Tantric Practices

Tantric Practices


Tantric Practices
Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on June 30, 2021
Tantra is an ancient Indian practice that dates back more than 5,000 years. In Sanskrit, the word tantra means woven together . People who practice Buddhist and Hindu meditation may also practice tantric sex as a way to “weave” the physical with the spiritual .
This practice brings together spirituality and sexuality and emphasizes the importance of intimacy during a sexual experience.
However, tantra isn’t just about sexual pleasure. It’s more about celebrating your body and feeling heightened sensuality. The practice intertwines spirituality, sexuality, and a state of mindfulness . It encourages a sensual experience that may be experienced alone or with a partner.
The goal of tantric sex is to achieve spiritual or energetic contact during a sensual experience. This practice is slow and the aim is not always to achieve orgasm . Instead, it’s about feeling a connection either to your partner or to yourself that’s both intense and enlightened. It includes breathing , sounds, and movements to activate sexual energy.
Tantra isn’t just a sexual practice. It’s an Eastern philosophy that includes several spiritual concepts.
Tantric techniques include breathing, yoga , and meditation that can then increase sexual energy. A common misconception about tantric sex is that it involves wild, uninhibited sexual experiences. While tantric techniques can open you up to new sensations, it’s as much a mental practice as a spiritual one.
Another misconception around tantra is that it’s always necessary to have a partner. While many couples practice tantric sex together, it can also be an individual practice.
In reality, genital contact or intercourse doesn’t even have to happen to have a tantric experience. Sexual intercourse can enhance your experience, but you can also practice tantra to feel more connected to your own mind and body and give yourself pleasure.
In fact, those who practice tantric techniques, or follow the tantric path, have the overall goal of freeing the soul and expanding consciousness. This can be done in a number of ways, tantric sex being just one of them.
Tantric sex also isn’t about bending into strenuous poses or positions. It’s about being close to your partner in a way that’s comfortable for you. You have the freedom to move and touch however you and your partner decide is best.
As you look for information on tantric sex, a few words come up over and over again: tantra , tantric sex, and neotantra. These terms often get used interchangeably, but it’s important to note there are some small differences between tantra and neotantra.
Tantra, as mentioned, is the ancient Eastern practice that developed more than 5,000 years ago. Neotantra is the modern, Westernized version that’s associated with new religious movements.
Neotantra is a modern, New Age look at the ancient tantric texts. This means that neotantra includes some unorthodox practices and techniques that aren’t necessarily used by those that follow the traditional path of tantra.
To explore tantric sex, there are a few techniques that you can try to get ready. The first thing to do is to create the right environment. A good place to practice tantric techniques should be a place that’s comfortable and free from distractions. Once you’ve found your preferred place, it’s time to relax and settle in.
Meditation. Whether you’ve practiced meditation before or not, this simply means taking a moment to be aware of your surroundings. Use your senses to really absorb everything going on around you.
Breathing. Inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale and empty out your lungs. Repeat this until you have rhythm. The goal with tantric breathing is to breathe deep enough to start to feel sensation in your sex organs.
Movement. Lay flat on your back and let go of tension. As you breathe, arch your back and lift up your pelvis. You can repeat this to create a rhythm and feel yourself letting go of stress and starting to connect with your body and emotions.
Many couples practice tantric sex to feel connected to their partner on a higher level. Tantric techniques help to form close, intimate contact and allow you and your partner to explore each other’s bodies. You both can discover what you really like and you can teach your partner along the way.
Tantric sex is meant to be slow and satisfying, and sessions are typically quite long. Many people aim at putting off orgasm to enjoy the closeness and intimacy as long as possible. 
If you’re ready to explore tantric sex with your partner, the first thing you can practice together is eye contact. Start out by facing your partner, clothes on, and look at each other in the eyes. Practice the breathing techniques and synchronize your breath. Once you’ve gotten into a rhythm, you can begin to incorporate tantric techniques.
After you undress, you can begin touching, feeling, and moving with your partner however feels best for you. The key here is to maintain eye contact and to continue to focus on your breathing. The only thing that matters is the present moment and enjoying every sensation.
GoodTherapy: “Tantric Sex 101: An Introduction to Enrich Intimacy.”
Reader’s Digest Best Health : “Alright, Tell Me More About Tantric Sex.”
Neotantra: “How to practice Neo Tantric techniques.”
World Heritage Encyclopedia : “Neotantra.”
HealthyWomen: “Tantric Sex: Learn Something New from Something Ancient.”
