Tails Penis

Tails Penis


Tails Penis

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An Ohio woman bought a package of what she thought was smoked turkey tails at a supermarket – but thought she got the shaft when she noticed a decidedly phallic-shaped piece of meat in her beans, the Akron Beacon Journal reported .
“I’m calling Save A Lot, this ain’t right,” Akron resident Lamia Singfield said on Facebook Live .
“I know what this is,” she added, referring to a male member.
“It’s got the folds,” Singfield told her Facebook fans. “Upon further investigation, there’s a hole at the tip.”
When she checked her store receipt, it indicated she had bought turkey tails, but a photo of the label said it was actually “smoked pork tails.”
But still fearing that she was cooking male genitalia, the worried woman called the cops about the mystery meat.
“I called the police because I examined it and it is what it is,” Singfield said in a second Facebook Live video .
“The police came and they examined it, and it is, in fact, a penis. They are calling the medical examiner out here right now, and the coroner, because somebody is missing they stuff. Save A Lot has got some explaining to do,” she said.
Fortunately, an investigator from the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office said the meat was indeed pork and not an errant penis – adding that the piece of meat contained a bone, suggesting it was likely a pig tail.
In a statement to the Beacon Journal, Save A Lot said it had not been contacted by the customer.
“At Save A Lot we have a long-held commitment to the highest standards in quality control and work in partnership with our vendors to ensure those standards are upheld,” the statement said.
“Issues of quality receive the utmost priority and we take this matter very seriously. We can confirm that we have had no previous quality issues with this item and we have not been contacted by the customer in question or the local authorities regarding this incident. We will take the appropriate action at that time,” it added.
A still-suspicious Singfield said she has hired an attorney to look into the matter.
Regardless of what it was, she said, the meat was mislabeled and wasn’t a turkey tail.
“It looks nothing like the other meat in the package,” she said.

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The thought of getting a penis tattoo might bring most men to doubt.
However, there are some robust enough to let the needle on their underpants. This is a YOLO type of behavior.
While the procedure of a penile tattoo is the same as getting a tattoo on any other part of the body, there are possibly genuine dangers and risks included. The tattoo on your penis will be permanent just like any other organ tattoo.
It is recommended to follow the famous saying:
This mantra might be particularly true in this situation. Men considering a penis tattoo should know about the dangers, reactions, the best penis care systems, and post-inking sanitation techniques.
There several side effects that might be possible and risky. For the official guidelines, read the FDA safety guide. [1] Here are the most frequent ones:
There are approaches to avert or decrease reactions after penis tattooing. Be sure to keep the entire skin area clean while it is recovering and always use proper hygiene to diminish the danger of contamination. Watch out for signs of disease. Seek medical help after a few days if the skin experiences redness, change of color, or soreness.
The long-term health of a tattoo begins with your tattoo artist. Needles never have to be reused to prevent the transmission of blood related infections, for example, hepatitis and HIV. It is likewise reasonable to inquire as to whether they have done penile tattoos before, and ask to see photographs of the work.
Once the penis has come back to its natural state, besides the new work of art, men must use a penis creme which contains essential supplements, vitamins and minerals as a component of their usual penis care schedule. A top notch penis creme might diminish scarring, reduce the risk of infection, and enhance the strength of the penis skin in general.
Fact: Sometimes penis tattoos are done by fans to support their appreciation for their teams. [2]
Here at AHCAF , we do not encourage such behaviors as getting a penis tattoo. You should focus more on tools and other male enhancement practices.
The following were designed by professionals that know what they are doing. Do not let an amateur do your tattoo. Especially not on your penis.

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Following my bowel cancer .. I decided to get tattoos all over myself .. ( I use to think tats were horrid)
One of my tat , proud of of it , is an elephant tat on my penis ..the head of the elephant is above my penis , the trunk is obviously the penis .. it is extremely well done and extremely please with it … it was not painful at all and would do it again.
Ps : I had a awkward uncontrolled erection
During the session but it went back down quickly .. the tattooist was a total pro and did not react negatively about it .. he just told that it’s something that can happen..

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I was castrated and my young wife insisted I have the date I was castrated tat on my groin and that the head of my dick be tattooed with the Eunuch’s symbol. And yes it did need to be touched up several times as the glans “head” of my dick did not take the ink well and She had to redo me several times. P.S. It did not hurt, but being castrated did make me sweat.

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Hello all: During the summer of 2019, I got the head of my penis (glans) tattooed with a shamrock. I got it there because such tattoos are rare and I love being unique. I am also a male fetish model so it adds a little extra zip to the naughty photos. I must say that my penis did not have to be hard but it did have to be squeezed somewhat to make it tight. As for pain, it certainly did not hurt any more than my other 8 tattoos on my body. I knew it was being done, but to be totally honest, it really did not hurt much at all. I do have a fairly high tolerance for pain however, so this may have something to do with it. The only issue I had, was that the ink did not take right away and the artist had to go over it 2 or 3x to get a good solid colour. I had no issues with it and having my penis tattooed does make it more interesting for fetish pics as it is so unusual. I plan to get the rest of the shaft done in a barbwire motif.

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Please update when shaft is done. Thanks for sharing!

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Hey Mark sounds amazing ! Where did you get it done ? DM me

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I want to get the infinity symbol tattooed on my penis.

