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What do you wish you Talked about Before your Partner went to Basic Training/Deployed/etc?

Supporting ALL Military Relationships. This subreddit is for sharing advice, support and information for the significant others of current and past members of the United States military.

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Hey everyone! I also posted this in the LongDistance subreddit. I'm (23F) in the US, my LDR boyfriend (23M) is South Korean. He is going into basic training for his mandatory Korean military service this Monday.
After he goes, we won't be able to contact each other whatsoever for a month, then very limited contact for 2 months, and then slightly less limited contact for 3 more months (coming out to 6 months of pretty spotty communication). I'm not sure how it works in the US, but this is the training for his position (he is training to be a special officer, slightly more "advanced" than the average Korean military service soldier. I do not want to give the wrong impression about the Korean Military!)
I don't know anything about the US military, so I don't know if they have a similar period where you are completely cut from contact/can't use phones more than ~1/month/etc during training. But if there is something like that, I would love to know what you wish you had talked about together before you/your partner went! Or any advice for either of us :) I've read the FAQs here, some articles, and we've been having great talks and feel confident going into it (heartbroken, but confident); I kinda just wanna cover all my bases by picking everyone's brains while I still can. I'll be on this subreddit a lot for the length of his service.
We've been LDR for 2 months up until now (together for longer), but we could video call often, text all day, etc. This is a big transition for us!
Thank you in advance, and I hope all of you and your partners are safe~
We are so glad that you are here for information and/or support from the military SO community. We understand that you may be new to the military community and probably have a lot of questions. A lot of the information you may be looking for is already in the sidebar under resources. Please check there and/or the new to the military thread pinned on the page. We are all looking forward to getting to know you and supporting each other!
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