Taurus Man Pisces Woman Love At First Sight

Taurus Man Pisces Woman Love At First Sight


Taurus Man Pisces Woman Love At First Sight
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What does a Taurus man like in a Pisces woman? Is she his perfect match?
Here’s what makes the Taurus so into Pisces:
Getting past a Taurus man’s walls and insecurities takes work, but if anyone can do it, a Pisces woman can. 
But if you don’t want to slip into a famous Taurus man hidden trap , start learning how he thinks with a guide like Anna Kovach’s Taurus Man Secrets .
Click the link above to check it out now, or see why Pisces women are so popular with Taurus guys.
More than anything, it’s the ultra feminine quality of a Pisces woman that a Taurus man is incredibly attracted to.
She’s nurturing, compassionate and intuitively knows what a Taurus man needs.
He’ll be drawn in by her looks, but he’ll be hooked by her dreamy, mysterious aura.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Pisces is influenced by Neptune, which is about fantasy and imagination.
When they meet, they create a beautiful, romantic fairy tale world far away from reality where they can worship each other.
There’s an incredibly otherworldly quality inside of a Pisces woman.
She’s extremely feminine in a mystical way. Almost like she belongs to a realm of fairies and princesses.
This seriously appeals to the Venus-ruled Taurus!
He loves all kinds of femininity, but the Pisces woman’s brings out his chivalrous side like no other.
As a knight-in-shining-armor type, he sees her as his perfect counterpart.
A Pisces woman wins people over by being sweet and charming. She easily draws in a crowd as she knows exactly what they want from her.
But she’s also modest, even shy— s he never gives everything about herself away.
This leaves the Taurus man thinking about her long into the night.
She’s not secretive. There’s just something magical about her, and the practical, grounded Taurus man needs that in his life.
Even though Taurus guys tend to be pretty calm and even, there is a deep well of love-dovey emotions inside of them.
Just waiting for the right person to let them out.
With a Pisces woman, the Taurus man feels like he can finally be as romantic as he wants to be.
He usually has a hard time opening up, but the compassionate Pisces lets him express his feelings without fear of rejection or misunderstanding.
She’s sensitive and in tune with not only hers, but also other people’s feelings.
The Taurus feels like he has an unspoken bond with her , making him more at ease with her than with many other signs.
Pisces people aren’t too hard to make happy.
They need continuous love and affection, and they’re pretty good to go.
This low-maintenance type of relationship is what the Taurus man is looking for.
She’s a people-pleaser and is usually down for whatever would make him happy. But she’ll have no trouble speaking up if she has her preferences.
The only thing the Taurus man might have difficulty with is when she gets needy , which can especially happen when he doesn’t reply to her texts soon enough.
Anna Kovach talks about how you should handle a Taurus man’s disappearances without pushing him away in Taurus Man Secrets .
But still, even a Pisces woman’s clinginess can be an ego booster for the Taurus man who craves attention.
Pisces love physical affection, just like Tauruses do.
The Taurus man’s love language being physical touch, this similarity between them makes for a comforting relationship.
Every time the Pisces touches the Taurus gently and tenderly, it confirms to him how she feels about him and strengthens their connection.
Pisces women have refined features that are soft and delicate.
There’s almost a beautiful frailty about their look, which intrigues the Taurus man and complements his masculine appearance.
She’s graceful and elegant. When the Taurus man looks in her eyes, he sees a light shining in them that hypnotizes him.
He’ll feel like wrapping her in his arms and staring into those dreamy eyes for eternity.
Like other water signs, the Pisces woman was born to nurture others.
She sets her attention on the Taurus man and can cater to his every whim.
She’ll ask him how his day was (and mean it), and genuinely listen. 
She’ll make him food (double points since Tauruses live to eat), rub his sore back and take care of him when he’s sick.
This is exactly the type of woman he’s always hoped to end up with.
If all goes well and they go down the path of love and marriage, the Taurus man will be thinking about children and what a wonderful mother she’ll be.
