Taurus Man As A Lover

Taurus Man As A Lover


Taurus Man As A Lover

zodiac man
taurus man

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Despite often being seen as big, burly, tough guys, don’t forget that the Taurus man is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. If you’ve ever read the story of Ferdinand the Bull, you have your template for the Taurus man in your life. This big Bull would much rather be sitting under a shady tree smelling flowers than fighting to the death in the ring.
The Taurus man is definitely a lover, not a fighter – though he may quietly nurture a long-held grudge if you push him where it hurts. Generally, these guys are very easy to get along with, as long as you don’t encounter the famed Taurus stubbornness. He absolutely will not budge or give an inch once he’s entrenched on a subject, so don’t waste your energy trying to push him to see your point of view.
A fixed sign , the Taurus man is not usually into abrupt changes. Not much into taking risks, this guy would rather hang back, wait, and see. He could be described as slow and steady in all things: love, work, and even personal projects.
You’ll find that many Taurus men enjoy working with their hands and fixing things. A Taurus man will take his time to get it just right, and do it his way – which can be maddening to those around him.
These fellows can act deceivingly nonchalant and casual, hiding their intense and passionate nature behind a facade of unassuming stoicism. The truth is, they’re taking it all in, and gauging what their next move will be.
Dependable, tenacious, and extraordinarily diligent, a Taurus man is a great pick for your team, whether in work, friendship, or long-lasting love.
Taurus men make dependable and dedicated love matches for the right partner, one who will be willing to take their time with them and appreciate all they have to offer. Intelligent and very good with words (though he can often seem taciturn), he’ll think long and hard about the words he chooses.
A thoughtful communicator, if he’s not sure what he’s feeling or what he really wants to say, he may just stay silent. Try your best not to push him for a response, even though it may be agony to wait. Often, the Taurus man is not very swift when it comes to processing his emotions, so you’ll need to give him time to mull over changes or sensitive transitions. Be prepared to be extremely patient with him, and you’ll be rewarded by his immense patience in return.
If your Taurean is willing to get in touch with his inner Venusian and his feminine side, he’ll learn to trust his feelings. A Taurus man fully in touch with his heart and all aspects of his emotions is a truly powerful being to engage with. Unfortunately, all too often, these men will shut down hard when forced to make difficult emotional decisions and will find a way to numb themselves to what they are really feeling. Encourage him to express the full range of emotion by not reacting in an extreme way when they finally start to open up. Are you compatible with your Taurus man? Find out here.
An open-hearted Taurus is a dream come true in bed – your sex life will be one for the books. Caring, thorough, and extremely desirous of bringing pleasure to his loved one, this man will not let you get away with being unsatisfied! Once you’ve won his heart, it’s generally yours for the long haul. Consider yourself lucky: His way of showing affection can be surprisingly warm and sweet.
A homebody at heart, the Taurus man is happiest hanging out comfortably on the couch, getting cozy with his honey. He has an appetite for comfort food, and may sometimes overindulge at home, which is his haven of rest, comfort, and pleasure.
Sometimes messy and prone to clutter, Taureans can hold onto stuff a bit too long. They tend to collect books, art, and musical instruments. Like the proverbial Bull in the china shop, a male Taurean may not be fully aware of his own body. It helps if his personal environment is as minimal as possible – but that’s a rarity with this earthy sign who adores his creature comforts. This guy needs a big comfy chair to collapse in, and lots of pillows to prop up his often-aching limbs, worn out from a hard day’s work. It’s healthy for a male Taurean to learn how to take things easy, and enjoy good times like relaxing with friends and family. And when he can host in his own space and create an environment for cookouts or movie nights, he’ll feel like the king of the world.
With traits like immense patience and gentle sense of humor, the Taurus man makes an ideal father. Children love to climb this guy like a tree, and often will bring out his silly and playful nature. The Taurus father will be a devoted provider to his household and take rules and traditions very seriously, often passing down aspects of how he himself was fathered. Consistent, dedicated, and kind-hearted, the Bull is a family man to the core.
Taurean dudes are solid, helpful, super sweet, and strong as hell. You want to be on their team should an apocalyptic situation ever befall you, because they’ve probably been collecting all sorts of seemingly useless information related to survival for years now.
They can build you a shelter out of random materials, they’ll know what plants one can eat (and which ones will kill you), and they’ll be happy to teach you how to skin a squirrel.
Always good with their hands, Taurus men usually enjoy playing music, making stuff, fixing broken things, or creating art. They tend to be rather handy in unconventional ways and have a formidable work ethic that sometimes becomes a little too intense.
It’s important to unhitch this gentle beast of burden from his self-imposed plow before he wears himself down to the point that he can’t even enjoy the sensual pleasures of life – the reason for all the hard work and dogged devotion to duty in the first place.
