Talking Dirty To Someone

Talking Dirty To Someone


Talking Dirty To Someone
Welcome to my guide on how to talk dirty .
There are 4 easy ways to dirty talk. First, you can start by expressing your sexual desires. Then, you can give sexual praise and have a naughty roleplay with your partner. Last but not least, you can ask flirty questions to arouse his/her sexual desires.
If you are new, worry not. You will learn more about dirty conversation in the following sections.
Dirty talk may feel strange if you have never done it before.
However, it plays a vital role in creating sexual tension and expressing what you like and want in a relationship. Just view it as creative self-expression, and you will be able to do it naturally.
Here are the three advantages of dirty talk:
1) It stimulates the brain It triggers the hearing sensation and imagination before you are physically intimate. Lacing sex with fantasy and anticipation during foreplay can significantly enhance the erotic experience in bed.
2) Increase the sexual pleasure While you are having physical intimacy, the creative expression of what you love from your partner makes the overall experience unique and more exciting. This can significantly increase her/his desire to wanting more from you and magnify the orgasm effect towards the end of sex.
3) For deep connection The verbal expression of you needing your love partner will make her/him feel good and appreciated. Taking the initiative to share desires and feelings will help you open up more, be more transparent with each other, and create a special bond. You will be able to make your partner keep thinking of you all the time, and can’t wait to see you.
If you are a total beginner, here are a few easy tricks you can use to start dirty talk with confidence. I have also given in some practical examples which you can apply in real life easily.
When you are not in bed, you can still dirty talk by expressing what you want from your partner.
Let your partner feel appreciated and aroused by giving him/her genuine praise.
Roleplay can spark excitement because it allows both of you to start fantasizing about something forbidden.
This helps to set the mood right and invite your partner to enjoy the moment with you.
If you are away and you cannot meet your partner, you can still talk dirty with her/him on the phone. It can still spark imagination and make him/her think about you all the time.
You can personalize the messages below to match your current relationship.
Please only do this if you have flirted with her and she is obviously into you. If you do it in the early relationship phase, it may backfire.
If you want to talk dirty with a girl without sounding embarrassing yourself, you should start flirting with her first. If she does not reject you or she flirts back, you know she is okay for you to cross the line of just being a friend. In other words, she wants more from you. Then, you can start to escalate to dirty talks or physical touches.
When you dirty talk with a girl, you should say it casually like it is not a big deal. Imply that we are all adults, and it is totally okay to talk dirty.
If you are being too cautious and nervous when you say it, it will make you look too intentional and trying hard. So, just say it as if you didn’t plan for it, and you are just saying whatever pops up in your mind.
If this is your first time trying to dirty talk to a girl, you should start with the most straightforward way first, which is by praising her.
You can praise how sexy she looks, her boobs, her ass, and the way how she gazes is driving you crazy. Again, I warn you that you only want to start giving sexual compliments if she is obviously into you and enjoying flirting with you.
It is not that different from talking dirty with a girl. Just let him know that you need him and be submissive, and he will be totally turned on.
You can say something like, I want you to touch me and squeeze my boobs gently, or I want you to hug me and tell me I’m all yours.
Make him feel he is needed, and you are ready to have him, and he will be aroused.
There are many things you can say during sex. To make it easier for you, I categorize them into foreplay, during physical intimacy, and after orgasm.
Erotic things to say during foreplay:
I highly suggest you talk dirty in person, but you can still talk dirty over the phone if you are in a long-term relationship.
It is not that hard to talk dirty on the phone. First, you let your imagination goes wild, and then you just need to describe it in words.
Here’s an dirty talk over phone example:
I’m always thinking of you. I would like to play with your hands and your hair. Then, I want to move you closer to me, and I want to bite your ear and kiss you on the lips. I want to kiss you so intensely and taste your tongue. Then, I want to smell your neck, and slowly moving down to your boobs, your abs, and softly kissing your pussy/cock. I decided I want to start licking it. So, I take off your pants now, and I put my head in your thighs. I start licking it gently. It is so yummy. This makes me so hard/horny. I can’t hold it anymore. I need more of you now. I want to fuck you now…
Below are some phrases you can tell or text your partner. You can adjust it to match your needs.
You are not alone if you have anxiety over dirty talk.
I assure you, once you shifted your mindset about it, you will be able to overcome the shyness and be able express your true feelings creatively.
Below are the 2 most essential mindsets to help you to become smoother at dirty talk.
Mindset 1: It is a natural thing to praise your partner’s sexual performance
Telling your partner that you love them and how amazing they are is vital in a relationship. When they bring you immense pleasure, let them know that they are amazing. It will arouse their desire and make them want to give you more.
If you enjoy the hugs, touch, kiss, and sex with them, you should express it, and her know that you want more of her.
Direct and honest communication like this will help her open up to you in return, and she will let you know what she wants too. This provides a positive feedback loop, and both of you will understand and fulfill each others’ needs better in the long term.
Mindset 2: Sex and love are inseparable
I understand that in some cultures or religions, talking about sex is considered taboo. They shame people who talk about it, and they view people who have sex before marriage as slut or playboys.
But, let’s be real and be truly honest with ourselves. Sexual desire is one of the most natural desires that everyone has. In fact, I would consider it not just merely a desire but an actual need.
So, I just want you to adopt a new mindset that you have full rights to express your sexual needs, and talking about sex is not something shameful. Dirty talk and sex can spice up your relationship and creates a strong bond. So, you should do more of it.
However, you want to learn what turns your partner on and off, so you won’t cross the limit. This way, both of you will be able to enjoy sexual activity and communication to the max.
If you are a total beginner, you can always start by praising your partner. Just let them know how sexy and unique they are. However, if you are uncomfortable about it, then, by all means, you can drop it anytime you want. You don’t have to force it.

