Tall Younger Sister

Tall Younger Sister


Tall Younger Sister
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The Tall Maid in My House - Part 2 #tallwomanstory
The Tall Maid in My House #tallwomanstory
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The Tall Female Bodyguard Takes Care of Me by TF CHANNEL 34,710 views
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So I'll start the story to tell u about my parents. My dad (like me) loves tall girls as he's really short for a guy at 5'1. My mom on the other hand is really tall for a girl at 6'3. When I was born I was always a little taller than the other kids my age but that all changed when I turned 15 and was 5'10 and stopped growing taller and suddenly I was one of the shortest in my grade. As for my sister Emily, she was born when I was about 4 years old and she was born pretty weak and small even for a newborn. As she grew a little older she stayed very skinny and short for her age. But the time she was 10 she was only 4'2 tall. That all changed when she entered puberty at 11. When she was 11 before her growth spurt she was 4'3 super skinny undeveloped little girl while I was 15 years old and 5'10. Her 11th birthday was at May just before the summer vacation. When summer vacation began I noticed she was always sleepy and during the whole time I never really saw her around. When school started again she looked a bit different but I couldn't figure it out at the time but she had grown taller. By the time Halloween came by I noticed she doesn't look like I remembered her. She became a lot taller and put on a little weight and overall she looked really beautiful and even a little tall for her height now. So I went talking to her and I said 'wow Emily I feel like I didn't see u for ages! U look so much taller now!' 'Yeah ik I really grew since the summer vacation and I really missed spending time with my big brother why we didn't hang out lately?' 'Idk I didn't really see u and I like hanging out with u too. So how much did u grew exactly?' ' I'm 5'1 now I grew almost a foot in almost no time! And my feet grew so much I needed a new shoes every week!' 'Wow that's sounds dangerous did u go to the doctor? And what's your shoe size now?' ' no I still didn't see the doctor I didn't think it was such a big deal because mom had a crazy growth spurt too like me at my age and my feet are now size 9' I was starting to worry about her and I said 'tomorrow I'll take u to the doctor I want to check if everything is ok with u I'm worried' 'I'm ok don't worry but if it'll make u feel better u can take me to the doctor at least we could hang around than' 'yeah and after the doctor appointment I'll take u to get some ice cream' 'sounds good I'll meet u tomorrow after school' At night I had a weird dream about Emily and what would happen if she'll grow taller with bigger feet and I woke up with a hard on after I fantasized about my sister! So we went to the doctor and she checked out my sister a little and than she said 'there's nothing wrong with Emily she's just going to be very tall since her growth plates are still wide open and her feet will also get much bigger as well' I looked at Emily and she looked excited to hear that 'I'll be as tall as mommy!' She shouted. All Ik that after hearing that I got a little excited too and after a minute or so we went to get our ice cream.

Before I’ll start with my story let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Josh, and I’m considering myself to be pretty average. My grades are average, my looks, my height, (you get the point). My story begin at 9th grade About halfway through the school year. The school year started and everything was pretty normal. Everyday was always the same, boring and regular and It made me become sick of my ordinary life and I was always dreaming about having new adventures. That was until we got a new transfer student to our class. Our teacher said that the girl is transferred to our school from the Netherlands and she doesn’t know English very well yet, and just as I prepared myself for another regular person to come through the door I was shocked to see iwas wrong. Standing in front of the class was to most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She had a clear bright skin with brunette hair and a beautiful smile. She introduced herself to the class in poor English. She introduced herself as Anna and said that she is happy to be here. Just before the school day was over our teacher asked for a volunteer to help Anna with English so she could understand better, and to my surprise no one volunteered but me. When school was over I went to her desk to introduce myself and we talked a bit and we scheduled a study meeting tomorrow after school in the library. As we stood up I noticed that she was a little taller than me. I was 5’8 at the time and she looked to be about 5’10. After our encounter I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even tho she was taller thane it didn’t matter to me at all, if even it might’ve turned me on a little. The next day school went fast, I was paying attention to anything and I kept looking at her hoping she wouldn’t notice. School ended and we walked together to the library. We talked more about ourselves and we continued talking inside. I asked her if she adjused to the school yet and she told me she is having trouble making new friends and I was the only one that tried to get to know her yet. I told her I’m shocked because I thought she was really beautiful. She blushed and said that she noticed me staring at her at class but she didn’t know why and she told me that she feels a little out of place because she is probably the tallest girl in school and she blamed her dutch parents for that. I asked her to go out with me and she blushed again and asked me if it doesn’t matter to me that she is taller than me and I looked het in her beautiful eyes and told her that her height doesn’t matter to me. she gave me her phone number, kissed me on the cheek and left while I just stood there almost fainting feeling like I was in heaven. Part 2 From that moment forward our relationship bloomed. We we’re seeing each other on regular basis, sometimes for work and sometimes for pleasure (she still needed my help to improve her