Taking Care Of Mommy

Taking Care Of Mommy


Everywhere you look, you see the new hot phrase: SELF-CARE.
I can’t say I really bought into it; then again, I can’t say that I’m the “buy-into-trends” type of gal. I didn’t rearrange my house when Feng Shui was a thing. What is hygge, anyway? I think Marie Kondo is adorable, but I never thanked my old stuff for anything.
However, I recently realized that this self-care thing is hot for a reason. Everyone’s over-scheduled and under-rested, overextended and undernourished. It’s me. I’m everyone.
As the new month begins, I’m determined to take better care of myself. Mommy doesn’t have to be at the top of the priority list, but it would be nice if she’s ranked somewhere on the list.
To begin my journey, I had to figure out what self-care is and isn’t. For me, it’s that list of things that I do for my own health. That includes my physical health and my emotional health. It is not selfish. It can’t be a regimen; I like a peculiar mix of control and spontaneity in my life (hey, I’m a fire sign).
Once I had that part down, I had to figure out why I hadn’t put much stock in self-care. I came up with a list of reasons, but the one at the top of the list is easy to explain. I thought I was already taking pretty good care of myself. Mommy didn’t really need to do all that extra stuff.
I was so wrong. I looked at September as a whole, and I couldn’t remember many deposits into my own tank. That’s not going to happen in October. I’m determined to take better care of Mommy.
Lest one forget, I’m a fire sign. I can’t make a long list of things that I will surely ignore. The list has to be short and sweet. Each item has to be short and sweet. I need things I can do in short spurts if necessary. This is what I came up with:
Extra points if it’s in the sunshine. I need the vitamin D, and I love, love, love when I can actually take a slow stroll. This isn’t for exercise. I don’t like sweat. I just like to breathe and smile.
This one’s tricky. As much as I enjoy making things, yarn work can become goal-oriented. I get focused on the finished product instead of focusing on the needle itself. I don’t want to do that. Working with my hands is soothing when I can do the same stitch over and over again. I need to find patterns that are monotonous. I find free patterns at most of the yarn websites, including Lion Brand and Bernat .
Yes, I hear you, this one can also be goal-oriented. However, I really enjoy baking. There’s something about taking simple ingredients and turning them into something amazing. I don’t even bake unless I’m emotional. The more emotional I am, the better the baked goods. True story. I have an awesome group of friends who are always ready to take my Angry Cupcakes off of my hands.
No-brainer. My musical tastes are eclectic. I will surround myself with the music that makes me happy, and I won’t apologize for it. From show tunes to old school R&B to disco to disco…well, you get my drift. I will sing at the top of my lungs and dance like nobody’s watching.
That’s my October list. I might not get to everything, but I promise to try. I will be looking for more ways to take care of Mommy while she takes care of everyone else.
Do you have additions for me? How are you practicing self-care in October? Let me know in the comments.
Self-care has been on my hot list these days a well. I guess it really is the buzz right now. I’m taking baby steps which start with just walking away from my computer. It doesn’t sound hard but when a laptop holds your day job, your hobby, and your side hustle it gets complicated.
So in October, my self-care list includes having at least 1 no work day a week, getting my Apple Playlists filled with music to fit every mood and actually listening to them, taking a walk every day, and it will end with a 1-week vacation in Puerto Vallarta.
PUERTO VALLARTA??!!?? Ooh, I’m going to be like you when I grow up.
Sounds like a great list for October…I’m working on those walks, because the weather is getting really nice.
Good on you! This is so, so important and I’m glad you are stopping and taking the time to really make it a priority. I would like to add, going to the movies with a friend to see Downton Abbey, to the list…😜
Thank you, I’m trying. That sounds like a good one, I will DEFINITELY add it to the list! <3
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I’m the proud mother of four bright, witty children; one of those children has a mental illness.
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“Taking Care of Mommy,” Friend, May 2007, 32
And be ye kind one to another ( Ephesians 4:32 ).
Illustrations by Val Chadwick Bagley
When Daddy came home, Marie opened the door for him. “Mommy went to bed,” Marie said. “Oh dear, let’s go see what’s wrong,” Daddy said. Mommy coughed and sniffled and blew her nose. “I have a cold, and there is a frog in my throat,” she said. “You sound hoarse,” Daddy said. “I had better go to the store for some medicine. Then I will make supper.” Daddy got in the car and drove away. Marie waved good-bye from the window. “I want to help take care of Mommy too,” Marie said. “What can I do? I know! I can make supper.” Marie spread peanut butter on one slice of bread. Then she spread jam on another slice of bread. She put the sandwich on a plate and took it to Mommy. “Supper in bed!” Mommy said. “Thank you, honey. You are a good cook.” “You are welcome,” Marie said with a big smile. “Now I have to get busy and make two more sandwiches—one for Daddy and one for me!”

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