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Updated on May 4, 2022




Manish Yadav



Quick Navigation – Table of Contents

1. Flirty (and slightly dirty phrases) known as attention grabbers

2. Text him this dirty lines to seduce his mind.

3. You can always use some cooling sex phrases such as:

Sext-starter – The most effective dirty talking lines to use on your boyfriend.

1. Sexting Quickie – Hot and Steamy Text Messages.

3. Clear and direct texts for dirty sexy talking

The Idea Of Role Playing Combined With Dirty Talking.

The Stress Reliever Dirty Talking Lines (my favorite)

Important – Dirty Talk is Good But Building Your Relationship Solely on Sex Is Not Good

How do you handle someone requesting naked pics?

A note about sending photos to your guy

Get your man to become monogamous and stop him from Pulling Away .
Stop boring, rote and disconnected Sex . Make him 100% focused and Turned On for you.
Make him seduce , chase , adore and love you the way he used to.

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FAQ about How to Talk Dirty to Your Man (and Make Him Rock Hard for You)

#2. How to turn your man on with dirty talk?

#3. How to talk dirty to your man and sound insanely sexy?

#5. Can I talk dirty to my guy on skype?

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Search how to improve your sex life:
Today you are going to learn how to talk dirty to your man to make him rock-hard for you .
Whether you are currently single , in a long-term relationship , or even married , you must know some tricks on how to attract a guy , and keep the chemistry and the sex life between you two alive.
Knowing how to talk sexy and dirty to your man , honing those skills to perfection, and later actually role playing them in your sex life, can be both stimulating and exciting .
Dirty talking phrases, when used correctly, can help you draw a guy like a moth to a flame. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, the whole thing can backfire and fail miserably.
There is no need for me to get into details about your sexuality as this guide will empower you to test the waters so you can let go of your restraints and fully enjoy your sexuality on your terms.
What’s a better way to express and explore the limits of your sexuality than to learn dirty talking ideas and build sexual tension with your man.
Well you need not worry as in this step-by-step I will show you exactly how to talk dirty to your man.
A study of 990 people was conducted in United States by Superdrug Online Doctor that looked into the sex talk preferences of this 990 participants.
This is what the study revealed the answers are in the image below.
According to Dr. Ava Cadell , professional speaker, writer, and sex therapist in Los Angeles, Calif., couples engage in dirty talk to “ heighten their arousal and share fantasies that they may not want to turn into reality, but talking about them can be even better .”
Sexual intercourse in combination with the perfect and passionate lover leads you on the road to experiencing sexual pleasure and pure euphoria on a permanent basis .
Following that path will take you to discovering and understanding the true meaning behind sexual pleasure and love . It will clarify your mind and thoughts.
And dirty talk is one of the best ways to enhance your sexual pleasure and fulfill your sexual fantasies
Today you’ll master the art of lovemaking and sexual pleasure with the help of dirty talk.
I want you to take each step in this dirty sex talk guide slowly and steadily to grasp the core concept of talking dirty to a man without disturbing your comfort zone.
Once you master this core concept you’ll be exposed to a much deeper and more profound level of sexual and mental satisfaction in your relationship .
A 2012 study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found the more comfortable couples are talking about sex, the more satisfactory their sex lives become. April Masini , a relationship expert and author, told Medical Daily.
“Talking dirty can enhance sex because it’s another layer of sexual behavior beyond physical sexual acts.” In fact, some couples can get so sexually aroused by dirty talk that they can reach orgasm, even without genital stimulation. For others, it can help put them in the mood, and for all, it’s a great channel to share wild fantasies
That is why I want you to understand that using this dirty talk lines will not only prepare you for sexual pleasure but also for the continual future love and affection from your man for a long time .
Practicing these techniques and following the instructions on talking dirty to him , you will quickly become the master of the perfect love making which will lead you to the places you have never been before and take your relationship to another level.
Combining intense and passionate love with incredibly compelling and dominant sexual pleasure will make your relationship much stronger and stable .
Using the sexy phrases from this article will turn your boyfriend on and make him crave for you like never before .
A study conducted by the online dating agency, Saucy Dates , has revealed that both, men and women, love noises and words during sex .
So for this dirty talk to work its magic on your boyfriend, you should first get acquainted with his sexual preferences instead of talking dirty to him immediately.
