Talpiot Learning Links

Talpiot Learning Links

Studying Security Issues

Resources to inform you about the biggest security threat to the Western world.

There is a lot here and we have not even included everything, just enough to make a point with.

For web reading on this issue go to:







For in depth reading on the Talpiot Program :

Get the book - Israel's Edge


Some videos to get you into the issue:

A brief note, focus on the raw information, because there are always points or quirks from authors that not everyone likes, but what is important is the information presented.





Article & quotes dump to connect the dots with:

Bill Gates on Israeli tech changing the world:


"In video call to Microsoft Israel’s annual big bash, co-founder says he’s ‘very impressed’ with Israel’s R&D

While Microsoft is known for many things, it is best known for Windows – and for years, rumors have swirled for years that major parts of the operating system were developed in Israel, something the company has confirmed although it has never specified just which components of Windows are “Israeli.” Gates, who does know, wasn’t telling either, but he was “very happy” to wish the Microsoft Israel R&D center a happy 25th anniversary."

This is how Israel stole all the US tech and "legislated" Congress demanding the US allow it: §17337. United States-Israel energy cooperation

Israel developing Windows anti-virus


Microsoft Israel is run by a graduate of 'The Talpiot Program' and 'Unit 8200' - Assaf Rappaport:

"In Surprise Move, Microsoft Israel's R&D Center Names New 34-year-old CEO,

Assaf Rappaport, who joined Microsoft after it purchased his cloud security startup, will manage 1,000 employees at one of the leading R&D centers in the world. Rappaport, who is a graduate of the elite Israeli military Talpiot program, studied mathematics, physics and computer science at the Hebrew University and holds a master’s degree in computer science from the Technion in Haifa"

"He served for six years in the Israeli army’s 8200 signal intelligence and code decryption unit. He subsequently works for the Australian consulting firm McKinsey, after which he established Adallom, which was sold in less than three years for approximately $320 million." 



With Microsoft so in love with Israel, this particularly bad:


More links:




QualComm founder a fan long before ‘Start-Up Nation’

5G, internet of things, self driving cars are all being developed in...Israel.


"Irwin M. Jacobs prides himself on being one of the first US entrepreneurs to discover what Israel could do for multinationals

"Among QualComm’s great contributions to mobile technology was development of the CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) standard, which paved the way for fast 3G and 4G communications. Israeli teams helped to develop the standards for those technologies, Jacobs said."

From Jerusalem shall come forth cyber-security, says "Former" Russian military intelligence officer Eugene Kaspersky

"What is needed is an army that will have the weapons to battle cyber-criminals and cyber-terrorists – and we intend to build that army in Jerusalem.”


Note: I get this info from Brendon O'Connell a crucial anti-zionist activist in Australia.

Here's a comment from him on this matter...

"Corporations. Small, medium and large businesses. The vast majority - if not all - use Windows based software. Active directory being a key component to control user "end points". Where the computer sits at the end users desk. Universities. Research labs. The Pentagon. The White House. It's a long list. Its the entire planets core computing power, in the hands of Israel and the majority Russian Israeli's who do the programming. All of whom travel regularly, back and forth to Russia, and American security services have no direct knowledge on who is going where and when - talking to who. It is the most giant security disaster - catastrophe - in history. It makes Jonathon Pollard look like a 12 year old broke into the Pentagon outer perimeter guard house toilet for comparison.

And that is just one issue. Just one of dozens of high security catastrophes.

Intel's most advanced design and fabrication CPU foundry - is in Israel - and it is full of Russian Israeli technicians, who, travel back and forth to Russia with impunity. Putin has a direct line into the Israeli Intel factory where the latest CPU's are designed and the hardware back doors and put in. Such as, the Intel Management Engine and dozens of registry entry "flaws" like the infamous Spectre and Meltdown back doors.

Largely American cyber security specialists are digging for the flaws, demanding "patches", and low and behold, who gets to "patch" the flaws? All the Russian Israeli's at Microsoft Israel headquarters. Like I said, this is a security catastrophe for the world. Netanyahu has the capacity to collapse the world economy with a click of his fingers. No Microsoft product will work. That's %90+ of all computers, world wide."

Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone

After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal ‘in the near future’


Trump must warn Israel on its China trade


Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties


Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some


How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China


In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’


China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology


China says it will host Israeli-Palestinian ‘peace symposium’


China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes


China’s Deepening Interest in Israel


Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China


Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China


Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport


China’s New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel


Yifeng Zhou on China’s interest in Israeli innovation


Israel, China set up first accelerator program in Beijing


"Russia is inseparable from Israel. Israel was and is, always, a Russian Jewish Bolshevik gangster paradise. Founded by Bolshevik Jews out of the Russian Empire. Remember Israel's first PM, David Ben Gurion in 1924? "I'm a Bolshevik!" His love of Stalin? It never wavered - the Israeli press reports this, they are worried about it. Stalin's biggest fan is Putin. Netanyahu and Putin are thick as thieves. What are the security implications for the United States and the world?"

Zohar Zisapel, the RAD dad of the world’s telecom industry

"RAD has helped change life as we know it — enabling high-speed and wireless communication, and secure telephone networks and banking. Today, RAD is a solutions provider for more than 100 telecom operators around the world, including AT&T, British Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, Japan Telecom, and Orange France. It provides communications tools to major players in the banking, commerce, education, finance, government, military, transportation, and utility sectors."


"I bet most people have no idea who Zoahr Zisapel is and what it is he controls - one man, Rad Group, 27 companies. That's one man. He controls a stake in just about every single critical infrastructure point on the planet. And you have never heard of him."

"What are the security implications? Israel is all over the US high technology military industrial complex? Soon they will have the Pentagon Cloud database in their grip and it will be a free for all between Israel, Russia and China and even Iran. And not a soul is talking about it?

All the hackers come out of Eastern Europe, Russia and China and they are all working together for the pan Eurasian Belt & Road Project. What are the security implications? These people have the run of the United States high technology sector via the United States seemingly insatiable appetite to get on it's knees and suck Netanyahu's private parts at every opportunity. How is this possible? And why is no one doing anything about it? Why is no one talking about it when it is staring people in the face?

Netanyahu even got his own rent boy into the Presidency - Donald J. Trump. Completely run by Shelden Adelson, Ronald Lauder and Charles and Edgar Bronfman amongst another 1000 hard core Israeli firster Soviet agents posing as freedom loving American capitalists."

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