Takungpao Blamed the Electoral Commission Returning Officer for Confirming Eddie Chu's Candidacy

Takungpao Blamed the Electoral Commission Returning Officer for Confirming Eddie Chu's Candidacy

#ChinaInfluence #ChinaThreats #OneCountryTwoSystems #Whiteterror

While Joshua Wong became the only candidate disqualified from District Council Election, Eddie Chu Hoi-dick candidacy was confirmed on 22-Oct. But Beijing was not happy about that.

The Hon Eddie Chu, who was disqualified in the village representative election last year, was given green light by Returning Officer yesterday to run in the district council elections upcoming next month. Pro-Beijing camp was unhappy with that. 

Today, Takungpao’s editorial said either “Liberate Hong Kong; the Revolution of our Times” or self-determination are the same which seek independence of Hong Kong. They said there are nominees which support independence of Hong Kong and became the candidate of 6th District Council election. They urged Hong Kong government to reconfirm the eligibility for candidature of the nominees to ensure all candidates uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Takungpao also using “Chu’s approval Failure on gatekeeping”as topic, reported that Chu was active in social events taking part for a few months, clamoring openly for “Liberate Hong Kong; the revolution of our times”. It said this slogan involves Hong Kong Independence Movement, which seriously challenge the bottom line of “One Country Two Systems”.

The news quoted the version of Registration and Electoral Office (REO), emphasizing that the slogan violates the first clause of Basic Law and reminded that Enoch Yuen Ka-lok, the returning officer of Yuen Long District Council, disqualified Chu from running in a rural representative election in Yuen Long after he advocated the self-determination.

In addition, the news also quoted the response of representative of National People’s Congress, Ng Leung-sing, criticized that getting nod to the nominees who support Hong Kong independence to run in the district council election will threaten Hong Kong’s political ecology and the social security. He urged REO should take the responsibility and action on gatekeeping.

Takungpao editorial pointed out that “Liberate Hong Kong; the revolution of our times” is an open secret of Hong Kong Independence which raised out by localist Edward Leung Tin-kei. He claimed Hong Kong Independence is a way out. The editorial described Leung has become the spiritual leader of localists.

The editorial also took Joshua Wong Chi-fung as an example, said he although filed his application to district council election, he never gave up the thought of self-determination. 

The Stand News (23-Oct-2019)


(Editor's Note: It is expected that more Chinese State Media and Pro-Beijing Groups will welcome the decision of disqualifing Joshua Wong on 30th and 31st Oct)

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