Taimanin Characters

Taimanin Characters


Taimanin Characters
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Taimanin or "Anti-Demon Ninjas". A group of super powered ninjas tasked with dealing with the corruptions created by demons and "evil influenced" people. Each taimanin seems to have their own unique superhuman ability (e.g. Asagi's SuperΒ Speed , Sakura's ability to travel through shadows , Yukikaze's ability to generate lighting , and etc.). Most taimanin live in the fictional village of Gokuruma, which doubles as their base of operation. Younger taimanin are trained at Gosha Academy . Usually taimanin are often paired in teams of two when going on missions, sometimes three or more depending on the difficult of the mission. However, more experienced veteran Taimanin have been known to go on solo missions.

Murasaki Yatsu starts out as an up-and-coming Taimanin in training at Goshu academy and Kuroi Yatsu's younger sister. Despite her youth and inexperience, many veteran Taimanin, including Asagi, see great potential in Murasaki. Of course, due to her beauty and skills, she becomes the idol of Goshu academy, also developing a rivalry/friendship (much to her dismay) with Sakura. Similar to her brother Kurou, Murasaki's ninja ability grants her a vast Healing Factor which allows her to regrow entire limbs and Super Strength . Murasaki's powers basically grants her immortality unless her head and heart are destroyed.

Often referred to as the Blind Taimanin Kurou is a veteran Taimanin and long time friend/subordinate to the Igawa family, He is also Murasaki older brother. Despite not being able to see he makes up for this with * Super Senses .Like his younger sister, Kurou has *Super Strength and a * Healing Factor . His signature weapons are a jack-knife and sub-machine gun.

Often referred to as the Lightning Taimanin due to her unique ability to generate and manipulate lightning to power her twin handguns, which controls her lightning attacks. This ability was apparently taught to her by her late father. She is a student at Goshu Academy, along with her best friend and senior Taimanin, Rinko Akiyama, and boyfriend, Tatsurou Akiyama. She is also the daughter of Taimanin Shiranui Mizuki, who went missing 5 years before the advent of Taimanin Yukikaze .

Among the new generation of Taimanin, Yukikaze is considered one of the best. If it wasn't for her temper and pride, she has the potential of being the perfect operative of all the Taimanin. However, many don't realize that deep down, Yukikaze is a very shy and insecure girl who still having trouble making any romantic progress with her love interest, Tatsurou.

Yukikaze's "Lightning Art" gives her the ability to create and control electricity. Of all the ninja arts, Yukikaze's abilities are considered the most powerful in terms of offensive capabilities. However, the destructive nature of her ninja art, makes it very hard for her to control the output of her attacks. Thus she wields the handguns "Lightning Shooters" as limiters to help her proper channel her powers.

Often referred to as the Slashing Taimanin due to her skills of swordsmanship with her katana, the Ishikiri Kanemitsu, which is apparently a family heirloom. Like many Taimanins, she attends Goshu Academy with her best friend, Yukikaze, and her younger brother, Tatsurou. She a successor of the 'Ittoryu', a fighting style that has been passed down in Akiyama clan for generations. Rinko is looked up to by many students at Goshu Academy, and has a secret growing fan club within the school.

Her ninja abilities are referred to as the "Void Arts" which gives her the ability to manipulate space . Some of her abilities include being able to increase her senses so she can see long distances, see at impossible angles, and through walls . She can also create portals that teleport her and others up to a range of 1 km (range is increased drastically in Action Taimanin ). However, overuse of these abilities will cause fatigue.

The younger brother of Rinko, and the childhood friend/boyfriend of Yukikaze. Like his sister, his weapon of choice is a katana. He also has the ability to manipulate wind.

A new Taimanin introduced in Taimanin Asagi 3 and also the second protagonist. She was Asagi's prodigy two years before the event of the third game, and her body had been damaged in battle around that time leaving her limbless. She then mysteriously disappeared after that incident. She shows up two years later in the third game having replaced her limbs with robotic arms and legs making her even more powerful than before.

An exceptional smart Taimanin that specializes in missions of infiltration and solitary. She has the ability to manipulate nature and fights with a rose whip. She is sometimes refer to as "Shizuru the Flower". Introduced in Taimanin Yukikaze 2 .

A half-human, half-vampire/demon Taimanin from the Fuuma clan. Despite her demonic lineage, she has an intense hatred toward demons, due to them harming her clan in the past. She was taught swordmanship by her grandfather, Gen-an Shinganji. Due to her vampiric bloodline, she has enhanced physical strength, agility, and the ability to become stronger when exposed to blood. The more blood she is exposed to, the stronger she gets. She can also transform into a stronger vampiric version of herself. It would be revealed in her game that she is in fact the biological daughter of Edwin Black and sister to Felicia.

Her weapon of choice are twin kodachi blades that are named "Shirakami" and "Koma". Kurenai's ninja art is referred to as "Fuuton (Wind Art)". Her ninja art gives her the ability to create whirlwinds and powerful vacuums that she uses against her foes.

Another Taimanin from the Fuuma clan. An elegant and intelligent woman, who is Kurenai's best friend and loyal subordinate. Her weapon of choose is a sniper rifle, and is a exceptionally skill marksman. She possesses the unique ability of "the eye" which allows her to "read the wind", basically giving her super-human accuracy when sniping foes, bordering the ability of precognition (being able to see in the future). It is also heavily implied that her feelings for Kurenai are beyond simple friendship.

