Taboo Pussy Family

Taboo Pussy Family


2018 Primetime Emmy
& James Beard Award Winner
Author & Photographer:
Liza Van der Stock,
Photographer Liza Van Der Stock’s intimate project about a porn-producing family in Flanders was shortlisted for the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards.
In a Flemish village outside of Turnhout, Belgium, Laura and Maurice live together with their daughter Eva. They have all the trappings of a normal family, but when 9-year-old Eva is at school, Maurice and Laura start their day jobs as porn producers.
I photographed the family for two years for my project called Paradi$e Lu$t. They’ve given me unfettered access to both their personal and professional lives. The duo, more than anything, are small business owners: together they started a production company called “Stout!” around a decade ago. It’s still a modest operation: they produce the movies and both work the camera. And, from time to time, they are the porn stars as well.
Like Maurice and Laura, their other actors are ordinary people. They’re fathers and neighbors. Salesmen and postmen. The sex and the bodies are very real, not fake, not glamorous.
Maurice and Laura used to live above an erotic club they owned and filmed in, but they moved out to the quieter village once Eva got a little older. The most interesting thing about the village life was the process of gaining their new community’s acceptance. When Eva was new in her school there were some children who couldn’t play with her because their parents didn’t allow it. Laura really wanted everybody to accept them, so she threw a very big party for Eva’s birthday. She cleaned the house for two days and made it totally sex-free. She invited everybody from the school, also the parents. People came to realize that they are just normal people and since then she organizes the party each year.
The house where Maurice, Laura and Eva live. They live upstairs and downstairs porn movies are shot and erotic parties take place.
Maurice and Laura are always very honest with Eva. They don’t want to lie to her. But of course they informed her about their job in words she can understand. She knows that they had a bar where naked people came to have a drink and to dance. Eva has a really good relationship with her parents and their job has never been an obstacle. And in my time with them, I saw a warm family with a very normal life that really separated their work life from their personal life. A moment I remember very well was when Eva received her first communion in church. Laura was very involved in the ceremony and afterwards there was a party in their new café. Friends and family came along and it was a very good day. In the porn Laura and Maurice make, actors are captured on tape as they are. My project aims to portray the family with that same humanity.
Maurice, Laura and Eva in the morning getting ready for school and work.
Laura and Eva going to the supermarket.
Eva and her friend Roosje at the riding school.
See more of Van der Stock’s work at
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Yes, I am, but that’s beside the point.
I’m not a huge Christmas person — I like buying my nearest and dearest presents, I enjoy the food, and I like having the time off work.
But extended family… That I could do without.
Thankfully, this year my wife’s family, her sister, in particular, has decided to shun us. So we’re going to Europe for a vacation instead and we’re taking my sister-in-law’s 18-year-old daughter with us because I’m a spiteful and petty human being at times.
Having said all of that, I’ve gotten a couple of “Taboo Tuesday” shares from you degenerates out there that are Christmas themed and so this should be super good fun.
Warning: These stories contain adult themes that may be upsetting to some readers… You have been fully fucking warned.
I hate Christmas. It destroyed everything about my life and I’ve needed grief counseling to try and recover from something that happened five years ago.
I’ve never told this story to anyone aside from my therapist — even my husband and I don’t talk about it.
I’m 31 and five years back, my younger cousin decided to get married on Christmas Day in the Dominican Republic.
Our entire extended family planned this trip for almost a year — we were going to go to the DR, have a nice vacation, she would get married, and we’d have a party spending Christmas and New Year’s there.
My younger cousin, she was raised by my Aunt who was a single mother. Her husband left her while she was pregnant and has had no contact with my cousin at all, so my father, who helped my Aunt raise her, was going to give her away.
On Christmas Eve, we decided to split into two groups — the women in the wedding party were going for brunch, the men were going to play golf, and then in the evening, we’d all get together for a big pre-wedding dinner.
My mother and I were at the brunch, but my Aunt suffers from serious migraines, and she decided to skip the brunch to try and be well enough for dinner and the wedding festivities the next day.
We had a great time and towards the end of meal, my mother remembered she and my dad had bought my cousin a small private gift, but she’d left it in her room.
Along with my sister, my mother and I walked back up to her room to go get the present and it was an excuse to go for a quiet stroll just the three of us along the beach.
My mother opened the door to her hotel room and we found my father in bed with my aunt, his own sister!
There was no mistaking what was going on, he was literally on top of her and they were naked when we walked in.
My older sister ran into the bathroom and threw up. My mother had a panic attack in the form of laughing.
I ran over and started hitting the two of them while crying hysterically.
Picture this, I’m standing there with my father in front of me, naked and semi-erect, holding my wrists to stop me from hitting him, while my aunt is in bed crying, my sister is throwing up, and my mother is laughing uncontrollably.
The next hour or so is a bit of a blur.
My sister couldn’t handle it and went to her room.
I had to sit there with my mother, while my father and his sister got dressed so that we could discuss what the hell was going on.
My father is two years younger than his sister and they grew up in a very rural part of Iowa. He told us that they’d begun “fooling around” when he was 14 and she was 16.
My father is my cousin’s father — yes, he impregnated his own sister.
My aunt’s husband worked out when she’d fallen pregnant that he could not have been the father because he was posted overseas, so he divorced her and his name isn’t even on her birth certificate.
