Tarkov Penetration Value

Tarkov Penetration Value


Tarkov Penetration Value
What does the armor penetration value exactly mean?
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If you go on the wiki and search for ammo you'll see stuff like damage, armor damage, ricochet chance, etc.. You'll also see penetration power. What does the number mean? I'll see things like 30 or 40, but this doesn't tell me much at all. I've looked on the EFT wiki and seen the ballistic page, but some things with the same penetration power aren't as effective in certain body armor classes as others.
If you found the wiki certainly you can find the part of the wiki that explains it. Or download battle buddy.
I use battlebuddy, but only to see penetration chance.
You can use the tarkov battle buddy app to get a more detailed answer. In basic terms for every 10 points of armor pen a round has it will go through an additional tier of armor.
10- pen class 1 20- pen class 2 30- pen class 3...
For every 10 points of ammo pen it will reliably pen 1 tier of armour.
20 PEN will pen class 2, and so on.
This is why sub 40 pen may have difficulties at this point in the wipe. Most people are wearing at least class 4 armour.

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The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games.
One thing that I have noticed... when layering armor, a bullet with 50 pen can go through both a plate carrier and an armored vest. This isn't completely accurate. The first penetration needs to lower the pen value for that round... this would allow stacking two level 3 pieces of armor as a valid way to reach increased armor protection.
I.E. Pen a level 3 carrier... bullet's pen value for next calculation dropped by 30 points. That means the second vest is being hit with a pen value of 20 and not 50. The specifics of how much should be taken away for each penetration can be modified for balance but the basic idea of laying armor should apply.
I have watched that video but at no point that I could see did he mention a decreased penetration rate for rounds that have already gone through armor already. If I missed a segment that talks about that my mistake and I am rewatching it now.
EDIT: I stand corrected at 9:30 he mentions decreased stats from the first penetration.
There is a reduction of pen value and damage in place for bullets that go through armor, but it was never all that much and now it's basically nothing since .10.5. Any AP round that matters isn't going to lose pen at all, even things that barely pen the armored vest won't lose much pen. It's one of the more frustrating aspects of the armor system right now, armored vests on top of armor do almost fuck all.
Hey you're the guy who does everything, appreciate it. Yea the only use for putting a carrier on over my fort is that it eats a lot of little shit and keeps repair costs down.

Best Tarkov Ammo and EFT Ammo Chart 12.12.30 (2022)

