Tattoo And Piercing And Teens

Tattoo And Piercing And Teens

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Piercings and tattoos have been around for centuries, and can have cultural significance for a person. Because teens are experimenting with their identities they may be drawn to piercings or tattoos as a form of expression or rebellion. This may be especially true when a teen’s friends have piercings or tattoos or when role models they admire do.
Unlike some forms of self-expression like hair coloring or clothing, however, piercings and tattoos leave permanent marks, and can have negative side effects. They can also be a sign of deviant behavior or mental health problems in teens. Sometimes piercings or tattoos are a form of self injury or self harm, resulting from teens trying to express their negative feelings or seeking attention or help.
In many states, teens need their parent’s permission to legally get a tattoo or piercing. If a teen wants a piercing or tattoo, parents should talk to the teen about why they want it and the possible negative effects. If a teen is going to get a piercing or tattoo, they should be certain they are doing so safely. The shop should be clean and the person doing the tattoo or piercing should know what they are doing and exercise proper sanitation. Do not have piercings done with a piercing gun, which may not be sterile.
Other precautions for teens getting piercings or tattoos include:
Tattoos and piercings can have negative side effects that teens may not be aware of. They can lead to:
Up to half of teens have body piercings, which are more popular among females than males. They are also more common with teens who:
Body piercing may be associated with risky behaviors, including:
Excessive tattoos or piercings may be a form of self harm. Teens may engage in self harm because of low self esteem and inability to find healthy ways to deal with their emotions. Self harm may cause teens to feel even worse about themselves and to continue the cycle of self harm. Counseling can help with this problem.
Self-harm can indicate a number of mental health problems:
Piercings and tattoos are not always a sign of psychological or emotional problems, but they are associated with these problems, so parents, doctors, or others who are concerned about a teen who has or is interested in piercings and tattoos should consider the possibility. It is also a good idea to talk to the teen to help them examine why they want piercings or tattoos and determine if they may have unresolved emotional problems that should be dealt with. Parents should teach teens to value and respect themselves and their body, and encourage them to find healthy outlets for self-expression and for negative feelings, such as calming music, poetry, journals, exercise, or meditation.
Robert Preidt, MedlinePlus Health Day, “Body Piercing: Sign of Deviance or Normal Practice?” [online]
American Academy of Dermatology, “Tattoos, Body Piercings, and Other Skin Adornments” [online]
Mayo Clinic, “Tattoos: Understand risks and precautions” [online]
Nemours, TeensHealth, “Body Piercing” [online]
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Facts for Families, “Self-injury in Adolescents” [online]
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Posted by Gracie Opulanza | Sep 23, 2019 | LifeStyle
I don’t have a tattoo myself and I will refrain from it, but I am fascinated by it and consider it a form of fashion, maybe not opulent fashion. When it comes to piercings mine are only in my earlobes and they were done almost at birth.
Most women now decide to have a tattoo in their adolescent years and here I am looking at the psychology behind it. As a parent myself of a teen girl, I want to find out.
A tattoo is a creative way to express yourself through body art. There are various reasons why people get tattoos and body piercings. Today teens are very eager to get tattoos and piercings on different parts of their body.
However, in many countries, teens need their parents’ permission before getting a tattoo. But have you ever wondered, what’s the adolescent psychiatry behind their idea of getting inked?
While some just do it for a fashion statement, others get tattoos and piercings done to express rage or rebellious attitude towards their parents.
The underlying reasons explain the psychology behind teens getting tattoos and piercings. Without further ado, let’s find out:
While most common response you get from a tatted person when asked about their tattoo is that they got it to express individuality. However, the reason for getting body piercings and tattoos in teens is quite different. They get tempted to get a tattoo just as a fashion statement. Besides that, some teenagers are drawn to the idea of tattoos because they want to look like their peers – as they think getting inked and show their affiliation with their college students is considered cool.
So e teens also get tattoos just to enhance their sexuality and attractiveness. The youngsters are exploring their sexuality as they are growing up. In a young age, they think that tattoos are perfect to enhance their attractiveness and make you appear more appealing to the opposite sex.
We’re not saying that everyone who gets a tattoo or body piercing wants to look hotter or to enhance their sexuality. But this is generally what people at a young age believe. Some take a tongue piercing, piercing of their navel, nipples & genitals or a stud near the eyebrow to do so.
Also when it comes to tattoos, there is nothing wrong in enhancing one’s appearance and exploring your sexuality. This is provided you are sure what you want to get inked permanently and that you won’t regret the decision later in life. I hope to convince my daughter first to try out a temporary tattoo before going for something more of a more permanent nature.
If deciding on a permanent one make sure to use a reputable tattoo salon that use a clean needle to perform their artwork. Dirty reused needles can lead to complications and have been known to pass on infections and even diseases like hepatitis B and HIV.
It is also recommended to use a numbing cream for pain relief of the swelling because getting a tattoo can very painful for a teenager.
Tattoos are the result of the creativity of a tattoo artist and vision of an enthusiast working together to create meaningful body art. This helps an individual to create a personal narrative. But what about piercings? Can individuals create personal narratives with piercings, too? Yes, any body decoration can help you create a personal narrative on a certain level. Body decoration is a great way to express your heritage and personal values. But teens must get it only after they attain the right age or with their parents’ consent.
Despite the increasing demand for body modification among all age groups, it’s still a subculture activity. Since there are various reasons for an individual to get a body modification, resisting the normal culture, society, parents, or government. When it comes to teenagers, they usually act out by getting tattooed and pierced to show deviant behavior to regular life or culture. With body modifications, they feel they’re the antithesis of the popular or mainstream fashion. Some also get it to rebel against their parents, guardians, or any other practice in society.
It is observed that people with body modifications can’t get enough of the piercings and tattoos. It is just an addictive thing to get body art. Maybe because of the release of adrenaline and endorphins that constantly flows through the veins when you get intense pain.
If a teenager cannot stop getting tatted or pierced because of the addictive feeling, body art is hurting you more rather than helping you. If you just love the tattoo or piercing experience out urgency or without proper research or thought, true addiction is not a factor, even if you like the rush of getting pierced or inked.
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