I still call her my cousin, but she’s really my half-sister.
I’ve told my husband, and he’s been incredibly supportive, but I can’t talk about it with him because of the overwhelming shame that I feel.
My mother, who turned out to be the strongest person I know, said that they would not ruin the wedding and that everything would go according to plan, but when we returned home, they would have to tell “their” daughter everything because while she needed to know, so did her new husband.
Watching my father walk my cousin down the aisle filled me with sadness and disgust at the same time, my cousin commented afterward that she was surprised at how much my sister and I cried — my mother was stoic, the rage-filled her, no doubt.
When everyone got home, my mother, my father, and my aunt sat my cousin down with her new husband and explained the situation.
My cousin and her new husband shortly thereafter moved to California to get away from our family. She doesn’t speak to “her parents” but she does talk to my mother a couple of times every week.
She did some genetic testing at Stanford University for a program where they were investigating the children of incest and apparently they couldn’t see any abnormalities. She and her husband are now trying for kids of their own.
My mother divorced my father almost — she got everything.
My father and his sister moved to Florida together where they now live — my mother sends them photos of me and my sister’s babies, but my sister and I have no contact with them.
My mother tells me that because my aunt had switched back to her maiden name decades ago, people in their community must just assume my father and his sister are a married couple.
The whole thing ruined Christmas for me forever. As my own daughter gets old enough to understand Christmas, and Lord willing, my husband and I are blessed with more children, I’m going to have to suck it up and figure out how to enjoy it again.
I get the occasional incest story sent to me, but I find them a bit weird.
This one pretty much was the King Daddy Topper and considering the timing, I had to post it.
In fact, I went back to N on two separate occasions to ask her if it was ok for me to publish it because I didn’t want her to read it and get triggered or something on Christmas Eve.
She specifically told me the second time that she’d discussed it with her husband and they agreed this was something she needed to do.
I could make all kinds of Christmas themed, glib one-liners, but I’m going to take a pass on that this time.
The only thing I’d say is, “Yikes!”
Last Christmas, I bought my wife, myself, and our four kids “23andMe” kits from Amazon as stocking stuffers.
On Christmas morning, looking back on it, my wife was not happy about the little fun gift that I bought.
She made arguments about how these types of tests weren’t accurate, that they were making people believe they would get diseases and a number of other things.
My oldest daughter is going to college next year and wants to become a doctor, so she was pretty excited and immediately cracked open the test kit and spat in the tube. She then helped her younger sisters and brother with theirs.
My wife begrudgingly participated and tried to get us to be very selective about what information we shared, but again, my oldest daughter wasn’t having any of that.
A few weeks later, the results came back.
You probably know where this is going.
My oldest daughter and my son are my biological children, but my middle daughters are not mine.
The odd part is, I wasn’t devastated by the news. My wife and I had a rocky few years in our marriage where she had fallen into a pattern of alcoholism and I worked too much. It didn’t feel good, but it didn’t destroy me.
She’d had an affair with a man for about five years, he was the father of my middle two daughters and they broke it off — he’s now passed away from cancer.
My kids know, but my wife and I had healed our marriage years ago, so the only thing I can do is to continue to be a father to my middle two girls.
The older of the two, is struggling a bit with it, she is having a small identity crisis, but the younger daughter and I are closer because of it — she’s 14, mature beyond her years, and thinks I’m basically a hero.
We looked into this other man’s family, but he was an only child, never married, no other children we’re aware of, so my girls have no “new” family or anything.
A few months ago, we decided as a group that it would be our family secret.
I have a friend I went to high school with who found out that all three of “his kids” were not his and that they all had different fathers.
The kids don’t know yet because they are a bit too young, but he hung in there and is raising them as his own.
I admire men who can do this — they are taking a substantial betrayal and looking past it for the good of someone else’s children effectively.
I’m a 56-year-old single woman and I’ve been alone for a lot of years.
About four years ago, I went to do some last-minute shopping in my town on Christmas Eve and I ran across a homeless man.
Then I went back and I invited him to my house for dinner — we picked up some clothes and toiletries for him at the second-hand shop and I drove him back to my place.
He went and had a shower, cleaned himself up and I made us dinner on Christmas Eve.
Then I took him to my room and had sex with him.
The next year, about a month out from Christmas, I found myself buying several sets of men’s clothes and toiletries.
On Christmas Eve, I went into the town, found another homeless man who quite young, maybe 25 years old, took him back to my place, cleaned him up, gave him dinner, and then had sex with him.
This will be my fourth Christmas Eve where I do this and I can see myself doing it forever as a tradition that I have.
When I read this story via email about four days ago, I was super tired and not really concentrating. I was laying in bed, had just woken up, and couldn’t figure out where it was going.
Then she casually dropped the hammer about taking him back to her room and having sex with him.
I genuinely was not expecting that, but in fairness, because of you who read this and reply are complete degenerates, I should have probably seen it coming… Pardon the pun.
Very rarely do I read something and find myself thinking, “Well, ok then.”
And that will do it for this Christmas Eve edition of Taboo Tuesday — by the time this is published, I will be in the air flying over the Atlantic on my way to Paris… Ha Ha! Sucked in losers, enjoy your “family”.
My personal goal for this trip is to have cum in four countries, so we’ll see how that works out.
Let me know on Twitter or in the comments with your thoughts and if there’s anything else you’d like to see!
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