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S hould I let my husband jerk off in front of my friend? She doesn't believe that he gets as big as I claim and how much he shoots. He said he would be happy to show her, but I think it may be a little too far. Should she just take my word for it?

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Y ou should let him masturbate in front of your friend, but you might also want to be present. This happened to me and my wife was present and it was a real good experience for all of us. I enjoyed it and had a very intense orgasm. The look on her friends face when started to get naked in front of her and then once I was naked was great. Also the comments she made while I masturbated were a big turn on.
I nstead of doing it for her in person, try recording a video of your husband whacking off and then just play the video for your friend. That way, you won't be accidentally crossing into the cheating arena!
W ho cares what she thinks???? Your 100% correct, it is going a little too far!
I guess it depends upon where you're willing to let your husband submit his proof...during a church service, funeral or standing in line at the bank might not be suitable places.
I think you should jerk him off in front of your friend. Your obviously open minded to be discussing sex with your friend and your husband is up for it so go for it. But you should definately be there and I think the three of you should discuss some ground rules first so things only go as far as each of you want them to. If it gets out of control someone might have regrets. It could also get out of control and all of you have a wonderful time. Who knows unless you try?
I f I was your husband, and your friend was a pretty gal too, I'd say let's have some fun together! Then she can really see how big and hard I get and how I can spurt!!!! You girls can become even closer friends after this, once you've both had sex with the same guy. It can be quite bonding!
I t's been a few days, what have you decided to do? Did you let your friend watch?
i think that he should not do that....i had a mutual friend who wanted to watch me and my gal have sex in front of her........i declined........take care....Brian.....
A s long as it doesnt fuck up the friendship then go for it! I think maybe have him jerk off on a video and then show her is a better idea, but maybe the sexaul experience of him jacking off in front of her would be good fun for him also! Chat about it -- but I say go for it! Feedback!
A bsolutely, I would love to jack off in front of my wife's friends while wearing my wife's sexy sheer thong panties and matching bra!!!!!
W hy not let him do it for her - I don't think she would try anything with you there. "You are going to be there".
I say go for it. It'd be alot of fun.
O ne time I was drinking with my wife and her two sisters. After quite a lot of alcohol my wife started bragging about my dick to her sisters. They didn't believe her and she told me to talk off my pants. I did as I was told and took them off. While they were all sitting around staring at my cock I couldn't help but start stroking it. They all got a real kick out of that and after a while they started taking turns rubbing my dick. Eventually I came off over one of her sister hands, which she decided to lick clean. My wife was good enough to lick the cum of my dick herself. It worked for us, no hard feeling, just a lot of inside jokes :-)
O ne time I was drinking with my wife and her two sisters. After quite a lot of alcohol my wife started bragging about my dick to her sisters. They didn't believe her and she told me to talk off my pants. I did as I was told and took them off. While they were all sitting around staring at my cock I couldn't help but start stroking it. They all got a real kick out of that and after a while they started taking turns rubbing my dick. Eventually I came off over one of her sister hands, which she decided to lick clean. My wife was good enough to lick the cum of my dick herself. It worked for us, no hard feeling, just a lot of inside jokes :-)
I think Buster and his lady have a right idea. Enjoy life and as long as you're not forcing your views and ideas upon anyone else, why not!? Isn't it time we started enjoying some sexual acceptance instead of always seeming to hide from it? May you all have many fun times together!
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By andrew, 10 years ago on Being Married
Over christmas i made a big mistake my wife and me went to v...