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Last Updated on July 9, 2022 by Samuel Franklin
Learn the best Tarkov ammo to use with our EFT ammo chart 12.12.30 guide which provides a beginner and advanced resource to assist in PvE and PvP raid encounters. Using the appropriate ammo (also referred to rounds or bullets) in your Escape From Tarkov raids is a vital piece of game knowledge but it can be difficult to determine which round to use given the large range of calibres and ammunitions which continues to grow with each game patch. With the Tarkov ammo chart below you’ll learn the best in slot, mid tier options and budget ammo types for a range of EFT situations.
While there are a number of Tarkov resources that create a bullet tier list based solely on stats the aim of this EFT ammo chart and guide is to offer you several options from budget to top tier while detailing when each is effective factoring in time of the wipe, playstyle, availability and importantly your budget. The Tarkov ammo guide 12.12.30 update below is designed to be both a quick reference and detailed analysis with further ammo tier list discussion at the end of this article for the common weapon calibres within Tarkov.
For those that prefer video based content Pestily offers a fantastic Tarkov ammo chart 12.9 update (below) and a Pestily ammo tier list which are still fairly accurate for the current game patch.
The below Tarkov ammo chart table is intended for beginners to Escape From Tarkov but also serves a resource for experienced players that simply want a quick reference guide for each gun calibre and don’t need additional bullet information.
The Tarkov best ammo guide table below includes all available ammunition types and is structured as follows:
For the advanced player there are many great Tarkov Ammo charts available on the web that serve as reference points for players to consider all of their available options. While each of these are great resources in their own right the purpose of the end of this guide is to go more in depth into the different stages of Tarkov that different ammunition are viable, how to acquire them and the trade offs that each has in real raid situations. With this added context you’ll be able to quickly determine the best Tarkov ammo for yourself across the most popular weapon types.
My two recommendations for EFT ammo chart guidance are below which are both regularly updated:
EFT Monster is producing a high quality visual Tarkov bullet chart which is also interactive that lets you understand where each ammunition sits in terms of damage and penetration power. It’s also regular updated and thus a highly recommended Tarkov ammo chart for 2022 although you’ll need some intermediate game knowledge to use it effectively. They also link out to the Tarkov wiki summary that features the same basic information and generally useful information about ballistics in Tarkov for each ammo type for when you want to dive deeper beyond their EFT bullet graph.
NoFoodAfterMidnight takes a different approach by presenting ammunitions based on how effective they will be against each class of armour which gives players a familiar reference point to match up against their intended raid activities. Having been a long time contributor to the Tarkov reddit community with a range of Google Sheets NoFoodAfterMidnight ammo chart has now moved to his own website that features the same familiar content that is well referenced by the community. It also provides an easy table reference of all ammunition details including if it can be sold on the flea market, recoil modifier and recent sake price on the market.
Understanding the underlying mechanics of how ammo works in Escape From Tarkov can provide additional insight into what makes an ammo type good or bad for those wanting to move beyond reliance on an EFT ammo chart resource. While the ammo itself is important you alawys need to also consider your goals for a raid and other game circumstances such as the time since a Tarkov wipe as this impacts the armours you’ll encounter on players. With this knowledge you’ll be better positioned to complete Tarkov quests , gain levels and increase your stash wealth.
While ammo ballistics could be an article in itself and there are a number of advanced guides for those interested the two fundamentals to grasp are penetration and damage which generally in most ammo types have an inverse relationship to each other. The result is ammo rounds and bullets that specialise in dealing damage and ideal for the leg meta where your kills will come from damaging limbs. While others have no problem piercing high armour but take several hits to deal sufficient damage to result in a kill (compounded by damage drop-off from range and armour preventing some damage). To simplify your decision you can follow the below flowchart steps:
Your choice of ammo in Tarkov can also impact on accuracy, recoil, bleed chance and weapon durability burn with some being tracer rounds that allow you (and your enemies) see where shots are going. Considering all of the above the best ammo in each Tarkov situation can vary dramatically which the below detailed ammo tier list considers for the most commonly used Tarkov ammos.
While an uncommon ammo type shotguns are split between slug and shot variants that can be fun to use and outright required in some quests that demand Scav and PMC kills on specific maps. Quests like the Silent Calibre, Punisher Part 4 and Spa Tour Part 1 might leave you wondering which is the best shotgun ammo Tarkov has to offer for these quests.
The best slug round available which also makes it viable at range the AP-20 is your best all around choice when trying to complete your shotgun quests or simply having some shotgun fun. While it does struggle beyond class 4 armours the high damage and potential for long range shots due to the slug mechanism makes it devastating regardless. Access to this ammo is available as a late game hideout craft and Jaeger Level 4 though so expect it to run more expensive than the below other best shotgun ammo options. A viable budget alternative to this slug is the .50 BMG bullet that is available slightly earlier at Jaeger Level 3 although doesn’t quite pack the same punch.
Requiring a close range approach to shotguns the Flechette is a deadly round capable of shooting through tougher armour and can even make short work of class 6 with brute force. This is not a slug round though so you’ll find your shots only effective at the closer combat ranges. By modifying your playstyle though this is still a viable option to load up your shotgun with and is available at Jaeger Level 3 or crafted.
With this round players will be opting to get around player or Scav armour by landing a pellet into their face or limbs with the highest combination of pellet number and damage on offer in the shotgun shot category. The trade off of this is the large debuff to recoil and accuracy so don’t expect this to be effective beyond short range but it is readily available throughout the mid game that still make it worth noting as one of the Tarkov best shotgun shells.
An ammo that was rarely used outside of pistol runs in the early days of Tarkov although with a wealth of SMGs added to game is becoming more popular. With the likes of the popular KRISS Vector, MP5 and MPX along with the introduction of top penetration ammunition that has improved their viability in the game meta as they can pierce both armour and face shields.
The best 9×19 ammo Tarkov has to offer which is only available late game to players through a workbench level 3 craft. This is far from a cheap or quick method though so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to accumulate a sufficient stockpile of ammunition especially given the speed the firing speed of the guns you’ll be using. Despite that when you do have a stockpile this should your default option as it offers the highest penetration value of all 9×19 that make it capable of dealing with well armoured opponents. To preserve your ammo you’ll want to utilise your secure container and minimise the total number of mags you bring into raid when using this round.
