Taurus Man Qualities

Taurus Man Qualities


by Denise November 12, 2018, 7:49 pm
With their birthday somewhere between April 20th and May 20th, Taurus natives are the most hard-working and determined people in the zodiac. It’s a great thing to be around them because they’re reliable and can really bring harmony to their surroundings.
Their self-conservation ability is quite impressive and characterizes them very well. Also, the most sensual and classy natives in the zodiac, they can impress at the first hello. It can be said Taurians function at two speeds: one is relaxed and slow, the other is very fast and always ready to race, just like the real bull itself.
Before making a decision, Taurians always think twice therefore, they’re often slow and don’t hurry to make statements or to take action before thinking. Natives born in Taurus are known as stubborn and really committed to enjoy each and every pleasure life has to offer.
Very good with everyday issues and down-to-earth, Taurians will always enjoy the results of their efforts. They love everything that’s beautiful and are very attached to materials or physicality.
These natives are strong and very sensitive to touch. As a matter of fact, they think caresses and food are the most pleasurable things in life. They want stability and their ways are pretty much conservative.
Anyone can rely on them to keep doing their work, and when it comes to having patience, they endure anything until they’re completely satisfied.
An Earth sign, just like the Capricorn and the Virgo, the Taurus is very practical and always works with logic. It’s easy for people in these signs to make money and to focus on the same tasks for long periods of time, so expect them to always get their job done.
While many may see them as stubborn, they’re in fact committed and don’t give up until they’ve seen their projects completed. This means they’re the best employees, friends and even life partners.
There’s no one to be there next to their loved ones more than them. Because their element is Earth, they tend to be the protective and attached to their possessions, so when focusing on love, they’re doing it from a material perspective.
The planet that rules Taurus is Venus, which is also the governor of beauty, pleasure, love, creativity and gracefulness. This means most of the natives in this sign know how to cook, to make love and to create amazing art pieces.
Very loyal and hating change, they can’t understand that life is sometimes twisted. When making a mistake, they tend to blame others, but at least they’re reliable and emotional, so their loved ones will not be able to let go of them.
No matter how many emotions they’ll get to experience, these people will never give up practicality and manage to endure the most difficult situations.
Taurians are dependent on order, high-quality things and aesthetics. That’s why they always dine in the most expensive restaurants, have antique furniture, listen to good music and enjoy beauty in general.
It’s important for them to not overindulge, especially when it comes to food. They’re very sensitive to luxuries, so they should pay attention to how much money they’re spending.
It’s true they feel more secure when surrounded by expensive things, but this is only an impression that they have, not something that applies to the everyday life.
Skilful and very productive, these natives won’t be afraid to do what it takes in order for their career to advance. Good with strategy and dependable, others will always rely on them in urgent situations.
Their mind seems to sometimes wonder and get creative, but they’re more business-oriented and truly honest. Because they like to work hard, their colleagues will always appreciate and respect them.
Don’t be surprised if they’re successful in many industries, including education, medicine and sometimes art. It seems like their talents are many and spread to many domains.
While they enjoy spending on luxuries, they still pay attention to how much it’s left in their wallet so that life doesn’t take them by surprise.
Let’s not forget, these natives want security more than anything else, and comfort can only be attained by knowing they have money for the future.
They’re good at separating their professional life from the personal one because they seem to enjoy relaxing and being outdoors when there’s nothing left to do at work.
Taurians would hate to know someone is manipulating them. If they don’t feel safe with a person, they end the relationship with that individual.
Taurians are reliable people who get overly-attached. Others can count on them to be kind and generous because they’re the type who likes to give a hand always, who wants to inspire others to become better and even to solve their loved ones’ problems.
Because they’re good with the material aspects, they could do great working in banks and financial institutions. Powerful and ambitious, they can resist harsh situations for years, especially if this means making someone in their life happy.
You can rely on them to get things done, even if they sometimes like to procrastinate. However, being stubborn and determined to succeed will always have them completing their projects.
Sensual and nice, they’re at the same time assertive and stable. Because Venus rules them, they will always be generous and caring.
The sign of the Taurus is often associated with the material world, which is not the best thing when it comes to feelings. Because they’re an Earth sign, Taurians can be lazy, passive, too stubborn and focused only on possessions.
They’re usually terrified of losing people and their own wealth, so it’s possible for them to become too controlling. However, they can go from one extreme to another, and when accepting they need to change some things about themselves, they end up being these irresistible and sweet persons.
Just like the animal that represents them, Taurians can sometimes be too obstinate. Many consider them lazy because they have a difficult start, but they’re only the type that gathers energies and focuses only on what need to be done, not on the demands of others.