When they love, Pisces give their whole hearts.
The Pisces lady makes the Taurus feel safe with her since she’s ridiculously loyal and dedicated to her partner.
Though she’s very sensual and flirty with the man she wants, she’s not one to flirt for fun with other people.
In fact, she’ll probably get shy and bashful if someone tries to make a move and she’s already taken.
The Taurus male really likes this about her because he has such an insane jealous streak.
She’s not likely to make any red flags go up for him—he knows she’s in it for the long haul.
Although a Taurus man doesn’t really do love at first sight, with a Pisces woman he falls more quickly than usual.
She’s easy to love and ideal for the Taurus man since she’s so peaceful and nurturing.
And both of these signs bring intense romance, which blossom into love even before the Taurus is ready to admit it.
This relationship is nourishing to their souls with such a strong emotional link and mutual dedication.
If they do get married, they can be together forever.
They’ll just need to watch certain patterns they can slip into, like emotional cat-and-mouse games and not confronting issues in their relationship.
A Taurus man can be very good for a Pisces woman. 
She really needs a partner who can provide a tether for her and give her stability, which the Taurus man easily gives her.
He’s strong and protective, and he’ll devote his life to her should they get married.
However, she must accept certain things about him.
He needs more space more frequently than she does and isn’t as wordy with his affection as she is.
But just because he doesn’t say he loves her and instead shows her through his actions doesn’t make it any less meaningful.
Being as sensual as they both are, the Taurus man and Pisces woman have a physical connection that’s pretty out of this world.
They both love to please each other , but it’s not a contest. 
They’re more than happy to have someone so attentive to their bodies and carnal cravings.
The Pisces woman lets the Taurus man dominate, which both of them like.
And with their emotional link, they will bring that into the bed with them and deepen the experience for both.
There’s a total soulmate energy the Taurus and Pisces can feel when they get together.
Taurus isn’t for every Pisces and vice versa, but this coupling inspires such deep love and commitment that they feel like they were destined to be together.
They’re highly compatible, but working on the areas where they clash will ensure that they keep their connection strong.
If you want the fairy tale relationship with your Taurus to last forever, find out what Anna Kovach recommends in Taurus Man Secrets .
She married a Taurus man. She knows what would cause a Taurus man to walk away and what makes him stay.
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Taurus Man
Pisces Woman
Taurus Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle

Taurus Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility

Love at first sight January 4th, 2020

DaTruth4Liars September 20th, 2011

Taurus Man Tired of Manipulative Girls July 30th, 2010
The Pisces woman could use the Taurus man's cajoling to Invest in a new look, in a wardrobe update or a hairstyle to feel invigorated. ThePisces woman is unlikely to splurge on herself without some encouragement so the Taurus man might want to consider making this a gift even. In the workplace and in social setting, theTaurus man finds that his personality is magnetic. Many friends, old and news, are ready to support a project that's been on the Taurus man's mind. Use the Pisces woman as a sounding board before bringing ideas before the boss. Talk it through together, especially if you are taking a professional chance. Be careful with your valuables though when the two of you are out in a crowd. Check in on family, especially the Taurus man elders, going through some crisis.
The combination of Taurus and Pisces is one of the most fertile and creative association. Although both of them have their differences in the way of expressing their love, they both are strong and dependable in relationship. They both complement each other and share a very strong bond of mutual respect and understanding.
A Taurus man is quiet, modest and honest individual who exerts his willpower with a domineering force that can even bend steel. He is a realist and not an optimist, yet his views are colored with hints of jauntiness here and there. Working hard and reaching his personal goals are of the highest importance to a Taurus man, but he works at his own pace and in his own way, and does not take kindly to others questioning his methods. In a relationship, he is a very protective, highly possessive and extremely caring companion with soft romance to be displayed time to time.
