Taurus Man Friend Zone

Taurus Man Friend Zone


Taurus Man Friend Zone
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If you’re here and you’re interested in dating a Taurus guy, you know that he’s hard to read. But not impossible.
Here’s how to know if a Taurus man likes you more than a friend:
Even if you’re confident that a Taurus man has his eye on you, he’ll stop chasing you if he doesn’t think you’re a match for him.
This is why we recommend using a guide like Taurus Man Secrets to learn how to prove to a Taurus man that you’re perfect for him.
Click the link above or read on for our tips on finding out how that handsome Bull feels about you.
Maybe he doesn’t know you well yet and he’s still sussing out the situation. He likes you for sure, past the friend zone, and he wants to get to know you better so that things can progress between you two. 
Because that’s what your Taurus crush wants—slow and steady wins the race.
Even if we’re talking potential booty call material (hey, sometimes you’re not looking for an exchange of undying love), you’re going to want to know how to tell if he’s interested.
And if you want to take things further, Anna Kovach goes into the topic if making sure the Taurus man in your life stays interested in you and only you in Taurus Man Secrets .
Right now, you’re trying to figure out if this guy gets a little hot under the collar when you’re around. It’s a whole heck of a lot easier when you know what signals to watch for.
On to the signs that your Taurus wants to be more than friends.
Taurus men are actually kind of bad at hiding how they feel about you in this way. Their mere (constant) presence is a telltale sign.
If you’re getting the distinct impression that your crush is going out of his way to run into you at work, at the coffee shop or your favorite dive bar, it’s definitely a good thing for you if you’re hoping to get closer to him.
He’s simultaneously getting more comfortable around you and showing you (subtly) that he’s available and interested. Pick up that cue!
Everyone texts. But if the texts are coming in the morning, afternoon and evening, then yeah. That bull is looking for a little something more.
If they like you, Taurus men want to be in communication with you—a lot. It’s the best substitute for being in your actual presence and being able to see/smell/touch you, which they probably prefer, being an uber sensory sign of the zodiac.
Taurus guys are straight shooters. They know what they want and they’re not interested in wasting any time with people who aren’t important to them or anyone they’re not hoping to get closer to.
If it’s pretty easy to get him to make solid plans with you (barring incompatible schedules), you may just be in. 
Think this is a Leo move? You just haven’t seen a smitten Taurus yet.
Taurus men have been known to do their own version of fanning out their feathers just a little when the occasion arises and you’re there to witness it. How else are they going to get you to notice them?
If you think you can hear your Taurus admirer’s voice at a 6 when everyone else’s is about at a 5 at the bar, he’s a) just a loud talker, b) had a couple few too many, or c) trying to get your attention in this super *cough* subtle *cough* way. Remember, Tauruses are usually pretty low-key in typical circumstances.
The key to really knowing the difference is combining this trait with watching for how often he looks your way. Taurus guys can’t help but keep checking you out if they like you, so a somewhat boisterous Taurus whose eyes keep landing on you = definitely interested.
When you’re around, your Taurus man might turn up the volume on being the charming type of man he wants you to think he is with everyone around him. This doesn’t mean that he isn’t naturally charming—it just means that he might be a little more genial in general when you’re watching him.
After all, he wants you to see that he’s a nice guy. He treats everyone around him with respect, and he wants you to know it. 
Tauruses aren’t necessarily the chattiest people in the world, especially if you make them a little nervous because they like you. So it’s best to listen to what the Taurus guy says when he speaks to discover the message beneath.
Here’s one of the easiest signs a Taurus man likes you : When you’re around, the compliments roll off his tongue.
Something like that. This is not a sign to dish out compliments like these lightly. Of course, you’ll want to pay attention to the way he’s doing it, as in leaning in or making a lot of eye contact. If he’s simply acknowledging your new haircut or he’s a coworker complimenting the way you nailed that presentation at the last meeting, however, he might just be a nice person.
Look for compliments that are about you on a personal level. They can be about your smarts, your looks or something else just about you and no one else.
Has word gotten back to you that your Taurean is asking your friends and acquaintances little questions to find out what you’re all about? Especially if it’s about your romantic status, it’s a surefire sign that he’s gathering information, maybe to make a move.
Tauruses are probably not going to approach you before they feel like they know enough about you to get the general picture. It’s partly a trust thing, partly a comfort thing. This is a seriously loyal sign, so your Taurus gentleman might be pretty seriously into you if he’s trying to learn more about you from afar.
OK—by now you probably have a good idea of whether the tension you feel with your Taurus man is mutual.
If he’s giving you signs that he likes you more than just a friend, here are some tips to seal the deal:
Are you worried about being too straightforward with this Taurus guy? Don’t be.
Taurus men really appreciate love it when you tell them point blank that you want to get to know them better. As an earth sign, they need tangible evidence that you’re into them, so don’t deprive them of it.
