Tasha, My Teenage Mistress Ch. 03

Tasha, My Teenage Mistress Ch. 03

Tasha, My Teenage Mistress Chapter 03

I don't think I slept more than two hours last night thinking about going to Mistress Tasha's house in the morning. Nervous is an underestimate about how I was feeling now. Getting up at 5 am to get ready and calm myself down, not that anything worked; the cold shower helped the pain in my cock cage, but my emotions were all over the place. Five cups of strong coffee later, it was time to drive the six miles to her house. Giving myself plenty of time because I remembered the warning about "NEVER" being late, I set the sat-nav and was on my way. I don't want to be over early, so I make a few detours in the local area to waste time so that I can be right on the dot.

At 6.45 am, I arrive at the address the sat nav has led me to. On this quiet and beautiful country lane surround by nothing but ancient trees and a single track road, I can see two large stone gate posts and heavy iron gates. No sign of a house, though. Getting out of the car to try the gates, I am alarmed at a sudden loud unknown voice asking me who I am and what I want. How do they know I am here? I think to myself.

"Errrmmmm, sorry, it's Tim; I am expected at 7 am by Tasha."

"Who is expecting you at 7?" the voice from some unseen speaker asks me.



Feeling frustrated and thinking I might have had a joke pulled on me, I say, "TASHA is expecting me!"

"Tut tut." I hear from the intercom, "So much to learn, sissy boy Timmy. Mistress Tasha will be informed of your inability to use her correct title."

Realising my mistake, I apologise for not using Mistresss title. I try to explain how I didn't know if I should use Mistress's title when speaking to strangers about her, but I just get told to be quiet. With my face feeling as red as a baboons ass, I stand there wondering what's next? Then the gate opens, and the voice says to follow the lane round to the house.

Passing through the gates, I am suddenly jolted out of my thoughts by a strange buzzing sensation that seems to be coming from my chastity cage, then there is a double beep. Confused at what that was, I carry on driving. OMG, WOW. 2 minutes of driving later and the trees open out to show the house, WOW!!!!! It is enormous, and it is so beautiful and immaculate. I have lived all my life locally and never even knew this secluded house existed. Slightly less nervous now, I get out of the car, making sure to lock it; it's a habit of mine always to lock my car, not that vehicles need to be locked around here, I figure. Taking a deep breath, I try to put on a confident composed look before walking to the large oak door and knocking.

A moment later, there is a sound of high heels on a hard floor before the door smoothly opens to reveal a vision that nearly knocks me over. There in front of me is what I can only describe as an image from a fetish website. Once again, I think I have turned bright red as I look upon a french maid, all be it a french maid from every latex rubber fetishists fantasies. OMG, I feel a stirring inside my chastity cage, "Argggg," I moan as I wince at the pain shooting through my cock. A smirk comes across the maids face; this makes me think she must know what just happened?

Turning on her stiletto heel like a well-trained ballerina, she starts to walk down the hallway and indicates for me to follow. Without turning to me, she says. " You do get used to the pain down there when it happens."

Taken aback at her evident knowledge about what just went on in my pants, I can only think to say, "I hope so."

A confirmed chuckle from her strangely makes me feel more at ease in this crazy situation. Arriving at another impressive looking expensive oak door, the maid knocks and waits until we hear a woman's voice moments later saying to enter. Opening it, and with the click of the maid's high heels, I follow her into a very opulent, even palatial looking office. WOW, comes to mind again.

"You may leave us now, Jenny." I am once again jolted out of my daydreaming by a new voice, a voice belonging to another beautiful woman sat behind a desk 30ft away.

"Soooo, you are the one." Timmy boy, I will not lie to you; I thought my daughter had better taste in sissy slaves, but I respect her wishes, though, and I am sure she has seen some potential in you. She/we will mould you into something much more presentable soon enough." "How old are you, Timmy? 55?"

"No, Ma'am, I am 45."

"I see. 45 and lusting after teenage girls? Tut tut. Did you not feel ashamed like a pervert should feel when you were sniffing my teenage daughter's smelly bumhole only a few days ago? I know everything; she told me it all. I know how your little noodle got hard when you smelt her anal perfume millimetres away from your nose. I also hear that you nearly sprayed your teaspoon worth of watery cum on your cousin's daughters en-suit floor when they tied you down over the toilet bowl with your face almost touching the poop floating in the bowl? Luckily for you, my Tasha kicked you in the balls to calm you down when she saw what was about to happen. She is a very gifted lady in the art of male management, just like all the females in our family. What is wrong, Timmy? Has the cat got your tongue?"