A first-year student in Gosha Academy like Yukikaze. The current head of the Fuuma clan. Since he hasn't awakened his clan's bloodline magical eye (which makes his right eye closed at all times), he is often scorned as "the Fuuma head with a missing eye". However, he compensates it with a deep knowledge of the Taimanin ninja arts he gained from reading old and secret tomes from the Gosha Academy's library, in turn making him an excellent commander and support.

The main protagonist of the Taimanin RPGX mobile/browser game, his story begins when Gosha Academy was attacked and he along with his half-sister Tokiko was forced to go rogue. He was also the main POV of Battle Arena with a different take to his RPGX self. Action Taimanin has him remain on the Taimanin side as the Mission Control due to having the least combat ability in that game.

Kotarou's older half-sister and stewardess of the Fuuma clan. She is the child that Kotarou's deceased father had with a concubine. Upon her birth, she was adopted by the family that had served as stewards of the Fuuma clan for generations, and is a talented woman that has supported Kotarou in his endeavors. Her favored weapon is the kunai. She is praised as the Fuuma family's strongest kunai user, and her close-combat abilities is regarded as the greatest among the Taimanin. Unlike Kotarou, she is able to use the evil eye characteristic of the Fuuma family. Tokiko's evil eye is called "Clairvoyance" allows her to separate her vision from her physical body and send it off to wherever she may choose, allowing her to essentially sneak into any location. Unlike other evil eyes, it activates when her eyes are closed. Also, while her ability is in effect, by simply having her sight touch books, computers and so on, she can read the information contained within.

An ex-Taimanin who left her job in order to get married to a normal man. Over a decade after leaving the Taimanin, Kana finds herself living a quite, yet happy life of an ordinary housewife with her husband, Shingo Yoshizawa, and her mischievous son, Satoru Yoshizawa. Neither Shingo or Satoru know about Kana's former life as a Taimanin. Despite no longer being a Taimanin, she still has a strong sense justice and will do anything to protect the weak, whether it is her family or someone else. During her Taimanin days, she wields a combat knife and is stated be a "power-type" among the Taimanin.

A Taimanin investigating missing persons cases of several married ex-Taimanin. Karin is described as a person with a cool and calculated personality with many years of experience and a strong sense of responsibility. She was able to solve many difficult cases using her calm and accurate judgement. Due to her past achievements, she is considered highly elite among the Taimanin. Her investigation leads her to Kana, who she suspect will be targeted as the next victim of the abductions. She wields a pistol and a kunai attached to a wire .

A soldier of the Chinese Union who works for the PLA Intelligence Agency. Su came to Japan to be an adjutant to Kotaro. She was described to be a child prodigy who was able to repeatedly skip grades and graduate at the top of her class, before being scouted as a lieutenant for a special company that prevents international terrorist attacks and invasions from demons. Su's Taimanin lineage comes from her great-grandfather and she decided to train at Gosha Academy to hone her ninja arts. She also views Asagi as her "master".

A scientist that works for the anti-NOMAD faction of the United Federal States. In Action Taimanin, she was dispatched to Paradise Island to join Asagi's special task force and act as the team's field medic, making her a temporary member of the Taimanin. Emily strongly believes science and technology can be used to solve any problem. She has a deep fascination with the Taimanin due to their supernatural abilities and has a strong desire to study them, especially Asagi . Emily is gifted with photographic memory and parallel thinking. Although, Emily's main job is to provide medical support to the Taimanin; the super-advanced technology that she is equipped with makes her perfectly capable of dealing with combat situations.

A student attending Gosha Academy. Mari is gifted with Super Strength and the ability to manipulate the Earth around her. Despite her tremendous powers, Mari is rarely sent out on missions due to her innate clumsiness often getting in the way of her performance. Mari idolizes Murasaki Yatsu and hopes to one day be as cool as her hero, which many of her peers highly doubt will ever come to pass. In Action Taimanin, Mari serves as a Bonus Boss for the 5th advent story.

A Taimanin who has the power to manipulate fire . In terms of raw power, Maika's fire abilities rivals Yukikaze's lightning powers. However, like Yukikaze, Maika's fire powers are too powerful and too difficult to control. Maika's weapon of choice is a BFG , named the "Meido Bazooka" which she uses to properly channel her firepower, much like Yukikaze's hand guns. Maika is described as a very aggressive and tomboyish individual. Although Maika secretly has very a feminine side to her, as she is interested in fashion and keeps a treasure chest at home that is filled with cute stuffed animals. She is also the younger sister to Azuma Kamimura from Cara the Bloodlord . In Action Taimanin, Maika serves as a Bonus Boss for the 9th advent story.

A half- Oni and human hybrid who inherited the icy powers of her mother, who is a high-rank Oni known as the "Frost Phantom", and the ninja art of her Taimanin father. She has horns growing out the sides of her head, which is a common characteristic of the Onis. Kirara has a complex about them since she was a child, so she usually hides them with large ribbons and her shaggy twin-tails. She hates men and views them as animals.

Her power to manipulate cold air, which she inherited from her mother, is so powerful that she can freeze moisture in the air in an instant to create an ice shield, or freeze an enemy with her cold air-clad fists. However, due to an argument with her father, she sealed her ninja art and refuses to use it, so barely anyone knows what kind of ninja art she has.

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