Something that really hooks a Taurus man is an electric conversation that’s chock full of wit and fun little teases. So, be humorous with your Taurus guy in a flirty way. Create some “inside jokes” between the two of you.
It will excite him and make him feel like he’s sharing something special with you. And of course, make you totally irresistible to him.
A surefire way to put a Taurus man on cloud nine is to pamper him with good home cooking. Tell him you’ll make him your signature dish. Or if you have an inkling of what types of cuisine he’s into, you can go that route.
Follow it up with something chocolate and decadent for dessert and you’re going to sweep him right off his feet.
With the power of astrology, you’ll get your Taurus man—and we’re just scratching the surface here.
If you want to get inside the Taurus male’s mind so you can make sure yours remains putty in your hands and never has any reason to want another woman again, I would encourage you to read Taurus Man Secrets.
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Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Zodiac Guides is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered professional legal, medical or relationship advice. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the any regulatory body.

Taurus man interested or just friendly
How to Tell if a Taurus Man Likes You - The REAL Signs he's Interested!
Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning that he will take his time to make sure you are a match for him. Once he’s decided to pursue you, he will fixate his energy on winning you. The Taurus man is represented by the bull, which symbolizes stubbornness, rigidness, and immobility in their thinking and what they want or don’t want to do. If you are rushing him, he will put you in the friendzone where you will stay for a very long time. They want to experience all five of the senses. They want love that is truly a physical experience. They dress nice and smell good. Find out the compatibility between you and your crush in a single click. My Love Calculator is a FREE and easy-to-use service for finding out just how good the match is between you and your future lover. If a Taurus man loves you or is in a relationship with you, they want to smell, see, and touch you. They want to give you things and establish a life with you. He’s not going to be into having a fling. Growing a long-term relationship is what makes sense to him. He wants you to be the queen of his kingdom. Read next: How To Attract A Taurus Man Through Texts
He is only focused on you and he will shower you with material things, including luxury and high-end gifts. He will show interest if he knows that you are working on your own stability and building up yourself. He will drop his past romantic relationships. He will be traditional and is interested in marriage. He wants to spend a lot of time with you.
How to know if a Taurus man likes you more than a friend
Taurus man behavior when he likes you
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Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, indulgence and luxury. A Venus man is a prince. When a prince has his jewelry and cars, then he wants to have fun. You will know that a Taurus man is interested in you because he will show you.
The Taurus man behavior when he likes you…
● He will try to learn about your values ● He will figure out the things that delight you ● Your taste level in material possessions tells him a lot about you
If only there were a way of knowing what’s going on inside your Taurus guy’s head. 
Not quite, but instead we can look for signs that explain if your Taurus man is Interested or if he’s put you in the friendzone. 
If you want to find out what these signs are, we recommend Love Astrology Expert, Anna Kovach’s guide Taurus Man Secrets .
Check out the link above for the untold secrets about the Taurus man, otherwise keep on reading for a Taurus man’s behavior when he likes you.
A Taurus man is just friendly when he’s giving off best friend vibes. A sure sign that a Taurus man is just being friendly is if he’s making a mental connection with you. A Taurus friend will show interest in your ideas, your dreams, and how you think.
If you want to know if he likes you more than a friend, he will not vocally express how amazing he thinks you are. He’s not the type to fight others or be in competition to win your love. He will quietly show you with small acts of kindness that you will be able to see in his actions.
Because he’s naturally magnetic, he doesn’t need to fight for you. If he likes you and you like him back, he will do little things to keep showing you, but if you show extra resistance towards his affections, he will keep it moving.
Once a Taurus is into you romantically, he will stand up for you when others are gossiping about you, and other’s opinions will not sway how he feels about you.
If a Taurus man likes you more than a friend, you may sense him becoming possessive because he wants to hold on to you for the long term.
If something is wrong, he’ll want to fix it. This is how he shows interest because he sees love as an investment. He will be consumed with his love for you and give very generously.
● Learn your scent ● Know your favorite flowers ● Take you to your favorite places
He can tap into his feminine energy (Venus) and create a space to love you properly. He’s typically into cologne, art, and music and will share his tastes with you.
A Taurus guy may bring you your favorite meals or snacks and may even cook for you.
Because of his stubborn nature, sometimes generosity has to be pulled out of him when you want to get to know him. If he’s showering you with gifts and appreciation, it’s a sign he likes you much more than a friend.
If you can draw him out of his comfort zone, the Taurus man likes you and is seeking a serious relationship with you. He trusts you and is willing to do new things with you.
Taurus is usually attracted to other Earth signs because of their drama-free tendencies, family-orientation, and the value of stability.
Relationship Astrologer Anna Kovach explains this further in Taurus Man Secrets .
They can also be comfortable with water signs because…
Because Taurus is ruled by beauty and attraction, he pays attention to things that are beautiful. When he likes you, you will notice that he is often looking at you because he will enjoy watching you.
