Taboos And Issues

Taboos And Issues


Taboos And Issues

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Preview — Taboos and Issues
by Richard MacAndrew

TABOOS AND ISSUES is the latest in the series of photocopiable Teachers' Resource Books. It covers many serious issues which are usually, and quite reasonably, considered unsuitable for inclusion in general coursebooks. It provides the opportunity for adults to discuss controversial issues.
TABOOS AND ISSUES is the latest in the series of photocopiable Teachers' Resource Books. It covers many serious issues which are usually, and quite reasonably, considered unsuitable for inclusion in general coursebooks. It provides the opportunity for adults to discuss controversial issues.

January 1st 2001
by Heinle ELT

Taboos and Issues (Photocopiable ELT Instant Lessons Series)

(ISBN13: 9781899396412 )

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Jan 20, 2020

Bryan Fox

rated it
it was amazing

not every lesson holds up in 2020, but a surprising number of them do, considering this was printed nearly 20 years ago. Easy-to-use, teacher- and student- friendly mini lessons on a variety of topics for intermediate to advanced students, I've been using this (and recommending it to new teachers) for years. Also good is Instant Discussions, from the same author/time period.
not every lesson holds up in 2020, but a surprising number of them do, considering this was printed nearly 20 years ago. Easy-to-use, teacher- and student- friendly mini lessons on a variety of topics for intermediate to advanced students, I've been using this (and recommending it to new teachers) for years. Also good is Instant Discussions, from the same author/time period.


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It's a good book and helps a lot with classes however I don't seem to think of all topics as discussion material! :D
It's a good book and helps a lot with classes however I don't seem to think of all topics as discussion material! :D

Nilceia Santos

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Mar 16, 2018

ingrid johnnson

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did not like it

Aug 02, 2020

Alcazar QZR

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Mar 20, 2020


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it was amazing

Jun 09, 2022


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it was amazing

Jun 22, 2017


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it was amazing

Dec 18, 2014


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it was amazing

Mar 08, 2016


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Sep 01, 2010

Agnieszka Filak

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Mar 16, 2020


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Do you find this conversation offensive?

I haven't seen Harry for months. How is he?

> Dead! He died just before Christmas.

He passed away just before Christmas.

or We lost him just before Christmas.

Do you use similar expressions in your language to

avoid the words dead or died? If so, what are they?

1. When someone dies, what happens to their body?

a. It is buried. b. It is cremated. c. Something else

2. Where do funeral ceremonies take place?

a. In a church b. At a shrine c. Somewhere else

a. Only men b. Men and women c. Anyone

4. What colour do people wear to signify death?

a. Black b. White c. A different colottr

5. What do people usually do at funerals?

a. Cry openly and express strong emotions.

b. Keep their emotions under control.

c. Tr~f not to cry, but cry quietly if they cannot help it.

When you die, would you prefer to be buried or cremated?

Read the two articles opposite. Then choose the best

1. Why do you think nobody sang the final song at the

a. Because they didn't agree with George's brother.

b. Because they were shocked by what had happened.

2. What is Maplethorpe council going to do?

a. Order the body to be re-buried in a cemetery.

Discuss the questions below in pairs:

1. Was Frank Ramsbottom right to make the speech?

2. "You should never speak ill of the dead." Do you

3. Can you bury someone in their garden in your

4. Can you scatter their ashes wherever you like?

5. How would you feel if your next-door neighbours

buried their grandmother in their back garden?

Family and friends at the funeral of George

Ramsbottom in Honley, West Yorkshire,

were stunned when his brother, Frank, stood

up in the church and told everyone that his

Describing his brother as the meanest man

he had ever met, he went on to list all the

people who would be glad to know that

George had died, and gave the reasons why.

He claimed that George was a liar, a cheat, a

womaniser and a drunk. "He owed money to

half the people in the village; he had ruined

a number of marriages; and he was often

incredibly rude for no good reason. No one

will be sad that he has gone," said Frank

Mr Ramsbottom's unexpected speech was

followed by complete silence. Eventually

Margaret Dudley, the minister in charge of

the service, stood to say, "Let us give thanks

for George's life with our final song." She

then sang on her own while everyone else

stood in silence. The service ended shortly

A family who buried a relative in their back

Residents of a care home were shocked to

see the coffin of Daniel Stevens lowered into

a grave in Chesterfield Road, Maplethorpe.

Staff at the Adamson care home, which

overlooks the garden, want the body re-
buried in a cemetery.

Geraldine Thomson, the manager of the

home, said: "Someone sent me a letter last

week to say the funeral would happen on

There were about 200 people in the garden

for the service. When I called the police they

said they couldn't do anything to stop it

Maplethorpe council said it was not able to

prevent a burial on private land as long as

Use the correct form of these verbs below:

1. I'm just going outside. I'm .......... for a

> Yes, I could ........ a cup of tea.

3. What's your new boyfriend like? I'm

4. I've been out shopping all day. My feet are

5. The train doesn't leave till 4, so we've got

6. Just keep quiet. Whenever you open your

Add the following words to these sentences:

7. When is it going to stop raining? I'm sick to

8. Sorry I'm so late. The traffic was ........

9. You look like ........ warmed up! Are

10. I don't just want to sit on the beach all day.

Do you have similar idioms in your language?