While it’s rare to see them angry, you can be sure they know all about this feeling. Calm and reserved on the outside, inside they’re in fact volcanoes that no one wants to see erupting. Therefore, it’s better not mess with them.
When in a relationship, Taurians can get too attached to the person they love, so their tendency to become possessive becomes very real with them sometimes.
Those who are more detached from the material world may see them as greedy and overindulgent.
The Taurus man can be considered persistent and stable. Many will look at him and say he’s slow or lazy, but after seeing how hard-working he can be, they’ll immediately change their mind.
Proud and determined to succeed, the man in Taurus will not allow any obstacle to get him down. Strong, a good problem solver and resistant, he becomes dangerous when provoked because he has a quick-temper that’s usually kept hidden.
No one can move him after he has made a decision, and he doesn’t mind to wait for good things to happen. He can sometimes become a workaholic, and when he knows that he’ll get great rewards after completing a project, he can turn into a beast that only chases his objectives and sees the results of his efforts in front of his eyes.
Always respecting tradition and cautious, the Taurus man is pretty old-school, so he’ll pull the chair for his lady in the restaurant or bring her flowers on their first date.
Attentive and generous, he can easily be recognized in a crowd because he has big eyes and moves a little bit slower than others. His main objective is to live in a comfortable home with a devoted partner and to sometimes enjoy the luxuries this life has to offer.
Routine and feeling emotionally stable are his favourite things, so he hates being surprised.
The woman in Taurus has strong emotions and can resist under stress for long periods of time. She may have a demanding job, a big family and a house that needs to be kept clean, but she’ll still manage to deal with all the pressure without even complaining or being upset.
This lady doesn’t like to ask for help and prefers to be independent, no matter how stressful life may be for her. It’s better not to provoke this lady, especially when she’s stressed, because she can become very angry and ruthless.
Expect her to be very loyal and to have a large social circle, but don’t think that she truly keeps many people in her heart. Those she really cares about would have to live up to her standards and she can be very demanding.
At the same time, she’s the type who always offers her support and advice, but she needs to receive the same things in return.
When it comes to her love life, the Taurus woman is very picky, so it will take her a while to find a person with whom she can spend her entire life. Her husband will be the happiest man on Earth because she’s sensual and devoted.
Rarely getting angry or upset, she may still do and be twice as scary than others. It’s very likely she’ll to deal with a lot of pressure before bursting in the most intense angry moment.
It’s better not to try and convince her to change her views because she’s very stubborn and she needs strong reasons to think differently about the way she sees the world.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope.

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again" could be every Taurean's personal mantra. To an outsider's eyes a Taurus man may sometimes appear slow and lumbering, but wave a red flag under his nose and he will paw the ground and charge.
Like the bull that attacks the matador with its head held high and nostrils flaring, the Taurean man meets every challenge that comes his way with pride and determination. He is the epitome of persistence, resolve, and strength. Provoke him at your own risk, for the Taurus man has a hot temper and won't hesitate to unleash it.
He is set in his ways and stubborn once a decision has been reached. The Taurus man is patient and a workaholic. He is happy to be a beast of burden for a period of time, if it means that he will be able to reap the rewards later. He is the sort to chase the big payoff and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Taurus is an Earth sign, and the Taurean man loves all things physical and material. Wallowing in the mud of delicious excess is one of the Bull's favorite hobbies. Tactile and appreciative of the finer things, the Taurus man will surround himself with comfort and luxury – fine food and expensive wine, the classical arts, and the good life are what he strives for. Toil and struggle are dandy, but at the finish line, a Taurus man will want his just rewards.
A Taurus man is traditional and prudent. He can be an old-school kind of man who will open doors for you and turn up with a corsage as a first-date gift. Thoughtful and sweet, with big, sad eyes, his is a slow, shy kind of charm. His overall goal in life is to have a cozy home, a warm hearth, a true partner, and a good life. A steady routine and emotional stability suit the Taurus man just fine. He likes knowing what to expect from his career, life, and love. Some determined Taurean men stomping their way to success include Bono, David Beckham, Dennis Rodman, Fred Astaire, and Pierce Brosnan.
Earthy, ribald, and lusty, the Taurus man grabs life and love by the throat and laps it all up. Extremely sensual and physical, he responds better to a gentle touch than to a cracking whip. A Taurean man's prudence seems to desert him at the first sign of love. Galloping headfirst into love and relationships, he is a man in love with love. His temper is a symptom of his deep underlying passion, if you can get beneath that thick hide of his.