While his insane stamina under pressure is admirable, the slow-and-steady-wins-the-race approach often puts the Taurus man way behind deadline, forcing him to pull long hours to make it happen. Taureans often need someone to take their blinders off and sit them down to a delicious meal and a warm bed. That plodding, determined focus gets things done, though it’s often done the hard way. These guys may have trouble getting out of their own way and could benefit from learning how to conserve their energy.
A sense of purpose helps the Taurean man feel like his work actually matters – so it’s best for him to find a vocation that has a personal resonance or an aspect of creative self-expression. Usually very good about saving money, it would behoove the Bull man to learn to love cooking meals at home – he can blow a vast amount of money on eating out at restaurants if he’s not vigilant.
Show your Taurus that you love him through actions, not words, and you will win his everlasting loyalty. These men will work tirelessly to help those they adore, and they love it when others reciprocate that.
Even though acts of service are usually the Taurus man’s native love language (rather than flowers or frivolous gifts), he would appreciate well-made work clothes or warm flannel shirts in a vintage style. Books and musical instruments also make for thoughtful gifts, and you will never go wrong by getting him some kind of gourmet food item like fine chocolate.
Take him out for a fabulous dinner at his favorite restaurant and he’ll be putty in your hands. These guys secretly love being treated like kings and showered with affection – though you might not realize it until you really get to know them.
A Taurus man views time and energy as sacred resources, so if he sees that you’ve truly taken time and effort into doing something for him, he will value your gesture immensely.
His style is specific, and he will rarely venture outside of his comfort zone when it comes to his appearance, sometimes wearing basically the same personal “uniform” for many years. He likes what he likes, so do not try to change him to fit an idea in your head, or mold him to your ideal. Find out what his tastes are, and surprise him by revealing that you’ve been playing close attention all along.
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Do you want to know if Taurus is interested in you – or perhaps in love with you? It’s not always easy to tell if he’s falling for you – the Taurus Astrology Sign is well-known for being cautious! However, there are a few clear signs that his heart is all yours!
Here’s a secret about the Taurus man: he takes a long time to fall in love, but when he finally makes up his mind, he seldom goes back on his word!
Once he’s committed, the Taurus man is solid, reliable and ever so romantic! You’ll never have reason to doubt his feelings for you, and he will be your rock to lean on forever and ever!
But, how can you actually tell if he’s really in love? How do you know for sure when he’s serious about you?
The easiest way to tell if a Taurus man is secretly in love with you is when he’s starting to mention a future with you in it.
Being a sign that’s quite scared of change, he approaches all new relationships with a little bit of fear. He doesn’t like his world going upside down!
You know that you’re a big deal to him when he’s talking this way. It means he’s finally become comfortable with the changes that a new love brings, and that he’s ready to take the journey with you!
Make no mistake – when a Taurus man falls in love, it’s for life. These men take nothing less, and they want a woman at their side for the long-term!
After all, this is the sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love – what else would you expect!
Also – if he’s spoiling you and spending both his time and money with you, you can be sure he’s a keeper! When he behaves in a way that spoils you, then love is definitely growing!
This should be a no-brainer, but it’s a very big deal in the world of a Taurus man.
Commitment doesn’t come as quickly to him as it does with other signs, and commonly, he takes a great deal of time to finally “come around”.
What does commitment mean? Well, it can mean agreeing to an exclusive relationship at first, followed by moving in together, or sharing other responsibilities like a dog, for example.
It may mean getting married, or a simple promise of loving you forever. Either way, commitment from a Taurus man is something you can completely trust to last a lifetime!
One of the “love languages” for a Taurus is the giving of gifts.
It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small – they can be a pebble from his favorite beach, to a full-blown new coat from some expensive store that he knows you love.
Notice when he’s bringing you things, and be sure to be appreciative! This is his way of telling you that he truly loves and cares for you and has a deep interest in being your long-term love.
After all, Taurus is not a sign that likes to water money!
Here’s a huge sign that he’s in love with you: he wants to share his home with you (or yours with him).
For a Typical Taurus man , his home really is his castle, and has the King! He will see you as his Queen when he opens up that castle for you.
Another way he shows his love in the home environment is by letting you decorate, or going home shopping together.
Maybe you haven’t quite moved in yet, but he could be starting the process by taking you along on his homeware shopping days!
Taurus men can be stingy, that’s for sure! They like to sit on their hard-earned money and keep it all to themselves!
However, when he starts spending his dollars on you, his girl, you may be very certain of his feelings for you.
Taurus men absolutely hate wasting money, and he won’t spend on someone that he doesn’t see a future with.
Put it this way: a Taurus man spends money where he sees a good investment – and a good return!
Taurus men tend to be more physically-orientated than feeling-focused.
He’s not the most emotional of astrology signs, in short.
He’s also not always that comfortable with opening up about his true feelings, as he has a secret fear of being hurt or rejected.
Is he starts behaving in a more vulnerable, open way, it means that he’s really starting to trust you enough with his deepest emotions.
Maybe he’s sharing his past with you, or dreaming about the future. He could even simply be telling you of how he feels, which is a huge step for him.
