Taiwan Health Declaration Form

Taiwan Health Declaration Form

Thu Mooring

All travelers must have a Taiwan national medical examination certificate and a Taiwan health declaration form. Neither is applicable towards children below the age of 18.


Taiwan Health Declaration Form is one of many forms that are available to Taiwanese who need to seek medical advice. This form is an important document that should be included in your health insurance package. As a responsible government entity, Taiwan provides its citizens with several opportunities to avail of this kind of service. It can be obtained from a private insurance company or an established one in Taiwan.

This form is similar to the US fluency wherein it requires the same general knowledge and fluency in English. It differs from the US fluency in terms of the conditions that must be met by all travelers to Taiwan who choose to have their Taiwan health declaration. It mainly focuses on maintaining personal hygiene like washing hands and having someone wash your face after hand so that any diseases caused by contact are prevented. Taiwan has its own set of criteria in recognizing persons with communicable diseases and those persons that are required to undergo quarantines. It is also worth noting that the Taiwan health declaration form contains a list of contagious diseases, which include influenza, measles, cholera, hepatitis B and HIV. Any traveler that displays the disease signs must be quarantined and treated for any infections.

Additionally, all travelers must complete the Taiwan health declaration form. This requires them to declare any previous travel history to tropical or subtropical areas and to provide necessary immunizations. Additionally, Taiwan requires travelers to submit their passports when entering the country. This document may be required by airlines or hotels in certain cases. These documents are required to ensure safety while traveling to Taiwan.

Taiwan has its own procedures for completing Taiwan's health declaration. You must register at the Taiwan Immigration office upon arrival in Taiwan. This can be done either in person or electronically. You can also apply online for a Taiwan work visa through an agent, employer or Taiwanese. Upon receipt of the application, the office will conduct a routine inspection of the applicant to determine whether the applicant is eligible to enter the country. If the applicant is eligible, they will conduct a detailed interview and then perform a medical exam. After the interview, the applicant must submit a certificate of completion, or a translation thereof, and a passport photograph.

All travelers must have a Taiwan national medical examination certificate and a Taiwan health declaration form. Neither is applicable towards children below the age of 18. Children who are above the age of 18 must have their parents accompany them when taking the exam. An immigrant cannot leave Taiwan without the Taiwan national medical examination certificate and Taiwan national health declaration form for a period of one (1) year after the date of its signing.

It is easy to obtain the Taiwan health declaration form. Access to the internet and a computer with an internet connection are essential for obtaining the Taiwan health declaration form. You can select either a one-year or two-year registration. The one-year registration allows for more flexibility and allows you to use the service for a longer time (1 year) from the date it was signed. The two-year registration, on the other hand is more costly and allows you to use the service for a shorter time of two years after its signing.

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