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on June 30, 2021
Tantra is an ancient Indian practice that dates back more than 5,000 years. In Sanskrit, the word tantra means woven together . People who practice Buddhist and Hindu meditation may also practice tantric sex as a way to “weave” the physical with the spiritual .
This practice brings together spirituality and sexuality and emphasizes the importance of intimacy during a sexual experience.
However, tantra isn’t just about sexual pleasure. It’s more about celebrating your body and feeling heightened sensuality. The practice intertwines spirituality, sexuality, and a state of mindfulness . It encourages a sensual experience that may be experienced alone or with a partner.
The goal of tantric sex is to achieve spiritual or energetic contact during a sensual experience. This practice is slow and the aim is not always to achieve orgasm . Instead, it’s about feeling a connection either to your partner or to yourself that’s both intense and enlightened. It includes breathing , sounds, and movements to activate sexual energy.
Tantra isn’t just a sexual practice. It’s an Eastern philosophy that includes several spiritual concepts.
Tantric techniques include breathing, yoga , and meditation that can then increase sexual energy. A common misconception about tantric sex is that it involves wild, uninhibited sexual experiences. While tantric techniques can open you up to new sensations, it’s as much a mental practice as a spiritual one.
Another misconception around tantra is that it’s always necessary to have a partner. While many couples practice tantric sex together, it can also be an individual practice.
In reality, genital contact or intercourse doesn’t even have to happen to have a tantric experience. Sexual intercourse can enhance your experience, but you can also practice tantra to feel more connected to your own mind and body and give yourself pleasure.
In fact, those who practice tantric techniques, or follow the tantric path, have the overall goal of freeing the soul and expanding consciousness. This can be done in a number of ways, tantric sex being just one of them.
Tantric sex also isn’t about bending into strenuous poses or positions. It’s about being close to your partner in a way that’s comfortable for you. You have the freedom to move and touch however you and your partner decide is best.
As you look for information on tantric sex, a few words come up over and over again: tantra , tantric sex, and neotantra. These terms often get used interchangeably, but it’s important to note there are some small differences between tantra and neotantra.
Tantra, as mentioned, is the ancient Eastern practice that developed more than 5,000 years ago. Neotantra is the modern, Westernized version that’s associated with new religious movements.
Neotantra is a modern, New Age look at the ancient tantric texts. This means that neotantra includes some unorthodox practices and techniques that aren’t necessarily used by those that follow the traditional path of tantra.
To explore tantric sex, there are a few techniques that you can try to get ready. The first thing to do is to create the right environment. A good place to practice tantric techniques should be a place that’s comfortable and free from distractions. Once you’ve found your preferred place, it’s time to relax and settle in.
Meditation. Whether you’ve practiced meditation before or not, this simply means taking a moment to be aware of your surroundings. Use your senses to really absorb everything going on around you.
Breathing. Inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale and empty out your lungs. Repeat this until you have rhythm. The goal with tantric breathing is to breathe deep enough to start to feel sensation in your sex organs.
Movement. Lay flat on your back and let go of tension. As you breathe, arch your back and lift up your pelvis. You can repeat this to create a rhythm and feel yourself letting go of stress and starting to connect with your body and emotions.
Many couples practice tantric sex to feel connected to their partner on a higher level. Tantric techniques help to form close, intimate contact and allow you and your partner to explore each other’s bodies. You both can discover what you really like and you can teach your partner along the way.
Tantric sex is meant to be slow and satisfying, and sessions are typically quite long. Many people aim at putting off orgasm to enjoy the closeness and intimacy as long as possible. 
If you’re ready to explore tantric sex with your partner, the first thing you can practice together is eye contact. Start out by facing your partner, clothes on, and look at each other in the eyes. Practice the breathing techniques and synchronize your breath. Once you’ve gotten into a rhythm, you can begin to incorporate tantric techniques.
After you undress, you can begin touching, feeling, and moving with your partner however feels best for you. The key here is to maintain eye contact and to continue to focus on your breathing. The only thing that matters is the present moment and enjoying every sensation.
GoodTherapy: “Tantric Sex 101: An Introduction to Enrich Intimacy.”
Reader’s Digest Best Health : “Alright, Tell Me More About Tantric Sex.”
Neotantra: “How to practice Neo Tantric techniques.”
World Heritage Encyclopedia : “Neotantra.”
HealthyWomen: “Tantric Sex: Learn Something New from Something Ancient.”
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