The Bull is no good at love games. He will take things at face value, so unless you really are trying to distance yourself from him, don't suggest a "break" or an "open relationship." These words don't exist in the Taurean's vocabulary.
Ruled by Venus, the Taurus man demonstrates a surprising romanticism when in a relationship, although his form of romance is of a simple variety. He will choose a partner who is his best friend, herd mate, and lover to spend the rest of his life with. Promises are unbreakable oaths to the Taurus man, and he will do his best not say anything he doesn't mean. Dependable as he is, he would never promise the earth if he knew he couldn't deliver it.
He enjoys the consistency and closeness of being in a relationship and will persevere in trying to make things work. He does not give away his affections lightly nor is he an inconstant lover, flitting from affair to affair. The Bull chooses his territory, sticks to it, and will happily put out to pasture there till the end of his days.
The rampaging Bull cuts a broad swathe through his admirers. Those who are partial to old fashioned manners and like being treated politely flock around the Taurus man. Gentle with his lovers, he is a strong and sensual stud in the bedroom. Love is like fine art, to be applied, enjoyed, and perfected. There is no hurry when in bed with a Taurus man. He plays his lover like a musical instrument, drawing out the most beautiful notes, and paying attention to their needs and wants.
He is generally considered most compatible with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, and Pisces. See also Sun sign compatibility. However, there is a lot more to compatibility than only the comparison of the Sun signs. For example, how do your Venus signs compare? Find out Venus signs here. Discover Venus sign compatibility here.
With the bull as his Zodiac sign, you have to know that the Taurus man can be extremely stubborn. On the other hand, this very trait makes him uniquely persistent and the Taurus man will finish what he starts. This gentleman tends to be cautious in life and will keep within his comfort zone. Adventure will be sacrificed for practicality, and stability will win over change.
The Taurus man works hard for what he has and can be selfish when it comes to his favorite possessions, so there's a limit to this gentleman's sharing nature. Beneath the composed, easy going exterior of the Taurus man lays a tenacious temper - when you borrow something, remember to bring it back in the same condition you received it.
The Taurus man enjoys the good life and will make sure that his partner is spoiled to the best of his ability. You can't call the Taurus man greedy, but he is materialistic and makes every effort to achieve a financially secure lifestyle. Investments will be sound choices offering safe returns rather than high-yield, high-risk undertakings.
Leaning towards practicality, the Taurus man always looks for a good deal on every purchase, but won't sacrifice quality just to save a dollar. This man doesn't go cheap on certain items, so don't go bargain basement when you buy for him. He is forever attracted to things that promise to last.
The refined Taurus man will highlight his wardrobe with mauve and pale blues, so you can expect to see silk ties and casual shirts in these colors.
Always on top of the fashion scene, the Taurus man enjoys shopping for the latest styles in clothing and shoes. When he sports some 'bling' it will be tasteful and of a good quality. If he says gold, he doesn't mean gold plated.
Even though he dresses well and is proud of the way he looks, the Taurus man will rarely flaunt what he has. He buys to please himself.
Reserved and self-conscious around those he doesn't know, the Taurus man may find it difficult to meet new people - but that doesn't mean he ever lets himself be taken out of the game, because his bullish attitude won't allow it.
As long as his partner is committed to their relationship, the Taurus man will give himself completely to the success of their union. Usually quiet and subdued, this man can be extremely jealous and will show another side of his nature if it becomes necessary to protect what he feels is his.
The Taurus man is an affectionate and sensual individual who enjoys the romantic pleasures of courting, but practices a great deal of patience before entering into a relationship.
His voice and manner are generally calm, soothing, and even healing. These things are part of his overall appeal.
This man takes pleasure in the warmth of physical contact, but is not an overly daring person in the bedroom – although the right partner could change that. Maybe he's not adventurous, but the Taurus man definitely isn't boring with the right partner, and his superb stamina can make him quite the athletic lover.
When it comes right down to it, the Taurus man knows what he likes and will make sure his partner knows exactly what that is!
High stamina levels generally keep this man healthy, although there is often the threat of extra weight with his hearty appetite and love of great food. Nevertheless, many Taurus men monitor this well and apply their legendary willpower to keep themselves trim.
Minor neck and throat problems are possible with a Taurus.
The Taurus man is dependable and persevering, excelling in whatever assignment he takes on. With a creative eye and enjoying the stability of a day-to-day routine, he would do well as a musician, artist, architect, or antiques dealer.
This man loves money, so when you combine that with his positive characteristics, the gentleman is ideally suited for the position of banker, stockbroker, insurance agent, accountant, or realtor.
Imaginative, yet practical, the Taurus man may be the ideal candidate when you're looking for someone to build that special home with you.

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