Do you know these idiomatic expressions?

Answer the questions below on your own:

1. How do you feel when the subject of death comes into the conversation?

a. Uncomfortable - I don't want to talk about it.

b. It depends how other people react.

c. Fine - it's perfectly natural to talk about death.

2. You have to tell a close friend that a mutual friend of yours has died. You know that they were

very close. How would you start the conversation?

a. I'm afraid we won't be meeting Mary for lunch on Friday after all.

b. Have you heard? Mary's just died.

c. You'd better sit down. I've got some bad news about Mary. She died last night.

3. A friend of yours (a rather unreliable one) has just died, owing you a lot of money. After the

funeral his sister comes to talk to you. Do you say:

a. I was hoping to meet one of the family so I can get my money back.

b. Poor George! He was such a good friend. (and forget about the money)

c. I shall miss George - b u t n o t as much as the %I000 he owed me!

4. If the only work available was working with dead bodies - for example as an undertaker or a

a. Take the job. Somebody has to do jobs like that. It's no big deal.

b. I could never do a job like that. What would my friends think? I'd rather starve.

c. I'd ask for a huge salary. It would be OK if 1 was paid a lot.

d. Please stop talking about it. I feel sick.

Compare and discuss your answers in pairs or small groups.

Nude /Naked - both words mean wearing no clothes. For example:

He was completely naked. She was standing there, in the nude.

Naturism is the activity of not wearing any clothes because you believe it is more natural or healthy.

The people who do this are called nudists or naturists.

How would you react in the following situations? Would you laugh, be embarrassed, cover your eyes,

have a good look, or do something else?

1. You are watching a football match when a 4. You are at the beach with your family. A man

naked woman runs onto the pitch and stops and a woman put their towels near you, rake

the game. off all their clothes and lie down to sunbathe.

2. Some new friends of yours have a sauna. After 5. You are invited to dinner by some people you

dinner, they suggest you all relax and chat in don't know very well. After dinner, they show

the sauna. When you are getting ready, you you their holiday photographs. They had been

discover that you are expected to be naked. to a naturist resort in the south of France. The

pictures leave nothing to the imagination! 3. You are shopping in the main street of your

town. You notice a man walking down the 6. Your new boyfriend/girlfriend suggests going to

street. He is not wearing any clothes, but is the beach. When you get there, it's a nudist

Answer these questions. Then read the article to find out the answers.

1. How many naturists do you think there are in Britain? a. 5,000 b. 25,000 c. 50,000

2. How many official nudist beaches do you think there are in Britain? a. 10 b. 50 c. 100

3. Do you think it is possible to go on a nudist package holiday?


This summer British naturists are spokesperson for BN, the British England to France, which British

planning to swim and bathe naked Naturism magazine. "We will Naturism hopes will increase

on public beaches throughout the defend our members in court ... as awareness of topless and nudist

country to draw attention to public long as we are satisfied that they beaches in many parts of the world.

and official opposition to their have behaved reasonably and Britain already has 170 clubs and 10

lifestyle. there's been no indecent beaches where naturism is officially

British Naturism, the leading UK behaviour." permitted and, surprisingly, the

organisation for naturists, is not The Nude Tolerance Campaign, naturist lifestyle is becoming big

only encouraging its members to which started quietly last business. Members of BN enjoy

bathe naked wherever they want, November, is building up as discounts on ferry services, car

but is also promising to defend summer arrives and Britain's rental and breakdown insurance and

them in court if they are arrested by 25,000 naturists arrive at beaches can enjoy f 2,000 nudist Caribbean

the police. and clubs all over the UK. There cruises. Several large tour

"Basically, our view is that every will also be a nude cross-Channel operators, including Virgin, offer

beach is a naturists' beach," said a relay swim from the south of naturist summer packages.

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Taboos and Issues

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Definitely a book every teacher should have on their bookshelf. Great text to stimulate conversation.

It has been a long time in coming: a book that looks at the more controversial side of life and gets away from the sanitised topics for the prudish teacher and class. It was with great interest that I first picked up this book. It does get into some pretty good issues, and some that are really on the limits of what you would call "normal". This covers issues like transgenderism, (a personal favourite of mine), age differences, inheritance, death, and a whole range of others. There is pretty much something for everyone, even those with a more conservative bent. Some of the features are good, but there is one serious lack. That is the presentation. Each lesson is quite simply boring to look at. Compared with other publications in the same vein, (for example, "Ideas and Issues: Advanced"), this book is positively boring to look at. Despite some good features, one will need to spice it up with their own resources. The lack of pictures and creativity in some respects is quite notable. However, they do make it easy to expand on the topics and make your own activities. It is a good book to form a basis for a lesson, but there is no arriving two minutes before your lesson and copying a few runs from one of these. You will need to add your own "spice" and "flavour" to it.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Arrived early and in perfect shape. A great collection of controversial topics with ...

Arrived early and in perfect shape. A great collection of controversial topics with excellent support material.

3.0 out of 5 stars

Two pages per issue ?

An interesting workbook because of its topics, but each topic is dealt with in just two pages, which makes it extremely expensive for what it's worth. It was obviously written to cater t
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