↑ Hochspringen nach: 4,0 4,1 Model Archive: Tawnee Stone . www.model-archive.com. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

Hochspringen ↑ Reference: Lightspeed Media Corporation . www.reference.com. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

↑ Hochspringen nach: 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 Wikiporn: Tammy Saris . www.wikiporn.org. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

↑ Hochspringen nach: 7,0 7,1 Italian Wikipedia: Tawnee Stone . it.wikipedia.org. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

Hochspringen ↑ United States Patent and Trademark Office . www.uspto.gov. Abgerufen am 2. November 2010.

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Tawnee Stone (pseudonym of Tammy Saris ) [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] (born December 30, 1982 in Crystal Lake , Illinois ) was among the best-known American softcore pornographic models of the online world. She has since retired and is now an accountant in Arizona .

Tammy grew up in Crystal Lake, Illinois , where she attended Indian Prairie Elementary School, Lundahl Middle School and Crystal Lake South High School.) Jim Verraros of American Idol fame was a classmate of Saris' at Crystal Lake South High School. [6] [7]

After graduating high school in 2001, she left her Crystal Lake home in February of 2001 without telling her parents and traveled to the Phoenix area. She enrolled at Arizona State University and in 2005 graduated with a major in accountancy (ACC) at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona . [6]

In early 2001 to alleviate her tuition costs she answered an advertisement seeking female models for nude photographs. This is when she begun working for Steve Jones of Lightspeed Media Corporation . [6]

In late 2005 she begun pursuing a Certificate in Professional Accountancy at the School of Global Management and Leadership of the Arizona State University West Campus in Glendale, Arizona . [6]

Her web site for years has claimed her to be the 19 year old sensation despite her actual age, while her supposed sister Tori Stone (no relation) is the 18 year old sensation.

Her false biography also lists her as a resident of Texas , despite the fact she grew up in Crystal Lake, Illinois .

The official Tawnee Stone website is part of the Lightspeed Media Corporation, a network of websites called Lightspeed Cash .

Tawnee Stone is a registered trademark of the Lightspeed Media Corporation [8] .

The pseudonym Tawnee Stone was chosen for her because it has the same initials as Tammy Saris and because of her tawny hair. Tawnee is part of a group of models that Lightspeed Media calls The Lightspeed University, and which are supposed to be cheerleaders. Catering to a softcore taste, Stone markets her youthful looks — often in seemingly candid galleries, though she has done a few more hardcore shoots as well. On her edited digital videos, some with superimposed music, she washes a red convertible Mitsubishi Eclipse with Tori, shaves her legs in a bathtub, bathes in a Jacuzzi, hand-showers herself, sunbathes in bikinis, plays basketball nude and strips to various music. [6]

Steve Jones said: "The innocent appearance of Stone is probably responsible for the success of the site. The fact is that whoever comes out with a new model of a single girl site points to make it become the next Stone."

The site of Tawnee Stone was the pioneer of the "website of a single model." Producing the biggest gains in the Lightspeed Network from 2001 to 2005. With over 2 million Google searches in 2005, it contributed to a resurgence of pornography .

Tammy Saris [1] December 30, 1982 ( 1982-12-30 ) (age 27) [2] Crystal Lake, Illinois , U.S. [3]
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Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Tawnee_Stone“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 3 November 2010 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“ . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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Профессии: Актриса Пол: Женский Первый фильм: 2005 Последний фильм: 2007

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