Beautifully feminine, sophisticatedly romantic, sweet and lovingly peaceful, the Pisces woman is the type of lady that inspires love at first sight. She can be naive and unrealistic about the world and other people, but it is simply because she is innocent and assumes the best of her surroundings. She tries to stay away from situations that could bring drama into her life, but being indecisive in nature brings some unwanted situations in her life. Well-versed in the realm of romance, she has most delicate and romantic gestures when in a relationship with a lot of respect and words for her man.
A Pisces woman can fall in love with a Taurus man at the first sight itself as he is actually one strong person who can take good care of her and her delicate nature. Both of them provide each other with the degree of comfort that they have always longed for. When the world becomes too unpredictable and overwhelming for him or falls short of her fantasies, the two can retreat to each other, where reality is a much more ideal place. Both of them are usually quite content embracing their traditional gender roles. The Pisces woman, who is soft-spoken and may have a timid nature, is more than happy to let him call the shots as she strongly regards and esteems her Taurus male. Having a tidy and organized home is essential to him, which is where he is the happiest but sometimes he can grow frustrated with the lack of personal motivation of the Pisces female and lack of desired cleanliness.
The Taurus man makes a perfect match for the Pisces woman, who always wants a reliable man and a stable relationship. He prefers to be the one in charge, and requires the respect and admiration that goes along with this and she has no problem in that. In fact this makes him adore her even more and take a lot better care of her. He always devotes himself to the love of his life and make sure to keep her comfortable and secure in all possible ways. Both tend to prefer staying at home to going out, which is a plus as they enjoy a lot in each other’s presence. But sometimes she may find him over involved in his work, neglecting her feelings and even a bit rude. However, when it comes down to it, these two provide each other with enough of their unfulfilled needs to brush aside their minor incompatibilities.
As the Pisces woman with serene charisma, soothing aura and an exquisitely tender touch, blankets her Taurus man with warm affection and supreme admiration, their love deepens and he forgets all his stubbornness and hard ways to become a noble knight with a heart of gold. He makes his lovely maiden understand the world but still keeps her at the bay, warmly below his arms to be taken care and besides his heart, to be loved dearly forever. Their winters are warmer with soft music of stars and snowflakes and their summers are all shiny and rosy with most beautiful butterflies of love and freshness of morning dew!
The sexual relationship between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man is a thing of indescribable beauty and fulfillment for the two involved. The Pisces female spends so much of her time daydreaming and fantasizing that she often misses much of what is actually going on around her. Lovemaking with Taurus sharply snaps her out of that clouded state and into a reality that is even more beautiful than her dreamy wonderland. The Taurus man, on the other hand, spends too much time in a cold, boring reality, that when he looks in the dreamy eyes of his Pisces damsel, she pulls him into a world that extends beyond everything he ever hoped for in both verbal and physical romance. Though he himself is not one for expressing his feelings through words, but is able to express himself powerfully through the act of lovemaking, thus making his Pisces woman feel secure and comfortable. She has so much to express by her softness and he has a lot to display by his physical presence that they blend it into a very passionate and satisfying unison.
In the relationship of Taurus man and Pisces woman, problems may arise when the couple emerges from the bedroom and the two have to face all the cruel, cold, and practical realities of the world. For both of them have opposite ways of viewing reality and the facts that go along with these views. He does not often speak before he is sure of what he wants to say and for him, truth is written in stone while for the Pisces female, her truth is entirely dependent on her current feelings. She does not view her actions, thoughts, history, or intentions in terms of black and white. Instead, they are colored by an entire rainbow of shifting colors. Hence, he has a hard time dealing with such inconsistencies of the Pisces woman. If Taurus man learns to accept that Pisces woman can’t view the world in concrete terms, and Pisces woman can soften his stubbornness, then this will no doubt be a match made in heaven.