English) and as time went by we only got more inseparable. Fast forward a little bit to 3 months later. Since I saw her basically everyday I never saw any changes in her appearance (except for her clothes obviously) but it was 3 months after we started dating that I noticed something weird, her feet have outgrown her flip flops. That’s when I started to become more aware of other changes and one day around that time I asked her if she had grown taller because I felt like I had to look a little higher recently than I used to. She said she doesn’t know but if I want to check it with her she has a measuring tape at home that we could use. That was the first time she invited me to her home. most of the time we just hang around the school or around town or at my home but never in her’s so I got really excited to meet her family. From what she told me about her family she has an older brother and a younger sister and a cat and of course her parents. It sounded pretty ordinary for me and I was really curious about why she didn’t invited me to her home before, and once we got there I started to realize why.When she mentioned that she is tall because of her tall dutch parents she never mentioned how tall exactly they are. I must say that even tho I wasn’t small or anything *up until that moment* I never felt so small in my life! When we came inside her parents greeted us and they looked so tall! The father looked like he was 6’6 and her mother looked to be about 2 inches taller than him! I’ve never seen people that tall before so I got really nervous when I first saw them. We talked a little and they were very nice to me which helped me get more relaxed. She later asked for the tape and we went to her room to measure. Her room looked big, there were 2 beds for her and her sister and it was really girly which I didn’t expect from her but she told me that it was because of her sister and it made a lot of sense. We then started to measure ourselves. She measured height first and I found out I had grown almost an inch to 5’8 and 3/4. Than I started measuring her and I found out she was 6′ even which I had a feeling about bit it was really surprising how much she grew in such a short time. We stayed in her room and we talked a lot until the evening came and all of her family and me sat down to eat dinner. Her sister just came in from her friend’s house and when I first saw her I couldn’t help but thinking about how similar she looked to Anna. About the same bodytype and face which I found amazing. I introduced myself ofc and Anna just sat there quietly and she even looked a little embarrassed and I didn’t know why would she be embarrassed because of her sister. We finish eating and we got back to her room only this time her sister accompany us and when we stood up I noticed that she is taller than me too! I was shocked and she didn’t understand why at first so I told her and she laughed (which was pretty embarrassing) so I asked her why was she laughing and if she could stop and she said that it really surprised her because she was only 12! We later measured her at 5’10 which was how tall Anna was when we met only that he little sister was 2 and a half years younger than her. She started to laugh about it and she pointed out that she had already outgrown her big sister in one department. Her shoes were actually 2 sizes bigger than her older sister. For “only” 5’10 she got really big feet they were size 12 men’s while my girlfriend’s was 10′. Later that evening Anna wanted to walk me home. it was almost night time outside and we started talking more freely because there was no one outside that could hear us. I asked her why she looked like she felt so embarrassed and shu in the presence of her sister and she told me that even tho she don’t want to grow any taller the thought about her sister being taller than her or even worse stronger than her terrified her and that is the only thing she thinks about when she is near her. I comforted her and told her that I’ll be there for her no matter what and that if she feel so insecure because of her sister there are a few things she could do to help her gain confidence. From the few things I mentioned it looked like she got pretty excited from one of them which was working out and lifting weights. part 3 So we worked out. When the last part ended I told you about Anna’s decisions to start working out. Ofc as her supportive boyfriend I suggested that we could work out together and tbh I needed it too.We started working out at a local gym that accepted us because we were still 14 at the time. The first time we didn’t really know anything so we had help from a gym instructor to help us get started, I’m guessing they didn’t want a bunch of kids to get hurt or anything. I remember the first month was really hard especially the first time but it became easier as time went by. Over the 2nd month we started noticing the changes. We took some measurements when we started to keep track on the progress we made. Anna was 6′ and 122 lbs.I was 5’9″ and 131 lbs.And after 2 months of working outAnna – 6’1 and 124 lbs. She put on 2 lbs. Of muscles.Josh (me lol) – 5’9 (and a little) and 132 lbs. She was growing at a faster rate than me which I found amazing but she was also putting more muscles on her frame. Her biceps got bigger and her 4 pack was more visible. One day after a good workout we came back to her home, The person that greeted us this time was her giant brother of hers. I swear this dude looked so big he made me feel like a midget (just like her parents lol). He seemed to be taller than their mom but only by a little which was really impressive. Her brother was nice to me overall like the rest of her family so I had no problem going to her house from time to time but Anna was always nervous there so we weren’t there much, most of our time there was for the progress check ups. Fast forward 3 more monthsWe both made a great progress during that 3 months especially Anna, and not only physically. In those 3 months she started to get more social and making more friends, her English level improved so much she almost never needed my help and she got more confident which is all she ever wanted. As the days passed I got to see Anna less and less, I only saw her around school and most