A Taurus man in love will: ● Be touchy/feely ● Want to cuddle or hike under the stars ● Invite you to outdoor festivals ● Give lot’s of hugs, kisses, and hand-holding ● Want to take daytime naps together
When in a relationship with a Taurus man, you can expect breakfast in bed or he’ll bring coffee to you at work.
Because of the stability that this zodiac sign represents, if a Taurus man is interested in you, he may offer to pay your bills or provide for you financially.
Taurus men are very patient. He likes to take his time and take it easy.
You will know that a Taurus guy is interested when he starts to open up by trying to make you laugh or entertain you because as an Earth sign, they can have a dry sense of humor that many people don’t understand.
He will talk to you about his opinions on current events, business and finance. He also likes talking about money and the latest releases of material goods like fashion collections, cars, or new restaurants. He will also enjoy showing you his most recent purchases, not to impress you, but because these are the things he genuinely values.
Head over to our YouTube channel for the best advice that we only share with our subscribers.
To find out the untold signs of if a Taurus man is really into you, read Taurus Man Secrets.
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If you’re trying to find out whether the Taurus you’re interested in likes you or is simply being polite, this article can help you figure it out. Taurus males are usually up front about what they desire.
If a Taurus man is interested in you, he will chat to you more than the average person. He’ll make up reasons to be around you. He’ll also try figuring out when and where you’ll be so he can show up.
You’ll notice him approaching you and trying to strike up a conversation with you. If you work with him, he may stop by your desk or make excuses to walk by your location as much as possible.
Essentially, this is their way of attempting to gain your attention without specifically saying what they want.
If you notice him doing this, it’s likely that he likes you and would like to be more than friends with you.
On the other hand, if he’s just kind to you when you see him, it’s possible that he’s looking for friendship or courtesy. You ought to be able to distinguish between the two.
When a Taurus guy is attracted to somebody, he will go to great lengths to ensure that she receives plenty of attention. The intensity with which he communicates will be different.
If he is interested in you, you’ll notice the passion with which he communicates with you. He won’t be as wired up when he wishes to keep things low-key and be pals.
When he’s around you, pay attention to the level of energy he gives off. It should be quite obvious which one he is, and you’ll be able to tell whether or not he’s interested in anything other than plutonic discussion just by looking at him.

A Taurus man will flirt with you if he is interested in you. In fact, he’ll do it on a regular basis. He might simply want to be friends if he isn’t doing this with you.
If they aren’t interested in you for more than friendship, Taurus men are unlikely to ask for your phone number. The only exception is if you’re coworkers who might get together for lunch every now and again.
When Taurus males want someone, they lay it on thick. When they speak, they look you in the eyes and make you feel like you’re the only one in the room. It may just be friends if he isn’t doing something like this.
You should be able to tell if he’s flirting or not by paying close attention to how he behaves around you. He enjoys letting a girl know when she is wanted.
Taurus males are highly physical, and if they like somebody, they will figure a way to touch them, like placing their hand on your shoulder…etc…
They exhibit affection through physical contact. Although they may still touch you as a friend, you’ll notice that if they’re interested in you, they’ll linger a little longer.
When they touch you, also there is a difference in their energy that will indicate if it is a friendship or a romantic relationship. You’ll notice a noticeable difference when you’re around him.
This is where things could become a little complicated, but he’s usually really open about his feelings for people. He might be intrigued if he invites you out for supper rather than lunch.
It could be interpreted as a kind gesture if he invites you to lunch. It could be more if he stares at you for an extended period of time or wants to touch you.
When he asks you out to dinner, pay close attention to his body language. Is he jittery and hesitant, as if he were a small child? Do you think he’s blushing? If that’s the case, it’s a hint that he’s interested in you.
If he asks you to go get lunch and seems really calm and confident about it, it may be a friendship situation where he is only concerned about getting lunch.
You must pay close attention to his behaviors as well as what he says. Keep in mind that actions speak louder than words. He probably likes you if he behaves as he does. It’s most likely what it is if he behaves like a friend.
This man is known for being laid-back and easygoing. This is why he probably has a lot of friends or coworkers that think he’s a lot of fun. He could have female buddies as well.
But keep things simple with him. It doesn’t matter if he wants to be friends at this moment; he may desire more in the future. Taurus guys are cautious and take things slowly.
If you’re still unsure about the boundaries, offer him some time to think about it and see how he reacts. If he wishes to pursue more with you or not, he will just let you understand one way or the other.
Taurus males are straightforward and easy to see through. Their actions are a clear indication of how they feel and what they want.
Going after a Taurus man may appear difficult, but if you give him some time and patience, you might be able to establish something worth maintaining in the long term. Wait and see, even if you’re friends.
If given enough time, the bond could blossom into something much more. After getting to know you better, he might conclude that you’re someone he wants in his life for reasons other than friendship.
After a while, whether or not the Taurus man is interested in dating you will become apparent.
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