Taurus Men In Serious Relationships

Taurus Men In Serious Relationships


by Denise October 20, 2018, 8:13 pm
The Taurus man needs to just get out of his rut, to escape the routine that’s slowly gnawing his vitality away. He tends to be comfortable, to always do the same things every single day, to be taken care of in a relationship, like a spoiled brat.
At first, he’s all loved up and pretty active and outgoing, but as he settles down, things just start falling into a routine.
He is often materialistic and insensitive.
There’s a firm contradiction between his tendency to be lackadaisical and comfortable, and the need to change his life. When he does act, it’s usually a result of long periods of time spent in observation, analysis, of thinking things through. Emotions, for instance, are something he’s not very good at reading.
You should also know that once he has chosen a partner, once he has fully expressed his feelings and the situation is also mutual, he will become the most important man in his partner’s life.
Devoted, affectionate, loving and immensely loyal, he will go through thick and thin to ensure their protection and security.
He’s very vulnerable when it comes to emotions, so don’t say anything harsh to him and take care not to hurt his expectations.
Go too far and he will rebind like a stampeding bull, with great force and an unshakeable will. He’s also very in-tune with his sexuality.
In other words, the Taurus man is looking for a long-standing relationship, for marriage, for emotional security and that sense of belonging that all of us have been looking at some point in time.
He’s not one to engage in one-night stands, in flimsy sexual affairs, and he would rather live his whole life alongside that special someone. Be mindful of the fact that he doesn’t really like change or doing things out of the blue, unannounced.
Sure, he could get used to doing some of them for you, but he’s naturally less active.
Him being the second sign of the zodiac, he is often associated with materialism, the connection with the real world, one where you have to work, to think realistically and pragmatically to survive.
He’s very conscientious, responsible and ambitious enough to fulfill all his professional goals, to go ahead and further hone his skills, to pave the path toward his future.
He’s doing it because he wants to be prepared for anything because he wants to be in the best position when the world changes.
He will also include his partner in the long-term plans. Don’t give him hope if you’re going to shake the boat and ruin his plans though.
One thing is true about the Taurus men, that they are very in-synch with their routine, that they never forget to take care of their responsibilities and daily habits.
It’s really something that has to do with their willpower, determination, and patience. He will always maintain a calm approach no matter the circumstances, and that’s when you know you can fully rely on him.
Some could say that they are boring, tedious, never doing anything different, but at the same time, they will also provide a stable, secure and happy lifestyle, if you’re content with that.
With relationships, the Taurus man is looking for something very specific, only he knows what exactly, but the thing is he’s always checking things out.
He goes out into the world and he dates a lot of women, but he will rarely reach out for a second date if they’re not fitting into his concept of the ideal woman.
As unfortunate as this may be for the poor heartbroken women he leaves in his wake, he’s pragmatic and realistic, and he will only choose that special someone that matches his expectations and demands.
It’s not a surprise that he won’t be looking for someone far away or someone with eccentric tastes. He may even marry someone from close by, maybe someone he just met while going to the grocery store.
Anyone could fall into his categories of the ideal type of woman, there’s really no question about it. You will never say that men are uncommitted, not loyal enough or deceivers when you meet the Taurus man in love.
He may ask for a lot in return for his love and ultimate assurance of a happy life, but it’s worth it, and that’s what matters. Share his vision and plan for the future, and you will be spoiled and taken care of like royalty.
No one is more fit to be a loving father and a loyal husband than the Taurus man. He will literally drop anything he’s doing presently to take care of his lover’s needs.
Whenever a danger lurks close by, risking the wellbeing of his family, he will reach out to his inner strength and confront it valiantly.
He’s possessive and clingy though, and don’t you even think about ever flirting again. This guy has his sights set on you, and he will never let you go. The fear of losing you will come back to him from time to time. If this isn’t the absolute symbol of love, then nothing is.
This guy has been saving money ever since he got his first job, always thinking about the future, about building himself a stable and happy lifestyle.
Financially and professionally, everything will be covered by him with unconditional determination and ambitions. He also knows how to spend that money on having fun and fulfilling some of his desires, and yours as well.
The Taurus man may not be as adventurous and unruly as the Sagittarius or as aggressive and fiery as the Aries, but he is very reliable, strong-minded and actually really refreshing to have next to you.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope.

