Taurus Woman And Sex

Taurus Woman And Sex


Taurus Woman And Sex
Are you interested in Taurus Woman Sexuality? Then this guide is for you!
The most obvious thing about the Taurus woman is her passion in bed. Under the right circumstances, she gives her man the best of sexual experiences.
If you want to be with this girl, be ready to create the right atmosphere. Ensure that the bed is nice and soft. Silk sheets will do the trick just fine.
Draw attention to the ambiance by putting on soft, romantic music. The lights should be soft and dim.
The moments before getting to the bedroom matter a lot. Treat her to a nice sumptuous dinner. Serve her drink of choice.
If she’s to take a bath, she prefers a scented bath and an accompanying massage with the right essential oils.
Above all, be keen to treat her right. Ensure that you don’t engage in any acts of violence. She hates vulgar, demeaning language.
Avoid any form of excessive behavior and strange movements. Don’t force this girl into anything.
From the very beginning, let her know that you will treat her with the respect she deserves.
It’s easy to entice this girl if you have a clear understanding of what drives her. She is turned on by a show of confidence.
So, you need to have an air of confidence about you. You should work on your swag. Demonstrate your confidence by kissing her in front of her girlfriends.
Tell her that your place is lonely and that you want her there. This is best done in front of her friends. She finds this brazen display of confidence rather hot.
It will arouse her instantly. She gets very motivated and will want to spend quality time with you. You can get her thinking of sex by seducing her inner senses.
You need to make her feel special. This is the gateway to her heart.
Be romantic. Make her some tantalizing food. Hold her close and shower her with your kisses and hugs.
She likes the sweet nothings that you whisper in her ear. Make it a point to pamper her at every turn. She will be totally hooked to you.
A Taurus girl aims to create both emotional and physical intimacy. You need to create the opportunity for this to happen once she gets close to you.
Touch her right zones. Cover her neck with your kisses. Go down on her. Try anything that will make her totally sold out to you.
Women born under the Taurus zodiac signs have a soft spot for good kissers. If you are a passionate kisser, you are good to go when it comes to this girl.
Kiss her passionately and she’s be all dripping wet, asking for more from you.
The Taurus girl is quite imaginative. She has a great talent when it comes to sex. She can come up with a variety of ways to enjoy sex with her partner.
She’s not limited to the traditional or missionary methods of sex. She’s quite experimental, and she will ask you to try a few styles and positions.
She will enjoy playing with you between the sheets. This is how she creates maximum pleasure for both of you.
These women are bold babes. They are not shy when it comes to sex, as it is a way through which they fulfill one of their most natural needs.
This girl knows the appropriate move she needs to make to get you horny. If you follow her lead, you will have an awesome sexual experience.
She has many tricks up her sleeve, and her actions will leave your body craving for more. All you need is to create the right atmosphere for this.
Additionally, you should be ready to have this girl take the lead. She is not shy about showing her man a thing or two in the bed.
With her, you will encounter new dimensions of pleasure. You are unlikely to forget the sex experiences she’ll take you through.
The Taurus girl is one of the most sensual females in the zodiac spectrum. In the beginning, you may find it a bit tough trying to arouse her interest.
However, once you understand her motivations, it will be fairly easier.
Get to understand her well before you try to show your sexual interest in her. After all, you don’t want to get it wrong at the start.
Take your time to ensure that you get it right. Remember; once you get her interested, this marks the beginning of pleasurable times for you.
Learn to be patient. You need to grab her attention, but you need to do it spectacularly. Don’t do it like any other man would.
She’s special, and you should show her that you are willing to treat her as such.
The Taurus girl is a seductress. She a master of bedroom matters. She won’t condone anyone who displays a lack of finesse in seducing her.
If you desire to enjoy her heavenly pleasures, you must up your game. This is not just any other girl you meet in the street.
Don’t make the mistake of being too flirty or acting cheap in her presence. She knows her worth. You need to show her that you know yours.
The first secret is that you should pay attention only to her and no one else. Don’t have eyes for other girls. This demand is common with most girls, but it is more prominent with the Taurus woman.
Compliment her as often as you can without sounding like a broken record. So, be creative as you go about this.
Kiss her passionately. She enjoys being cuddled as you whisper your love in her ears. Although she’s very active in bed, she dislikes any form of roughness or violence.
The Taurus girl tends to be jealous. She wouldn’t want you flirting with other women.
She enjoys every moment of lovemaking. Be ready for a sensual ride. Don’t be in a hurry as she likes to savor every bit of this experience.
The Taurus woman is unlikely to enjoy sex if it doesn’t start with foreplay. As such, you need to be well versed in this aspect of lovemaking.
Create the right atmosphere in the bedroom. She’s turned on by romantic music, low lights, and a soft bed.
Also, respect her feelings. If she has indicated that she doesn’t want something, there’s no point pushing.
Don’t make things worse by begging her to reconsider.
The Taurus woman is naturally protective. She uses her resources to protect the interests of her man. At the same time, she wants to dominate him.