of the time that was it. She got so much more popular that she was always hanging out with her other friends or working out (most of the time without me). About a week before her 15th birthday at may (my 15th birthday is in July) I got a chance to talk to her I told her how much I missed her and wanted to be closer to her and I felt like I didn’t see her for a long time so we decided to start doing more things together. A week have passed since and it was Anna’s birthday! I got early to her house to help her set the party. I got there early and handed her the present I got her, she looked very happy and thanked me. The next thing we did we went to her room to measure our progress only to find her sister laying on her bed staring at us.She asked what we’re doing and than asked us to measure her as well. So this was our measurements.Anna – 6’2 and 127lbs.Becky (her sister) – 6′ and a half and 130 lbs. (Those it was less muscles and more fat unlike her sister)Me – 5’10 and 133.6lbs.Becky laughed at how she was shorter than her sister and younger and yet weighted more and had bigger feet than her. (5 months ago when I first and last saw her she had size 12 men’s next to Anna’s 10’s and my 9’s) now her feet were size 14 next to Anna’s 11 and my 9 (my feet haven’t grown since). She also told Anna (in my presence) that she had started growing breasts and she needed an A cup now. Anna than said that she started growing boobs and her age too and that she is now a C cup. We continued to talk for a little while and than started to prepare her house for the party. The party was great and a lot of people came and we had a lot of fun. At about 1 am when everyone left Anna came to me and started kissing me really passionately. I asked her what was it about and she told me she wants us to go all the way tonight so we asked Becky to go outside of the room and we both lost our virginities that night and it was just perfect.Ever since that night we started doing it more and more often, we hang around more than before and we were once again unseparated.As more time went by I got the feeling that i probably won’t be that much taller than I am now unlike my ‘ever growing’ girlfriend of mine.I first got the hint at my birthday that was about 2 months after her’s. We decided to wait until my birthday to measure again but I knew she was bigger than before. So I became 15 and I had a party at class because I didn’t want to invite people to my house mostly because I lived in a small house and I didn’t have much room for a lot of people there. We later went to her house so she could bring me her present for me and she wanted us to measure ourselves again. We got there and her sister literally run towards us and hugged me really tight after she let go she told me happy birthday and she said she waited 2 months to measure herself again just to be a part of our check up sessions, so we got to their room and got measured again.Anna – 6’3 and 128lbs.Becky – 6’2 and a little and 129lbs. (She also started working out lately and started burning some fat tissue before bulking up) Me – 5’10 (same as before) and 134.5lbs.And for other measurementsAnna – 12.2″ biceps, size 11 shoes and C cup.Becky – size 14.5 shoes and a large A cup.Me – 13.6″ biceps and size 9.5 shoes.That was the moment I realized I’m probably done growing or almost done. That measurement got me a little sad and immediately they both hugged me one from each side and comforted me. I had mixed feelings about that check up because as much as I didn’t like to stop growing I really enjoyed finding out that Anna grew even bigger. I told her about it and she looked so happy about it she almost cried from happiness. I asked her why she reacted this way and she told me she was afraid I wouldn’t like her anymore because she grew so much bigger than me and I told her that I love her and I always will and she said it back. The next thing she did was the most surprising event of the evening she picked me up and threw me on top of her bed and I don’t think it was that hard for her even tho I weigh more than her. Later I told her I was shocked by that act and she told me she is stronger than she looked and winked, than kissed me on the forehead and I went back home to celebrate with my family. Part 4 Junior year Shortly after my birthday Anna and her family went to a trip at the netherlands to visit their relatives that still lived there so I hadn’t seen her all summer. She came back a few days after the school year started and I was so excited to see her again I missed her so much. We talked a lot on the phone with each other but I really wanted to see her. When she came back home she asked me to come over and when I got there I literally jumped into her arms which in my opinion grew a little in the months I hadn’t seen her. Her sister was also pretty excited to see me which I thought was pretty odd but I didn’t really care about it. She told me she asked me to come because she had a filling she had grown taller and wanted me to measure her so we called Becky and got measured. Our measurements were: Anna- 6’4 and 135lbs. Becky- 6’3 and 138lbs. (she looked more muscular than before with less body fat) Me- 5’10 and 136lbs. And the other measurements Anna- 12.5″, size 11, large C cup Becky- 13″ size 14.5, large A cup Me- 13.7″, size 10 They had started working out like crazy and they just saw the results. When I finished measuring her, I just smiled at her and told her how proud I am of her and the progress she made since we got to know each other last year and how unbelievably lucky I am to have her and she said she feel exactly the same about me and we kissed (among other stuff if you know what I mean) and we We’re on e again unseparatable. Everything was going great until one day she received a phone call from her dad when we were in school and he told her that her grandma in the netherlands was becoming very sick and they needed to move their temporarily to look after her and the rest of their family, which means she had to go away too with them. I started feeling sad like I was loosing her and she comforted me and said that we will be seeing each other on facetime every day and it will be like she never left. The day before
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