Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Iron Monkey

Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Iron Monkey


Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Iron Monkey


A Hong Kong variation on Robin Hood. The corrupt officials of a Chinese village are continually robbed by a masked bandit know as "Iron Monkey" named after a benevolent deity. When all else fails, the Govenor forces a traveling physician (Donnie Yen) into finding the bandit. The arrival of an evil Shaolin monk, brings the Physician and Iron Monkey together to battle the corrupt government.
A martial artist/doctor steals from the corrupt authorities as a masked thief to give to the poor while another martial artist/doctor is forced to hunt him down. But a major threat unites them as a powerful and traitorous shaolin monk takes over the authorities.
This is simply the best movie that looks just like an anime! The fighting is the best I have ever seen! The end fight is worth the price of the movie. Yun Wo Ping is the best director ever!<br/><br/>This and Twin Warriors are the best kung fu movies ever!
Supposedly the prequel to Once Upon A Time In China, but with (even) less historic concern and much more action: featuring King Kong Fist, Shadow Kick, Shaolin Hit and a fabulous &#39;pole-fight&#39; that made me rewind the tape immediately to watch it again. Only the dialogues and scenes in between the action are a bit dull and uninspired. There is not even a lovestory (not necessary of course, believe me) and almost no humour: that is something I usually adore in this genre, right after decent action and good cinematography. But Iron Monkey (1993) is actionwise greater than Once Upon A Time In China (1991), storywise greater than Wo Hu Cang Long (2000), but cinematographic (Arthur Wong) less interesting than Chinese Ghost Story (1987), which I still consider (with my humble knowledge of the genre) unsurpassed.<br/><br/>9/10
It's funny, heroic, exaggerated and, most of all, energetic; the film speeds along as though afraid to lose the audience's attention for even a moment.
Most interesting difference are the censored action scenes I guess. The final fight and further brutal action scenes now and then have been cut out in order to get the PG-13. 646f9e108c

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