He should be willing to allow her to take control of things in the bedroom.
It would be a mistake to underestimate this girl’s sex drive. Remember; she is the female Bull, and she’s wont to behave as much.
She believes in good lovemaking. Her partner must show some prowess in these matters. Alternatively, he should demonstrate his willingness to learn what she will teach him.
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Taurean Women fall under the Earth element when you compare them to the four elements of Earth, water, fire, and air. This means that the Taurus Woman is a grounded individual who is firm on her beliefs, fiercely loyal to those that they love and deeply care about, and are stable and “grounded”.
She has tons of common sense and knows what she wants from life, stopping at nothing to achieve her goals. She can become a little too focused at times and other times, she can be stubborn enough to try the most patient of people but she has her pros as well. Let’s get into it.
The Taurus Woman is not someone who can be easily defined or fitted into one label. She displays different personality traits depending on the company she is keeping, who is around her, and what social settings she is currently in. Some will say that the Taurus Woman is the most stubborn and hardheaded person on this side of town whereas others will say they can’t imagine not having her in their life.
Her lovers will say that they never experienced such affection, such passion, and such eagerness during intimate times but those that actually have a relationship with her will say that she can be hard to handle.
It’s all about the connection she has with people in her sex life; that is the deciding factor of what side of the Taurus Woman born under the sign of the bull you will meet. Keep reading, we aren’t done yet and we have more to delve into.
When it comes to a Taurus Woman, some of her true personality traits are due to who she is as a person, how she was raised, and how she perceives the world as a whole but some of her traits could definitely be harkened back to her astrological sign and the stars under which she was born. A quick summary of the most common personality traits found in the Taurus Woman would include:
Now let’s break these down into all the excellent traits that can be found in the Taurus Woman.
Sometimes, it’s not necessarily bad traits per se when it comes to someone’s personality but instead, it’s a matter of not having the socially acceptable personality traits.
The Taurus Woman likes and dislikes things passionately, and has certain traits that can come across as cold and standoffish, but this is her way of protecting herself against negative energies and people she feels would be a waste of time to have in her life.
The Taurus Woman is very particular about who she lets into her life and for what purpose, meaning that some people are not going to like her because of who she is.
The Taurus Woman can be extremely stubborn and set in her ways with a fiery temper, making it hard for her to adapt to other people and their methods. She has her methods of completing a task, she has her routine to get ready for a particular outing, and she has a system in her workplace that suits her needs and wants, and the most important thing to remember is that she doesn’t like change.
She will fight you on change and she will also deliberate until she has the final word when it comes to a debate. This is one area that people, both potential lovers/partners and friends (as well as family), can get easily irritated with. She doesn’t listen well to reason unless it jives with her theories so she has to actively work on that when entering into a new relationship of any sort.
The Taurus Woman is quite possessive when it comes to her loved ones and while that feeds into her loyal nature, sometimes she can take it a little bit too far.
When you find yourself with a Taurus Woman in your life, you find yourself someone willing to go above and beyond for you. They will gladly give you the shirt off their backs, they will defend and protect you even if you are in the wrong, and they are the best ones to go to straight-forwarded advice that doesn’t have an ounce of sugar coating on it. They will never be the ones to tell you what you want to hear but they are the perfect person to tell you what you need to know.
She is grounded and stable in most aspects of life, thanks to her Earth affinity and energies, and she is willing to stand her ground on any issue thanks to her bull tendencies. She is the one who is braced for the storm and will nurture you in your time of need. This is where her fiery temper comes in handy because she’ll stand against the storm.
Loyal to a fault, devoted to the core – her family and friends, as well as her romantic partner, is the basis for all she does. She takes care of herself first, no doubt, but her circle is right behind. She keeps that balance in life and you can be sure, if a Taurean woman is your friend, she’s a friend for life.
The Taurus Woman is a beast in bed with a passionate nature that is always brimming under the surface, however, only the lucky ones see that come out to play. She isn’t the one to rush out for a one-night stand because she enjoys having a connection of some sort with the ones she chooses to sleep with.
Being one of the most hardworking signs, she’s financially focused and willing to do whatever it takes to complete her goals; she won’t just toss out money on a whim and pointless expenditures.
However, once her bills are paid and there is some money added to her future retirement accounts? Watch out because she loves to indulge in the finer things in life. Determined women like her set goals and go after them, even in fun.
The best part about those indulgent moments would have to be how she takes along her best friend, her family members, and/or her romantic partner for the adventure.
Being a grounded Earth element means the Taurus Woman isn’t about to jump in and out of a committed relationship and she certainly doesn’t believe in the old trope “love at first sight”. She wants to take her time and find the right romantic partner for her and even then, it can take a while before she completely opens up.
This female needs time. She wants to be comfortable in the presence of the person so don’t be surprised if she tries to keep things in the friendzone until she feels as if she knows you better. She’ll need a bit of time.
Once the Taurus Woman is interested in pursuing things further than friendship, she could back off for a bit because she is going to let her practical nature outweigh her passionate one for a moment.
