Tails Boobs

Tails Boobs


Перевести · 14.05.2020 · “Aaahh!” Tails gasped, feeling his breasts jolt up in size once more, flopping down onto the ground. His boobs were now just as …
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Перевести · 02.04.2016 · Tails from the boobs. April 2, 2016 April 2, 2016 ~ Kristi. Or tales. Either one works in this case. Emberli went straight to the NICU after birth so I’ve been pumping milk since the day after she was born.
Перевести · 07.04.2021 · Miles Prower,12 commonly referred to by his nickname Tails, is one of the main …
Перевести · 05.08.2016 · Tails finds zooey to be in love with.
Перевести · 11.08.2014 · True Detective Proves Boobs Still Have Power. Alexandria Daddario, True Detective, Winter 2014 Just when we thought that to break through the cable-TV noise you needed to flail some …
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Baking Cake Batter
When my uterus was the oven & the hospital became my kitchen
Or tales. Either one works in this case.
Emberli went straight to the NICU after birth so I’ve been pumping milk since the day after she was born. My insurance paid for the pump in full because the doctor wrote a prescription and said the pump was medically necessary due to the separation of mother and infant. I’m so glad because the price of the pump was over $400!
Expressing milk has been a long, tough road and I have wanted to give up so many times. The only reason I persevere is because I hope to nurse Emberli when she finally does come home. I want so badly to nurse her to establish a good bond between us since, obviously, we have not had a chance yet. Also, breastmilk is best!
I got colostrum for a few days then it changed to actual milk, only I didn’t realize this at first. Honestly, there wasn’t much difference between the colostrum and milk as far as color, consistency, and amount goes. I also had never felt the warm tingly, slightly-uncomfortable let-down sensation that I had with my first baby either. So I just kept on pumping and assuming my milk hadn’t come in yet.
The hospital had given me a bag of 35cc colostrum bottles and I was barely eeking 10-15cc out of each side. This went on for a couple weeks and then I realized that nothing was changing, that it was my milk. I was extremely disappointed that I was producing such a small amount. I thought it would dry up within a matter of days. I could have cried because breastfeeding did not go well with daughter #1 and I desperately wanted to have a good experience this time around. Since I didn’t get the labor and delivery I wanted with either pregnancy, I saw breastfeeding as a last shot to get my way.
I did some research and decided to dramatically increase my fluid intake and pump more frequently than the recommended 15 minutes every 3 hours. It helped somewhat but not much. I then decided to try fenugreek and my own version of “power pumping.” With the fenugreek I started at the dose given on the bottle: 1 capsule (610mg) with meals 3 times a day. It didn’t do anything. After a few days of that, I went to 2 capsules 3 times a day. Still no significant change. A few more days went by and I began taking 3 capsules 3 times a day. I did that for a week along with the power pumping. Basically, power pumping is pumping both sides simultaneously for 40 minutes out of a 60 minute period. You don’t pump for 40 minutes straight; you pump for a set amount of time then rest then pump then rest and so on.
I’m not sure which helped but I’m definitely producing more milk. It still isn’t TONS but I can get 30-60cc per session now. I’ve read that I’ll produce more once Emberli actually begins nursing. The body can tell the difference between a machine and a baby and will adjust accordingly. *fingers crossed*
In the meantime I am pretty much attached to this machine and it can be incredibly inconvenient. If I don’t pump at least every 3 hours my boobs surely let me know it. It’s painful when the milk is let down and then more milk comes down and it has no where to go so the breasts become engorged. Sometimes 3 hours hasn’t even passed when I begin to feel those sharp zaps deep within the breast tissue.
The pump itself, shown above, is a double pump with the option of converting to a single pump. It runs on an AC adapter and has adjustable speeds/vacuum settings. The higher the vacuum, the higher the suction. Higher is not always better. It can be painful and inhibit milk flow. You want to turn the dial to where it’s slightly uncomfortable then turn it down just a notch.