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over christmas i made a big mistake my wife and me went to visit my sister in law my wife's sister after a few hour's drinking i needed to use the bathroom when i got in there my sister in law's knickers where laying in the corner i don,t know what come over me i just had to sniff them one thing laid to another and i was wanking over them then just as i was cuming the door came open and my sister in law was there looking at me wanking over her knickers she left very quickey then after a few more drinks we left then after about five days my sister in law came round our place she opened the door i said come in she's just niped round the shop then she said i,m going to tell my sister what you did how could you do it i said i,m sorry i just don,t know what to say i would do anything just don,t tell her my sister in law looked at me ok there's one thing you got to do if you don.t i,m telling then i can.t beleve what she said you sniffed my knickers now i want you to lick my **** and put your tongue in my **** for what you did if not i,m telling of you then she left its been five day ago now i must make my mind up my wife would kill me if she knew or i can,t bare to think of what my sister in law wants what should i do i need your help
First of all you are an idiot for thinking of what your sister in law wants... but I'm not here to judge you.
What I suggest is you keep it all to yourself and forget about what the sister in law said. I hardly doubt she will go around telling your wife especially after what she said to you. If your wife ever finds out just deny it and don't even mention anything of what the in-law said to you. This will only cause everyone problems.
My other suggestion is to take advantage of the gift only humans have and that is the freedom to make choices. You are not a savage animal therefore can tell the difference between right and wrong. Don't let you sexual desires ruin your life and other people's lives.
yes i do feel a idiot i can,t beleve this has happened but you don,t know my sister in law she will tell my wife and i know i have hurt her already but this would be to much i know i have asked for this but its still a dirty nasty thing to have to do
a child wrote this. this never happened!
Better late than never for a ban...not sure how this one slipped through the cracks.
By the way dear, do ya mind changing your username? No profanity please sir! 😉 👍
You are done Nabil
I am going to ban you for expressing violence.
wow. i dont think your wife will believe this. but let me right it by her tomorrow after you've left for work
This thread is an old thread Sam, do you have your own story to add or we can hope that other posters will see your post. 😊
8 years ago? I hope you went back to school to fix the spelling mistakes and punctuation.
Would you like to share your story with us Thom? 😊
That's not a very nice thing to say. A lot of people on here are not first English speakers.
That's not a very nice thing to say. A lot of people on here are not first English speakers.
I agree, we just want to help folks, whether they are good with English or not.
Hope Molly is happy in her new relationship.
Better late than never for a ban...not sure how this one slipped through the cracks.
By the way dear, do ya mind changing your username? No profanity please sir! ;) :thumb-up:
You're 6 years too late, man 😉
Last online 2 years ago.
There are other ways of seeing how people are. 😊
I hope you're not trying to recycle old friends because you haven't got friends now due to the lockdown and so fort?
It’s embarrassing sometimes when somebody knows you so well..
Is it that time of year again? 😊 Famous last words? 😉
I’m simply amazed at the folks that can’t spell tongue...
With that you can understand but there are many other words that pose a challenge, it is good that we can get the gist.

My Wife Wanted To Cheat, So I Let Her


By Hanna Howren

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After my wife and I got married, I admittedly got too comfortable and stopped trying as much as I did when we were dating. When I turned her down for sex one night, she frustratingly claimed that she was going to find someone who’d show her attention when she wanted it and I told her to go for it. It ended up changing our relationship in some pretty big ways.
I never really thought she would do it. She downloaded Tinder immediately and began swiping. This really didn’t bother me because I knew my wife—she’d never have the guts to actually meet up with a complete stranger, let alone actually sleep with one. What would she say? “Hey, my lesbian wife isn’t giving me enough attention—could you help me with that?” Honestly, that would probably score her tons of dates since she was swiping on guys!
She actually matched with a guy and I got a little jealous. Someone else was checking out my wife and she was checking him out too and to be honest, I didn’t really like it. App chatting quickly turned into texting which quickly turned into sexting . Even though I had the privilege of reading all of the messages, I could quickly feel my blood beginning to boil.
I didn’t think guys were competition—hello, we’re gay! Still slightly confused as to why she was so into guys all of the sudden, I reassured myself that men were no match for me. I mean, who knows a woman’s body better than another woman? I knew he wouldn’t be able to do the things that I could do so worrying was a waste of time (or so I told myself).
She surprised us both and actually met up with this guy. WTF? I obviously misjudged her. Seeing her get dressed up for someone else—especially when she rarely does that for me anymore—made me realize that she was serious about looking for someone else and I didn’t like it.
She slept with him and I didn’t know how to react. She came home from her date with the guy all hot and bothered and fell into bed with me exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Either she really did just cheat on me or she’s a great actor. A small part of me was hoping for the latter but a big part of me feared the worst. I wanted to ask a ton of questions, but I wasn’t exactly sure if “Was he as good as me?” was appropriate. I mean, what if she said yes?
Did that mean I could cheat too? Jealousy finally got the better of me and I made a Tinder profile of my own. I loved the thrill of possibly matching with a hot girl—I definitely wasn’t interested in meeting guys—and hey, if my wife could do it, I could too, right? I enjoyed a few dates and loved feeling like a teenager again.
Opening up our relationship actually really turned me on. My wife and I had fallen into a new norm. We loved showing off our matches to each other and I’m not going to lie, there were more than a few threesome fantasies . Though I don’t usually like to share, the very idea of doing so really brought a spark back into our lives.
Our sex life improved after sleeping with other people. We didn’t have a ton of other partners or even meet up with half of our matches, but our few rendezvous were fun and brought us closer. After all, is messing around with other people really that much different than fantasizing about other people during sex? We didn’t really see an issue.
I started chasing my wife all over again. Thinking about my wife going on dates with other people or even just texting them made me feel like I wanted to do everything I could to win her over again. Her eyes were focused on someone else and I had to work harder for her attention; she did the same. We began doing all the stuff we did before we got married and it felt amazing.
Occasionally sleeping with other people doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. Of course we’re in love. If anything, this experience helped bring us back together and remember why we fell in love in the first place. I love that no matter how many matches she gets, it’s me she comes home to at night. Oh, and she totally agrees that a man is no match for a woman.
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Hanna Howren
I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone and nothing was more important than Friday night football. I attended college and decided to move away with my best friend (now wife). We now live a happy life in sunny Florida and share our house with our multiple animals. We enjoy spending time in nature with our pets and napping. We also enjoy completing DIY projects. Life is good.

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