She wants to go through the pros and cons of having a relationship with a particular person and truly debate the changes that it will bring to her life (she is resistant to change unless it thoroughly benefits her – her selfish nature at play).
After this Earth sign falls in love and moves forward with a person – they can expect to be swept off their feet. She is constantly looking out for them and treating them in little ways to show how much she cares. Her fierce loyalty will shine.
You’ll come home to your favorite meal cooked, your favorite television show loaded up and ready to hit play, and she is going to send you little texts throughout the day of how much she misses you.
While she isn’t exactly a social butterfly, she isn’t a hermit either. She does enjoy nights out with her partner, but she would much rather if it was just to the two of them at home, cuddling on the couch or back patio, just soaking in each other’s presence. She wants someone to provide her with a stable and secure home to be herself in.
She doesn’t want a relationship that is flighty and prone to arguments at the slightest turn, she wants stability and maturity. She might not seem as if she has a temper but don’t play games or try to pull a fast one on her – she will not only see through that, she will unleash her legendary temper that has the markings of the Bull all over it.
Boy oh boy, this Earthy lady and sex tend to go hand in hand when you discover who this woman truly is. Contrary to what most believe, she’s a feminine sign and is a sensual woman, she is passionate, and she is the type of person who will never shy away from adventure in the bedroom . Foreplay is the best way to get her primed but if you want her to truly unleash the fiery side of her in the bedroom – you want to indulge in foreplay that lasts longer than half an hour.
You want to start by catering to her tactile nature which means lots of touching, lingering kisses, and mutual reciprocation. This appeals to her sensual nature and allows her to fully prepare for the night ahead.
Don’t ever think that the Taurus Woman will be a selfish lover either, as she is all about equal give and take in the sheets. She will gladly swap out one of her fantasies becoming reality for one of her partners and there isn’t a lot she wouldn’t try in the bedroom (and if it fails; she is always willing to try again).
Those that are nervous or shy will find the Taurus Woman overbearing and a lot to handle when it comes to sex. She doesn’t really enjoy having to coax her partner out of their shell but if the relationship has major potential, and she can see the passion brimming under the surface, then she will joyfully step into a guiding role.
If she thinks that it will take too much of her time and she is only interested in a fling? Then you aren’t going to be the lucky one to discover what the Taurus Woman is all about in the bedroom.
So you are dating an independent lady like a Taurus and you aren’t sure how to navigate these new waters – well, the first thing to remember is that the Taurus Woman is sensual, she is a passionate woman, and she is loyal.
She will expect her romantic partners to treat her the same way she treats them, and she doesn’t have time for games or manipulation. This woman will melt at your feet when you show her displays of affection that don’t necessarily have an endgame to them such as a massage, brushing your hand down her arms as you walk past her, and cheek/neck kisses when out in public.
She wants and thrives on affection so if that isn’t something you are interested in? Then she isn’t going to maintain her interest in you.
Remember as well that the Taurus Woman can come across as disinterested and distant, even folded, when she is trying to make up her mind about you as a romantic partner.
She doesn’t have time for flings unless they are on her terms which means if the Taurus Woman you’ve been speaking with suddenly goes a little bit MIA – she is debating on embarking on something deeper and more meaningful with you.
She is looking for a partner that can enjoy and appreciate nights together in the quiet of her own home. She doesn’t need nor want to be out the clubs every single weekend, socializing and whatnot; she wants to be home, curled up with you as you watch your favorite movies, cook each other dinner, and then indulge in some old-fashioned fun (and some new tricks as well) in the sheets.
Bonus points if you start the foreplay early with her, light touches, little kisses, and essentially stroking the fire to a scorching point.
Allow her to indulge in the finer things in life. She has a deep appreciation and zest for new experiences, fine dining, and the fanciest of material objects. She won’t expect you to purchase them for her as she is an independent woman who makes her own money.
But if you try to talk her out of spending that much on something, you might discover you’ve just talked yourself out of a relationship. She isn’t the type to be controlled and she isn’t going to want to be at the hottest clubs until the wee hours of the morning.
She wants security, she wants stability, she wants affection and desire, and she wants a lustful and passionate lover. That is dating the Taurus Woman in a nutshell. It might be a wild ride at times, dating the Taurus Woman but you’ll never be bored.
Loving and having the Taurus Woman in your life isn’t always a smooth and easy ride, especially when her stubborn and distant nature can rear its uglier head, but if you are one of the chosen ones that she wants in her life, then you can guarantee yourself that you have that one friend/lover that will always be in your corner.
She will defend and protect you against anything, she will be the rock in the storm from which you draw strength, and she is also the one that will take you on adventures beyond your wildest dreams.
Do you have any questions when it comes to the Taurus Woman? Do you know facts or tidbits that we didn’t cover? Then please comment below because we love to interact with our readers!
Jennifer studied Astrology and Human Relations and has a BA in Psychology. At Authority Astrology, she can finally combine all her talents and skill to create quality, reliable content for star sign dating enthusiasts all over the world.
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