Just by answering a couple of simple, yet effective questions, you will be able to understand and learn about what he likes and dislikes during a sexual intercourse. Read the questions below:
Learning about all the sexual fantasies he’s shared , which are the most common themes he likes , and what are his most hidden desires ?
Is it to be worshipped like a king, involved in some kind of an adventure, role play or to dominate a strong and powerful woman?
Has he ever had the following sexual fantasy?
An example of the most common sexual fantasy:
The silk scarf tied around my wrists was cutting into my skin. Although the blindfold was shutting out every bit of light, I still had my eyes closed. A sudden sharp pinch of my left nipple made me yelp in delicious pain.
“Shhhh, Baby You aren’t allowed to make noise. Do it again and I will spank you!” he said. I thought about defying him. . . just to relish the smack of his hand against my ass. But before I could open my mouth and say something I felt the tickle of a feather running up my inner thigh and then our lips pressed together in a passionate kiss .
Suddenly, he stops and pulls away. I am feeling lost and confused not knowing where he’d gone. But this was all part of the game. Stopping and starting. Hard and soft. Pain and pleasure.
My senses were on alerted and sharpened not knowing what to expect next. He could tell I was anxious so he reassured me. “I love watching you so turned on and wanting me.
Nod your head if you want me right now.” I wanted to be cool but I shook my head vigorously and started screaming yes. I couldn’t see it, but I swear I could feel his smile widening. “Now spread your legs as wide as possible so I can insert my penis. Hold them like that until I tell you that you can move” All I could do was to obey.
I was completely exposed. My arms and legs were tied to the bed. I was entirely naked with my legs spread as much as I could.
Vulnerable. Terrified. . . but I complied anyway. And that was thrilling and exciting.
Ladies, if you are ready, let’s learn the dirty talking phrases that drive men wild .
It would be best to start easy and use simple and flirty phrases on your man. Just test the water first to see how sending a dirty text message works out for you two.
1. Stop. . . ●   distracting me ●   turning me on, I can’t concentrate ●   filling my mind with naughty thoughts ●   thinking about me. Get back to work
2. Mmmm… ●   I am thinking some very yummy things about you right now ●   I keep thinking of your amazing kisses ●   you are awfully cute, you know that?
3. Are you. . . ●   blushing? You should be, based on what I’m thinking. ●   rested up? I plan to exhaust you on Saturday. ●   turned on like I am? Wow.
4. Damn… ●   thoughts of you have me smiling today ●   I am so turned on by you ●   I can’t wait to be in bed with you
5. Know what? ●   I can’t wait to feel your kisses. ●   You are one sexy boyfriend. ●   I just got out of the shower. Enjoy that visual.
6. Can I just tell you. . . ●   your arms are damn sexy ●   you have me very turned on ●    how good you looked the other night?
7. Tell me something. . . ●   do we look good together or what? ●   why are you so damn seductive? ●   how much are you looking forward to next time?
1. What would you do. . . ●    if you were here right now? ●    if I was there with you? ●    if we were alone right now?
2. I can’t stop thinking about. . . ●    how my body responds to your touch. ●   the things I want to do to you. ●   the things I want you to do to me. ●   all of the places I could kiss you.
3. Imagine this. . . ●   me running my fingers through your hair as we kiss and you getting so rock hard down there. ●   me nibbling your neck and slowly working my mouth down your body ●   you touching my soft skin, exploring my neck. . . shoulders. . . back. . .
4. I can’t wait to. . . ●   feel your body next to mine, skin to skin. . . ●   pounce on you when I see you! ●   have you in my bed, alone, and uninterrupted. . . ●   make you my sexy love slave ●   run my hands over every inch of you and make you cum.
His replies may evoke a range of emotions and sexual tension. Upon reading your messages, he will be aroused and ready for you right away.
However, if things get out of control at the very start, don’t worry, you don’t have to take part if you think it is too advanced for you.
His replies may evoke a range of emotions and sexual tension. Upon reading your messages, he will be aroused and ready for you right away.
However, if things get out of control at the very start, don’t worry, you don’t have to take part if you think it is too advanced for you.
●   Whoa there! Let’s save some for later.
 But, if you do want to spice it up a bit and engage in advanced dirty sexy talk, then use any line of the following:
●   Oh you are so naughty and being with you feels so good. ●   Slow down mister, plenty of time for all of those activities. ●   I’ve got you really turned on huh? Naughty me.
And then distance yourself from him saying you have to return to work, or meet your friends or just figure out another reason to leave his side. Anything that will put an end to the conversation.
He won’t know what hit him and possibly react quite strangely and spontaneously. If, somehow, his reaction is genuine and sweet, then feel free t
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