4 Tantric Practices To Build Intimacy In Your Relationship

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4 Tantric Practices To Build Intimacy In Your Relationship

Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. She has worked with thousands of clients on improving their relationships with others and themselves.

1. Share five things you like about the time you've spent together.

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Tantra is the practice of being in a full relationship with life—a living connection with what is: opening yourself—your senses, your awareness, your emotions—to the present moment and experiencing reality from that place of openness.
Tantra drops us more deeply into the experience of who we really are. It creates an active merging of body and spirit. When we practice Tantra , life turns on—and so do we.
Over the past several months, I’ve been in a Tantric relationship with a man who has taught me many techniques to help me become even more awake and alive in our connection, in every moment.
Before I go any further, I'll answer the question I know you're asking yourself: "What exactly is a Tantric relationship?"
To us, it's an intimate relationship that's grounded in and guided by Truth.
That means it's a partnership where our purpose (as a couple) is to be as awake as we possibly can be. To be real, to confront our fears, and to grow in Love. And it's this practice of realness, truth, devotion, and love that's created a deeper connection with a man than I've ever had in my life. So far, it's been an unbelievable ride.
My partner has been practicing Tantra for over 20 years, and he's introduced me to many techniques that strengthen our connection and deepen our intimacy.
Below are four simple Tantric practices that will awaken you to yourself, to your partner, to love, and to the spirit that we all share. Give a few of these practices a try in your relationship, and watch your connection flourish.
When my partner and I first started connecting, he suggested that we try a practice of telling each other five things we like about the time we've spent together in the morning, an hour or so before we'd say goodbye.
I have to say, this technique is one of the sweetest, most loving, most connecting experiences I've ever done with another person. Months later, we're still practicing it. It never gets old.
The process is simple—it goes like this: While you're lying in bed (or eating breakfast, or in a chill moment with your partner), in a fully present manner, each of you says five things you enjoyed about the time you just spent together.
You can say anything! It can be silly, sweet, deep, or profound…and if you do this practice enough, it'll be all these things and more!
When you honor your partner and the time you share, you create a sacred space for your relationship . Engaging in a practice like this on a regular basis can only deepen your love.
Around the same time that my partner and I do our Five Things We Like practice, we also do a five-minute check-in . The purpose of this is to tune into yourself, remind yourself what's important to you in this moment (about anything in your life), and to share that with your partner.
This check-in is not necessarily about the relationship. It's about you! It's about reconnecting with who you are in this moment and expressing your truth to your partner. Again, it's simple but profound.
What's important to me in this moment?
What challenges—if any—are appearing for me right now?
By having a little bit of time to tune into your own process, then sharing it, you create a deeper connection with yourself and a more intimate connection with the person you love.
Ahhh…the shadow check. Not always easy, but definitely an important technique for couples.
It's a time to come together with your partner and discuss the uncomfortable, challenging feelings and experiences that are occurring in the relationship. It's a designated space for you to be real about what you're struggling with in yourself and in your partner.
While a shadow check is typically not comfortable, it can be a lifesaver for a relationship because it creates a safe space to move through challenges.
Either on a semiregular basis, or when you feel that something "shadowy" is surfacing in your relationship (you're moody, upset, or resentful), you create a designated time to come together with your partner to discuss it.
My partner and I typically do shadow checks in public places (to keep the level of intensity down), and we try to be respectful of ourselves and each other throughout the process. Here are some ways we do that:
Each person gets 15 minutes to talk about what's going on, without interruptions (we use a timer).
We try to use "I" statements (i.e., "I’ve been feeling ____ way." "My experience is this.").
We try not to exceed 90 minutes for the whole shadow check (to avoid burnout).
We remember that the point is not to have an agenda or to get something from each other but to understand ourselves, each other, and to reach common ground again.
What really helps a shadow check go smoothly is being committed to being on the same team as your partner. Yes, uncomfortable feelings arise in intimate relationships. However, if you know that love is the foundation of your connection, you'll always make it through to the other side.
Conscious sensuality is what most people think of when they hear the word "Tantra." Without a doubt, it's an amazing part of being in a Tantric relationship.
But what is conscious sensuality, exactly? It's being fully aware in your touch, contact, erotic energy, and lovemaking.
As simple as it sounds, many of us aren't that aware in our sexual contact, but that's OK because it's a practice. Here's a simple way to bring more awareness to your physical intimacy :
Using a timer, cycle through 10 five-minute intervals of connecting with your partner, focusing on being fully present in each exercise.
Set the timer for the first five minutes, sit in front of your partner, and look him or her in the eyes while moving your body slightly as you breathe. Just focus on this one task—eye-gazing and breathing—for the full five minutes. When the timer goes off, bow to your partner to acknowledge the end of that session, then move on to the next.
In the next five-minute session, one partner can sensually touch and massage the other's arms, legs, neck, and body. The partner who's giving touch can practice being fully present in that giving; the partner who's receiving can practice being fully present in receiving.
In the next five minutes, switch roles.
In the next five minutes, practice kissing with full awareness. Just be in the moment, not needing to do anything but kiss. See what that's like.
And keep going from there! Get creative! As you
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