"No, Ma'am, sorry Ma'am, I do feel ashamed at all that has happened. I did not mean for any of this to even start. I was just at the party and things sort of happened beyond my control".

"Ahhh, so you are blaming my beautiful teen daughter for your dirty little bum sniffing desires? making out she forced you?"

"Nooo, I don't know, I don't know what to say, Ma'am. I just went to give her the drink she asked for, and it all happened from then".

"YES! The drink! Let's mention that! You gave wine to a girl not old enough to drink legally.

"WHATTTT? No way! She is 18, isn't she?"

"HAHAHA, got you, you nearly shit your pants then, didn't you? Hahaha. It's okay; you won't be going to pedo prison for handing my girl drinks or for drinking her sparkling piss. Am I right in hearing that you showed disrespect for that glass of lukewarm piss my Tasha graciously let your swallow?"

"OMG!" I think to myself.


"Yes, Ma'am, but it was only because I did not know it was not real wine; it just took me by shock at the time."

"Okay then, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, for now. We will find out soon enough if your taste in wine has improved."

Just then. there is a knock on the door behind me. "Enter," Tasha's mum says. Hearing footsteps behind me, I suddenly see movement to the side of me and notice her. OMG!! I can't help but be WOWed again by her. This time though, she is wearing her sixth-form college uniform. A split second later, I am in pain again, and I hear two women laughing at my discomfort.

"I think the old butt sniffer likes what he sees, mum. Maybe it is this pleated skirt or my shiny patent black shoes. Do you like what you see fart snorter? Why is that metal device mum gave you making you tear up?"

"Arggg, sorry Mistress Tasha, I mean no disrespect to you or your mum, it just happens occasionally, and things start to hurt down there."

"That will be the semi-sharp spikes at the end of that metal tube I kindly gave you to wear. Those spikes will be a great teaching aid for you. Trust me too! one day, you will be scared to even think about getting aroused and showing disrespect to me, my daughter or any other females you selfishly feel the right to get hard over. You have just shown us both a huge disrespect, even if you might not yet think so. You still have the typical male problem: you feel your cock has any meaning or interest to every female around. We have a lot of work to do with you, but you "WILL" learn."

"Anyway, it is time my daughter was on her way to college. We will meet again soon, Mr pee drinking bum sniffer, but for now, you will drive your Mistress and owner to college. I have work to be doing now, so bye for now. Have a great day at college, babe."

"Thanks, mum, love you! Come on, ass face, let's get going."

With that, I follow Mistress Tasha out of the house and head to the car. Turning to look at me, I see annoyance in her eyes. Confused, I ask if anything is wrong?

"What do you think you are doing, sissy boy? Where is my bag?"

Oh shit, "sorry," I say. Rushing back into the house, leaving Mistress stood in the drive, I go and knock on the office door. Not hearing the order to enter, I see the door open and the same rubber sissy maid from earlier holding a school bag. Passing it to me, I say thank you and rush out to the car. Getting back to Mistress Tasha, I see she still looks annoyed.

"How dare you, sissy!!!! Leave me standing here whilst you go to fetch my bag? A bag you should have been smart enough to know needed picking up and carrying without me telling you? You have so much to learn. I feel that your backside is going to be a welted mess very soon and will stay welted for a long time to come yet when we really get to training you. A little bit of advice NEVER! Leave women, be it me, my mum or another woman standing outside a car waiting without unlocking the door and at least offering her a seat."

Thank you, Mistress Tasha; I apologise again. I have a lot to learn from you. I will try not to make any more mistakes."

"Oh, you will make many more, trust me. My canes, paddles, whips, to name a few toys, will help motivate you soon enough, though. Now let's get to college; I am already late."

Twenty minutes later, we are pulling up to the sixth-form college. Seeing Mistress turning in the seat, I am told to return home and await a call or text from her. I am told that when I am home, I am to not switch on my PC and that I am to spend the day making sure every square inch of my house is clean and perfectly tidy. Just as Mistress is about to open the door and get out, she turns to me.

"One last thing, sissy, I have a special gift for you, one you will love, but to really enjoy it, I want to you sit in the car right here whilst I wait outside for your Kim to turn up."

With that, she makes a move to open the door, but as she does, she breaks wind, not just a little one either; she breaks wind like a 20-stone trucker who only eats cheeseburgers. Laughing as she steps out, I am told to not dare roll down the windows. OMG, is it disgusting? How can such a pretty girl do such a thing? It must have been ten minutes before Kim turned up. Waving to me and laughing through the window, they both walk away to their classes as I drive away and only daring to open the windows when I am a mile down the road and 100% out of sight."






















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