TSUE students in Keimyung University

TSUE students in Keimyung University

International TSUE

Our students Sharmonov Dostonbek and Sherzod Rakhatjonov (third course of corporate and fourth of finance and accounting faculties) are sharing their expirence from their study during Semester 1 2022-2023.

Tashkent State University of Economics provided us with a free tuition in this university!

Experiencing totally different cultures us to become more international and have a broader mind.
Studyin in a new country helps to find alternative solutions and ways of communication that builds our character.
Korean is the official language of South Korea; however, as mentioned previously, many universities offer courses in the English language. Also, many Korean students have to attend English language classes in high school. As a result, generally, international students do not have a problem on-campus while communicating with the younger generation, classmates, and professors.
The technology and internet access in South Korea are among the best and the most convenient in the world. For example, in some universities, students can reserve and choose their preferred seats in the library through a live online monitoring system. This system helps maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of students’ experiences in the library. In addition, in order for international students to improve their Korean listening and comprehension skills, they can watch national TV even without an internet connection and free of charge on their mobile phones.

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