Tactics Elemental Download

Tactics Elemental Download


Tactics Elemental Download
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The trouble began with newgame+ because I was trying to keep interludes and various stage clear data in with the newgame+ mode instead of just purging everything except the stats and calling it a day.
The current new game plus system seems to pre-maturely grant access to the random encounter dungeons, and give them priority over the story dungeons, thus halting the Newgame + progress.
I’ve identified the issue and will add the appropriate patch soon. (It’s a pretty small adjustment at that.)
I’ve only now had a chance to fully check the patch and I found 1 more issue that locks out the Treesea levels.
(Some interludes depend on stage clear data.)
I’ll be thoroughly checking the new version this weekend to create an updated version.
I’ve added a new page that will contain version updates and download files for Tactics Elemental.
As of right now, the page has the latest version update.
I will also be sending everyone who purchased the game a new link and decrypt key for the new version’s full installation. The store.fredgdart.com’s Tactics Elemental purchase page will also link to the new version and issue the appropriate decrypt key.
Unfortunately, the last version had an issue with New Game Plus that got them stuck in the Illath Vaults Random Encounter Area… Even with the patch, the area is on the save game file as an accessible location, so the recommended course of action is to restart newgame plus. Version 1.2 will allow the right path to be followed. I added a new cheat code that will allow you to begin newgame plus… (Yep, it’s abusable but, it’s your game. Play how you want!)
Cheat(Enter cheats in the battle status window.)
Just discovered some issues due to incorrectly implemented flags:
“Illath Mana Vaults” random encounter flag did not reset on “Newgame plus”
All of Mayzi and Xolo’s interludes, Veer and Leon’s 4th interlude, All of Alyss’ and Leon’s…
Makyl and Mayzi’s affinity reaches “50” points but does not say (ready)… This is due to a rounding-up issue. This happens when the actual affinity accrued is 49.9998~ Going a little more with their affinity will “ready” their interlude. I plan to address this issue, but it’s minor compared to working on new content for the upcoming DLC campaign.
I will release a new version of the game for download and email the link and key to all customers who purchased version 1.1 or version 1.0 this weekend.
I’ve begun working on the next chapter in the story of Nowhere.
A DLC campaign that will take the crew into the realm of the Xubus’ last conquest, the Orkie Homeword!
Adventurous battles, The history of the Orkies and their downfall as well as new interlewds to unlock!
I’ll be updating my trello development map as I progress.
Installed the rest of the female NPC data logs.
Pazza Interludes: NPC ID for Pazza was incorrect, resulting in none of her interludes being accessible. I corrected the NPC ID error.
Wulfe’s RANGED attacks were missing it’s shoot object. (He was changed to a ranged attacker in the final build but his shoot object was left out.) This resulted in the game searching for the shoot object and halting the game. Wulfe now has his ranged attack.
Incorrect special ability ranges were displayed when the player selected between different special abilities. This issue has been corrected.
An old flag turned off the exit to the Illath vaults when the Illath mana scroll was seized. This issue has been corrected.
Added tool tips for Info box special abilities and status effects.
Currently I’m setting up systems to patch assets that need patched instead of requiring the entire game to be reinstalled. The next patch will be by Dec. 20th
It appears the Pazza interlude selections are not functioning as intended. I’ll be working this week to find what seems to be the trouble and fix same…
Sigh. My first patch. I really thought I had this all sewn up.
Since hurricane Matthew appeared in the first week, I spent a couple days backing up everything and getting survival supplies (water, radio, batteries.) Anyway, that week was lost.
I had to make up for the schedule by pushing everything around, but I’m back on TE again.
I made a development map on trello so everyone can see my progress.
I’m very sorry for the delay everyone.
I’ve truly been busy with juggling everything.
I’ll be putting the final interludes into the game this month, and the scheduled official release date will be on October 27th.
I know it’s a pretty late date, but I’ve had to work on an additional 54 interlude images. And side quests that involve every region.
Additional Material included in the official release
A modular design system for DLC assets: Unity doesn’t easily allow for downloadable content. You have to use something called asset bundling.
All of Tampini’s interludes(16 interludes)
All of Quamp’s interludes (Quamp is a planar merchant /quest agent)
The female and male Eternial interludes (14 interludes)
(And as many planar sidequests as I can include before the official release.)
I’m working hard to make this the game I’ve dreamed of making.
I’ll be making the official release date on the 30th of September.
I had to manage other projects for September but I’ll be back on the job soon.
I was busy compiling the new build. Finishing up for Mac, Win and Linux, actually.
When a player informs me that East Tendril is impossible. (I’m like… I played through that one dozens of times… But… It is.
I placed the Newgame+ mob list into the first game mob list… So yeah. Impossible… Or you need a *lot* of luck with Makyl’s “Landslide.”
So… recompile time. (3 hours each version… Ugh.) Working on patching system.

Version 1.56 includes the following additions, skirmish mode for unlimited gameplay; destiny mode with endless waves of enemies, how long you can last; over twenty built-in challenge levels for even more action; and other improvements.
Operating Systems Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows, Windows XP, Windows NT
Additional Requirements Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX 7
Fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience, now with high definition graphics.
Play as the British or Spanish in New England or Texas.
Defend your garden from a zombie attack using a variety of plants.
Advance an entire civilization in this strategy game.


Kingdom Elemental features nigh unlimited number of possible tactics by pitting combinations of your upgradeable heroes and their unique abilities against hordes of unique enemies like Giant Rat Mobs. Everyone loves giant rat mobs with their secret furry pockets full of gold and armor. Seriously no giant rat mobs, but thARR be Pirates. Giant War Pigs. A crypt full of living dead who are just begging to be killed again.
Version 1.56 includes the following additions, skirmish mode for unlimited gameplay; destiny mode with endless waves of enemies, how long you can last; over twenty built-in challenge levels for even more action; and other improvements.
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This latest update removes a know known issue with The NPC : Flairette who tries to use an ability she isn’t yet registered to have, thus giving a continuous “Out of Range” error. For now a Windows patch to fix this issue is available here:
This patch replaces the Assemly-CSharp.dll inside the “/managed” folder. The new system will remove abilities and techniques from an NPC’s list of moves and techniques if the use produces an exception or error. Then has the NPC select an new ability and method for use or pass the turn.
I feel like I should have caught this long ago, but Flairette never selected off-limit moves before. Now that I think about it, I probably caused this trouble when I limited her moveset for her first encounter to keep her from being OP.
I’m compiling a new version of the game after more testing to see if anything else needs fixing. At which time I’ll send DL links and keys to all my offbeatr supporter and update the links for those who purchased long ago on my Fredgdart.com site.
That new full version download should be ready by wednesday.
(PS. I also included a quality of life change: You no longer need to wait until someone finishes his/her move before pressing “End Turn”. The turn will end after they’ve completed whatever action you set once that button is pressed.)
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