My kit came with a manual pump but it’s essentially useless. I don’t know anyone who would have the stamina to pump each side for 15 minutes with that thing. I only use it to make sure I’m empty if I still have pain after pumping or to give the let-down reflex a jumpstart if I haven’t had good output during the prior pump session. I’m happy to say I haven’t needed it in 2 weeks.
The kit also comes with two sizes of flanges, 24mm and 27mm. Those are standard sizes but other sizes are available through special order. It’s imperative to use the correct size. Otherwise, your milk flow will be affected AND you will quickly develop sore nipples. If the flanges are too large a good seal won’t be formed and less milk will be expressed. Also, excessive breast tissue will get yanked into the tunnel and this will cause soreness or pain. If the flanges are too small, there will be too much friction. The friction will lead to soreness, pain, and possibly “blebs,” which are tiny white bubbles on the nipple where milk has become trapped below the surface. The correct size flange will allow the nipple to clear the tunnel the whole way around, i.e. no part of the nipple rubs against any part of the flange.
A woman can have large breasts but small nipples or vice versa. One breast may need one size flange while the other breast requires a different size. Finding the correct size(s) and the correct pump settings takes some trial and error. I recommend having lanolin ointment handy to soothe soreness. This is probably a good idea even if you are breastfeeding, not pumping. When older women tell you to toughen up your nipples the advice seems silly but the discomfort they speak of is no joke. I personally experienced discomfort and it was enough that I almost quit pumping permanently. I’m all better now though!
Another inconvenience of pumping is the amount of time spent holding the bottles up to your breasts. I hated it. All I could do was focus on how much time was left and become more impatient as the minutes crept by. Naturally, when I started to pump is when my other daughter would suddenly require my assistance or I would get a text message or phone call. Just get a hands-free nursing bra. I love mine and wish I had bought it sooner. Walmart sells them and you can find brand new ones for half the cost on eBay. Now I can eat, read, play mobile games, text, etc. while I’m pumping, and since it helps me relax and distract myself from the time, it seems to help my milk flow.
My husband and I find the hands-free bra to be quite funny. When I’m pumping and the suction tubes are plugged into the back of the plastic adapter (see picture above) it looks like I have long tails growing out of my nipples, hence the blog title. When I’ve unplugged the tubes and taken the adapters and bottles off the flange, I resemble Madonna. The flanges are held in place by the bra so until I unzip and remove them, I have these big round things sticking out of the holes and it always makes me think of Madonna wearing the infamous cone bra.
I won’t be able to use the hands-free bra when I return to work but I figure I will only need to pump once while I’m gone and I think I can handle it. Until then I am certainly taking full advantage of it. And speaking of work, I don’t really have a clean, private place to pump so I’ll need to figure that out. Said place must also have an electrical outlet to power the pump. Hmm…
Well, it looks like I’ve rambled on quite a lot so I will wrap it up momentarily. I just want to say that breastfeeding is hard. Pumping is hard. I’ve wanted to quit numerous times. I didn’t though and I don’t want other moms to give up easily either. I gave up too easily, too soon when I had my first daughter and I have some regrets about that.
Some ladies truly cannot breastfeed for one reason or another but I strongly encourage them to make every effort possible before quitting. Try fluids, herbs, power pumping. Educate yourself. Seek assistance from a lactation consultant. Even if you can only make a little bit of milk, stick with it. A little bit of breastmilk is better than none, and if you’ve only got a few drops, that’s ok too. Assuming it was useless, I was going to dump mine until the hospital told me that they would use the drops to swab the inside of my daughter’s mouth. You could easily do the same thing at home.
All of that being said, I am far from an expert but I am always willing to answer questions about things I’ve posted or point people in the right direction if I am not sure of something. I included a couple links in the text above and more information can be found through La Leche League International. (Links will open in a new tab.)
Too old for donor milk?
April 13, 2016
In "breastfeeding"
My cup overfloweth
April 9, 2016
In "breastfeeding"
You go girl! As for returning to work, you should check out freemie breast shields. They should work with medela and they actually fit inside your bra. Pretty sure amazon carries them.
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