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Procreating is serious business in the animal kingdom, and Mother Nature has gone out of her way to cleverly ensure the survival of her many, many denizens. From sex organs with multiple heads to prodigious shafts exceeding an animal's own body length, here are 12 of the weirdest (and often scariest) animal penises on the planet:
1. The sea slug's disposable, regenerating penis The Chromodoris reticulata sea slug has the peculiar ability to discard its penis after copulation. But what makes this soft-bodied marine mollusk particularly different is its ability to grow a new penis within 24 hours. Sea slugs are "simultaneous hermaphrodites," meaning they possess both male and female genitals and use both during intercourse. Once the slugs complete copulation, they " crawl away with their elongated penises still dangling ," and then the organs suddenly sever from their bodies and float away. Within 24 hours, the slugs regenerate the penises and are ready to do it all over again. 
2. The fish penis with four sharp hooks At first glance, this unremarkable freshwater-dweller from Mexico looks harmless. Yet the newly discovered llanos mosquitofish ( Gambusia quadruncus ) is in possession of some of the most "fearsome" genitalia on the planet, says Megan Gannon at LiveScience . North Carolina State University Researchers found a reproductive shaft equipped with four sharp hooks, which males use to grab onto resistant females during mating. It's definitely an "unpleasant looking genital barb," says Ian Chant at Geekosystem , but "when they're trying to break through the tissue that blocks their mates' genital pores, male mosquitofish are probably less than concerned with winning any beauty contests."
3. The sea turtle's massive, terrifying penis Male sea turtles are "horrifically" well-endowed, says Darren Naish at Scientific American . Softshell varieties like the leatherback have penises that, when erect, extend to nearly half the animal's 8-foot body length. The endpoint culminates in a five-lobed head that discharges semen from four different branches (think: Ridley Scott's Aliens franchise). Scientists surmise that males evolved these "innovative penises" in order to inseminate females from long distances, namely to get past their protective shells and bulky, swatting tails. 
4. The Argentine bluebird duck's long corkscrew Most male birds don't have penises. But a few, such as the Argentine lake duck, more than make up for it, says Miss Cellania at Mental Flos s . The duck's penis is shaped like a corkscrew and can extend to more than 17 inches. (The bird is only 16 inches tall.) Females are often observed trying to fly away from an eager mate, leading experts to believe that the long penis could be an evolutionary response that makes forced copulation easier. "Conversely, the long penis could be the reason the females try to escape." 
5. The fish with a penis on its head Most animals have their reproductive organs located close to their tail-ends. But that's not the case for a newly discovered species of river fish identified in Vietnam's Mekong Delta. Phallostethus culling 's penis sprouts, oddly enough, out of its head . More specifically, the reproductive organ shoots out from just under the fish's throat, giving the fish the unique ability to grab onto a female with its mouth while fertilizing her eggs at the same time.
6. The warehouse pirate bug's dagger-like shaft The warehouse pirate bug is typically used to guard grain storage warehouses, where it chows down on threatening moths and larvae. The tiny 3mm (0.11 inch) creature also practices one of the animal kingdom's most dangerous copulation methods: Its spiny penis is razor-sharp, and instead of inseminating females by traditional means, the bug uses its sex organ to violently stab through her exoskeleton in order to ejaculate. This leaves "gaping, seeping wounds" in female pirate bugs , who often die shortly after giving birth.
7. Dolphins' retractable "hand" The good-natured swimmers have retractable penises that are kind of like multi-tools. Not only does the male dolphin's penis swivel around, but it's often also used to feel out other objects, kind of like a human hand. This gives the dolphin a "ravenous sexual appetite," says Neatorama , and could help explain why males are often seen trying to "hump inanimate objects" and "other animals like sea turtles."
8. Flatworms' fencing penises Flatworms are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female sex organs, which triggers some seriously odd reproductive behavior. When trying to impregnate another worm, for example, a flatworm tries to pierce the skin of the other using its penis. Experts term this heated competition " penis fencing ": The first to successfully impregnate the other while fending off advances becomes the de facto male, who wins because he won't have to expend the energy required to carry eggs. 
9. The echidna's turn-taking heads The echidna, also known as the spiny anteater, is native to Australia and New Guinea. Like its cousin the platypus, echidna females lay eggs instead of giving birth like other mammals. Scientists, however, have long been perplexed by the male anteater's mysterious sex organ, which secretes semen from four different heads. Getting all four of these into a female is impossible when fully engorged, so the echidna only insert two at any given time. Studies suggest that going halfsies may make the individual sperm swim faster .
10. The orb spider's burdensome load Male orb spiders detach their penis and insert them in female spiders to impregnate them, says Jennifer Welsh at LiveScience . Having penis-detached intercourse allows the male spiders to not only escape the hungry female — who successfully eats the male 75 percent of the time — but also gives them a better chance of fending off competing males. New research suggests that without the extra weight bogging them down, the new eunuchs become "superior fighters," with enhanced endurance that gives them a better shot at surviving. 
11. The barnacle's accordion-like organ Though they don't appear to do much more than stick to the underside of boats , barnacles actually possess one of the longest penises in the world — at least relative to their body size. The filament-like penis extending from its shell has an exoskeleton with "accordion-like folds" that stretch out to inseminate nearby females. Barnacles that live near shore breaks often develop thicker, heartier manparts to survive the crash of oncoming waves. 
12. The argonaut octopus' detachable worm Male argonauts are much smaller than females — only 3/4 of an inch versus a gal's 4 inches. That's why when attempting to mate, the dimunitive male argonaut octupus tries to maintain its distance, using a " special tentacle " that detaches from its body. The swimming penis squirms its way over to the female to deliver semen to her waiting eggs. The practice is so deceptive, in fact, that when Italian scientists first discovered it in the 1800s, they thought it was a new kind of parasitic worm.
This article — originally published on June 22, 2012 — was last updated on February 13, 2013.
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