How Astrology can show you the way to a committed, serious relationship with a Taurus man…
(Even if you don't see yet how you can be really compatible)
I have an embarrassing confession to make.

I never thought I would be able to understand the Taurus man I was interested in. Even though I was a psychology student and I thought I understood people pretty well.
I never thought I would know what he wants, even after he had shut down when I asked him anything about what was going on in his heart. Even though he didn’t want to tell me out loud.

I couldn’t believe it and I imagine he couldn’t either, until one day I stumbled upon how to do this.

I happened to discover the power of Astrology. It’s what lead me directly to the root of his deepest desires and true way of thinking, feeling, and communicating. The discovery of this new knowledge helped me speak his language and talk directly to his core being.
That’s when everything in my life has changed.

I found a way to read a guy who was like a brick wall. I found out what he actually wants and how he is really feeling. And this knowledge completely saved our relationship. Because, as I later learned, I was doing almost everything wrong. Pushing him away from me. Even though I had the best intentions.

You don’t have to make the same mistakes I made with a Taurus.
You may be wondering… Can the stars really help me capture my Taurus man? Is it really possible to get a Taurus man to chase you, even if your signs don’t seem really compatible?

I didn’t believe it either, to be honest. Until I saw it unfold in front of my own eyes and in my own life.

Let me tell you how this exact knowledge can help you capture your Taurus man’s heart and make him fall deeply in love with you (even if your situation seems hopeless).
My name is Anna Kovach. And I am a Relationship Astrologer.
You came here for a reason. And that reason is because you are dating or are interested in dating a Taurus man. If that’s the case – I promise – you have just landed at what is, without doubt, the most valuable website on the entire Internet! 
Here’s why: Taurus men can be very confusing and frustrating when you don’t know how to truly read them and speak their language. And they won’t just tell you honestly how they feel – quite the opposite – they’ll get cold before suddenly revealing their dark sides.
You don’t have to make the same mistakes I made with a Taurus.
Misinterpretation and bad communication are what makes him feel misunderstood and like you are not the right person for him.
If he is not calling you back (for no obvious reason),
If he isn’t texting back (or texting first),
If he is ignoring you or shutting you off,
If he’s sending you mixed signals and you have no idea whether he really likes you or not (and what to do if he doesn’t),
If he is making you feel confused and frustrated…
If his behavior is conflicting, stubborn and he suddenly goes ice-cold…
A Taurus man doesn’t have to be so stubbornly complicated. Not at all.
Then I have some good news for you.
In fact, here I will reveal how you can now easily attract, seduce, please, and truly understand where your Taurus man is coming from.
It doesn’t matter if you didn’t even catch his eye yet or if you want to get him back, or even if you want to just bring the spark back into your relationship with a Taurus man, what I’m about to reveal to you will help you achieve all of those, and more.
You know, I understand if you may be a bit skeptical… actually, not that long ago… the Zodiac, horoscopes, and Astrology all seemed like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me.
You see, back in 2006 I started dating this fantastic guy, Frank, also a Taurus. It’s a funny story how we met actually, but I’ll tell you about that later.
Before I fell head over heels in love with Frank, I was single for quite some time, so I was really happy to finally be in a relationship, especially with a guy like Frank.
As a typical Taurus man he was tenacious, hardworking, and oh so sensual. Successful and handsome too. Strong. Stable. A real man. Not to mention how great he was in the sack. With that piercing look that makes you feel so sexy.
He was just the type of guy you felt protected with and appreciated for who you are. I felt so lucky. Finally.
And everything was going really well for a couple of months. It seemed like our relationship was going somewhere. But just behind the corner there was a storm I didn’t see coming.
Suddenly he became much colder. When I asked him what was wrong, he never wanted to say or just shrugged it off. I thought I’ll give him some space and I didn’t want to be too intruding.
He quickly grew lazier about our relationship and just seemed like he got into his head and didn’t want to share his feelings.