Taurus men are very possessive indeed! Whether it’s their house, their cars, their special couch or their cash, they do tend to have that streak.
When he starts acting in a way that seems a tiny bit possessive, it shows that you are now one of the things in his life that he considers precious, and would hate to lose.
This can be shown by a strong arm around you when you’re out, a glare at a flirty man, or a check-in to see what you’re up to on a Friday night.
Many Taurus men try to cement their “possession” (i.e., you), by buying you gifts (see point 2 above!).
The most wonderful thing about a Taurus man being in love with you is his willingness to be the classic provider.
He wants to be that man who caters of your needs, martial and physical. A roof over your head, a lovely bed, food in the fridge and a lovely date are all ways that he shows his care.
You can totally relax into a more feminine way of being when you’re with the Taurus man – he likes to do these things for the woman he loves, so enjoy it!
A Taurus man truly loves you when he’s the anchor in your life – your safe place. He’s a rock, always solid, reliable, showing up on time and committed to putting you first.
He’s patient and calm, even when you’re in an emotional storm. He is there for you when you need him, and is unchanging.
There’s nothing quite like having this man in your life that you know you can count on, 100%!
These are the clearest ways to tell if a Taurus man is in love with you!
Love for this sign is always a serious matter, and being the most romantic, sensual sign in the zodiac makes this a relationship to remember!
Does a Taurus man really mean it when he says “I Love You”? Without a doubt! This is a guy that doesn’t say the L word lightly and without real intent and meaning behind it.
When a Taurus man admits his love for you, he has opened up the part of himself that’s the most vulnerable. He would never, ever say it unless he wants to commit what Love means!
So, when the Taurus man drops the Love bomb, be sure to show him that his love is well-received.
Love means that he’s going to stand by your side through thick and thin, provide for you, buy you gifts, support you, romance you and probably marry you!
You can count yourself truly blessed the day that a Taurus man declares his love, because from that day on, you’ll never have any reason to doubt him.
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You are lucky if you have a Taurus man in your life. This is because your man would be more romantic, caring and gentle than anyone else.
You are lucky if you have a Taurus man in your life. This is because your man would be more romantic, caring and gentle than anyone else.
“It’s perfectly true that the bull isn’t a wild dreamer like the Aquarian male. Taurus will never sweep you off your feet like a Leo, or promise to take you floating away to live with him in a fairy castle, drifting on pink clouds forever and a day, like an Aries. He’s more likely to drop by on foot some Saturday night, with the architect’s blueprints for the house he plans to build for you, out of real lumber and with real cash.” ~ Anonymous
From the aforementioned quote, you have already understood that a Taurus man will shower unfathomable love on his partner. Taurus males are usually very gentle and so is their way of expressing love. Being in love with a Taurus man is probably the best thing that can happen to a woman. Let’s have a look at the attributes of a Taurus male and then explore his love life deeply.
It’s a well-known fact that Taurus is represented by a bull and is ruled by the planet Venus. It’s placed in the second position out of the twelve zodiac symbols. We shall cover the positive as well as the negative traits of a Taurus man, which will further help you to know him better. The most striking feature is his manly build and his gentle behavior. He is extremely polite, soft spoken and romantic. Taurus males are basically calm unless provoked to behave violently.
Let’s take a look at the characteristics of a Taurus man.
★ Reliable ★ Stubborn ★ Sensitive ★ Gentle ★ Faithful ★ Generous ★ Romantic ★ Emotional ★ Compassionate ★ Temperamental ★ Honest ★ Possessive ★ Determined ★ Warmhearted ★ Passionate ★ Obstinate
❤ A Taurus man when in love will never disclose his feelings with exuberance, but deep within, he will be nurturing his emotions. Once he has won over his partner, then his love will be as vast as an ocean. He is loyal and faithful towards his lady love. He is not a person who will build castles in the air, but would knit his dreams with the thread of reality.
❤ Understanding a Taurus man requires some patience and is not as easy as it seems to be, because his stubbornness and obstinacy can baffle his partner. He is extremely possessive with his love, which sometimes becomes too difficult to bear with. However, his possessiveness stems from his sincere love. And if his partner is capable of calming him down, then she has won over him through her power of love.
❤ A Taurus man acts a bit obtuse when he is on a date for the first time. He is never outgoing and expressive. He feels shy to start a conversation, fidgets and exhibits nervous expressions. He doesn’t boast of himself and will never pretend to be loving. Astrologers say that Taurus males are best compatible with Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini and Pisces. Sagittarius and Leo rarely pair well with Taurus.
❤ The Taurus makes his partner feel emotionally secure. He knows how to shower love with all his warmth. He is not a man who can be fooled with love. Neither will he be unfaithful nor will choose a partner who is untrustworthy. In short, he is a one woman man. The bond shared with a Taurus man is stable and smooth. He doesn’t like changes and loves to flow in one direction. Probably this is t
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