Not all Pisces women have their head in the clouds. As a Pisces woman, I’m very realistic and I live in the now. I’m not aloof or up in space. It’s a misconception that all Pisces are floating around unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy… stop writing stuff like this. It’s inaccurate
yes everybody is different but probably mostly the majority of people is like this ! My gf is like that a lot ! It is quite accurate for the most part
On the flip side, I am a Pisces and I do have my “head in the clouds” quite often . I wouldn’t take anything on here too seriously, it’s just to make people like me feel better about our emotions. And I admire your ability to live in the now. Have a great day!
This was actually accurate for me cause I am also a pisces that experienced love at first sight, can’t explain that random feelings but this made me have a “head in the clouds” lol
to be honest. i’m pisces. in the cloud is true for pisces but not like always. daydreaming and fantasizing are yes. i love him taurus secretly now. in a cloud. huhu
Taurus is very serious about love and marriage. Or it didn’t even think about it. I don’t know about the other signs but there are some Tauruses I see that have no intention of getting married
Am dating a Taurus man at the moment and trust me he’s ,everything I need as the days go by wish I had met him earlier in my life.
I had a great relationship time with a pisces woman… She was lovely and beautiful, her name was happiness, probably if we had read all this earlier we could have still be together by now because we could have a better understanding of our feelings but things went out of hand and after reading all this… I found a fact that the both us of were wrong in instances because I saw the actions and reacted to it base on the fact laid on the table but I never gave earing to the matter base on how she felt… She as a child of mine rn… We have been together for three years and never a day have I be detached emotionally from her but it just hurts so much that she can’t have me back and I can’t be proud to walk up her door to take the only memory of me she sees… Even when she lied that the child wasn’t mine… I knew she wasn’t willing to let go of the memories of me.
Like wow… Just realizing all this right now really hurts me than how much I have lost in life but I just have to deal with it one way or the other but I know deep down that I have never stop loving her
My son introduced me to one of his friends. He is a Taurus & I’m a pisces. We just went on our 2nd date. He is a perfect gentleman he opens the car door for me . I am starting to fall for him hard .l’m afraid to tell him because It might chase him away .
My son introduced me to one of his friends. He is a Taurus & I’m a pisces. We just went on our 2nd date. He is a perfect gentleman he opens the car door for me . I am starting to fall for him hard .l’m afraid to tell him because It might chase him away
I met this Taurus man three months ago and I really fell madly in love with him
Maybe chway trop forever taurus and pisces!
Pisces woman married Taurus man for over 12 years now. It got shaky since i knew a virtual fling last 2 years, a Sage. A long distance online fling of 2 weeks, but I had never forget and could never moved on from him since he deceived me. I felt vengeful but missed him at the same time. He made my heart flutter & he left a massive impact in my marriage life. I can never understand it. But i’m still married with my Taurus man. He’s the best partner, understanding, reasonable, responsible, caring, keep up with my mood swings, and still forgive me for having an online fling.
The only problem is that he’s not romantic like the Sage i knew. His jokes became sour & i have to be the one who always have to come up with ideas, while he goes talking with his new found live stream friends and ignores me.
Hello to you Taurus guy, she like you. That’s a crush. We Pisces are also very shy. You just have to explain what happened and asked her to meet you for a romantic picnic. We don’t focus on money we focus on your heart. You might have to bait her now to show her you’re serious about her. Because what happened was you took a while to respond and and you scared her. She’s probably over analyzing. If we feel unwanted we will move because typically we’re not forceful. We’re afraid of disappointments. She needs security. So, all you have to do is message her in the morning. Message her at night and in the afternoon. Basically show her you have interest in her.
One of the common traits Taurus & Pisces; the value of honesty. We both love when the oppose 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳 is honest and genuine. If you are kind gentle polite Romantic and persistent you will regain her attention. Pisces like to be courted.
Go get your fish
Thank you! I am the Taurus male you speak of (May6) You were right on the money and very much on time! I think I got it from here
I wish my Taurus guy could read this!
Lol I do this too the whole tit for tat thing why are we like this I swear it’s a Pisces woman thing but I’m basically going through the same thing talking to someone he’
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