My girlfriends advised that this is “normal” or typical and it may just be a phase or something. So I tried not overthinking it. Maybe it was just a phase, I thought.
Then one day he just broke up with me – over the phone! Just like that – Bam!
He called me and told me that he just didn’t think things were working out, and that was that. You should have seen my face. I felt like my heart broke into a million pieces. I wasn’t angry at him. I just felt so confused. How did I not see this coming?
 It’s quite embarrassing actually, but I crawled into bed, hugged my pillow and cried all night. Why was this happening to me? What did I do wrong?
Just a week before we seemed like the perfect couple, laughing, kissing passionately, going on fun dates, and he was such a gentleman. It all just struck me like a deer in headlights.
I was devastated. My heart broken into a million little pieces. 
A few weeks before Frank left me, my mother wanted to treat me to a vacation in Romania. My family immigrated there to Boston when she was just a little girl.
My mom felt it would be a good idea for me to get in touch with my heritage and meet some of my family there. But I didn’t want to go because I didn’t want to leave Frank. Then he ended up leaving me.
The day after he broke up and I had to cry myself to sleep… I told my mother I’d be happy to go to Romania after all, if the offer was still open. Thank God it was.
Turns out, she was right, a change of pace would do me so much good – and, it would change my life!
On the plane, I went over what had happened in my mind so many times. I wanted to be over him, but, something just stuck with me. 
I knew that getting over breakups takes time, but at this point, it had been a few months already. I thought that at least by now I would stop crying when I’d think about it, but there I was, trying not to let people see me upset on the plane.
After a handful of layovers and a long trip, I finally landed in Romania. I first arrived by way of Otopeni, which is just slightly north of Bucharest. I had no idea how many stops this trip would take! But this was not the only big surprise I was in store for.
From there, I took a train, then a bus and finally, arrived in Vernesti, where my aunt was waiting to pick me up. From there, we travelled to Soresti, where she lived. It’s a short drive, only about a half an hour. Even as I enjoyed the scenery along the way, she could tell I was troubled.
She asked me what was wrong, and I told her about my relationship with Frank, how it had ended. She nodded, and smiled.
When I told her that he was a Taurus, she laughed. I couldn’t believe it, here I had poured out my soul about this breakup, and she’s cracking up at me. I must have looked puzzled because, she started to tell me details about him that I hadn’t even told her
It was like she’d been there all along.
I didn’t know it then, because I had not seen my aunt since I was a little girl, but astrology is actually very big in Romania. Once we got to her house, after settling in, I’d flipped on the television to see ad after ad for astrologers. Late night television was literally awash with different psychics, homeopathic remedies, and of course, astrologers.
My aunt was not one of those on TV, but, in the comfort of her home, I knew she must be doing pretty well. Still skeptical, I went to get a glass of water, to find her sitting in the kitchen. That was when we had a talk that would change my life, forever.
As it turns out, my aunt was a very well known astrologer. She had been practicing for decades, and she told me of the many clients she’d helped through their troubles. She even had some celebrities on her roster! Some would fly in, from all over the world, just to seek her counsel.
Of course, at the time, I was still skeptical but, that was when I began studying the craft, myself. After all, once she had his complete birth information, she drafted his chart and told me things that were so true. She also told me things I hadn’t really considered, but made so much sense now.
She then showed me how my chart interacted with his in what’s known as a synastry report and my mind was absolutely blown! Of course, as a Gemini woman, well, on basic levels we are not all that compatible with Taurus men.
However, armed with a new understanding and just a bit more hope, when I left to go home, I was ready.
I was amazed at the incredibly long conversation we had! With my new understanding of Taurus men – even just the little I had learned at the time, I knew more about him than ever. He seemed shocked at how well I “got him” now, when before, he’d felt I hadn’t truly understood him at all.
That was why we’d broken up, because he had felt insecure about things and he just didn’t think that we were a match.
Now, he seemed to have a change of heart – something that’s hard to get a Taurus man to do, and after that long conversation, he asked if I wanted to meet for coffee.