A close second to PBP above that has less penetration but available slightly earlier to players through the workbench it’s a good mid tier option until you start producing PBP. While AP 6.3 does start to struggle with class 4 armour and above the high fire rate of weapons that use the 9×19 still keep it viable in most situations although you may need to rely on headshots against higher armour classes.
The best of the remaining 9×19 ammo options in Tarkov is Pst Gzh and while it lacks the penetrating power of those above is still an effective Scav killer or PMC slayer in the early to mid game where thorax armour and face shields are less common. It does start to struggle with the meta face shield and helmet variants used by the player base though so don’t set your expectations too high.
Like 9×19 this ammo has seen increasing popularity over time as higher penetrating ammunitions have been introduced that allow for it to be viable in the KRISS Vector and HK UMP. While there several ammunitions available only two are worth considering unless you intend to go for a leg meta approach which provides slightly more options.
The clear winner in the .45 ACP category in Tarkov the ammunition offers fantastic penetration and damage with good availability through traders and crafting once you reach the mid game. The result is an ammunition you should generally be able to always run once it becomes available to you and gives it an edge over the comparable 9×19 round.
The best UMP ammo for those on a Tarkov budget and you’re only effective option prior to unlocking AP above. With early availability the penetration is sufficient up to armour class 3 and beyond that you’ll need to focus on landing headshots against players. With a high fire rate this is generally not an issue and ensures it can shred through most Scav encounters that aren’t bosses.
A speciality ammo that is only used in the two MP7 variants (A1 and A2) these guns have proven to be a regular staple of the meta with their high fire rates and powerful penetrating ammunition. Of the available options most of these are viable with three options for players based on budget and game progression.
Offering the best penetration power in the 4.6x30mm class of ammo players will be able to quickly shred through even class 6 armour which makes this a popular late game pick in the submachine gun class of weapons. Obtaining this ammunition can be difficult though which means you’ll unlikely have it be a regular feature of your kit.
FMJ SX is likely to be your main ammunition when running this archetype of weapon in Tarkov and is still a capable ammunition for Scavs and players alike. Available from Peacekeeper Level 3 FMJ is a reliable ammo and while it won’t rip through class 6 armour it can reliably be used against class 4 and is decent at class 5 which covers the majority of encounters.
With the VSS and AS VAL coming in and out of the meta at various times in Escape From Tarkov the 9×39 ammo has plenty of interest to PMCs especially given the high fire rates and natural silencers of these weapons that allow them to simply eat through ammo and kill quietly. This high fire rate and similar statistics of all available ammunition also means that all rounds are viable and cost becomes an even more important factor here as you can literally fire tens of thousands of Roubles in a few seconds. The difficulty in running this weapon type is generally the lack of high capacity magazines until quite late though.
While the BP round in this calibre offers slightly more penetration the better availability of SPP means its more likely to be your top tier option of choice. This comes in the form of better barter trades, hideout crafts and some vendor availability although this is tied to a late game quest. In practice the high fire rate of the weapons you are utilising this ammo for means your time to kill will likely be equivalent between SPP and BP in raid.
Not far beyond SP-6 and another ammo in this category that you’re unlikely to notice a significant difference in for class 4 armours and only slight impact for class 5 armours. The availability of SP-6 through crafts and traders is also in a sweet spot that ensures you can be overflowing in ammo to fill your 20 and 30 round magazines.
Your entry level 9×39 round SP-5 is a capable option for the mid game as once again the high fire rate keeps it strong for most encounters. Prapor Level 2 will happily sell you this round as well which makes it the first accessible 9×39 ammo and thus the perfect budget selection provided you can acquire the magazines.
An AK round which makes it a common feature in the meta and on Scavs with a large list of potential ammos that can make it difficult to identify the best AK ammo for each situation as many perform similarly in combat. While three good options at each level from budget to top tier are noted below there are several other viable variants in between these options being BP, 7N40 and BS that are equally viable if you get your hands on them.
The powerful PPBS gs Igolnik round is the best AK ammo Tarkov has for the late game for the 5.45 variants. With massive penetration this can quickly pierce class 6 armour and is kept in check by limited availability in the workbench and boss kills and its lower raw damage. Note that outside of fights against class 6 armour the comparable BS and 7N40 rounds are just as effective if you have them available.
One of the many tracer rounds for the 5.45×39 bullet calibre which makes this easy to identify when being shot at by Scavs or players due to its red colour. The BT round is the workhouse of the AK family and likely to be your go to option for much of your gameplay as it’s availability is quite high and it is just shy of that 40 penetration breakpoint for perfect class 4 armour effectiveness. BP is similar in terms of stats to BT and can be swapped in depending on what you have available without too much impact to your power. The higher damage of both BT and BP also makes it possible to have two tap thorax potential (depending on other factors) which PPBS and BS from above lack due to lower damage.
The minimum you’ll want to be using this is the best budget AK ammo Tarkov has available for the 5.45 class of weapons. With PP you’ll be able to fight class 3 armour without issue and have a decent chance against class 4 armour which combined with its availability from Prapor Level 2 make it a reliable option. It’s also available before a large number of the other 5.45 ammos noted above that boost it’s attractiveness as a reliable early game option if you want to run a budget AK build or find it from a Scav or your own Scav Run .
A staple ammo in the later stages of Tarkov wipes thanks to usage in the popular HK 416A5 and M4A1 that are constantly at the top of the gun meta. The lack of an early strong ammo contributes to keeping this ammo relegated to the late game as most armour tiers can quickly hurt the effectiveness of 5.56 NATO in PMC fights. With its late game skew to these weapons knowing what is the best 556 ammo Tarkov has to offer will keep you safe, like the 5.45×39 category above there are several ammos in between the below that are still effective choices (SSA AP and M856A1).
Powerful all the way up to tier 6 armours M995 is a staple end game round that makes it the best 5.56 ammo in Tarkov although it has a difficulty of acquisition to match. Available from a slow and expensive craft it’s unlikely you’ll be able to acquire large volumes of this round so don’t expect to run it regularly. The similarly powered SSA AP round trades some damage for increased penetration although is equally rare.
An option in the 5.56×45 NATO class that is more readily available although still a late game round given it is locked behind Level 4 traders. M855A1 is capable of most challenges though as a reliable option up to class 5 armour and even level 6 if you fire enough rounds through your rifle. If you do run short or can’t purchase M855A1 yet the M856A1 is a viable alternative from Peacekeeper Level 2 (quest required) although it is a tracer variant and starts to struggle beyond class 4 armours.
The first viable ammo available in this calibre that is suitable for early game against low armoured players or fighting basic Scavs. The mass avail
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