Now, this vacation of mine is special for many reasons and it truly hits close to home. You see, not only did the entire thing lead to my learning astrology –but, well, it changed my life in other ways, too.
For the next few years, I went back to visit my aunt so many times. I took seminars in the states, and I learned so much about astrology directly from a master mentor. This became a calling and, well, it turned into a career helping others better understand not only each other, but themselves as well.
So, what happened with my Taurus man and what else about all of this changed my life?
In those years, my Taurus was by my side. Our love was deeper and stronger than ever. Of course, our it’s always been out of this world between the sheets, but now it was more sensual and passionate.
In those years, my Taurus was by my side. Our love was deeper and stronger than ever. Of course, our it’s always been out of this world between the sheets, but now it was more sensual and passionate.
We had many more hours long talks into the night, and after two years, Frank asked me to marry him. Of course, we did the work to grow our relationship, but using astrology to better understand it all was what made it happen when it seemed there was no hope at all.
My aunt was my matron of honor and the wedding itself was absolutely beautiful – and of course, the honeymoon was hotter than any other passion-filled night I’d ever had!
Our relationship still has its ups and downs, but, because we both understand one another so much better: it’s strong, steadfast, and more than I had ever dreamed love could be!
In the course of my work, I have gotten so many emails from distraught men and women, who just cannot understand their mate. I have talked with countless people about how to use astrology to help better their relationships, know themselves better – and of course, know their partners better.
After rekindling my love with Frank, so many of my girlfriends were asking for my advice.
Many of them were skeptical of astrology and its power to influence their love life. But at the same time they were just as shocked as I was when they’ve seen the effects truly understanding their man had on their relationships.
Having had my heart once broken by a Taurus man myself, I felt a kind of duty to make this knowledge available to other women, too.
Especially those dealing with the unique characteristics of a Taurus man. I have to admit, it can be very challenging to date a Taurus, especially when you don’t know what to expect and can’t read him.
Over the years I’ve had many clients dating a Taurus man and I always felt a special connection with these clients, knowing that they’re going through almost the same troubles I had to.
I always felt I could bond with these women the most, and my counsel proved to be the most effective, having gone through a very similar path myself.
Because let’s face it – Taurus men are a tough catch. They’re hard to read, please, and keep interested. Getting his interest is hard as it is, but keeping his interest and dealing with his commitment phobia is another dimension!
Many women have experienced the absolutely lavish romance of a Taurus man only to find a week later: he’s as cold as ice. Preventing that is actually very easy if you know their code.
But it doesn’t have to be. Not at all.
Personally I was amazed what a few simple changes in my approach have done. How he suddenly became an open book.
Others might raise an eyebrow, but I’ve seen countless times the same people’s jaw drop in awe at the power of Astrology. Especially when they can suddenly wrap their Taurus man around their fingers!
However powerful, I could still only help my clients. Not everyone had the resources to hire me for private consultations and personal readings. And I was receiving countless emails with questions about Taurus men, that I knew the answers too, but I just couldn’t help everyone and this made me feel terrible.
I was wondering how I could provide the same value I give to my 1 on 1 premium clients, but make it affordable to everyone.
I decided to create a step-by-step guide for women, specifically about dating Taurus men – something that would reveal absolutely everything you need to make any Taurus man fall in love with you – and stay in love with you – even if you’re not the perfect match!
It had to be an easy to follow guide that any woman can apply to make her relationship unbreakable.
It had to be very revealing so you get a new understanding and the full, real picture of Taurus men – as
Taurus Man in Love
Taurus Man in a Relationship: Understand and Keep Him in Love
Taurus Man Secrets - Put That Hot Taurus Man Under Your Spell
Taurus Man: Love, Personality Traits & More | Astrology.com
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